Faculty of Science
Awards and Grants 2020
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2020, as well as special appointments at Leiden University and other institutions.
Grants 2020
ENW-GROOT – up to € 3 million
- Remus Dame (LIC) – Resolving the fundamental building principles of the genome
- Tjerk Oosterkamp, together with Dirk Bouwmeester (LION) – Crossing over from the quantum world to the classical world and back
- Jos Raaijmakers (IBL/NIOO) and Gilles van Wezel (IBL), together with Ariane Briegel (IBL) – Unwiring beneficial functions and regulatory networks in the plant endosphere
- Roeland Merks (MI) is involved in the project: Pacing the heart; studying the underlying principles of biological pacemakers
- Simon Portegies Zwart, Elena Sellentin (STRW) and Holger Hoos (LIACS) are involved in the project: Unravelling neural networks with structure-preserving computing
- Irene Groot (LIC) is involved in the project: Nanoplastics – Origin, structure and fate
- Anjali Pandit (LIC) is part of the project: Nanoscale regulators of photosynthesis
- Erik Danen (LACDR), together with Thomas Schmidt and Luca Giomi (LION) – The active matter physics of collective metastasis

- Marcellus Ubbink (LIC) – Temperature as a force of selection in enzyme evolution
- Tinde van Andel (IBL) and Eric Schranz (Wageningen University) – Hidden crop diversity in Suriname: tracing the origins of Maroon rice by integrating ethnobotany and genomics
- Mitra Baratchi (LIACS) – Physics-aware Spatio-temporal Machine Learning for Earth Observation Data
- Henk Hoekstra (STRW) – An all-sky monitor for the Vera Rubin Observatory
- Salma Balazadeh (IBL) – The regulation of plant thermomemory by plastidic metalloprotease FtsH6
Veni – € 250,000
- Maria Arias (STRW) – Where are the exploded stars in our Milky Way?
- Alise Muok (IBL) – Bacterial hitchhiking
- Matus Rybak (STRW) – Zooming in on star factories in the early Universe
- Tomas Stolker (STRW) – Formation signatures in the atmospheres of giant exoplanets
- Alex Uta (LIACS) – Reproducible Experiments in Clouds
Vidi – € 800,000
- Daniela Kraft (LION) – Anisotropic and deformable microswimmers
- David Holmes (MI) – Where addition breaks down
- Thom Sharp (NeCEN/LUMC) – Finding a needle in the cellular haystack
Vici – € 1.5 million
- Dennis Claessen (IBL) – From stress to success

Computing Time on National Supercomputers
- Francisca Concha-Ramirez (STRW) –External photoevaporation shapes the distributions of circumstellar disk sizes in young star clusters
- Huub Rottgering & Timothy Shimwell (STRW) – Realising the LOFAR surveys and opening up a new window on the Universe
- Jelger Risselada, Niek van Hilten & Jeroen Methorst (LIC) – Multiscale simulations of membrane processes
Technology Area (TA)
- Thomas Hankemeier (LACDR) – Faster, better understanding of the building blocks of life
LIFT Grant – € 280,000
- Gerard van Westen (LACDR) – Searching for new medicines with smart software
ECCM Responsible Innovation Tenure Track
- Rik Mom (LIC) receives an NWO Tenure Track
Science Public-Private Partnership Fund – € 300,000
- Arthur Ram (IBL) – Improve the protein factory!
National Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Facilities
- The uNMR-NL consortium has received € 17.9 million, of which Leiden NMR groups are part of

Science Diplomacy Fund
- George Miley (STRW) – ‘Astronomy for development’ events at the UN General Assembly
- Jan Aarts (LION) – Pilot exchange project between members of the Leiden-Delft Casimir Research School and the Physics PhD Research School of HSE Moscow
Tenants’ behavioural responses to residential energy transition
- The consortium BEL has received € 500,000, Suzan Veberne (LIACS) is part of the consortium
NACTAR – € 350,000
- Nathaniel Martin (IBL) – Advanced Pre-clinical Evaluation of the Guanidino Lipoglycopeptides: A Novel Family of Glycopeptide Antibiotics with Best-in-Class Potential
Rubicon Grant
- Liubov Belyaeva (LIC) has received a Rubicon Grant for research at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London

