Universiteit Leiden

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Graduate School of Archaeology


The Leiden University Graduate School of Archaeology (GSA) coordinates the admission and registration procedures of all PhD candidates with a PhD graduation planned at the Faculty of Archaeology. The GSA monitors the whole PhD track, from admission to graduation, supports (financially) both PhD ‘bottom up’ workshops and social events that strengthen the PhD community, and helps PhD candidates with practicalities.


Through Monitorig Meetings, the GSA monitors – per individual PhD project- both the quality of PhD supervision and the research progress of PhD candidates. Together with the Faculty departments and research groups, the GSA provides the organizational infrastructure within which PhD candidates have the opportunity to participate in advanced training and academic dialogue.

Facts and figures

The GSA is home to circa 100 internal and external PhD candidates. All internal (‘resident’) PhD candidates are fully integrated into the activities of their research group and the Faculty as a whole.

The Faculty research community is international: over 50% of our PhD candidates come from abroad, and the same applies to the academic staff and the post-doctorate fellows. English is the language of all academic meetings and daily conversations in the research groups as well as in PhD courses and colloquia. 

Together with the Graduate School of Archaeology, the Faculty and Leiden University provide the PhD candidates an academic environment with a PhD curriculum and social activities.


The GSA operates under the supervision of the Faculty Board. The Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology, Prof. dr. Jan Kolen, is ex officio Dean of the Graduate School. Member of the Faculty Board Amanda Henry is the Graduate School Director.

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