Michael Richardson
Hoogleraar Evolutionaire ontwikkelingszoölogie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M.K. Richardson
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5215
- m.k.richardson@biology.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-1222-8101

Voor meer informatie, zie de Engelse versie.
Bing Xie
Muzaffar Khan
Floris Luchtenburg
Yuvendran Muniandy
Muhammad Ibrahim
Daniëlle Vlecken
Jacobus Cornelis van Rijssel
Farooq Ahmad
Mary Kishe-Machumu
Freek Jacobus Vonk
Shaukat Ali
Inês João dos Santos Marques
Faiza Sharif
Ashley Pearcy
Hendrik Müller
Arjan Peter Palstra
Richard van Heeswijk
Hendrik Rutjes
Hoogleraar Evolutionaire ontwikkelingszoölogie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Animal Sciences
- Wang M., Chen S., Cheng S., Nederstigt T.A.P., Poelmann R.E., DeRuiter M.C., Lamers G.E.M., Willemse J.J., Mascitelli C., Vijver M.G. & Richardson M.K. (2024), The biodistribution of polystyrene nanoparticles administered intravenously in the chicken embryo, Environment International 188: 108723.
- Wang M., Rücklin M., Poelmann R.E., Mooij C.L. de, Fokkema M., Lamers G.E.M., Bakker M.A.G. de, Chin E., Bakos L.J., Marone F., Wisse B.J., Ruiter M.C. de, Cheng S., Nurhidayat L., Vijver M.G. & Richardson M.K. (2023), Nanoplastics causes extensive congenital malformations during embryonic development by passively targeting neural crest cells, Environment International 173: 107865.
- Xie B., Dashevsky D., Rokyta D., Ghezellou P., Fathinia B., Shi Q., Richardson M.K. & Fry B.G. (2022), Dynamic genetic differentiation drives the widespread structural and functional convergent evolution of snake venom proteinaceous toxins, BMC Biology 20: 4.
- Thiel J. van, Khan M.A., Wouters R.M., Harris R.J., Casewell N.R., Fry B.G., Kini R.M., Mackessy S.P., Vonk F.J., Wuster W. & Richardson M.K. (2022), Convergent evolution of toxin resistance in animals, Biological Reviews 97(5): 1823-1843.
- Richardson M.K. (2022), Theories, laws, and models in evo-devo, Journal of Experimental Zoology 338(1-2): 36-61.
- Richardson M.K. & Keuck G. (2022), The revolutionary developmental biology of Wilhelm His, Sr, Biological Reviews 97(3): 1131-1160.
- Yi W., Mueller T., Rücklin M. & Richardson M.K. (2022), Developmental neuroanatomy of the rosy bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): a microCT study, Journal of Comparative Neurology 530(12): 2132-2153.
- Bakker M.A.G. de, Vos W. van der, Jager K. de, Chung W.Y., Fowler D.A., Dondorp E., Spiekman S.N., Chew K.Y., Xie B., Jiménez R., Bickelmann C., Kuratani S., Blazek R., Kondrashov P., Renfree M.B. & Richardson M.K. (2021), Selection on phalanx development in the evolution of the bird wing, Molecular Biology and Evolution 38(10): 4222-4237.
- Davis R., Luchtenburg F., Richardson M.K., Schaaf M.J.M., Tudorache C. & Slabbekoorn H.W. (2021), The importance of individual variation for the interpretation of behavioural studies: ethanol effects vary with basal activity level in zebrafish larvae, Psychopharmacology 238: 3155-3166.
- Yi W., Rucklin M., Poelman R.E., Aldridge D.C. & Richardson M.K. (2021), Normal stages of embryonic development of a brood parasite, the rosy bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus (Teleostei: Cypriniformes), Journal of Morphology 282(6): 783-819.
- Vonk F.J., Bittenbinder M.A., Kerkkamp H.M.I.J., Grashof D.G.B., Archer J.P., Afonso S., Richardson M.K., Kool J. & Meijden A. van der (2021), A non-lethal method for studying scorpion venom gland transcriptomes, with a review of potentially suitable taxa to which it can be applied, PLoS ONE 16(11): e0258712.
