Universiteit Leiden

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Europa Instituut


Publicaties die voortkomen uit het AFITE-project

Vasiliki Kosta, Darinka Piqani, 'Where trade and academic freedom meet: Commission v. Hungary (LEX CEU)', (2022), 59, Common Market Law Review, Issue 3, pp. 813-852

Olga Ceran, Ylenia Guerra: The Council’s Conditionality Decision as a Violation of Academic Freedom?, VerfBlog, 2023/3/28

Vasiliki KostaThe commercialisation challenge to academic freedom: a matter for EU law, European Law Blog, 2023/12/11

Vasiliki Kosta, Olga Ceran: A Way Forward?: Protecting Academic and Scientific Freedom in the EU, VerfBlog, 2024/1/2

Olga Ceran, EU Values and the EU’s Rule of Law Action: What Place for Academic Freedom?, TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research, 2024/10/17 (output drawing from research conducted in the AFITE project and during the mobility periods made possible thanks to the re:constitution fellowship)

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