Marcel Cobussen
Professor Auditory Culture
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.A. Cobussen
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5041
- 0000-0003-3677-7076

Prof. dr. Marcel Cobussen is Full Professor of Auditory Culture and Music Philosophy at Leiden University (the Netherlands) and the Orpheus Institute in Ghent (Belgium).
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About prof. dr. Marcel Cobussen
Prof. dr. Marcel Cobussen is Full Professor of Auditory Culture and Music Philosophy at Leiden University (the Netherlands) and the Orpheus Institute in Ghent (Belgium). He studied jazz piano at the Conservatory of Rotterdam and Art and Cultural Studies at Erasmus University, Rotterdam (the Netherlands).
Cobussen is author of several books, among them The Field of Musical Improvisation (LUP 2017), Music and Ethics (Ashgate 2012/Routledge 2017, co-author Nanette Nielsen), and Thresholds. Rethinking Spirituality Through Music (Ashgate 2008). He is editor of The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art (Routledge 2016, co-editors Barry Truax and Vincent Meelberg) and Resonanties. Verkenningen tussen kunsten en wetenschappen (LUP 2011). He is editor-in-chief of the open access online Journal of Sonic Studies. His PhD dissertation Deconstruction in Music (Erasmus University Rotterdam 2002) is presented as an online website.
Professor Auditory Culture
- Faculty of Humanities
- Academie der Kunsten
- Cobussen M.A. (2024), Sonic ecology and the role of sound art in creating a healthy urban environment. In: Kamp I. van & Woudenberg F. (Eds.), A Sound Approach to Noise and Health. Singapore: Springer Nature. 236.
- Cobussen M.A. (2023), The role of sound art in soundscape design, 10th convention of the European acoustics association . 10th convention of the European acoustics association 11 September 2023 - 15 September 2023. Torino: Italian Acoustical Association.
- Cobussen M.A. (2023), Review of: Aubry G. (2023), Sawt, bodies, species: sonic pluralism in Morocco. Hamburg: Adocs Verlag. Journal of Sonic Studies (23).
- Cobussen M. & Huijsman M. (2023), Geluidsrapport Feyenoord City/Getijdenpark. Rotterdam: Gemeente Rotterdam, stadsontwikkeling, afdeling ruimte, wonen en milieu.
- Cobussen M.A. 12 July 2023, Stilte is het nieuwe goud. DOCS - Beluister #134 - Stilte is het nieuwe goud | Podcasts | NPO Radio 1. NPO 1 [podcast].
- Cobussen M.A. 2 June 2023, Engaging with everyday sounds. Engaging with everyday sounds. UCL [podcast].
- Amarai H., Santos J.C., Vianna A., Soares C.E. & Cobussen M.A. (2022), Artistic research: the difference that makes a difference, Debates 26(1): 74-91.
- Huijsman M. & Cobussen M.A (2022), Ruimte voor de Rijnhaven. Rotterdam: Gemeente Rotterdam, Stadsontwikkeling, afdeling Ruimte, Wonen en Milieu.
- Cobussen M.A. 30 September 2022, Alledaagse vragen. BNN/VARA (NPO Radio 1) [podcast].
- Cobussen M.A. (2022), Engaging with everyday sounds. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
- Cobussen M.A. (2022), Soundwalking: between art and non-art. In: Murillo A., Monreal I.M., Tejada J. & Carabias D. (Eds.), New paradigms for music research: art, society and technology. València: ArtsLab. 77-92.
- Cobussen M.A. (2022), The sonic turn: towards a sounding sonic materialism, New Sound International Journal of Music 60(2): .
- Cobussen M.A. (2022), Is geluid nog altijd een bijzaak?: Hoe kan de aandacht voor geluid een grotere rol gaan spelen in de inrichting van openbare stedelijke ruimtes?, Geluid 2022(1): 6-8.
- Cobussen M.A. (2021), Some noise on noise. In: Krogh Groth S. & Mansell J.G. (Eds.), Negotiating noise: across places, spaces and disciplines. Publications from the Sound Environment Centre at Lund University no. 19. Lund: The Sound Environment Centre at Lund University. 73-77.
- Cobussen M., Huijsman M., Rijswijk R. van, Potter J., Koster D., Vieter M. de la & Bouchtaoui O. (2021), Hoor de Hofbogen: een onderzoek naar de geluidsbeleving. Rotterdam: Gemeente Rotterdam.