- Kazandjian T.D., Petras D., Robinson S.D., Thiel J.A.M. van, Greene H.W., Arbuckle K., Barlow A., Carter D.A., Wouters R.M., Whiteley G., Wagstaff S.C., Arias A.S., Albulescu L.-O., Plettenberg Laing A., Hall C., Heap A., Pnerhyn-Lowe S., McCabe C.V., Ainsworth S., Silva R.R. da, Dorrestein P.C., Richardson M.K., Gutiérrez J.M., Calvete J.J., Harrison R.A., Vetter I., Undheim E.A.B., Wüster W. & Casewell N.R. (2021), Convergent evolution of pain-inducing defensive venom components in spitting cobras, Science 371(6527): 386-390.
- Puschhof J., Post Y., Beumer J., Kerkkamp H.M., Bittenbinder M., Vonk F.J., Casewell N.R., Richardson M.K. & Clevers H. (2021), Derivation of snake venom gland organoids for in vitro venom production, Nature Protocols 16(3): 1494-1510.
- Gower D.J., Fleming J.F., Pisani D., Vonk F., Kerkkamp H.M.I.J., Peichl L., Meimann S., Casewell N.R., Henkel C.V., Richardson M.K., Sander K.L. & Simões B.F. (2021), Eye-transcriptome and genome-wide sequencing for Scolecophidia: implications for inferring the visual system of the ancestral snake, Genome Biology and Evolution 13(12): evab253.
- Poelmann R.E., Gittenberger-de Groot A.C., Goerdajal C., Grewal N., Bakker M.A.G. de & Richardson M.K. (2021), Ventricular septation and outflow tract development in crocodilians result in two aortas with bicuspid semilunar valves, Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 8(10): 132.
- Lem T. van der, Bakker M. de, Keuck G. & Richardson M.K. (2021), Wilhelm His Senior und dieentwicklung der paraffineinbettung, Der Pathaloge 42(4): 424-430.
- Ibrahim M., Xie B. & Richardson M.K. (2020), The growth of endothelial-like cells in zebrafish embryoid body culture, Experimental Cell Research 392(2): 112032.
- Post Y., Puschhof J., Beumer J., Kerkkamp H.M., Bakker M.A.G. de, Slagboom J., Barbanson B. de, Wevers N.R., Spijkers X.M., Olivier T., Kazandjian T.D., Ainsworth S., Iglesias C.L., Wetering W.J. van de Heinz M.C., Ineveld R.L. van, Kleef R.G.D.M. van, Begthel H., Korving J., Bar-Ephraim Y.E., Getreuer W., Rios A.C., Westerink R.H.S., Snippert H.J.G., Oudenaarden A. van, Peters P.J., Vonk F.J., Kool J., Richardson M.K., Casewell N.R. & Clevers H. (2020), Snake venom gland organoids, Cell 180(2): 233-247.
- Khan M.A., Dashevsky D., Kerkkamp H.M.I.J., Kordis D., Bakker M.A.G. de, Wouters R., Thiel J. van, Brouw B. op den, Vonk F.J., Kini R.M., Nazir J., Fry B.G. & Richardson M.K. (2020), Widespread evolution of molecular resistance to snake venom alpha-neurotoxins in vertebrates, Toxins 12(10): 638.
- Khan M.A., Kerkkamp H.M.I.J., Bakker M.A.G. de, Fry B.G. & Richardson M.K. (2020), Molecular adaptation and resistance, to the Α-neurotoxin of elapid snakes, in squamata, aves and fishes, Toxicon: An Interdisciplinary Journal on the Toxins Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms 177(Supplement 1): S37-S38.
- Luchtenburg F.J., Schaaf M.J.M. & Richardson M.K. (2019), Functional characterization of the cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 in zebrafish larvae using behavioral analysis, Psychopharmacology 236(7): 2049-2058.
- Grashof D.G.B., Kerkkamp H.M.I., Afonso S., Archer J., Harris D.J., Richardson M.K., Vonk F.J. & Meijden A. van der (2019), Transcriptome annotation and characterization of novel toxins in six scorpion species, BMC Genomics 20(1): 645.
- Xie B., Yu H., Kerkkamp H.M.I.J., Wang M., Richardson M.K. & Shi Q. (2019), Comparative transcriptome analyses of venom glands from three scorpionfishes, Genomics 111(3): 231-241.
