Leiden Law School
Sustainability & the Law lecture series
Sustainability & the Law is a series of lectures (given in Dutch) that introduces students to the relevance of sustainability within the study of law. In these lectures, our teaching staff collaborate with hands-on experts and guest speakers. Teaching is interactive and encourages students to think critically and ask questions.
- The lectures highlight both the legal and social aspects of a variety of topics. In previous editions, we discussed the following topics:
- The right to protest and climate action
- Tax subsidies for the fossil industry
- The energy transition and the role of the EU
- The climate case at the International Court of Justice
- Sustainability within the financial sector
- PFAS and the chemical industry
The lecture series is available for all students at the Faculty of Law. Want to participate in the next lecture series around sustainability and law? Keep an eye on the announcements on the website and the student newsletter.