Faculty of Science
Awards and Grants 2019
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2019, as well as special appointments and royal distinctions.
Grants 2019
Veni grant – € 250,000
- Camila Correa (STRW) – Do dark matter particles interact with each other?
- Max van Duijn (LIACS) – A telling story: how children develop as storytellers and mindreaders
- Stéphanie van der Pas (MI) – Are you sure you didn't miss something?
- Sergii Pud (LION) – Molecular ping-pong to study proteins
- Mónica Varela Álvarez (IBL) – Conquering the tuberculosis fortress
- Joseph Callingham (STRW) – Life around a radio star
- Melissa McClure (STRW) – Jumpstarting life on terrestrial planets

Vidi grant – € 800,000
- Alessandra Silvestri (STRW) – Lighting up Einstein’s Dark Universe
- Sander Wezenberg (LIC) – Teaching synthetic molecules how to communicate
- Tim van Erven (MI) – Automatic faster learning for artificial intelligence
Vici grant – € 1.5 million
- Jeroen Codée (LIC) – Sweet reaction mechanisms
- Sylvestre Bonnet (LIC) – Blocking cancer proteins with metallodrugs and light
TOP grant – € 249,000
- Matthijs van Leeuwen (LIACS) – Human-Guided Data Science by Interactive Model Selection
Physics Projectruimte
- Jan Aarts (LION) – Spin texture Josephson junctions
- Vadim Cheianov (LION) – Slow as light, fast as a snail
- Valeriya Korol (STRW) – Listening to Einstein’s invisible waves from the Milky Way
Comenius programme
- Ludo Juurlink (LIC) receives € 250,000 for 'Studying Mobile' and becomes a Leadership Fellow
- Fred Janssen (ICLON) receives € 100,000 for 'Research-driven learning for large groups' and becomes a Senior Fellow
Science KLEIN-1 – up to € 350,000
- Dennis Claessen (IBL) – Do cells without a cell wall play a role in chronic tuberculosis infections?
- Carlo Beenakker (LION) – Quantum Hall physics in a Weyl superconductor
Living labs in the Dutch delta
- The Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) is involved in the Dutch project C-SHAPE, which received 1 million euros
Open Competition - XS – € 50,000
- Ariane Briegel (IBL) – Efficient and flexible platform to isolate and study bacteriophages

Gravitation Grant
- Catholijn Jonker and Holger Hoos (LIACS) are involved in the project Hybrid Intelligence, which received 19 million euros
- Thomas Hankemeier (LACDR) is involved in the project Exposome-NL, which received 26 million euros
- Jos Raaijmakers, Ariane Briegel and Gilles van Wezel (IBL) are involved in the project MiCRop, which received 20.3 million euros
- Thomas Bäck and Catholijn Jonker (LIACS) are involved in the project Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies, which received 17.9 million euros
- Matthijs van Leeuwen (LIACS) is involved in the project DIGITAL TWIN, which received 4 million euros
MasCot – € 570,000
- Todor Stefanov (LIACS) and Andy Pimentel (UvA) – Complex and Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
Research along Routes by Consortia (ORC)
- Peter Klinkhamer (IBL) leads the project 'Self Defense: Mimicking natural deterrent strategies in plants using adhesive spheres and volatiles', which received 1.4 million euros
- Maarten Schrama (CML) is involved in the project 'Preparing for vector-borne virus outbreaks in a changing world: a One Health Approach', which received 9 million euros
- Tjerk Oosterkamp (LION) is involved in the project 'Quantum microscopy: A new tool for future technologies', which received 1.4 million euros
- LIACS is involved in the project CORTEX, which received 5 million euros

