Ewine van Dishoeck awarded prestigious Schwarzschild Medal
The German Astronomical Society has awarded the 2019 Karl Schwarzschild Medal to professor of Molecular astrophysics Ewine van Dishoeck. She will receive the medal during the annual meeting of the society from 16 to 20 September 2019 in Stuttgart.
The award recognises distinguished international astrophysicists for outstanding scientific contributions. Ewine van Dishoeck is an expert on submillimeter and infrared astronomy. With the highest award for astronomical research in Germany, the Astronomical Society honours her research on the boundary of astronomy, molecular physics and chemistry. She has made important contributions to our understanding of the matter between stars: large clouds of gas and dust that are the birthplaces for solar systems like ours. By using observations, theory and experiments, she has shown how molecules form and evolve in these interstellar clouds. By studying interstellar molecules, she made significant impact on the understanding of the formation of stars and planets.
Ewine van Dishoeck is also the president of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), holds many national and international science policy functions and already received a number of awards for her accomplishments.
source: Astronomische Gesellschaft