- Cobussen M.A., Huijsman M., Graaff H. de, Koster D., Potter J. & Glas P. van der (2021), Hoe klinkt het Hofplein, nu en in de toekomst?: Een onderzoek naar de geluidsbeleving . Rotterdam: Gemeente Rotterdam.
- Carmi E., Cerwén G. & Cobussen M.A. (2021), To noise. In: Groth S.K. & Mansell J.G. (Eds.), Negotiating noise: across places, spaces and disciplines. Lund: Sound Environment Centre at Lund University. 192-203.
- Cobussen M.A. (2021), Improvising artistic research. In: Kahr M. (Ed.), Artistic Research in Jazz: Positions, Theories, Methods. New York: Routledge. 3-14.
- Cobussen M.A. (2021), The silence of the monks: the ethics of everyday sounds. In: Myrick N. & Porter M. (Eds.), Ethics and Christian musicking. New York: Routledge. 38-50.
- Cobussen M.A. (2020), I had a dream…, Forum+ 27(3): 3.
- Cobussen M.A. & Kamp I. van, Hoe een stad klinkt is ook belangrijk. [web article].
- Cobussen M.A. 1 November 2020, Dit plein is zo ontworpen dat het er niet alleen goed uitziet, maar ook goed klinkt. De correspondent [podcast].
- Cobussen M.A. 27 April 2020, Onze steden zijn stiller door het Corona virus. BNR bouwmeesters [podcast].
- Bull M. & Cobussen M.A. (Eds.) (2020), The Bloomsbury handbook of sonic methodologies. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Cobussen M.A. (2020), Coda. In: Schulze H. (Ed.) The Bloomsbury handbook of the anthropology of sound. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. 257-259.
- Cobussen M.A. (2020), Listening. In: McAuley T., Nielsen N., Levinson J. & Phillips-Hutton A. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of western music and philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 483-498.
- Cobussen M.A. (2020), Kunstlerische Forschung und Klangkunst im öffentlichen Stadtraum. In: Jacobshagen A. (Ed.), Musik, die Wissen schafft Perspektiven künstlerischer Musikforschung. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 57-74.
- Cobussen M.A. (2020), Spirituality and music. In: Zsolnai L. & Flanagan B. (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of spirituality in society and the professions. New York: Routledge. 380-387.
- Cobussen M.A. (2019), Akoestische herinrichting Leidse Garenmarkt, : .
- Cobussen M.A. (2019), Sound, soundscapes, and sound art. INTER-NOISE 2019 Conference 16 June 2019 - 19 June 2019.
- Cobussen M.A. (2019), Spirituality and music. In: Flanagan B. & Zsolnai L. (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook for spirituality in society and the professions. London: Routledge. 380-387.
- Cobussen M.A. (2019), Listening and/as imagination. In: Grimshaw M., Walther-Hansen M. & Knakkergaard M. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of sound & imagination vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 115-130.
- Cobussen M.A. (2019), Review of: Cecchetto D., Couroux M., Hiebert T. & Priest E. (2017), Ludic Dreaming. How to Listen Away from Contemporary Technoculture. New York: Bloomsbury. Journal of Sonic Studies .
- Cobussen M.A. (2019), Artistic research and sound art in public urban spaces. In: Assis P. de & D'Errico L. (Eds.) Artistic research: charting a field in expansion. London: Rowman & Littlefield. 98-112.
- Cobussen M.A. (2018) Christine Guillebaud (ed.), Toward an Anthropology of Ambient Sound. Review of: Guillebaud Christine (2017), Toward an Anthropology of Ambient Sound. London: Routledge. Journal of Sonic Studies .
- Cobussen M.A., Kamp I. van & Erens C. (2018), Rapport Garenmarkt.
- Cobussen M.A. (2018), Review of: Cusack P. (2017), Berlin Sonic Places: A Brief Guide. Hofheim am Taunus: Wolke Verlag. Journal of Sonic Studies .
- Cobussen M.A. (2018), Micropolitical Effects of Sonic Interventions. In: Heide E. van der (Ed.), Edwin van der Heide: A Monograph. Rotterdam: V2 Publishing.
- Cobussen M.A. (2017), Jordan Lacey, Sonic Rupture. A Practice-led Approach to Urban Soundscape Design, Journal of Sonic Studies : .
- Cobussen M.A. (2017), Noise, sounding art, and urban ecology. 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 27 August 2017 - 30 August 2017.