Idea Generator – € 50,000
- Lucia Bossoni and Martina Huber (LION) – Is air pollution behind dementia? Unravelling the origin of magnetite nanoparticles in the brain
- Joost Beltman (LACDR) – Integration of machine learning and mechanistic models to analyse network dynamics
- Yasmine Abouleila (LACDR) – Disease biomarker detection for Ebola and Lassa virus-induced vasculopathy
- Daniel Rozen (IBL) – Experimental evolution of beneficial soil microbiomes
Dekker grant – € 427,000
- Amanda Foks (LACDR) receives the Dekker grant from the Dutch Hartstichting
Dekker Grant: Established Investigator – € 650,000
- Ilze Bot (LACDR) receives the Established Investigator grant

ERC Starting Grant – € 2 million
- Roxanne Kieltyka (LIC) – Developing chemical strategies to modulate the mechanical properties of supramolecular materials
ERC Consolidator Grant – € 2 million
- Simcha Jong Kon Chin (LIACS) – International consortia: the future for science?
- Luca Giomi (LION) – The strange hexatic phase: half fluid, half solid
- Sander van Kasteren (LIC) – Improving therapeutic vaccines

ERC Advanced Grant – € 2 million
- Carlo Beenakker (LION) – Majorana fermions in superconductors
Proof of Concept Grant
- Sylvestre Bonnet (LIC) receives 150,000 euros for research into light-activated chemotherapy
- Agur Sevink (LIC), Willie Peijnenburg, and Martina Vijver (CML) are involved in the European project NanoInformatics, which received 6.8 million euros
- Herman Spaink (IBL) is involved in the international consortium RespiriTB/RespiriNTM, which received 18 million euros from the Innovative Medicines Initiative
Coordination and Support Actions – € 1 million
- Huub de Groot (LIC) coordinates the international consortium SUNRISE

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
- Sylvestre Bonnet (LIC) and Thomas Hankemeier (LACDR) are involved in the project LogicLab, which received 3.5 million euros
- Michael Emmerich, Frank Takes and Suzan Verberne (LIACS) are involved in RISE_SMA, which received 1,168,400 euros
FET Open
- Sylvestre Bonnet (LIC) is part of the consortium SoFiA, which received 3.2 million euros
- Thomas Hankemeier (LACDR) is involved in the project DuSRA-VOILA, which received 8.5 million euros
Den Dulk-Moermans Fund – € 25,000
- Valeriya Korol (STRW) has been awarded the Gruber Foundation Fellowship 2019 of 25,000 dollars
- The Leiden Hortus botanicus has received an inheritance of 5 million euros from the estate of Carla van Steijn
- Rychard Bouwens (STRW) has been assigned a Large Programme from ALMA

- Alireza Mashaghi (LACDR) receives the Personal Grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Harold Linnartz and Ewine van Dishoeck (STRW) are key participants of the Center for Interstellar Catalysis, which received 8.9 million euros
- Ariane Briegel and Alise Muok (IBL) receive a grant of 150,000 euros from the Dutch Cancer Society
Prizes 2019
- Joris Timmermans (CML) wins the Stans Award 2018 for outreach
- Sebastiaan Deetman (CML) wins the Stans Award for the best CML scientific publication
- Stéphanie van der Pas (MI) has been nominated as New Scientist science talent
- Stéphanie van der Pas (MI) is one of Elsevier's 30 greatest talents
- Leon Jacobse (LIC) receives the distinction cum laude for his PhD dissertation
- Thom Hersbach (LIC) receives the distinction cum laude for his PhD dissertation

- Vedran Dunjko (LIACS) contributed to a paper which is awarded the PNAS Cozzarelli Prize
- Marc Koper (LIC) receives the Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Award
- Lindsey Burggraaff (LACDR) wins the Leiden FameLab heat
- Peter Koymans (MI) is awarded as ‘best mathematics PhD student’ by the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society
- Anna Louise Latour (LIACS) wins the pitch prize at ICT.OPEN
- Can Wang (LIACS) wins the second prize in the Commit2Data poster competition at ICT.OPEN
- Annebelle Kok (IBL) wins the Rodney Coates Award
- Cameron Mackie (STRW) receives two Dissertation Prizes, from both the American Astronomical Society and the American Chemical Society
- Jos de Boer (STRW) has received the Chesneau Prize for his dissertation

