Universiteit Leiden

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Graduate School of Archaeology

PhD platforms and organisations

Several PhD platforms and organisations represent PhD candidates within the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University and broader.

Faculty Council

The Faculty Council is a key advisory body within the Faculty of Archaeology. The council consists of three students and three staff members, representing all Faculty community members. It oversees and advises the Faculty Board on policy relating to finance, regulations, long-term strategy, and staff. As employees at the Faculty, PhDs are eligible for the three staff member seats on the Faculty Council. Council members are elected, and a term lasts two years for staff members. 

If you are interested in becoming a Council member or wish to bring any matters to the attention of the Council, feel free to contact the Faculty Council for more information.


LEO is a platform for PhD candidates at Leiden University. It represents the interests of PhD candidates within and outside the University, organises events and maintains contact with other PhD candidate organisations.

If you’d be interested in meeting and getting to know fellow PhD researchers at Leiden University in other fields, become a member of LEO, Leiden University’s PhD Organisation. Membership is free. LEO considers a PhD researcher anyone writing a PhD thesis at Leiden University, regardless of their official position or employment status. Notably, foreign PhD students may be interested in social activities, but for "locals", it is also enjoyable to meet PhDs from other fields. LEO organizes monthly PhD Drinks, where you will meet fellow PhDs and get inside hints on living & working in Leiden.

Promovendi Netwerk Nederland (PNN)

PNN is the national organisation for PhD candidates. For more information, see the PNN website.


PhDoc Leiden University is an interfaculty PhD-run Council of Leiden University and wants to help PhD candidates attain their primary goal: to become successful researchers and teachers. PhDoc has a seat(s) in the University Council. The PhD Council also has a social function and offer all PhD candidates of their institutes the opportunity to get to know each other by organising regular social meetings and informal drinks sessions. See the website of PhDoc for more information.

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