Our people Some examples of AI-research done at Leiden. Thomas Bäck Professor of Natural Computing Mitra Baratchi Associate professor Joost Batenburg Hoogleraar Informatica Joost Broekens Associate professor Lu Cao Assistant Professor Jeroen Codee Hoogleraar Organische chemie Max van Duijn Assistant professor Michael Emmerich Guest researcher Sander Hille Assistant professor Holger Hoos Professor of Machine Learning Catholijn Jonker Professor/Guest Arno Knobbe Associate professor Wessel Kraaij Professor of Applied data analytics Michael Lew Professor Deep Learning Jacq Meulman Professor emeritus Applied Statistics Aske Plaat Professor of Data science Mike Preuss Associate professor Jan van Rijn Assistant professor Vivi Rottschäfer Associate professor Rob Saunders Associate Professor Niki van Stein Assistant professor Peter Stevenhagen Professor of Mathematics, in particular algebra and number theory Frank Takes Associate professor/Director of Education Fons Verbeek Professor of Computational Bio-imaging Suzan Verberne Hoogleraar Informatica Tessa Verhoef Assistant professor Hao Wang Assistant Professor Katy Wolstencroft Lecturer Mark de Rooij Professor Artificial Intelligence and Data Theory Joost Beltman Associate professor Ariane Briegel Senior researcher/guest Jeroen Codee Professor Organic chemistry Johannes (Hans) G.E.M. Fraaije Professor emeritus of Physical chemistry Hubertus Irth Scientific Director / Professor of Biomolecular Analysis Anthe Janssen Universitair docent Roeland Merks Professor of Mathematical biology Hermen Overkleeft Professor of Bio-organic synthesis Herman Spaink Professor of Molecular cell biology Suzan Verberne Hoogleraar Informatica Gerard van Westen Hoogleraar Artificial Intelligence & Medicinal Chemistry Gilles van Wezel Professor of Molecular biotechnology Joost Batenburg Professor Computer science Mark van Buchem Professor Neuroradiology Simone Cammel Informatieanalist LUMC Elise Dusseldorp Professor Methodology and Statistics in Psychology Bernhard Hommel Guest Anthe Janssen Assistant Professor Roy de Kleijn Assistant Professor Bram Koster Professor Ultrastructural and molecular imaging Meindert Lamers Co-director NeCEN & Associate professor (LUMC) Boudewijn Lelieveldt Professor Biomedical Imaging Sander Nieuwenhuis Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience of Decision Making Serge Rombouts Professor Methods of Cognitive Neuroimaging Mark de Rooij Professor Artificial Intelligence and Data Theory Philip Spinhoven Professor emeritus Clinical Psychology Mario van der Stelt Professor of Molecular physiology Suzan Verberne Hoogleraar Informatica Martine de Vries Professor Normative aspects of medicine Gerard van Westen Professor Artificial Intelligence & Medicinal Chemistry Tom Wilderjans Associate professor Bibi van den Berg Professor Cybersecurity Governance Bart Custers Professor of Law and Data Science Francien Dechesne Associate professor Eduard Fosch Villaronga Associate professor Sarah Giest Professor Public Policy with a focus on Innovation and Sustainability Tycho de Graaf Professor Civil Law Larissa van den Herik Professor Public International Law Simone van der Hof Professor of Law and Digital Technologies Bram Klievink Scientific Director/Professor Public administration, Digitalisation and Public Policy Joanne van der Leun Academic Lead International Affairs / Professor of Criminology Ymre Schuurmans Professor Constitutional and Administrative Law Bernard Steunenberg Professor Public administration, including the institutional economy of the public sector Suzan Verberne Professor Computer Science Sjef Barbiers Scientific director /Professor of Dutch Linguistics Quentin Bourgeois Associate professor Lisa Cheng Professor General Linguistics Jan Kolen Dean / Professor Landscape Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Karsten Lambers Professor Digital and Computational Archaeology Sybille Lammes Professor New Media and Digital Culture Stephan Raaijmakers Bijzonder hoogleraar Communicatieve AI Niels Schiller Guest researcher Milco Wansleeben Lecturer