Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden University offers bachelor's students a range of opportunities to broaden and deepen their studies through elective credits. A minor is one of the ways you can use your elective credits to personalise your study programme.

What is a minor?

A minor is a cohesive set of courses. Most consist of 15 to 30 credits (ECs) which means you can use your elective credits to follow a minor. In terms of level, minors are most suitable for third-year bachelor’s students.

Why follow a minor?

A minor allows you to broaden your knowledge and skills by looking beyond the boundaries of your own study programme, or to further specialise in your own field of study, for example, in preparation for a master's. ​​​​​​

More about minors


If you are studying at another Dutch university (or university of applied sciences) and are paying statutory tuition fee, i.e. standard tuition fee for EU/EEA students, you are eligible to register for a minor at Leiden University as a guest student.

Minors offered

As a guest student, you can register for one minor at Leiden University.



Type of minor Registration period
Selection minor  1 April 13.00 hours till 10 April 2025
Non-selection minor 15 May 13.00 hours till 30 June 2025


Step 1: Places available?

Ask if there are places available for guest students on the minor you want to follow. See the Prospectus for details of who you should contact. 

Are there places available? Continue to step 2.

Step 2: Statement from your own institution 

Ask your own institution (e.g. your study adviser or the Board of Examiners) to complete and sign a Statement from own educational institution then send it back to you.

Step 3: Statement Leiden University 

Send an email to the contact person for the minor, including the following: 

Step 4. Proof of tuition fee payment (Bewijs Betaald Collegegeld - BBC)

This is proof that you have paid statutory tuition fees to the university at which you are currently registered.

  • Ask your university to send a digital BBC for the academic year in which the you want to follow the minor to  studentenadm@sea.leidenuniv.nl.
  • Note: We can only accept an original BBC for statutory tuition fee (i.e. the standard tuition fee for EU/EEA students). 
Step 5: Register as guest student

Complete a Guest student registration form.

Step 6: Confirm participation 

Let the contact person for the minor know that you have registered as a guest student and ask them to confirm your participation.

After registering

Enrolling for courses and exams

After registering, Leiden University will enrol you on all course and exams within the minor. This will take place in mid-July. You will receive an email with additional information once this takes place. 


Registered for a minor but decided not to take it?

  • Inform the contact person for the minor. 
  • Send a request for the cancellation of your guest registration to sta@sea.leidenuniv.nl.


Get in touch with the contact person for the minor.