- Cobussen M.A. (2017), Musical performances are (not) artistic research, Ímpar Online Journal for Artistic Research 1(1): 5-15.
- Cobussen M.A. (2017), The Field of Music Improvisation (e-book). Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Cobussen M.A. (2017), Improvising (with) Sounds: A Sonic Postcard from Belgrade, New Sound 50(2): 269-284.
- Cobussen M.A. (2017), Adding Complexity to Current Sound Studies on Public Urban Spaces [8th International Symposium on Temporal Design, Bologna, Italy]. .
- Cobussen M.A. (2017), [MOOC] Music and Society. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Cobussen M.A. (2016), Review of: Gandy M. & Nilsen B.J. (eds.) (2014), The Acoustic City. Berlin: Jovis. Journal of Sonic Studies .
- Cobussen M.A. (2016), Review of: Toop D. (2016), Into the Maelstrom: Music, Improvisation and the Dream of Freedom: Before 1970. London: Bloomsbury. Journal of Sonic Studies .
- Cobussen M.A., Meelberg V. & Truax B. (Eds.) (2016), The Routledge companion to sounding art. New York: Routledge.
- Cobussen M.A. (2015), Review of: Bijsterveld K., Cleophas E., Krebs S. & Mom G. (2014) Sound and Safe: A History of Listening Behind the Wheel, Journal of Sonic Studies : .
- Cobussen M.A. (2015), Review of: Garcia Quiñones M., Kassabian A. & Bosch E. (2013), Ubiquitous Musics: The Everyday Sounds That We Don’t Always Notice. Farnham: Ashgate. Journal of Sonic Studies .
- Cobussen M.A. (2015), Review of: Wallrup E. (2015), Being Musically Attuned: The Act of Listening to Music. Aldershot: Ashgate. Journal of Sonic Studies .
- Cobussen M.A. & Costa R. (2015), Dialogue on improvisation, composition and performance: on singularity, complexity and context, Revista Música 15(1): 149-164.
- Cobussen M.A. (2014), Towards an Ethical-Political Role for Artistic Research. In: Crispin D. & Gilmore B. (Eds.), Artistic Experimentation in Music. An Anthology. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 83-89.
- Cobussen M.A. (2014), Steps to an Ecology of Improvisation. In: Schroeder F. & Ó hAodha M. (Eds.), Sound Weaving. Writings on Improvisation. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 31-45.
- Cobussen M.A. (2014), Aesthetic Sensibility and Artistic Sonification. In: Schwab M. & Borgdorff H. (Eds.), The Exposition of Artistic Research: Publishing Art in Academia. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 65-77.
- Cobussen M.A. (2013), The (Post)Modern Music of Edgard Varèse. In: Houppermans S. (Ed.), Modernism Today. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 247-261.
- Cobussen M.A. (2013), Improvisation and Singularity. In: Frisk H. & Őstersjö S. (Eds.), (re)thinking improvisation. Artistic explorations and conceptual writings. Lund: Lund University. 92-95.
- Cobussen M.A. & Nielsen N. (2012), Music and Ethics. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Cobussen M.A. (2012), Towards a material spirituality (and beyond), Die Tonkunst 6(4): 430-438.
- Cobussen M.A. (2012), On the Musically Ethical [The Verge Conference 2012 Arts + Ethics, Trinity Western University, Langley, Canada]. .
- Cobussen M.A. (22 May 2012), Goede of slechte kunst? Over smaak valt wel degelijk te twisten. De Volkskrant.
- Cobussen M.A. (2012), From Liber Amicorum to Sonic Sensibility. In: Maas S. van & Hulshof C. (Eds.), Liber plurium vocum. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Cobussen M.A. (2012), Waar is muziek?. In: Maas S. van & Hulshof C. (Eds.), Liber plurium vocum. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Cobussen M.A. (2011), Resonanties: verkenningen tussen kunsten en wetenschappen. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Cobussen M.A. (2011), Dionysos danst met Miles Davis: van het schone naar het sublieme via muziek. In: Cobussen M.A., Ruiter F. de & Leeuwen M. van (Eds.), Resonanties. Verkenningen tussen kunsten en wetenschappen. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Cobussen M.A. (2011), Dionysos danst met Miles Davis: van het schone naar het sublieme via muziek. In: Cobussen M.A. (Ed.), Resonanties. Verkenningen tussen kunsten en wetenschappen. . Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Meelberg V. & Cobussen M.A. (2011), Reflections on sonic environments, Journal of Sonic Studies.
