Social and Behavioural Sciences
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Position: Postdoc
Department: Developmental psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: replication, sharing codes and scripts
You can contact me for: coding, scripts, replication
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: preregistration, (fMRI) data sharing
Comments: Michelle Achterberg is a researcher within the Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID) and works on a large longitudinal twin study on brain development in childhood and emerging adolescence. Within this study Michelle specifically focusses on longitudinal brain development and it’s relation to social information processing and behavioral control. Additionally, she is expanding her knowledge of functional and structural brain connectivity and investigates how brain development is influenced by genes and the environment.

Position: Student
Department/unit: Psychology
Comments: Hopefully being a part of OSCL will mitigate my academic and background-related shock.

Position: Researcher
Department: CWTS
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: data collection, project management, open access.
You can contact me for: academic collaborations on the gender aspect of open science.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: sociopolitical implications of open science.

Position: Postdoc
Department/unit: Institute of Education and Child Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open access
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration, preprints
University profile page Sabine van der Asdonk

Position: Student
Department/unit: Education and Child Studies (Educational Science)
You can contact me for: (beginner) PsychoPy or Pavlovia issues
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science in general, Open Science in Education, R (markdown), Python, Power Analyses

Position: Associate professor
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: open access publication

Position: Phd-student
Department/unit: Cwts

Department/unit: Developmental & Educational psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration
You can contact me for: Preregistration
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Making data available; Open science.

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Health-, Medical and Neuropsychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science, data bases, preregistration

Position: Student
Department/unit: Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Learned about Open Science and Preregistration in my lectures from Michiel van Elk and Anna van 't Veer.
You can contact me for: Yes
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Yes

Position: Support staff
Department/unit: Institute of Psychology

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Institute of Education and Child Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; Preregistration

Position: Postdoc
Department/unit: Developmental and Educational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Code sharing; RMarkdown; Open Science Framework; Preprints; Preregistration; Data management; Publishing open access

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Developmental & Education Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science Framework; Preregistration; Preprints
You can contact me for: Preregistration
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: ethics on data sharing/ R Markdown/ Github

Position: associate professor
Department/unit: Institute of education and child studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: preprints, open access publishing

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Anthropology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Free software advocacy; software development; data management;
You can contact me for: I'm happy to share knowledge and skills around a bunch of things relating to digital scholarship: using scripts to automate the boring stuff; running research infrastructure using free software; network analysis & automated text analysis using free software (especially the Python ecosystem); software development practices; and much more
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Ethical and political questions relating to scientific knowledge production; integrating free software into teaching

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration Open neuroimaging analysis and pipelines Science communication

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Centre for Science and Technology Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Access, Repositories, Current Research Information Systems (CRIS), Science Policy
You can contact me for: more information about the Brazilian experience with the Portal of Journals (access to scientific publications funded by the government), ORCID adoption in Brazil, repository development and science policy in general.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science, Open Access in Europe, EuroCRIS.

Position: Assistant professor
Department/Unit: Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Preregistration; Split-samples; Open data; Open access publishing
You can contact me for Preregistration; Split-samples; Open data; Open access publishing
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preprints; Registered reports
Position: Student
Department/unit: Psychology

Position: Student, research assistant
Department/unit: Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Predefining everything of statistical analysis as thought in the Good Research Practices class. I then have advocated it in our (HRBP) Bachelor team and applied it as much as possible.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science in general, preprints, transparency, etc
Comments: I am doing the Reseach Master in Clinical and Helath psychology after having completed the Honours Reseach Bachelor Programme, where I was responsible for data management and predefinition of the analysis plan. I am very interested in learning how to conduct sound research and overcoming and preventing (publication bisases, and fraut) crises that occured in the past.

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Educational Science
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; Preregistration; Data sharing
University profile page Amy de Bruine

Position: Researcher
Department/unit: CWTS
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: open access, open software, Netherlands plan on open science, open science monitor, ORCID, GDPR, open science framework, research data alliance, FAIR, open science policies and initiatives
You can contact me for: any topic
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Research Data Management, Open Data Infrastructure, Open Hardware, citizen science, philosophy of open science
Comments: Please note that my correct email address is

Position: Specialist Scientific information
Department/unit: Methodology and Statistics
You can contact me for: R, R packages, ShinyR and related topics

Position: Student
Department/unit: Developmental Psychology (Msc)
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: None yet.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: tbd !

