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Robert Verpoorte

Emeritus professor at the Natural Products Laboratory, Institute of Biology, Leiden University - the Netherlands


Natural Products Laboratory, Institute Biology Leiden, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands ORCID 0000-0001-6180-1424

Rob holds a Pharmacists degree (1972) and a PhD (1976) from Leiden. He was lecturer at Leiden University 1976-1987, since 1987 professor and head of the department of Pharmacognosy. Since 2011 he is Emeritus professor at Leiden University. He was guest professor in London (UK), Uppsala (Sweden), Amiens (France), Reims (France), Seoul (Korea), Florence (Italy) and Hilo (USA). From 1992-1998 he was Vice-Chairman and Chairman of the committee of the Phytochemical Society of Eu­rope (PSE).

He is author/co-author of 800+ scientific papers, 4 books and 7 patent applications. January 2022: H factor 78 (Web of Science), 110 (Google Scholar) and 90 (Scopus). Editor (1996-2002) and Editor-in-chief of Journal of Ethnopharmacology (IF2020 4.275)(2003-2016) and is editor-in-chief of Phytochemistry Reviews (IF2020 5.374) since 2001 and Executive Editor Biotechnology Letters (IF2020 2.461) since 2006. He supervised 68 PhD-theses, and 150+ MSc theses.

He received an Honorary Doctorate University of Amiens, France (2004) and of the University of Uppsala, Sweden (2012). In 2007 he received the PSE  Medal. He is a honorary professor at the Hong Kong Baptist University 2015. In 2015 he was awarded the Gusi Peace Prize in Manila, The Philippines. September 2017 he was awarded the Egon Stahl Medal in Gold by the International Society of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products Research for his lifetime scientific work. In 2017 recipient of the Qihuang International Prize of China Association of Chinese Medicine (China). He is among the 1%  Highly Cited Researchers 2018, 2019 and 2020 (Cross-Field)(Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics). He is among the 2% to scientist in the world in a recent Stanford study (2020, 2021), ranking on position 45 worldwide in the field of Chemistry (out of 134,814).

His research interests are in biosynthesis and metabolic engineering of plant secondary metabolism; metabolomics; medicinal plants; and the isolation and identification of biologically active natural products.

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