Michael T.M. Emmerich is an Associate Professor with LIACS, and the Head of the Multicriteria Optimization and Decision Analysis Research Group and Scientific Coordinator of Center for Computational Life Science (CCLS) of Leiden University.
Michael T.M. Emmerich received his Dr.rer.nat. degree from Dortmund University in 2005. He is currently an Associate Professor with LIACS, and the Head of the Multicriteria Optimization and Decision Analysis Research Group and Scientific Coordinator of Center for Computational Life Science (CCLS) of Leiden University. Moreover, he is appointed as a guest researcher at the Multiobjective Optimization research group at Jyväskylä University, Finland.
In the past, he carried out projects as a Researcher at ICD e.V., Germany, IST Lisbon, the University of the Algarve, Portugal, ACCESS Material Science e.V., Germany, and the FOM/AMOLF Institute on Fundamental Science of Matter, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He is known for pioneering work on model-assisted and indicator-based multi-objective optimization (SMS-EMOA, Expected Hypervolume Improvement), and has edited four books and co-authored over 120 papers in multicriteria optimization algorithms and their application in drug discovery, logistics, and sustainable design.
Foundations of multicriteria optimization and complex systems research:
Set oriented optimization by numerical and natural computing methods
Theory of indicators and preference models in multicriteria optimization
Complex networks and parameterized computational complexity Applications of these algorithms in: