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Governance and Global Affairs

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Position: Assistant professor ,

Department/Unit:  Institute of Security and Global Affairs

Email:  a.bartolucci@fgga.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Open science, pre-prints, open source, open science fund applicant

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: pre-prints

University profile page Andrea Bartolucci

Ymke de Bruijn

Position: Postdoc

Department/unit: Leiden University College

Email: y.de.bruijn@luc.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Publishing open access

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration; Preprints; Data sharing

University profile page Ymke de Bruijn

Alysa Eijkelenboom

Position:  PhD-student

Department:  Politics and Governance

Email:  a.j.g.eijkelenboom@fgga.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics:  Pre-registration of Master thesis


Zhuoxi Han

Position: PhD-student

Department/unit: Institute of Security and Global Affairs

Email: zhuoxihan@qq.com

You can contact me for: I would like to help others and to know more about information.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: like open science.

Position: PhD-student

Department/Unit:  Institute of Security and Global Affairs

Email:   jade.hutchinson@mq.edu.au 

I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: transparent methods; sharing data/code and research tools; publishing open access; diversity and inclusion.  

You can contact me for: transparent methods; sharing data/code and research tools; publishing open access; diversity and inclusion.  

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: reproducibility, replication research, citizen science, open peer-review, research integrity, uploading preprints and (meta) research about scientific methods.

Katharina Krüsselmann

Position: PhD student 

Department/unit: Institute of Security and Global Affairs

Email: k.krusselmann@fgga.leidenuniv.nl 

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; OSF

You can contact me for: discussions on how to make protected data as 'open' as possible

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration

University profile page Katharina Krüsselmann

Marieke Liem

Position: Full professor

Department/unit: ISGA

Email: m.c.a.liem@fgga.leidenuniv.nl

University profile page Marieke Liem

Jan Melissen

Position: Associate professor and Full Professor at University of Antwerp,  Editor-in-Chief, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy

Department/Unit: Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA)

Email: j.melissen@fgga.leidenuniv.nl 

I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: science communication - stakeholder engagement - participatory research.

You can contact me for Open Science related issues related to journal editing and publishing.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Networked open science in niche academic fields.

University profile page Jan Melissen

Vittorio Nespeca

Position:  Reseacher

Department:  Institute of public administration

Email:  v.n.nespeca@fgga.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics:  Open science related to computational modeling e.g. protocols for describing, publishing, and tracking the use of computational models in the field of computational social science.

You can contact me for:  Open science related to computational modeling e.g. protocols for describing, publishing, and tracking the use of computational models in the field of computational social science.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords:  Preregistration Preprints


University profile page Vittorio Nespeca


Position: PhD-student and Policy Advisor on Open Science at the The Hague University of Applied Sciences (Haagse Hogeschool)

Department/unit: Institute of Security and Global Affairs / Chair United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice

Email: S.Rademaker@hhs.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open access strategic institutional policy development and implementation

You can contact me for: Sharing experience between research universities and universities of applied sciences in The Netherlands

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Data stewardship


James Smith

Position: Support Staff

Department: Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA)

Email: j.l.smith@fgga.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Access, Open Science, RDM, Humanities Data, Licenses, Marketing, Open Access publishing. FAIR Principles, Experimental Publishing.

You can contact me for: Research funding support-specific open science initiatives. 

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Sensitive Data, Synthetic Datasets, Open Science, FAIR, CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Sovereignty, Open Access, Experimental Publishing.

University profile page James Smith

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