The Global Transformations and Governance Challenges Programme hosts a range of international academic gatherings.

In 2025, GTGC is co-organising the Just Peace Festival, a vibrant platform for dialogue, collaboration, and action on the pressing global challenges of peace and justice. The festival will host a range of different activites, from academic dialogues and keynote speeches, to city-wide interventions, performances, and tours. The events will touch upon six key themes:
- Peace and Justice
- Democracy
- Inclusion, (In)Equality and Diversity
- Climate and Resilience
- International Rule of Law
- (Cyber)Resilience
In previous years, GTGC events prominently included an annual international conference that attracts 200-300 researchers from around the world.
We also host more subject-specific meetings such as the 2024 Eighth Conference of Global Internet Governance: Actors, Regulations, Transactions, Strategies (GIG-ARTS), as well as workshops on human rights and climate change; women, peace and security; platform capitalism; and more.
Conference impression
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You can leave our website to view this video.About the annual conferences
GTGC's annual conferences explore how major world-scale changes (of ecology, economy, geopolitics, migration, pandemics, technology, etc.) are - and could be better - governed.
The Hague is home to hundreds of embassies, government agencies, international organizations, NGOs, research institutes, and social movements, making it uniquely suited for an interdisciplinary, multi-stakeholder dialogue.
The proceedings include high-level practitioner roundtables, academic panel discussions, and book launch events. Receptions, lunches, and coffee breaks offer extensive networking opportunities.