In the Spotlight: Marcel Cobussen
Marcel Cobussen is professor of Auditory Culture at ACPA. Recently he has published a report (in Dutch) commissioned by the city government of Leiden (NL) on the sonic redesigning of a public space (the Garenmarkt) in Leiden. He is also one of the founders of The Journal of Sonic Studies, an Open Access journal. And later this month he will give a lecture on sound in public spaces in Utrecht.
Report on the Redesigning of an Urban Square
In September 2018 Marcel Cobussen published a Report (in Dutch) commissioned by the city government of Leiden (NL) on the sonic redesigning of a public space (the Garenmarkt) in Leiden (co-authors Cilia Erens and Irene van Kamp). The report is based on a short research project, Cobussen, together with Erens and Van Kamp carried out between May and September 2018.
Read the report (in Dutch).

Journal of Sonic Studies
The Journal of Sonic Studies is an Open Access journal, founded by Marcel Cobussen and Vincent Meelberg .
The Journal of Sonic Studies provides a platform for theorists and artists who would like to present relevant work regarding the sonic environment. It presents, stimulates, and brings together a versatility of possible approaches. That is why it pays attention to the sonic design of consumer articles (cars, washing machines, coffee-makers) as well as to the influence of hearing on the relation between mother and fetus; to urban noise pollution as well as the use of sonic weapons in war zones; from interventions in public space by sound artists as well as the effects of background music in shopping malls.

Lecture on sound in public spaces
Marcel Cobussen will give a lecture on sound in public spaces in February 21st at the Provinciehuis Utrecht. Starting from the idea that designing an (urban) public soundscape will most probably never be based on an absolute consensus among users, inhabitants, policy makers, architects, city developers and other involved groups or individuals, Cobussen will turn to a common denominator on which any judgment concerning an aural environment is based: listening.
Cobussen's lecture will take place during the Dutch convention Geluid en Gezondheid- Geluidshinder gaat niet alleen over decibellen. De opmaat naar een "Gezond Geluidsakkoord" (freely translated: Sound and Health -Noise pollution is not just about decibels. The prelude to a "Healthy Sound Accord").
Admission/participation is free, but you do need to register.