Position: Full professor
Department/unit: Psychology

Position: Executive editor of Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics
Department/unit: Africa Study Centre (associate member)
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Peer Review; Open Access; Academic Self-publishing

Position: Full Professor
Department/unit: Methodology and Statistics
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Reproducible Research (in R)
You can contact me for: Making an analysis plan for preregistration
Position: Student
Department/unit: Psychology

Position: Professor emeritus
Department/unit: Political Science

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology (SEO)

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Institute of Psychology/Methodology and Statistics
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: R markdown; Reproducible workflow
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; Data and code sharing

Position: Associate professor
Department/unit: Methodology & Statistics
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Teaching about preregistration; Sharing R-code online
You can contact me for: Working with R-markdown; Reproducibility of analyses; Resampling techniques (cross-validation; bootstrap; permutation)
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Registered reports; Journal policies in open science; Exploratory research vs. pre-registration
Comments: My research area is data science, and my specializations are classification and regression trees, interaction (moderator) effects, differential treatment effectiveness, and meta-analysis.

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; Open Science Badges; Registered Reports; Preregistration for Neuroimaging studies; Funding Registered Reports; Replication Studies
Comments: Michiel van Elk has been leading the Religious Replication Project, in which seminal studies from the psychology and cognitive science of religion were replicated in a cross-cultural setting

Position: PhD-student
Department/Unit: Developmental Psychology
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Coding (R & Python), RMarkdown
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: (fMRI) preregistration, preprints

Position: Postdoc
Department: Institute of Education & Child Studies
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Pre-registration; data sharing

Position: Full Professor
Department/unit: Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Best ways of preregistration; How to reduce open access fees; Discussion of open peer review procedures
University profile page Andrea Evers

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Methodology and Statistics
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Replicability; Experiment Registration; Open Domain availability; Meta-Analysis
Comments: Personal interested in the development of research databases for access to analysis and results datasets for meta-analysis

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration (only one, working on my second)
You can contact me for: how to start off with your first preregistration
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords:
Preprints; FAIR data; Preregistration details; Software/code sharing

Position: Student
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science practices; preregistration; data sharing; git; github

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Clinical Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preprints; Open Materials; Reproducible Analyses; Open Reviews; Open Science Framework
You can contact me for: Preprints; Open Materials; Reproducible Analyses; Open Reviews; Open Science Framework
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration; Replication Efforts; R Markdown

Position: Student
You can contact me for: I am just a beginner and open for everything I can help with
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science

Position: PhD student
Department/unit: Education and Child Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: sensitivity analyses

Position: Researcher
Department/unit: Center for Child and Family Studies
You can contact me for: Basic R Coding; Qualitative Coding; Affect Coding in Infants; Maternal Behavior Coding
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration; Web Scraping; Quantitative Data Analysis

Position: Student
Department/unit: Psychology

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; Preregistration; Registered Report
You can contact me for: Open Science; Preregistration; Registered Report

Position: Research Assistant
Department/unit: Methodology and Statistis, Institue of Psychology
You can contact me for: any questions regarding the OSCL webpage, memberships and events.
University profile page Signe Glæsel

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Pedagogische Wetenschappen - Forensische gezinspedagogiek en jeugdhulpverlening
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; Preregistration

Position: Student
Department/unit: Psychology

Position: Researcher
Department/Unit: Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Open science in general, open data, a bit on open access, science communication
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open peer review, citizen science

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology unit
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: I'm a total newbie, and love to learn!
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Everything, mainly preregistration

Position: Support staff
Department/unit: Methodology and statistics / LIBC
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Sharing methodological manuals in MRI research
You can contact me for: Methodological questions in MRI research
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science
Position: Research Assistant
Department/Unit: Psychology
Position: Research Assistant and Data Steward Assistant
Department/Unit: Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology

Position: PhD-student
Department: Education and Child Studies
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration, open access publishing, sharing code/data.
Position: PhD candidate
Department/unit: CWTS
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; Preregistration; Preprints
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Personal interest; MSc.
Comments: I'm passionate to better the connection between science and the public; to increase impact, valorization, scientific literacy and understanding.

