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Every year, the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges programme organises a conference that brings together academics and policy makers.

GTGC Conference editions

The first conference took place from 8-10 June 2022. Click here for more details on the programme and recordings of the roundtables.

The second conference took place from 7-9 June 2023. Click here for more details on the programme and recordings of the roundtables.

The third conference took place from 5-7 June 2024. Click here for more details on the programme and recordings of the roundtables. 


From 3-4 June 2024, GTGC also hosted the Eighth Conference on Global Internet Governance (GIG-ARTS). Click here for more details on the programme and recordings of the roundtables. 

What is planned for 2025?

This year academia is joining the City of the Hague through the Just Peace Festival, a vibrant platform for dialogue, collaboration, and action on the pressing global challenges of peace and justice! It is co-organised by the City of the Hague, the Humanity Hub, Spreeek, Leiden University through the GTGC Programme, and grassroot initiatives.

The Festival will be held in June 2025, ahead of the NATO Summit 2025. 

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