
Position: PhD- student
Department/unit: Digital Archaeology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open access publishing; sharing data and research tools; code and data archiving; linked open data; open source software
You can contact me for: discussions or information on the topics above, or anything else regarding open science. Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in these fields, but have some limited experience!
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Linked open data; reproducing research; open science guidelines
University profile page Alex Brandsen

Position: Student
Department/unit: Digital Archaeology Msc
I am a beginner to OpenScience but was introduced to it in my studies and I am interested in learning more and supporting the concept.

Position: PhD student; Archaeobotanist | Paleoecologist | Plant Nutritional Scientist | Agri-Sustainability Professional | Sociological Field Researcher
Department/unit: Bioarchaeologist
Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Archaeological Sciences
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open science.
You can contact me to discuss communities data ownership, Cultural heritage ownership and Ethics in archaeological practice.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: FAIR; preprints; open methods; open source.
Comments: I am a beginner.
University Profile Page of Arturo García De León


Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: World Archaeology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: FAIR archiving; CIDOC CRM
You can contact me for: archiving practices; (open) data integration
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: LOD; open access (data) publication

Position: PhD-student
Department/Unit: Archaeological Science

Position: Support staff
Department/unit: Archaeology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Research Data Management; Open Data
You can contact me for: Research Data Management; Open Data

Position: Director at Archol
Department/Unit: Archol BV
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: open science, open access publishing, open access funding, gold open access, green open access, preprints, arXiv, open peer-review, research integrity, transparent methods, sharing data/code and research tools, reproducibility, replication research, research integrity, (meta) research about scientific methods, open access journals, open access books, transformative agreements, open access costs, open access publishers, academic publishers

Position: PhD-student
Department: Human Origins
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Not much experience yet, but: Open data standardization; Reproducible workflows with open-source softwares.
You can contact me for: Technical illustrations of lithic artefacts (e.g. workflow for photogrammetry, 3D-models and diacritic schemas).
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science in general; FAIR practices; GitHub; Pre-prints; Publishing protocols/workflows.

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Archaeological Sciences
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open access; open data; open methods; R; Git/GitHub
You can contact me for: Discussing the above topics and anything else related to Open Science.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Pre-prints; Open Science; FAIR

Position: Support Staff
Department: Faculty Bureau
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Access; Research Data Management.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Best practices in Open Science; Open Access.

Position: Postdoc
Department/Unit: Archaeological Sciences
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: open access publishing; exploring alternative tools to proprietary software; data sharing and archiving; code sharing; R data visualisation.
You can contact me for all the topics mentioned above, or any other topics related to open science.
Disclaimer: also a beginner myself.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: reproducing data; FAIR; preprints; open science guidelines/ethics; open methods; R.

Position: PhD-student
Department: Digital Archaeology Research Group
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: open-source software; data visualisation in R; code sharing; reproducible workflows.
You can contact me for: using R as a GIS, spatial analysis in R, machine learning in R; statistical analysis of archaeological contexts; reproducible workflows.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Git/GitHub/Gitlab; open data; Open Science; FAIR practices; Preregistration; Preprints; LOD
Comments: In my work I aim to understand archaeological contexts & landscapes through statistical & spatial analysis (multivariate & semi-automated analysis) of remote sensing and archaeological data by means of open-source software & reproducible/replicable workflows. Disclaimer: I learn along the way myself but I am always happy to share my knowledge.

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Archaeological Science
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Access; Data Sharing; Outreach
You can contact me for: How to publish open access; How to get funding for publishing open access; How to publish open access at Leiden; How to share your data in a safe and ethically responsible way; How you can communicate your data to the community
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Data sharing security; Preprint ethics; Outreach
Position: Student
Department: Material culture
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