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Department of Psychology, Methodology and Statistics Unit
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration; Replication; Design Analysis; Multiverse Analysis; Dynamic Reports

Position: PhD candidate
Department/unit: Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open science, preregistration
You can contact me for: Preregistration on the OSF
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Different preregistration templates and their dis-/advantages

Position: Teacher
Department/unit: Psychology

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Social Psychology

Position: Data Steward
Department/unit: Cultural Anthropology & Development Sociology (CAOS) / Centre for Science & Technology Studies (CWTS)
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Qualitative Research; Ethnographic Fieldwork Data; Semantic Interoperability

Position: PhD student
Department/unit: Health, Medical, and Neuropsycology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; Data Management; FAIR; Open Science Publication

Position: Support staff
Department/unit: Political Science
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Data Stewardship, Open Science, FAIR, CARE, DMPs
You can contact me for: Any topics related to Open Science and Research Data Management
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Copyright and data licensing

Position: Lab/datamanager open science
Department/unit: Developmental and Educational Psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration; Data sharing; Open workflow; Altmetrics; Citizen Science; Preprints; Open Access
Comments: I am developing a vision for our research group on open science and would therefore like to know as much as possible about it!

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Methodology and Statistics

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Education and Child Studies
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: preregistration; data sharing

Position: Teacher trainer & educational consultant
Department/unit: ICLON
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Replication Research in the Social Sciences; Teaching Replication (see also:; Good Research Practices; Preregistration; Data Management;
You can contact me for: I'm an educational consultant & teacher trainer @ICLON and have experience with designing educational activities for Bachelor students related to replication research and open science.

Position: Student
Department/unit: Political Science

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Developmental
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration; Use of secondary data
You can contact me for: Preregistration
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Registered reports; OSF; Github
University profile page Sanne Kellij

Position: Student
Department/unit: Economic and Consumer Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Market research
You can contact me for: Consumer behavior
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Market and economic research
Position: PhD student
Department/unit: Forensic Family and Youth Care Studies

Position: Student
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology Unit
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science, Preregistration, Data Sharing
Comments: I'd like to advocate for more transparency in science and, specifically, in psychological research.

Position: Postdoc
Department/unit: Developmental and Educational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open code; Preprints; Reproducible workflows; Preregistration
You can contact me for: Preprints; Reproducible workflows; Preregistration
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open data; RMarkdown; Registered Reports; Github

Position: Associate professor
Department: Developmental and Educational Psychology

Position: Associate professor
Department/Unit: Methodology and Statistics
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Democratization of Artificial Intelligence, Critical Algorithm Studies.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science.
I am interested in making Artificial Intelligence accessible and imposing democratic control over the way in which AI applications are designed and implemented. I think the public should have a say not only on how AI should be designed and used but also and mode fundamentally in which domains it should and should not be used.

Position: PhD student
Department/unit: CWTS
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preprinting (in the context of research evaluation and whitelists)
You can contact me for: Any topic
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: General domain

Position: OOMS (Onderzoeker en Onderwijs Medewerker)
Department/unit: Methodology and Statistics
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science, Pre-registration, Open source.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: I do not know so much about it yet. But I would like to learn more about how to open science to the public.
Position: PhD-student
Department: Psychology, Methodology and Statistics

Position: Student Assistant
Department: Methodology and Statistics / Faculty of Science (Statistics & Data Science Msc)
Email: /
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Data papers
You can contact me for: Open Science enthusiasm
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Pre-registration, Registered Reports, Community building.

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Social, Economic, and Organizational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration, Open Science
You can contact me for: Preregistration and sharing files online
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science
Position: Student
Department/unit: Clinical Psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science

Position: Associate professor
Department/unit: Political Science
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open source software; Open access publishing
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration

Position: student
Department/unit: Psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science, preregistration, transparency.
Comments: I'm a research master student (Clinical and Health Psychology) and would like to familiarize myself with open science practices as much as possible.

Position: Research assistant
Department/unit: Cognitive unit
Position: Researcher
Department/Unit: CWTS
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Bibliometric studies on open science.
Position: Research Policy Officer
Department/unit: Institute of Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: (guidelines and policy related to) preregistration, data management, open access, recognition & rewards
You can contact me for: everything
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: everything

Position: PhD student
Department/unit: Cognitive Unit
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration, Open Science Framework, sharing data; questionable research practices, checking p-values
You can contact me for: If you want to learn how to upload your project to the Open Science Framework If you want to learn how to share your data in an accessible way
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Registered reports, detecting fraud and QRPs during peer reviews, replication

Position: Support staff
Department/unit: SOLO

Position: Postdoc
Department/unit: Social, Economic and Consumer Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; Preregistration; Data Sharing; Open Access publishing
You can contact me for: Neuroimaging data sharing and preregistration
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preprints; Reproducible Analysis Methods

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Political Science
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: preregistration; data access; replication; open access

Position: Student
Department/unit: Health and Medical Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science, Preprints

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration, Replication, Open Access, Open Educational Resources, Preprints
You can contact me for: Preregistration, Replication, Open Access, Open Educational Resources, Preprints. You can also contact me if you would like to talk about integrating OS into teaching and mentoring and if you would be interested in knowing more about the Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Registered Reports, Open Data, Reproducible Analyses, FAIR
Comments: I am a community manager at FORRT—the Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training (—an interdisciplinary community of 700+ early career scholars aiming to integrate open science principles into higher education and to advance research transparency, reproducibility, rigor, and ethics through pedagogical reform aligned with principles of justice, equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility.

