Online college at ACPA with MOOC Music & Society
The Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) will start in January 2017 with their first MOOC through Coursera: Music & Society. MOOC stands for massive open online course and is a relatively new phenomenon of open access and free internet education in the United States. Big universities like Princeton and Harvard have been offering this type of education for several years. Leiden University now also offers online courses via Coursera.
The MOOC Music & Society, taught by prof. dr. Marcel Cobussen and dr. Hafez Ismaili M'Hamdi gives an introduction to the different ways music and society are interconnected. Discussed is the role, function and status of music in society and the influence of music on social, political, economic, technological and many other developments. Interesting lectures and interviews, challenging assignments, engaging articles and of course many musical examples provide more insight into where, how and why we listen to music, how music gives form to one's identity and what effect music has on our values.
The MOOC Music & Society can be found here.