Contact & Seeking Support
Contact persons at FGGA
- Faculty Office: Vanessa De Malmazet
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs: Tahir Abbas
- Institute of Public Administration: Elena Bondarouk
- Leiden University College: Caitlin Utama
- Dual PhD Centre: Johannes Magliano Tromp
- Centre for Professional Learning: Nya Blok
FGGA HR Advisors
- Monique Jongman (Faculty Board, Faculty Office, Dual PhD Centre)
- Llywela van der Stam (ISGA, CPL)
- Joyce Maes (Public Administration, LUC)
Unacceptable behaviour
We aim to ensure that our faculty is entirely free from unacceptable behaviour such as racism, bullying, sexual harassment, intimidation, discrimination, exclusion and violence. We are here to help you if you experience or witness such unacceptable behaviour. To assist you, please lodge your complaint to the Diversity & Inclusion contact person (see above) or directly to one of the confidential counsellors for unacceptable behaviour. Anything you say to the contact person or the confidential counsellor is treated strictly confidentially. They will not take action without your consent.
Complaints Committee for Unacceptable Behaviour
If the behaviour is such that you want to submit a formal complaint, the confidential counsellor can help you with this. Please lodge this formal complaint to the Complaints Committee for Unacceptable Behaviour. The Complaints Committee, secretary and secretariat are also bound by a duty of confidentiality, and all information will be treated with the strictest of confidence.
Staff Ombuds Officer
Marjan van Dasselaar is the Staff Ombuds Officer. The Staff Ombuds Officer gives independent advice to the University on how the staff’s work environment can be made safer. More information and contact