- Mladic M., Slagboom J., Kool J., Vonk F.J., Wezel G.P. van & Richardson M.K. (2018), Detection and identification of antibacterial proteins in snake venoms using at-line nanofractionation coupled to LC-MS, Toxicon: An Interdisciplinary Journal on the Toxins Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms 155: 66-74.
- Poelmann R.E., Gittenberger‑de Groot A.C., Biermans M.W.M., Dolfing A.I., Jagessar A., Hattum S. van, Hoogenboom A., Wisse L.J., Vicente-Steijn R., Bakker M.A.G. de, Vonk F.J, Hirasawa T., Kurutani S & Richardson M.K. (2017), Outflow tract septation and the aortic arch system in reptiles: lessons for understanding the mammalian heart, EvoDevo 8: 9.
- Casewell N.R., Visser J.C., Baumann K., Dobson J., Han H., Kuruppu S., Morgan M., Romilio A., Weisbecker V., Ali Syed A., Debono J., Koludarov I., Que I., Bird G.C., Cooke G.M., Nouwens A., Hodgson W.C., Wagstaff S.C., Cheney K.L., Vetter I., Weerd L. van der, Richardson M.K. & Fry B.G. (2017), The Evolution of Fangs, Venom, and Mimicry Systems in Blenny Fishes, Current Biology 27(8): 1184-1191.
- Ibrahim M. & Richardson M.K. (2017), Beyond organoids: in vitro vasculogenesis and angiogenesis using cells from mammals and zebrafish, Reproductive Toxicology 73: 292-311.
- Ibrahim M. & Richardson M.K. (2017), In vitro development of zebrafish vascular networks, Reproductive Toxicology 70: 102-115.
- Hua J., Vijver M.G., Chen G., Richardson M.K. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2016), Dose metrics assessment for differently shaped and size metal-based nanoparticles, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35(10): 2466-2473.
- McGlothlin J.W., Kobiela M.E., Feldman C.R., Castoe T.A., Geffeney S.L., Hanifin C.T., Toledo G., Vonk F.J., Richardson M.K., Brodie E.D., Pfrender M.E. & Brodie E.D. (2016), Historical Contingency in a Multigene Family Facilitates Adaptive Evolution of Toxin Resistance, Current Biology 26(12): 1616-1621.
- Aalders J., Ali S., Jong T.J. de & Richardson M.K. (2016), Assessing Teratogenicity from the Clustering of Abnormal Phenotypes in Individual Zebrafish Larvae, Zebrafish 13(6): 511-522.
- Akhtar M.T., Mushtaq M.Y., Verpoorte R., Richardson M.K. & Choi Y.H. (2016), Zebrafish as a model for systems medicine R&D: rethinking the metabolic effects of carrier solvents and culture buffers determined by (1)H NMR metabolomics, OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 20(1): 42-52.
- Akhtar M.T., Mushtaq M.Y., Verpoorte R., Richardson M.K. & Choi Y.H. (2016), Metabolic effects of cannabinoids in zebrafisch (Danio Rerio) embryos determined by 1HNMR metabolomics, Metabolomics 12(3): 44.
- Kerkkamp H.M.I.J., Manjunatha Kini R., Pospelov A.S., Vonk F.J., Henkel C.V. & Richardson M.K. (2016), Snake Genome Sequencing: Results and Future Prospects, Toxins 8(12): 360.
- Soldt B.J. van, Metscher B.D., Poelmann R.E., Vervust B.L.C., Vonk F.J., Mueller G.B. & Richardson M.K. (2015), Heterochrony and Early Left-Right Asymmetry in the Development of the Cardiorespiratory System of Snakes, PLoS ONE 10(1): e116416.
- Cho S.W., Rijssel J.C. van, Witte F., Bakker M.A.G. de & Richardson M.K. (2015), The sonic hedgehog signaling pathway and the development of pharyngeal arch Derivatives in Haplochromis piceatus, a Lake Victoria cichlid, Journal of Oral Biosciences 57(3): 148-156.
- Bickelmann C., Jimenez R., Richardson M.K. & Sanchez-Villagra M.R. (2014), Humerus development in moles (Talpidae, Mammalia), Acta Zoologica 95(3): 283-289.