- Cobussen M.A. (Ed.) (2011), Editor-in-chief and founder. Journal of Sonic Studies. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Cobussen M.A. (Ed.) (2010), Editor-in-chief and founder. Journal of Sonic Studies. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Cobussen M.A. (2009), Refrein. In: Romein E. (Ed.), Deleuze compendium. Amsterdam: Boom. 252-264.
- Cobussen M.A. (2009), The Intruder. On Differentiations in Musical Research. In: Caduff C. (Ed.), Art and Artistic Research: Music, Visual Art, Design, Literature, Dance. Zürich: Verlag Scheidegger & Spiess. 46-55.
- Cobussen M.A. (17 May 2009), Defending the Uncanny. On the Postmodern, the Art World, and the Turn towards Complexity’. Integral World. [web article].
- Cobussen M.A. (2009), The Field of Musical Improvisation, Konturen 2: .
- Cobussen M.A. (2009), Improvisation: Between the Musical and the Social, Dutch Journal of Musical Theory 14(1): 48-55.
- Cobussen M.A., Frisk H. & Weijland B. (2009), The field of musical improvisation, Konturen : .
- Cobussen M.A. (2008), Thresholds. Rethinking Spirituality Through Music. Hampshire: Ashgate.
- Cobussen M.A. (2008), Introduction, New Sound 32(2): 5-7.
- Cobussen M.A. (2008), Improvisation. An Annotated Inventory, New Sound 32(2): 9-22.
- Cobussen M.A. (2007), Drie meditaties over stilte, muziek en spiritualiteit. In: Hofland H.J.A. (Ed.), De grote stilte. Budel: Damon. 73-88.
- Cobussen M.A. (2007), Music and spirituality: 13 meditations around George Crumb's "Black Angels", The New Centennial Review 7(1): 181-211.
- Cobussen M.A. (2007), The Trojan horse: epistemological explorations concerning practice based research, Dutch Journal of Musical Theory 12(1): 18-33.
- Cobussen M.A. (2005), De (post)moderne muziek van Edgard Varèse. In: Baetens J., Houppermans S., Langeveld A. & Liebregts P. (Eds.), Een ander meervoud. Leuven: Peeters. 93-108.
- Cobussen M.A. (2005), Fragmenten – stilte, voor Derrida. In: Heijerman E. & Schoot A. van der (Eds.), Welke taal spreekt de muziek?. Budel: Damon. 159-171.
- Cobussen M.A. (2005), The becoming insect of music. In: Marković T. & Mikić V. (Eds.), Music and network. Belgrade: University of the Arts. 19-27.
- Cobussen M.A. (2005), In(-)formations: the meaning of paratextual elements in Debussy’s Syrinx, Musicological Annual 41(2): 55-70.
- Cobussen M.A. (2005), Noise and ethics: on Evan Parker and Alain Badiou, Culture, Theory and Critique 46(1): 29-42.
- Cobussen M.A. (2003), Ethics and/in/as Silence, Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization 3(4): 277-285.
- Cobussen M.A. (2003), Music and deconstruction: the Jacques Derrida - Gerd Zacher encounter, New Sound International Journal of Music 21: 45-55.
- Finn G. & Cobussen M.A. (2002), Creativity and ethics – in deconstruction – in music: intermezzo, Echo: a music-centered journal 4(2).
- Cobussen M.A. (2002), Verkenningen van/in een muzikale ruimte: over Peter Sloterdijk en Edwin van der Heide, Interacta 5: 208-211.
- Cobussen M.A. (2000), The Dutch ensemble culture: its heterogeneity, engagement and social embeddedness, New Sound International Journal of Music 15: 33-44.
- Cobussen M.A. (1999), Deconstruction and Comprovisation, New Sound International Journal of Music 13/14: 41-49.
- Cobussen M.A. & Welten R. (1996), Dionysos danst weer: essays over hedendaagse muziekbeleving. Kampen: Kok Agora.
- Cobussen M.A. (1996), Postmoderne muziek: kritisch pluralisme en positieve aandacht voor de geschiedenis, Mens en Melodie : 18-23.
- Cobussen M.A. (1996), Habermas als scheidsrechter van de postmoderne muziek, Mens en Melodie : 18-23.