Universiteit Leiden

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Graduate School of Archaeology

Research Support Portal & Leiden Open Science

Leiden University offers support in the different stages of your research lifecycle.

Research Support Portal

The Faculty Research Grant Support Office helps you in the application (pre-award phase), management (award phase) and finishing (post-ward phase) of an individual or collaborative grant. The grant may be intended for a research programme or an educational or societal-relevant project.

When you are considering to apply for a grant, please:

Leiden Open Science

Leiden University has an Open Science program. Open Science aims to transform knowledge creation and communication practices in all fields of science. FAIR (research) data, open-access publishing, citizen science and recognition and rewards are the major components of the Leiden Open Science program. 

Media Guide for scientists

In the Media Guide for scientists you will find practical help and advice for contact with journalists or as preparation for a media appearance. The guide will also help you decide whether or not to respond to a press request. It also states who you can contact for consultation and additional training.

The Media Guide for Scientists is especially helpful for young researchers and/or scientists with little experience in the media. 

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