What are the ingredients of high performing district teams?
Since the decentralizations in the social domain in 2015, nearly all Dutch municipalities use district teams to organize care. However, the management, organization and composition of these district teams vary considerably between municipalities: each municipality tries to reinvent the wheel by itself. There are even considerable differences in the functioning of district teams within communities. Some teams are well-oiled machines that are able to connect well to the district, whereas other districts suffer to get cooperation off the ground.
Against this background, Public Administration’s dr. Joris van der Voet (Leiden University) and prof. Bram Steijn(Erasmus University Rotterdam) started a large-scale research among 100 district teams in 13 municipalities. The research is based on an earlier research into High Performance Teams by the dr. Ben Kuipers and professor Sandra Groeneveld of Leiden Public Administration.
This research is only in Dutch.