Position: Associate professor
Department/unit: Developmental and Educational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: I am a beginner and would like to learn more!
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: open science.

Position: Research Assistant
Department: Education and Child Studies
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Data Management Plans; Publishing Packages.

Position: Support stuff
Department/unit: Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; Publication Packages; FAIR data; data management
You can contact me for: Data management related questions
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science related laws and regulations
Comments: Jaap-Willem works as datamanager for the Health, Medical and Neuropsychology at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science; preregistration

Position: PhD-student and lecturer
Department/unit: Educational science
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science, data repositories, pre-registration, OSF

Position: Research data specialist
Department/unit: Developmental and Educational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science, Data Sharing Agreements, Data Sharing Protocols, Data Request Forms, Preregistration, Sharing data
You can contact me for: anything related to Open Science.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science
Comments: I am a research data specialist with a big interest in open science. I work on the implementation and development of the Leiden-CID data infrastructure. Specifically, I focus on developing a long-term strategy to make data flexible and accessible to other researchers.

Position: Student
Department/unit: Psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; open science implementation; data sharing; replication

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Education and Child Studies

Position: Full professor
Department/unit: Cognitive psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Adversarial collaboration; Bayesian statistics (which can encourage researchers to publish evidence for the null hypothesis)
You can contact me for: I may be able to help you if you would like to include a paragraph on "good research practices" in your grant proposal

Position: PhD-student (- Monitoring Open Science Practices and Policies)
Department/Unit: CWTS
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Access
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Data; Open Education; OS and technology transfer; Recognition of OS practices. PhD Candidate - Monitoring Open Science Practices and Policies

Position: Postdoc
Department/unit: Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: preregistration, preprints, sharing data & R / SPSS code, open access publication
You can contact me for: preregistration in Nederlands Trial Register; open access publication in diverse journals; preprint in; data & code sharing in DANSeasy.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Best practices for preregistering, sharing data while taking privacy into account carefully, sharing code, reproducible workflow, version control, doing open science from the begining to end as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Developmental psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: preregistration, open access publications
You can contact me for: preregistration, open access publications, data sharing
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: data sharing, collaboration, using existing datasets, replication, competitiveness in science (and perverse incentives which hinder open science)

Department/unit: Education and Child Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration, open access publication, research data management, citizen science in social sciences, societal engagement.
You can contact me for: Preregistration, citizen science in social sciences, societal engagement.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preprints, open data.

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: SEO
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Some experience uploading materials to open science and limited experience with preregistration.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration, data protection

Position: Support staff
Department/unit: Institute Office
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Research Data Management; Data Management Plans; Publication Packages; Data Stewardship
You can contact me for: Research Data Management; Data Management Plans; Publication Packages; Data Stewardship
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration; Reproduction; Power analysis; Current efforts to prevent P-hacking; Open Journals Peer reviews, how to make them better, how to give peer reviewers the credit they deserve "Erkennen en Waarderen"

Position: PhD Student
Department/unit: Clinical Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: ReproducibiliTea; Reproducible documents; ReproHack; SIPS conference
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Data; Registered Reports; Open Access; Preregistration; Ethics; Statistical literacy; Science communication; Open educational resources; Diversity; Incentives

Position: Assistand professor
Department/unit: Social, economic, and organisational psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration, replication studies

Position: Support staff
Department/unit: SOLO
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Access Data / Software; Open Access journals; preprints
You can contact me for: Open Access Data / Software; Open Access journals; preprints
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Access Data / Software; DMPs; preregistration; data sharing; data storage; data policies

Position: PhD-student
Department/Unit: Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Open Science; Preregistration; Preprints
You can contact me for Preregistration; Preprints; Data Repositories

Position: Associate professor
Department/unit: Education and Child Studies - Research Methods & Statistics

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Health, Medical and Neuropsychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration; Open access publication; OSF; Publons
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preprints; Outreach (science communication)

