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Medicine / LUMC

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Marian Beekman

Position: Senior researcher

Department/unit: Biomedical Data Sciences - Molecular Epidemiology

Email: m.beekman@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: data sharing, data repositories, data management plan, data stewardship, open access publications, pre-print publication, data access committee (BBMRI-Metabolomics consortium)

You can contact me for: information on data repositories, data access procedures, and related issues on data sharing.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Data Catalogues; Findability; Interoperability; Data Documentation

Comments: I am involved in the national BBMRI-Omics initiative, where data on the genome, transcriptome and metabolome level have been generated in Dutch human cohort studies. These data (https://omics-explorer.bbmri.nl/ ) is accessible for researchers with a research proposal that is approved by the data access committee (https://www.bbmri.nl/)

University profile page Marian Beekman 

Esther Fousert

Position:  PhD-student

Department:  Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery

Email:  e.fousert@lumc.nl

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords:  Open science in qualitative research.

Paul Gobée

Position: Teacher

Department: Anatomie and Embryologie

Email: o.p.gobee@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open Educational Resources. I am the initiator and lead of AnatomyTOOL.org, a platform for collecting and publishing anatomical open educational resources. It is a joint effort of LUMC and UM, with collaboration and support of all depts. of anatomy of Universities in the Netherlands and Flanders and is under auspices of a special working group of the Dutch Association of Anatomists (Nederlandse Anatomen Vereniging). It is built and data are collected with grants from the Min. of Education. Also, in my LTA project, I intend to develop OER and promote the possibilities for teachers/staff to develop and use OER.

You can contact me for: Finding, using, creating, publishing Open Educational Resources, especially anatomical OER Creative Commons licenses.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: All developments at UL regarding OER. 

Comments: LTA project page

University profile page Paul Gobée

Jelle Goeman

Position: Full professor

Department/unit: Biomedical Data Sciences

Email: j.j.goeman@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Statistics

You can contact me for: Use and abuse of statistical methods

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Alternative forms of scientific publication

University profile page Jelle Goeman


Marcel Haas

Position: Assistant professor  

Department/Unit: Public Heealth & Eerstelijns gezondheidsszorg

Email: m.r.haas@lumc.nl 

I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Open science, open source software, preprints, open/fair data.

You can contact me for: Open source software and tooling for it.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: preregistration, Open Science  

University profile page Marcel Haas

Corné Haasjes

Position: PhD-student

Department/Unit: Ophthalmology, Radiology, Radiotherapy

Email: c.haasjes@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Open source software

Hendrik Helmerhorst

Position: Postdoc

Department/unit: Intensive Care Medicine / Anesthesiology

Email: H.J.F.Helmerhorst@lumc.nl

Position: Researcher

Department/unit: Cell and Chemical Biology

Email: l.kervezee@lumc.nl

University profile page Laura Kervezee

Laura Kervezee
Armel Lefebvre

Position: Researcher  

Department/Unit: Population Health Management

Email: a.e.j.l.lefebvre@lumc.nl 

I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Research data management; data stewardship. 

You can contact me for: All questions about research data management, data management planning, technology for managing data. Also, conducting research on research data management is quite interesting, so any research to discover how to facilitate research data management better in and out academia is something I can be involved with.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Funding for open science projects.

I am a researcher at the LUMC, where I investigate open science principles and practices. My main interest is how research data can be managed and shared effectively, and how software and data from experiments can be reproduced and verified. Currently, I am applying my research to population health management, but I also enjoy learning from other domains that face similar challenges.

University profile page Armel Lefebvre

Judith Mannien

Position: Coordinator medical research data management

Department/unit:  Biomedical Data Sciences

Email: j.mannien@lumc.nl 

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: open science; FAIR; metadata; repository; catalogue; data management

You can contact me for:  any question related to data management or data stewardship (my experience is mainly regarding medical clinical research)

Comments: I also coordinate the LUMC Research Support Desk (rsd.lumc.nl) where researchers can ask any question regarding (medical) research

University profile page Judith Mannien

Position: PhD-student 

Department/Unit: PHEG

Email:  n.martens@lumc.nl


Position: Support staff

Department/unit: Directorate of Research Policy (DR)

Email: s.meeuwsen@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: open access publishing and Taverne, data stewardship and Citizen Science.

