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Position: PhD-student

Department/Unit: Literature and Cultural Analysis

Email:  albertskf@vuw.leidenuniv.nl

University proifile page Kyra Alberts 

Position: PhD student

Department/unit: LUCL

Email: r.bai@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Carmen van den Bergh

Position: Assistant professor; Director of the BA programme Italian Language and Culture

Department/unit: LUCAS - Leiden University Arts in Society

Email: c.van.den.bergh@hum.leidenuniv.nl

University profile page Carmen van den Bergh 

Yiya Chen

Position: Full professor

Department/unit: Leiden University Center for Linguistics

Email: yiya.chen@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: I am trying to conduct my research in the Open Science framework.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Preregistration, Open Science

University profile page Yiya Chen

Position: Support Staff , Publications Officer

Department/unit: IIAS

Email: mlcgvdijk@gmail.com

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Publishing, proofreading and editorial.

You can contact me for: Proofreading

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science


Anna Dlabacova

Position: Associate professor  

Department/Unit: LUCAS, Book history

Email: a.dlabacova@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science, Citizen Science  

University profile page Anna Dlabacova

MA Gonçalves

Position: Postdoc

Department/unit: Institute for History

Email: m.a.goncalves@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: No experience yet.


Ferdinand Harmsen

Position: Support staff

Department: IFZ/ECOLe

Email: f.a.z.harmsen@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Educational Resources SURFSharekit Edusources Pilot projects.

University profile page Ferdinand Harmsen

Eline Hoeken

Position: Student

Department/unit: Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS)

Email: e.y.hoeken@umail.leidenuniv.nl

Claartje Levelt

Position: Full Professor

Department/unit: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics

Email: c.c.levelt@hum.leidenuniv.nl 

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science, preregistration (but only minimal!)

You can contact me for: preregistration

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science, Preregistration

University profile page Claartje Levelt


Maria Carmen Parafita Couto

Position: Assistant Professor

Department/unit: Leiden University Center for Linguistics

Email: m.parafita.couto@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Data- e.g. bangortalk.org.uk, OSF Preprints Editor of Open Publications (Language Science Press- series Current Issues in Bilingualism; Isogloss)

You can contact me for: Open access

University profile page Maria Carmen Parafita Couto

Rasmus Puggaard

Position: PhD-student

Department/unit: LUCL

Email: r.p.hansen@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science, preprints, data sharing

You can contact me for: Preprints and data sharing

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords:  Preregistration

University profile page Rasmus Puggaard 

Personal webpage Rasmus Puggaard

Nicolas Ruytenbeek

Position: Postdoc/visiting researcher

Department/unit: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics

Email: nicolasruytenbeek@gmail.com

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration, Open Science (sharing of data, stimuli and instructions for participants)

You can contact me for: questions about open science practices in the field of linguistics

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: More open science practices, good practices, preprints

University profile page Nicolas Ruytenbeek 

Niels O. Schiller

Position: Full professor

Department/unit: LUCL

Email: n.o.schiller@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science; pre-registration

University profile page Niels O. Schiller

Benjamin Storme

Position: Assistant Professor

Department: LUCL

Email: b.p.p.storme@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science, Preregistration, Preprints, Datasets

You can contact me for: Open Science, Preregistration, Preprints, Datasets

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Science communication (making videos, animations to make results more accessible to a wider audience)


University profile page Benjamin Storme

Position: PhD-student

Department: LUCL

Email: j.sun.14@hum.Leidenuniv.nl

Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade

Position: Leiden University's scientific integrity adviser

Department/unit: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics

Email: i.m.tieken@hum.leidenuniv.nl

University profile page Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade

Position: External Phd Candidate / Teacher / Research & Education Community Manager

Department/Unit:  LUCAS

Email: liselore.tissen@bb.huc.knaw.nl

 I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Community building (Nationally); Implement Digital methods in Education; Develop Open/FAIR educational material; Networking and outreach.

You can contact me for Advise on how to implement digital humanities thinking; Connecting researchers and teachers (nationally); Educational material; LOD; FAIR; Annotating; AI. 

Besides doing my PhD, I am working as CLARIAH's education and research community manager. In this role I aim to foster digital thinking by organizing networking and community events, educational material and by providing advise on how to implement these digital humanities methods. CLARIAH hopes to connect, centralize and support all universities, libraries and cultural institutions in the Netherlands. You can find all of our datasets, methods, educational material and projects through our central portal called INEO: https://www.ineo.tools/.

University profile page Liselore Tissen

Naomi Truan

Position:  Assistant Professor

Department:  Leiden University Centre for Linguistics

Email:  n.a.l.truan@hum.leidenuniv.nl

You can contact me for:  starting your Open Science journey, mentoring, open repositories, topics I am familiar with (see below)

I have experience in these Open Science related topics:  Open Access; Open Data; Open Education; Open Educational Resources; Preregistrations; Preprints; Diversity & Inclusion

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords:  Recognition of OS practices, Outreach / Science Communication

University profile page Naomi Truan 

Susana Valdez

Position: Assistant professor

Department/unit: LUCL

Email: s.valdez@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open access publication; Making data available; R

University profile page Susana Valdez

Marijn van 't Veer

Position: Teacher

Department/unit: LUCL

Email: b.m.van.t.veer@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Personal webpage Marijn van 't Veer

Jin Wang

Position: PhD-student

Department/unit: LUCL

Email: j.wang.46@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science, R-studio

Shaoyu Wang

Position: PhD student

Department/unit: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics

Email: s.wang@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Science

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open Science; Preregistration

Yanan Wang

Position: PhD-Student

Department/unit: LUCL

Email: y.wang.10@hum.leidenuniv.nl

University profile page Yanan Wang

Position: PhD student

Email: y.f.wang@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: preregistration

You can contact me for: confirmatory studies

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: preprints

University profile page Yufang Wang

Position: Assistant professor


Email: j.witteman@hum.leidenuniv.nl

University profile page Juriaan Witteman

Ruixue Wu

Position: PhD-Student

Department/unit: LUCL

Email: r.x.wu@hum.leidenuniv.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preregistration

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