- Rudin-Bitterli T.S., Tills O., Spicer J.I., Culverhouse P.F., Wielhouwer E.M., Richardson M.K. & Rundle S.D. (2014), Combining Motion Analysis and Microfluidics - A Novel Approach for Detecting Whole-Animal Responses to Test Substances, PLoS ONE 9(12): e113235.
- Poelmann R.E., Gittenberger-De Groot A.C., Vicente-Steijn R., Wisse L.J., Bartelings M.M., Everts S., Hoppenbrouwers T., Kruithof B.P.T., Jensen B., Bruin P.W. de, Hirasawa T., Kuratani S., Vonk F., Van de Put J.M.M.S., Bakker M.A. & Richardson M.K. (2014), Evolution and Development of Ventricular Septation in the Amniote Heart, PLoS ONE 9(9): e106569.
- Hua J., Vijver M.G., Ahmad F., Richardson M.K. & Peijenburg W.J.G.M. (2014), Toxicity of different-sized copper nano- and submicron particles and their shed copper ions to zebrafish embryos, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(8): 1774–1782.
- Sharif F., Bakker M.A.G. de & Richardson M.K. (2014), Osteoclast-like Cells in Early Zebrafish Embryos, Cell Journal 16(2): 211-224.
- Ali S., Aalders J. & Richardson M.K. (2014), Teratological effects of a panel of sixty water-soluble toxicants on zebrafish development , Zebrafish 11(2): 129-141.
- Hua J., Vijver M.G., Richardson M.K., Ahmad F. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2014), Particle-specific toxic effects of differently shaped zinc oxide nanoparticles to zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio), Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(12): 2859-2868.
- Bakker M.A.G. de, Fowler D.A., Oude K. den, Dondorp E.M., Garrido Navas M.C., Horbanczuk J.O., Sire J.-Y., Szczerbinska D. & Richardson M.K. (2013), Digit loss in archosaur evolution and the interplay between selection and constraints, Nature 500(7463): 445-448.
- Castoe T.A., Koning A.P.J. de, Hall K.T., Card D.C., Schield D.R., Fujita M.K., Ruggiero R.P., Degner J.F., Daza J.M., Gu W., Reyes-Velasco J., Shaney K.J., Castoe J.M., Fox S.E., Poole A.W., Polanco D., Dobry J., Vandewege M.W., Li Q., Schott R.K., Kapusta A., Minx P., Feschotte C., Uetz P., Ray D.A., Hoffmann F.G., Bogden R., Smith E.N., Chang B.S.W., Vonk F.J., Casewell N.R., Henkel C.V., Richardson M.K., Mackessy S.P., Bronikowsi A.M., Yandell M., Warren W.C., Secor S.M. & Pollock D.D. (2013), The Burmese python genome reveals the molecular basis for extreme adaptation in snakes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(51): 20645-20650.
- Akhtar M.T., Ali S., Rashidi H., Kooy F. van der, Verpoorte R. & Richardson M.K. (2013), Developmental Effects of Cannabinoids on Zebrafish Larvae, Zebrafish 10(3): 283-293.
- Vonk F.J., Casewell N.R., Henkel C.V., Heimberg A.M., Jansen H.J., McCleary R.J.R., Kerkkamp H.M.E., Vos R.A., Guerreiro I., Calvete J.J., Wüster W., Woods A.E., Logan J.M., Harrison R.A., Castoe T.A., Koning J.A.P. de, Pollock D.D., Yandell M., Calderon D., Renjifa C., Currier R.B., Salgado D., Pla D., Sanz L., Hyder A.S., Ribeiro J.M.C., Arntzen J.W., Thillart G.E.E.J.M. van den, Boetzer M., Pirovana W., Dirks R.P., Spaink H.P., Duboule D., McGlinn E., Kini R.M. & Richardson M.K. (2013), The king cobra genome reveals dynamic gene evolution and adaptation in the snake venom system, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(51): 20651-20656.
- Heus F., Vonk F.J., Otvos R.A., Bruyneel B., Smit A.B., Lingeman H., Richardson M.K., Niessen W.M. & Kool J. (2012), An efficient analytical platform for on-line microfluidic profiling of neuroactive snake venoms towards nicotinic receptor affinity, Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology : .
- Ali S., Champagne D.L. & Richardson M.K. (2012), Behavioral profiling of zebrafish embryos exposed to a panel of 60 water-soluble compounds, Behavioural Brain Research 228: 272-283.
- Richardson M.K. (2012), A phylotypic stage for all animals?, 22: 903-904.
- Bickelmann C., Mitgutsch C., Richardson M.K., Jimenez R., De Bakker M.A. & Sanchez-Villagra M.R. (2012), Transcriptional heterochrony in talpid mole autopods, EvoDevo 3(16): .
- Ahmad F. & Richardson M.K. (2012), Exploratory behaviour in the open field test adapted for larval zebrafish: Impact of environmental complexity, Behavioural Processes 92: 88-98.
- Richardson M.K. (2012), Manus horribilis: the chicken wing skeleton. In: Asher R.J. & Müller J. (red.), From Clone to Bone - The Synergy of Morphological and Molecular Tools in Palaeobiology.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Mitgutsch C., Richardson M.K., Bakker M.A.G.J.R. de, Ezequiel Martín J. & Kondrashov P.S.V.M.R. (2012), A molecular–morphological study of a peculiar limb morphology: the development and evolution of the mole's 'thumb'. In: Asher R.J. & Müller J. (red.), From Clone to Bone - The Synergy of Morphological and Molecular Tools in Palaeobiology.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Vrouwe E.X., Wielhouwer E.M., Oonk J., Olde Riekerink M.B. & Richardson M.K. (15 juni 2010), Biological microfluidics chip and related methods (octrooi nr. US2012164679). Aangevraagd op 15 juni 2010. [octrooi].
- Schnorr S.J., Steenbergen P.J., Richardson M.K. & Champagne D.L. (2012), Measuring thigmotaxis in larval zebrafish, Behavioural Brain Research 228(2): 367-374.
- Akhtar M.T., Ali S., Verpoorte R. & Richardson M.K. (2012), Behavioral effects of cannabinoids on zebrafish larvae, Planta Medica 78(11): 1100-1100.
- Casewell N.R., Wüster W., Wagstaff S.C., Renjifo C., Richardson M.K., Vonk F.J. & Harrison R.A. (2012), 49. The origin and evolution of metalloproteinases in the venom of snakes, Toxicon: An Interdisciplinary Journal on the Toxins Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms 60(2): 119.
- Ahmad F., Noldus L.P.J.J., Tegelenbosch R.A.J. & Richardson M.K. (2012), Zebrafish embryos and larvae in behavioural assays, Behaviour 149(10-12): 1241-1281.
- Steenbergen P.J., Richardson M.K. & Champagne D.L. (2011), The use of the zebrafish model in stress research, Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol & Biological Psychiatry 35(6): 1432-1451.
- Ali S., Mil H.G.J. van & Richardson M.K. (2011), Large-scale assessment of the zebrafish embryo as a possible predictive model in toxicity testing, PLoS ONE 6(6): e21076.
- Ali S., Alia A., Champagne D.L. & Richardson M.K. (2011), Large-scale analysis of acute ethanol exposure in zebrafish development: a critical time window and resilience, PLoS ONE 6(5): e20037.
- Schnorr S.J., Steenbergen P.J., Richardson M.K. & Champagne D.L. (2011), Assessment of thigmotaxis in larval zebrafish. In: Kalueff A. & Stewart A. (red.), Zebrafish Protocols for Neurobehavioral Research. Neuromethods nr. 66. New York: Humana Press. 37-51.
- Steenbergen P.J., Metz J.R., Flik G., Richardson M.K. & Champagne D.L. (2011), Methods to quantify basal and stress-induced cortisol response in larval zebrafish. In: Kalueff A. & Stewart A. (red.), Zebrafish Protocols for Neurobehavioral Research. Neuromethods nr. 66. New York: Humana Press. 121-141.
- Steenbergen P.J., Richardson M.K. & Champagne D.L. (2011), The light-dark preference test for larval zebrafish. In: Kalueff A.V. & Stewart A. (red.), Zebrafish Protocols for Neurobehavioral Research (Neuromethods). New York: Humana Press.