XS Grant – up to € 50,000
- Yasmine Abouleila (LACDR) – Dengue virus disease on a chip for novel biomarker discovery and drug screening
- Gabriel Forn Cuni (IBL) – Targeted biomolecule production for therapeutic use
- Monica Varela Alvarez (IBL) – Spreading the Fire: Why is Pyroptotic Cell Death Contagious?
- Sander Wezenberg (LIC) – Developing synthetic foldamers into membrane channels
Doctoral Grant for Teachers
- Willem Meilink & Ben Wielstra (IBL) – Hemizygous inheritance at the basis of a balanced lethal system
- The consortium Dutch Black Holes receives 4.9 million euros, the Astronomy and Society group (STRW) is part of the consortium
- The consortium BioClock receives 9.7 million euros, the institutes CML, IBL and LACDR are part of the consortium
- The consortium Quantum Inspire has received 4.5 million euros, the institutes LIACS and LION are part of the consortium
NWA Ecology and North Sea – €750,000
Hans Slabbekoorn (IBL) – Acoustic ecology of pelagic fish communities (APELAFICO): a study into the effects of construction and operation of wind farms

Dekker Grant: Established Investigator – € 650,000
- Ilze Bot (LACDR) receives the Established Investigator grant

ERC Synergy Grant
Hermen Overkleeft (LIC), Gideon Davies (University of York) and Carme Rovira (University of Barcelona) have received an ERC Synergy Grant of 9.1 million euros
ERC Proof of Concept Grant – € 150,000
- Dennis Hetterscheid (LIC) – Determining the market value of very diluted hydrogen peroxide

ERC Consolidator Grant – € 2 million
- Martina Vijver (CML) – Predicting the toxicity of nanomaterials in the ecosystem
- Elena Maria Rossi (STRW) – Catching stars to reveal the secrets of the darkness
Future and Emerging Technologies Fund
- Sense Jan van der Molen (LION) has reveived € 1.5 million for developing a ONEM microscope
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
- Marcel Schaaf & Erin Faught (IBL) have received € 250,000 for MeRGeR
- Annemarie Meijer (IBL) received € 270,000 for INFLANET
- The NETWORKS consortium receives € 3 million, Frank den Hollander (MI) is involved

- Elizabeth de Lange (LACDR) has received € 6.24 million with her consortium QSPainRelief
- Amanda Foks (LACDR) has received an ERA-CVD Grant of € 836,000 with her consortium B-eatATHERO
- The NEXT-Discovery consortium has received 10 million euros, of which the Netherlands Centre for Electron Nanoscopy (NeCEN) is part of
- The consortium NExt ApplicationS of Quantum Computing (NEASQC) has received 5 million euros, LIACS is part of the consortium
- Gilles van Wezel (IBL) leads the consortium MARBLES, which has received 7.5 million euros
- Hans Slabbekoorn (IBL) received € 510,000 for MIGRADROME, as part of the SATURN consortium
Gratama Foundation & LUF – € 25,000
- Fredj Ben Bdira (LIC) – Bacterial chromatin proteins as targets for new antibacterial agents
SVM (Foundation for packaging and environment) & LUF – € 75.000
- Valerio Barbarossa (CML) – An environmental assessment of biodegradable bioplastics for use in a sustainable Dutch food system
Elise Mathilde Fund & LUF – € 25.000
- Ahmed Ali (LACDR) – Circulating tumor cells: A novel target for noninvasive cancer diagnosis
LUF Lustrum Subsidy – € 150,000
- Ionica Smeets (IBL), Sanne Willems (MI) and Peter Burger (Humanities) – Using factchecks to combat misleading graphs
- Ariane Briegel (IBL) has received a grant of 800,000 euros from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
- Martijn Bezemer (IBL) is part of the consortium Silva Nova, which received a Novo Nordisk Fund Grant

KNAW/Dobberke Stichting – € 4000
- Christian Tudorache – Sociaal gedrag als onderdeel van coping styles in zebravis
Health~Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health – € 1 million
- Thomas Hankemeier (LACDR) leads a Covid-19 consortium
Platform Digitale Infrastructuur Social Science and Humanities (PDI-SSH)
- The consortium POPNET receives € 1 million, Frank Takes (LIACS) is part of the consortium
Prizes 2020
- Jacqueline Meulman (MI) receives the 2020 Psychometric Society Career Award for Lifetime Achievement
- Tessa Verhoef (LIACS) receives the Best Paper Award at the ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
- Dian Triastari Armanda (CML) wins the Stans Prize for best PhD paper
- Fenna Plaisier (CML) wins the Stans Prize for best outreach
- Martin van Hecke (LION) wins the 2020 Physica Award

