Universiteit Leiden

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Graduate School of Archaeology

Academic Integrity & Ethics Review

Scientific integrity is an essential element in the PhD trajectory and is addressed in several different settings.

The PhD Introductory meeting for new PhD candidates includes a component on scientific integrity; they sign the Code of Conduct on Academic Integrity, they take a course on scientific integrity, and the PhD degree award ceremony comes with an explicit exhortation to heed the obligations to society and science that the degree entails.

Scientific integrity course for PhD candidates

The Scientific Integrity course consists of an online lecture to be viewed at your convenience, followed by a 90-minute workshop at the institute level. The lecture and the workshop are offered once a year.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee of the Faculties of Humanities and Archaeology gives binding advice on ethical issues in research. Using the checklist, researchers must determine whether their research needs to be presented to the committee for an ethics review. If your research has important social science components, you may consider contacting the ethics committee of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences instead; please discuss this with your supervisors.

More information

For more information on academic integrity, regulations and procedures, the committee and confidential adviser for academic integrity, please visit the university’s web page on academic integrity.

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