- Mitgutsch C., Richardson M.K., Jimenez R., Martin J.E., Kondrashov P., Bakker M.A.G. & Sanchez-Villagra M.R. (2011), Circumventing the polydactyly 'constraint': the mole's 'thumb', Biology Letters 8(1): 74-77.
- Vrieze E. de, Sharif F., Metz J.R., Flik G. & Richardson M.K. (2011), Matrix metalloproteinases in osteoclasts of ontogenetic and regenerating zebrafish scales, Bone 48: 704-712.
- Steenbergen P.J., Richardson M.K. & Champagne D.L. (2011), Patterns of avoidance behaviours in the light/dark preference test in young juvenile zebrafish: a pharmacological study, Behavioural Brain Research 222: 15-25.
- Ali S., Champagne D.L., Spaink H.P. & Richardson M.K. (2011), Zebrafish embryos and larvae: a new generation of disease models and drug screens, Birth Defects Research 93(2): 115-133.
- Wielhouwer E.M., Ali S., Al-Afandi A., Blom M.T., Olde Riekerink M.B., poelma C., Westerweel J., Oonk J., Vrouwe E.X., Buesink W., vanMil H.G.J., Chicken J., Oever R. van't & Richardson M.K. (2011), Zebrafish embryo development in a microfluidic flow-through system, Lab on a Chip 11: 1815-1824.
- Bathoorn R., Welten M., Richardson M.K., Siebes A. & Verbeek F.J. (2010), Frequent episode mining to support pattern analysis in developmental biology. Dijkstra T.M.H., Tsivtsivadze E., Marchiori E. & Heskes T. (red.), 5th IAPR conference on pattern recognition in bioinformatics (PRIB 2010). IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics PRIB 2010 22 september 2010 - 24 september 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. 253-263.
- Richardson M.K., Admiraal J.F. & Wright G.M. (2010), Developmental anatomy of lampreys, Biological Reviews 85(1): 1-33.
- Bertens L.M.F., Richardson M.K. & Verbeek F.J. (2010), Analysis of cardiac development in the turtle Emys orbicularis (Testudines: Emidydae) using 3-D computer modeling from histological sections, The Anatomical Record 293(7): 1101-1114.
- Champagne D.L., Hoefnagels C.C., Kloet R.E. de & Richardson M.K. (2010), Translating rodent behavioral repertoire to zebrafish (Danio rerio): relevance for stress research, Behav.Brain Res. 214(2): 332-342.
- Woltering J.M., Vonk F.J., Müller H., Bardine N., Tuduce I.L., De Bakker M.A., Knöchel W., Sirbu I.O., Durston A.J. & Richardson M.K. (2009), Axial patterning in snakes and caecilians: evidence for an alternative interpretation of the Hox code, Dev. Biol. 332: 82-89.
- Jong I.M.L. de, Witte F. & Richardson M.K. (2009), Developmental stages until hatching of the Lake Victoria cichlid Haplochromis piceatus (Teleostei: Cichlidae), Journal of Morphology 270(5): 519-535.
- Richardson & M.K. (2009), Diffusible gradients are out : an interview with Lewis Wolpert, The International Journal of Developmental Biology 53(5-6): 659-662.
- Richardson M.K., Gobes S.M.H., Leeuwen A.C. van, Polman J.A.E., Pieau C. & Sánchez-Villagra M.R. (2009), Heterochrony in limb evolution: developmental mechanisms and natural selection, Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution 312B(6): 639-664.
- Richardson & M.K. (2009), Molecular tools, classic questions: an interview with Clifford Tabin, The International Journal of Developmental Biology 53(5-6): 725-731.
- Chuong C.M. & Richardson M.K. (2009), Pattern formation today, The International Journal of Developmental Biology 53(5-6): 653-658.
- Jong I.M.L. de, Colbert M.W., Witte F. & Richardson M.K. (2009), Polymorphism in developmental timing: intraspecific heterochrony in a Lake Victoria cichlid, Evolution and Development 11(6): 625-635.
- Blackburn D.G. & Richardson M.K. (2009), Preface to the symposium “trends in the evolution of amniote embryos”. 8th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology 16 juli 2007 - 21 juli 2007. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution nr. 312B: Wiley-Liss. 525.
- Richardson M.K. & Chuong C.M. (2009), Regeneration and pattern formation: an interview with Susan Bryant, The International Journal of Developmental Biology 53(5-6): 827-833.
