Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Leadership Centre

Our People

The Leiden Leadership Centre is an interdisciplinary network organisation branching out from its place within the Institute of Public Administration, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (Leiden University in The Hague). The LLC functions as a platform by connecting students, practitioners, and researchers from various disciplines.

  • Sandra Groeneveld is Professor in Public Management and Chair of the Leiden Leadership Centre. In both her research and education in the field of public management and leadership she focuses on the challenges regarding organisational change, diversity, and inclusiveness.

  • Ben Kuipers Director

    Ben is Associate Professor in Public Administration with expertise in the field of public leadership, organizational change and teamwork. As director of the Leiden Leadership Centre, he is responsible for the Core Team, Centre projects and network activities.

The core team of the Leiden Leadership Centre consists of academic researchers and PhD candidates that engage with our on-going research projects and our network and education activities on a daily basis.

The Core Team of the Leiden Leadership Centre consists of the following Research Fellows:

  • Moniek Akerboom PhD Candidate

    Moniek Akerboom is PhD Candidate within the research programme Furthering Public Leadership. She conducts research on public leadership in collaborative processes. In addition, Moniek coordinates a bachelor’s course on Public Management and an LLC-hosted learning community aimed at facilitating connections between higher education and public organisations.

  • Tanachia Ashikali Research Fellow

    Tanachia Ashikali is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration. Her expertise includes diversity management, leadership and inclusion in public organisations. She develops and applies quantitative research methods and techniques to study these topics among employees and (team) leaders. 

  • Bert Fraussen Research Fellow

    Bert Fraussen is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration and researcher at the Leiden Leadership Centre. He teaches Public Affairs and Research Methods. In his research, he focuses on the interaction and cooperation between public organisations and policymakers on national and European level.

  • Sandra Groeneveld Research Fellow

    Sandra Groeneveld is Professor in Public Management and Chair of the Leiden Leadership Centre. In both her research and education in the field of public management and leadership she focuses on the challenges regarding organisational change, diversity, and inclusiveness.

  • Ben Kuipers Research Fellow

    Ben is Associate Professor in Public Administration with expertise in the field of public leadership, organisational change and teamwork. As director of the Leiden Leadership Centre, he is responsible for the Core Team, Centre projects and network activities. 

  • Lara van Osch PhD Candidate

    Lara van Osch is PhD Candidate within the research programme Furthering Public Leadership She conducts research on shared leadership and purpose-driven decision making. Lara is in charge of the LLC-newsletter and she coordinates an LLC-hosted learning community on leadership development.

  • Eduard Schmidt Research Fellow

    Eduard Schmidt is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration. His research and teaching focuses on leadership, organisational change and creating public value, with a particular focus on organizations in the social domain and healthcare.

  • Bas Nijboer Program Manager

    Bas Nijboer is involved in building, maintaining and expanding the partner network for the Institute of Public Administration and the Leiden Leadership Center (LLC).
    In collaboration with researchers and lecturers, he also helps translate knowledge questions about public administration, organization and leadership from the partners and practice, into research projects and (thesis) assignments. He is also involved in devising and organizing networking events and knowledge sessions. Bas combines a background in International Business Administration with professional experience and interest in the public and political domain. He is fluent in English, French and German and is therefore also available for the relationship management of foreign partners.

The following Research Fellows are affiliated to the Leiden Leadership Centre:

The following Centre Fellows are affiliated to the Leiden Leadership Centre:

  • Nikol Hopman Quartermaster Professional Education at the strategic alliance LDE-Universities
  • Carola Schoor Senior programmaleider Politiek en Bestuur
  • Judith van Doorn Communicatieadviseur Campus Den Haag

The Leiden Leadership Centre has an active network of Junior Fellows:

  • Baran Koser Student Representative

    Baran is a bachelor’s student Public Administration at Leiden University. As a student representative, Baran is involved in the LLC-hosted learning community aimed at facilitating the connection between higher education and public organisations.

  • Silke Herms Research Assistant

    Silke is a master's student of Public Administration – International and European Governance at Leiden University. At the LLC, Silke works as a research assistant on several public leadership projects.

  • Annelotte Moens Student Representative

    Annelotte is following the master's program in Social & Organisational Psychology and the Leiden Leadership Program at Leiden University. Annelotte is a student representative in the LLC-hosted learning community aimed at facilitating the connection between higher education and public organisations.

  • Sophia Wouda Podcast Assistant Leiden Leadership Centre

    Sophia is a bachelor’s student of Public Administration at Leiden University. In addition to her studies, she takes a minor in Journalism and New Media. At the LLC she contributes to the Leiden Leadership Podcast by assisting with preparing, conducting and editing the podcast episodes while also thinking of new ways in which to improve the Leiden Leadership podcast series.

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