You can contact me for: You can contact me if you want to know more about open science and the activities within the LUMC. As open science coordinator I make an overview of activities within the LUMC and I connect people.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science in general and how to realize it as well as open access publishing, FAIR data and citizen/patient involvement.

Comments: I am involved in the LUMC project: implementation data steward guidelines and in the establishment of a LUMC data competence center (DCC) to professionalize data stewardship. I am part of the Leiden Open Science workgroup: https://www.bibliotheek.universiteitleiden.nl/onderzoekers/open-science/open-science-programma

Linda Nab

Position: PhD-student

Department/unit:  Clinical Epidemiology

Email: l.nab@lumc.nl 

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preprints; Open Code

You can contact me for:  Preprints; Open Code

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords:  Open Science 

University profile page Linda Nab

Position: Postdoc

Department/Unit:  Radiology/ C.J. Gorter MRI Center

Email:  m.a.nagtegaal@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Github, open MRI, Outreach.



Position: Senior advisor/data stewardship expert

Department/unit: Directorate of Research Policy

Email: p.overveld@lumc.nl

You can contact me for: data stewardship questions

Marie-José van Hoof

Position: Child and adolescent psychiatrist

Department/unit: Curium-LUMC child and adolescent psychiatry

Email: HoofM@imindu.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: little experience, two Open Access publications, question how to get funding

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: open science, preregistration preprints, funding

LinkdIn profiel Marie-José van Hoof

Magnus Palmblad

Position: Associate professor

Department/unit: Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics

Email: n.m.palmblad@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Preprints; Sharing data and methods; Bibliometrics; Standards; Community building

University profile page Magnus Palmblad

Position: Librarian

Department/unit: Walaeus Library - LUMC

Email: c.f.pees@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: Open access, Open Educational Resources, Copyright/Creative Commons, Altmetrics, database searching

You can contact me for: Open access, Open Educational Resources, Copyright/Creative Commons, Altmetrics, database searching

University profile page Claudia Pees

Position:  Reseach Manager

Department:  Pediatrics

Email:  v.rodriguez_lopez@lumc.nl

Etienne Saliez

Position: Retired, assistent in Internal Medicine, Wetenschapelijk hoofd medewerker in the first Leiden Hospital Information System "HISCOM"

Department/Unit: Previously Internal medicine and informatics

Email: etienne@saliez.be 

I have experience in these Open Schience related topics: Problem Oriented Medical Record; Hospital Information System; Telemedicine; Open Source; Graph database; Linux.

You can contact me for: Advice about medical informatics.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: decision support; medical knowledge representation; event based programming.

Position: PhD-student

Department/Unit:  Biomedical data sciences

Email:  m.sulaiman@lumc.nl


Position: Assistant professor

Department/unit: Clinical epidemiology

Email: b.siegerink@lumc.nl 

Personal webpage Bob Siegerink

Abe van der Slot

Position:  PhD-student

Department:  Psychiatry

Email:  a.j.c.van_der_slot@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics:  Open Science, preprint

Niek van Ulzen

Position: FAIR data steward

Department/unit: Biomedical Data Sciences

Email: n.r.van_ulzen@lumc.nl

I have experience in these Open Science related topics: FAIR data, preregistration

You can contact me for: FAIR data in practice

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science beyond FAIR data and open access

M.B. van 't Veer

Position: Clinical haematologist

Department/unit: Radiotherapy

Email: mb.vantveer@lumc.nl

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science

Google Scholar page M.B. van 't Veer

Position: Chair animal welfare body Leiden

Department/unit: AWB Leiden

Email: p.s.verhave@lumc.nl

You can contact me for: Transparency, experimental design, reporting, protocol registration and compliance in pre-clinical and animal science.

I would like to learn more about these Open Science related keywords: Open science, preregistration in pre-clinical and animal science

University profile page Nelleke Verhave

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