- Nienke Beets (Leiden Hortus botanicus) wins the Joke 't Hart Prize from the Dutch Association of Botanical Gardens
- Jorryt Mathee (STRW) wins the IAU PhD Prize in the division Galaxies and Cosmology
- Niels Ligterink (STRW) wins the IAU PhD Prize in the division Facilities, Technology and Data Science
- Bas Goulooze (LACDR) wins the Lewis Sheiner Student Session award
- Joke Bouwstra (LACDR) wins the Transdermal Delivery Kydonieus Foundation Award from the Controlled Release Society
- Ewine van Dishoeck (STRW) has received the Schwarzschild Medal
- Rob van Wijk (LACDR) is Highlighted Trainee Author in the October issue of the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
- Christopher Berg Smiet (LION) wins the Christiaan Huygens Prize
- Ignas Snellen (STRW) wins the Hans Sigrist Prize

- Bas Goulooze, Natalia Ortiz Zacarías and Huub Sijben (LACDR) win prizes at the FIGON Dutch Medicine Days
- Meindert Danhof (LACDR) has received the Høst Madsen Medal
- Thom Hersbach (LIC) has received the Dick Stufkens Prize 2019
- Daniela Kraft (LION) wins the Athena Prize 2019
- Jorinde van de Vis (LION) wins For Women in Science Rising Talent Prize
- Amy Montanje (IBL) receives the Kees Bakker Award
- Louie Krol (CML) wins the Stans Prize 2018 for his master's thesis
- Lieuwe Vinkhuijzen (LIACS) receives the VERSEN Master Thesis Award 3rd prize
- Laurens Arp, Dyon van Vreumingen, Jan van Staalduinen, Jaco Tetteroo, Jeroen Rook and Brent Verpaalen (LIACS) are in the top 10 of the Future Cities Challenge
- Esmée de Zwaan (LACDR) has won the KNMP Student Award
- Leiden students (MI & LIACS) have won the Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest and the Northwestern Europe Regional Contest
- The student team iGEM Leiden has won the prize for Best Manufacturing Project
- A record number of ten Leiden Science students has received a Young Talent Award
- Dana Rademaker (LIC) wins the Unilever Research Prize

- Three medals for Dutch girls at European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad
Appointments 2019
- Robbert Dijkgraaf has been appointed as Honorary Doctor
- Stéphanie van der Pas (MI) and Yamila Miguel (STRW) join Young Academy Leiden
- Seth Lloyd is the 65th Lorentz Professor (LION)
- Bas Schaalje (ICT in Business and the Public Sector) is the new student assessor
- Hubertus Irth (LACDR) has been appointed as Interim Dean of the Faculty of Science
- Ariane Briegel (IBL) has been appointed as co-director of NeCEN
- Michiel Kreutzer has been appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Science

- Peter Stevenhagen (MI) has been appointed as Scientific Director of the Mathematical Institute
- Joost Visser (LIACS) has been appointed as Professor of Large Scale Software and Data Science
- Marcus Specht LIACS) has been appointed as Professor of Digital Education
- Ionica Smeets (IBL) has been appointed as member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW)
- Kevin Duisters (MI) takes part in the first cohort of the Data Fellows program from the United Nations Global Pulse
- Mario van der Stelt (LIC) and his lab join the Oncode Institute

- Esther Philips (CML) has been appointed as Chair-elect of the European Association for Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA)
- Marcel de Jeu (MI) is professor by special appointment at the University of Pretoria
- Ewine van Dishoeck (STRW) has been appointed as Honorary Doctor at the University of Geneva
- Elizabeth de Lange (LACDR) has been appointed as Honorary Doctor in Pharmacy at Uppsala University
- Geert de Snoo (CML) has been appointed as Director of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)

- Ap Gluvers has been appointed as Member of the Order of Orange-Nassau
- Aad van der Vaart (MI) has been appointed as Knight in the Order of the Lion of the Netherlands