Access & Support Platform
The Access & Support Platform is a network of disability experts by experience, i.e. staff and students, at Leiden University.

ASP invites all members of the Leiden University community to work with us towards an inclusive and accessible Leiden University that fosters the equitable treatment of staff and students with a disability
The Access & Support Platform, in close collaboration with Fenestra Disability Centre, aims to improve the situation of Leiden University’s staff and students with a disability. This begins by providing a platform for disability experts by experience to speak for themselves (‘nothing about us, without us’) and efficiently relaying anonymised feedback to relevant stakeholders within the Leiden University organisation.
In this, ASP’s primary goals are:
- Providing an accessible way to allow people to become acquainted with and (anonymously) have a say in matters relating to disability within the University.
- Promoting awareness about and understanding of disability matters and putting this on the agenda at Leiden University.
- Facilitating the exchange of experiences and ideas regarding disability matters and finding recognition amongst each other and the Leiden University community as a whole.
The Access & Support Platform strives to reduce the barrier between staff and students with a disability and the greater Leiden University community. This is done by:
- Organising among others (focus group) meetings, workshops and symposia concerning specific aspects of disability matters such as physical and digital accessibility, facilities and regulations and policy regarding disability matters.
- Promoting interaction between all parties involved, while being a point of contact for individual staff members and students as well as managers, policymakers and administrators.
The Access & Support Platform is a network without registered membership. Everyone with an interest in or affinity for disability matters is welcome. This includes staff and students without medically diagnosed disabilities and allies.
ASP closely collaborates with Fenestra Disability Centre and the Diversity & Inlcusion Expertise Office in giving (un)solicited advice to among others the Executive Board. In doing so ASP focusses on ensuring equitable treatment of Leiden University’s staff and students with a disability. Furthermore, ASP has an active advisory role in the making and implementing of policy relating to staff and students with a disability.
Fenestra Disability Centre advises and supports Leiden University’s students with a disability. Concerning questions about and requests for practical help and facilities, students are encouraged to contact Fenestra. Staff members with a disability who need practical support can direct their inquiries to their manager or the HRM department of their faculty or department.
Leiden University’s staff and students with a disability should be able to have their opinions heard and considered. Up until now this group has been largely invisible. Having a disability and working or studying at the same time can be like having two full-time jobs. That is why the Access & Support Platform strives to be a point of contact and a network through which Leiden Univesrity’s staff and students can confidentially - via e-mail, in person and at meetings - share their experiences, concerns and suggestions regarding disability matters.
- Ge Shi (chair)
- Zoë Li-zhen Ip (budget manager/coordinator)
- Ivana Stefanović (social media manager)
- Carina Ananda Minnée (event coordinator)
- Ana Zlatevski (event coordinator)