Advisory groups D&I
The Faculty of Humanities has two advisory groups for Diversty & Inclusion: one for staff members and one for students.
Staff Advisory Group D&I
The Staff Advisory Group D&I was founded in March 2019. Its role consists of promoting diversity and inclusion within the Faculty, advancing equality of opportunity for all. The Advisory Group provides solicited and unsolicited advice to relevant Faculty decision-making bodies and support staff on policy developments related to diversity and inclusion. More recently, the Advisory Group took on the responsibility of selecting recipients for the Holland Scholarship, through which it can support students from underrepresented backgrounds.
The Advisory Group consists of eight to twelve staff members that represent the diversity of our Faculty, who generally meet four times per year. The Advisory Group is led by a Chair and is supported by the Policy Advisor D&I, who acts as the Secretary. Members have appropriate and recognised experience or expertise in diversity and inclusion (e.g., on gender, LGBTQI+, ethnicity, religion, disability).
In the coming period (2023-2025), we will:
- Focus on promoting inclusive curricula and teacher development in the area of inclusive pedagogy;
- Push for transparency and inclusion in recruitment practices, from composing selection committees to the evaluation of recruitment procedures;
- Look into positioning the AG members as Diversity Leads (tentative title) in their respective institutes and departments and ensure that the workload associated with this position is formally recognized.
Student Advisory Group DIW
The Student Advisory Group DIW was founded in July 2019 with two main objectives:
- Providing feedback on policy plans developed by the Faculty Board and procedures within the Faculty Bureau, from the perspective of diversity, inclusion and student wellbeing;
- Fulfilling a proactive, signaling role on Faculty issues related to diversity, inclusion and student wellbeing.
The Advisory Group consists of eight students, including the POPcorner student assistant who acts as the Chair. Members are appointed for one academic year and represent the diversity of our student population. Meetings are held six to eight times per academic year. The Student Wellbeing Officer and Policy Advisor D&I may attend meetings as observers.

Following a period of inactivity, the Student Advisory Group D&I has recently restarted with the appointment of new members. In 2021-2022, we will:
- enhance the visibility of the Student Advisory Group by potentially positioning its members as D&I ambassadors;
- further define its tasks and responsibilities by drafting Terms of Reference; and
- strengthen the ties with the Staff members Advisory Group D&I by organising a joint session.
Merel Smit
Sonia Dobkowska
Josefa Cassimo
Víctor Marcilla Barado
Zeynep Wander
Jeanne Jiang
Dominik Podgórski
Jennifer Odum
If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like to support the work carried out by advisory groups, please send a message to Of course, you are also free to contact one of the members directly.