Admission requirements
The admission requirements for contract teaching are similar to the legal admission requirements for an academic programme. This means that you should have obtained at least a pre-university education or equivalent diploma.
To enrol, certified copies of diplomas must be submitted. Certified means that the copies should be authenticated by the institution that issued the original diploma. The same institution should send the copies to the following address in a sealed envelope to:
Humanities Student Information Desk
ATTN Coordinator of Contract Teaching
Cleveringaplaats 1
2311 BD Leiden
The Netherlands
If it is not possible for the institution to provide certified copies of the diploma, the copy can be authenticated by a notary.
If you are not sure if your diploma grants you access to contract teaching, please contact us at
Additional requirements
Additional requirements apply to some series of lectures. Any additional requirements can be found in the course description. You can also obtain information at the secretary’s office or the coordinator of studies of the relevant programme. Phone numbers and email addresses can be found in the address list.