Position: Student
Department/unit: Clinical and Health Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Many Labs Project, Registered Reports, Preregistration

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration Preprints
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; Preregistration Preprints

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Psychology, Health, Medical & Neuropsychology
University profile page Rebecca Schaefer

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Institute of Education and Child Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration; Preprints
You can contact me for: I would consider myself a "beginner" and am looking forward to connecting with fellow open science enthusiasts.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Health, Medical & Neuropsychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; Preprints; Open Access; Data Sharing
You can contact me for: Sharing data
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration. General open science practices

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Iclon
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: No experience
You can contact me for: I'm doing research on student agency in secondary school. I have no experience in Open Science yet.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; audit trail

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; Preprints; Good Research Practices
You can contact me for: As a member of the Psychology Research Ethics Committee Leiden, you can contact me with questions about ethics. As a cognitive neuroscientist I can provide information on research methods, including EEG / MRI. As a Good Research Practice advocate, you can contact me for questions about this topic.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration, Registered Reports

Position: Postdoc
Department/unit: Health, medical and neuropsychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration
University profile page Aleksandrina Skvortsova

Position: PhD student
Department/unit: Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: I do not have much direct experience in Open Science yet. I am trying to find out as I go. I did take an online Data Management Course, so my knowledge is somewhat extensive.
You can contact me for: I work in a organised way myself, so if people want tips on how to arrange your work, or keep it well-structured - so that in a few years' time you still know where to find your data and what all those variable names meant again - you can come to me.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: I would still like to learn more about how Open Science works in practice, in terms of pre-registration, preprints, etc.

Position: Student
Department: Cognitive Psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: data sharing, peer review, team science

Position: Researcher
Department/Unit: CWTS
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Citizen Science

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Institute of Political Sciences

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology Unit
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preprints,sharingdata on osf
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Make large datasets available online
Personal webpage Henk van Steenbergen:

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Cognitive psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; Open Science Framework, Preprints, Preregistration
You can contact me for: Getting feedback on preprints; Being an Open Researcher
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science in relation to ethics (e.g. open data allowed on WMO-studies?)
Position: Researcher
Department/Unit: Psychology and Methodology & Statistics

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Education & Child Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Access publishing

Position: Lecturer
Department/unit: Clinical Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration Preprints Sharing research with the public (science communication)

Position: PhD-student and Researcher
Department/unit: Psychology

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Github, R-markdown, Python, Power Analysis
You can contact me for: R, Python
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration, R, Python, Power Analysis
University profile page Jeshua Tromp

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: team science; computational reproducibility; preprints; data sharing

Position: Student
Department/Unit: Statistics / Data Science
I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Data Science esp. AI engineering in Conv Neural networks and NLP techniques
You can contact me for Python, Data, Cleaning, Data analysis, Data visualisation, Designing AI Concept, Designing ML Framework, Large Language Models, NLP and Image processing
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Psychology, qualitative research

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Methodology and statistics of Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; Preregistration; Preprints; Scientific Misconduct; Integrity; Open Access; Replication; Large-scale collaborations; Many Labs; Open Science Framework; Psychological Science Accelerator (PSA); Curate Science; Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS)
You can contact me for: Feel free to contact me for anything OSCL related.
I have published about preregistration and replication in social psychology, and am working on preregistration and replication in social neuroscience. I am happy to help others prepare their preregistration or replication.
I am an editor at Collabra: Psychology, the open access official journal of SIPS (Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science), and I am on the advisory board of Curate Science.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: I would like to learn more about all these topics, especially how they are implemented and received in other fields. I am also very eager to learn about what solutions have been proposed in other fields, and what kind of problems (e.g., QRPs) there are in fields outside of psychology.

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
You can contact me for: I have limited experience with open science myself, but I am excited about helping others organize workshops, set up ways to share data, promote open science.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: organizing workshops, sharing data, sharing research tools, open peer-review, publishing open access, research about scientific methods

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Institute of Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistratie, open access publicatie, open materials

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Developmental and Educational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration, publication package
You can contact me for: Preregistration (specifically an fMRI preregistration), publication package
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science, open data, preprints

Position: Teacher
Department/unit: Clinical Psychology

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Developmental Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration
You can contact me for: Preregistration

Position: Full professor
Department/unit: Clinical Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: preregistration; mega-analysis.