- Jorryt Matthee (STRW) wins the European MERAC Prize for Best Doctoral Thesis
- Martina Vijver (CML), Felienne Hermans (LIACS) and Irene Groot (LIC) are in the Leiden Top 50
- Anne Meeussen (LION) wins the Fysica 2020 Young Speakers’ Contest
- Ad IJzerman (LACDR) wins the Nauta Pharmacochemistry Award
- Omid Karami (IBL) wins the Krijn Rietveld Memorial Innovation Award

- Mark Koenis (LIC) won the Dick Stufkens Prize 2020
- Liesbeth de Lange (LACDR) wins the Lewis B. Sheiner Career Prize
- Koen Bastiaans (LION) wins the first edition of the Paul & Tatiana Ehrenfest Physics Thesis Prize
- Michiel Veldhuis (CML) wins the KNAW Early Career Award
- The Wall Formula project, which Sense Jan van der Molen (LION) is part of, wins the NWO Communication Award
- The project IAU100 (STRW) wins the NWO Communication Award
- Marc Koper (LIC) wins the Allen J. Bard Award in Electrochemical Science
- Liselotte Rambonnet (IBL) is in the Duurzame Jonge 100 list and her Canal Cups project she runs together with alumnus Biology Auke-Florian Hiermstra (Naturalis) rose to the 27th place in Trouw's Sustainable 100 list

- Lisa Bruil (IBL) receives the Kees Bakker Award
- Max Reinicke (CML) wins the Stans Prize for best student’s thesis
- Maddalena Centanni (LACDR) wins the 2020 Arenberg Coimbra Prize for Erasmus Students

- A team of students from Leiden and Groningen won the second prize at the European final of the BISC-E sustainability competition with Suckerspheres
- Wisse van Os (Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences) and Jip Linthorst (Pharmacy) both received a KNMP Student Award
- Jo-Anne Verschoor (IBL) wins the Unilever Research Prize 2020
- The students from iGEM Leiden have won the Grand Prize at iGEM

- Pim Spelier (MI) wins the ASML Graduation Prize
- Jorre The (MI) wins the ORTEC Incentive Prizes for Mathematics and Technical Mathematics
- Britt van Kasterop (IBL) wins the Holland Society Young Talent Award
Appointments 2020
- Matthias Barz (LACDR) has been appointed as Professor of Biotherapeutics Delivery
- Nele Mentens (LIACS) has been appointed as Professor of Applied Cryptography & Data Security
- Joost Batenburg (LIACS) has been appointed as Professor for SAILS

- Marnix Medema is the visiting professor of the Van der Klaauw Chair (IBL)
- Volkert van Steijn (TU Delft) is the new Programme Director for Bsc Molecular Science & Technology
- Jan Willem Erisman (CML) has been appointed as Professor of Environmental Sustainability

- Serena Viti (STRW) has been appointed as Professor of Molecular Astrophysics
- Gerard van Westen (LACDR) has been appointed as Professor or Artificial Intelligence and Medicinal Chemistry
- Andreas Greven is the Kloosterman Professor 2020 (MI)

- Sylvestre Bonnet (LIC) has been appointed as Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Jeroen Codée (LIC) has been appointed as Professor of Organic Chemistry
- Remus Dame (LIC) has been appointed as Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
- The Sport Data Center, a consortium led by Leiden University, is recognised as a Certified Partner of Sportinnovator
- Laura Heitman (LACDR) has been appointed as Professor of Molecular Pharmacology
- Dennis Claessen (IBL) has been appointed as Professor of Molecular Microbiology
- Marco Spruit (LIACS) has been appointed Professor of Advanced Data Science in Population Health
- Maarten de Jong (LION) has been appointed part-time professor in Experimental Astroparticle Physics
- Menno Schilthuizen (IBL) has been appointed as a member of The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW)
- Emiel Por (STRW) has been selected as a Hubble Fellow by NASA
- Annemarie Meijer (IBL) has been appointed as training coordinator of INFLANET
- Huib van Langevelde (STRW) has been selected as the new Director of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
- Jan Aarts (LION) has been elected as Fellow of the American Physical Society
- Carlo Beenakker (LION) has been elected as Fellow of the American Physical Society
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