Position: Associate Professor
Department/unit: Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Editor for preregistration journal CRSP Preregistrations Open Science
You can contact me for: Writing preregistered reports
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preprints

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Developmental Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration, preprints
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Fmri preregistration, longitudinal preregistration, sharing code/data

Position: Librarian
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: open access journals and books, open access publishing, data management
You can contact me for: where to find open access journals and books, information about the list of journals University Leiden has got open access deals for, how to publish green open access, Leiden Institutional Repository, what data management is about and where to find specialist information
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: preregistration of research; preprints in the social sciences

Position: Researcher
Department/unit: Centre for Science & Technology Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science in general, Open Access publishing, a bit on Open Data
You can contact me for: Please feel free to ask for help
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: OA and copyrights, Open Data

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Education and Child Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: open access publishing

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Methodology and Statistics

Position: Postdoc, Mainly program coordinator
Department/unit: Ontwikkelings- en Onderwijspsychologie
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Access
You can contact me for: Projects with a strong link between science and society: how to deal with Open Science in these types of projects?
Comments: As program coordinator for the NWA (Dutch National Research Agenda) project for NeuroLabNL: "Optimal conditions for learning and safety of youth", I am interested in Open Science, since it forms an important aspects of the NWA programs.
University profile page Annelinde Vandenbroucke

Position: Assistant Professor
Department/unit: Education and Child Studies

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Clinical Psychology

Position: Assistant Professor
Department: Education and Child Studies
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Not much experience with open science except open access publishing, hope to change that.

Position: Student
Department/unit: Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: ReproducibiliTea journal club
You can contact me for: starting your own OSCL member initiative!
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Bayesian statistics; preregistration; sharing data

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Educational Sciences

Position: student
Department/unit: psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: The Good Research Practices course; Pre-Analysis plan
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science; Preregistration; Publishing null results/replications

Position: Teacher
Department/unit: Psychologie

Position: Student
Department/unit: Methodology and Statistics

Position: Student
Department/unit: Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: open science, preregistration (in a course)
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration; open science; transparency

Position: Visiting researcher
Department/unit: CWTS

Position: Full professor
Department/unit: Centre for Science and Technology Studies
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Access; Open Metadata; Open Citations; Open Abstracts; Open Peer Review
You can contact me for: You can contact me for flipping subscription-based journals to open access journals. I have experience with this. I have flipped Journal of Informetrics, a subscription-based journal published by Elsevier, to Quantitative Science Studies, an open access society journal published by MIT Press. You can also contact me for information about open citations and open metadata more generally. I am involved in all kinds of activities focused on promoting open metadata.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: I would like to learn more about the different 'philosophical' foundations that can given to open science.

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Department of Psychology, Methodology and Statistics Unit
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Neuroimaging pre-registration, Open Source Software, R-packages.
You can contact me for: Pre-registration of fMRI processing pipelines, development of open source software in R.

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Political Science
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: reproducibility; sharing data/code; open access; preregistration

Position: Associate professor
Department/unit: Psychology/Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology
You can contact me for: Open Science in our teaching
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: all topics

Position: Full professor
Department/unit: Dean Faculty Social and Behavioural Sciences
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Data sharing; Policy; Digital Humanities; Science & Technology Studies; Open Access; Science Journalism

Position: Postdoc
Department/unit: Cognitive psychology
You can contact me for: anything, however, I mostly have theoretical knowledge but not practical expertise in most OS-related topics.
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration (currently preparing one for an upcoming study)

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Psychology

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Computational Reproducibility; Preregistration Preprints

Position: Assistant professor
Department/unit: Developmental Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: preprints, pre-registered reports, open acces, repository, availability data upon request
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: preregistration of large longitudinal datacollections

Position: PhD-student
Department/unit: Psychology/Social and Organisational Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration; Notebooks
You can contact me for: Preregistration; Notebooks
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science
Position: Student
Department/unit: Clinical psychology

Position: PhD student
Department/unit: Cognitive Psychology
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; Preregistration Preprints

Position: Postdoc
Department: Cognitive Psychology
I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preprints; preregistration; data sharing; open access publication; team science.
You can contact me for: Feel free to approach me for the above-mentioned topics. I was as a member of a data repository team during my PhD, and co-coordinated a multi-center interdiciplinary scientific team during my previous postdoc..
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Registered reports; using Git to share; efficiently sharing large (neuroscientific) datasets.

Position: Student
Department/unit: Clinical Psychology, M.Sc.

Position: Student
Department/unit: Pedagogical sciences
You can contact me for: Simple / basic statistics, Basic knowledge of pedagogical sciences
I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Anything really.
Comments: My profile pic is the floor for now..