- Richardson & M.K. (2009), The Hox Complex : an interview with Denis Duboule, The International Journal of Developmental Biology 53(5-6): 717-723.
- Brittijn S.A., Duivesteijn S.J., Belmamoune M., Bertens L.M.F., Bitter W., Bruijn J.D. de, Champagne D.L., Cuppen E., Flik G., Broucke-Grauls C.M. van den, Janssen R., Jong I.E.M. de, Kloet E.R. de, Kros A., Meijer A., Metz J.R., Sar A.M. van der, Schaaf M.J., Schulte-Merker S., Spaink H.P., Tak P.P., Verbeek F.J., Vervoordeldonk M.J., Vonk F., Witte F., Yuan H. & Richardson M.K. (2009), Zebrafish development and regeneration: new tools for biomedical research, The International Journal of Developmental Biology 53(5-6): 835-850.
- Woltering J.M., Vonk F.J., Müller H., Bardine N., Bakker M.A.G., Durston A.J. & Richardson M.K. (2009), Molecular regionalisation of the snake and caecilian body plan, Developmental Biology 332(1): 82-89.
- Schaaf M.J.M., Champagne D., Laanen I.H. van, Wijk D.C. van, Meijer A.H., Meijer O.C., Spaink H.P. & Richardson M.K. (2008), Discovery of a functional glucocorticoid receptor {beta}-isoform in zebrafish, Endocrinology 149(4): 1591-1599.
- Vonk F.J., Admiraal J.F., Jackson K., Reshef R., Bakker M.A.G., Vanderschoot K., Berge I. van den, Atten M. van, Burgerhout E., Beck A., Mirtschin P.J., Kochva E., Witte F., Fry G., Woods A. & Richardson M.K. (2008), Evolutionary Origin and Development of Snake Fangs, Nature 454: 630-633.
- Chuong C.M. & Richardson M.K. (2008), Pattern formation, International Journal of Developmental Biology : .
- Vonk F.J. & Richardson M.K. (2008), The Serpent Clock Ticks Faster (News and Views), : .
- Richardson M.K., Crooijmans R.P.M.A. & Groenen M.A.M. (2007), Sequencing and Genomic Annotation of the Chicken (Gallus gallus) Hox Clusters, and Mapping of Evolutionarily Conserved Regions, Cytogenetic and Genomic Research 117(1-4): 110-119.
- Bininda-Emonds O.R.P., Jeffery J., Sánchez-Villagra M.R., Hanken J., Colbert M., Pieau C., Selwood L., ten Cate C., Raynaud A., Osabutey C.K. & Richardson M.K. (2007), Forelimb-hindlimb developmental timing changes across tetrapod phylogeny, BMC Evolutionary Biology 7: 182.
- Meer D.L. van der, Thillart G.E.E.J.M. van den, Witte F., Bakker M.A., Besser J., Richardson M.K., Spaink H.P., Leito J.T. & Bagowski C.P. (2005), Gene expression profiling of the long-term adaptive response to hypoxia in the gills of adult zebrafish, American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 289(5): R1512-R1519.
- Jeffery J.E., Bininda-Emonds O.R.P., Coates M.I. & Richardson M.K. (2005), A New Technique for Identifying Sequence Heterochrony, Systems Biology 54: 230-240.
- Fry B.G., Vidal N., Norman J.A., Vonk F.J., Scheib H., Ramjan S.F., Kuruppu S., Fung K., Hedges S.B., Richardson M.K., Hodgson W.C., Ignjatovic V., Summerhayes R. & Kochva E. (2005), Early evolution of the venom system in lizards and snakes, 439: 584-588.
- Corredor-Adamez M., Welten H.P., Spaink H.P., Jeffery J.E., Schoon R.T., Bakker M.A.G., Bagowski C.P., Meijer A.H., Verbeek F.J. & Richardson M.K. (2005), Genomic annotation and transcriptome analysis of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) hox complex with description of a novel member, Evolution and Development 7(5): 362-375.
- Welten M.C.M., Verbeek F.J., Meijer A.H. & Richardson M.K. (2005), Gene expression and digit homology in the chicken embryo wing, Evolution and Development 7(1): 18-28.
- Richardson M.K., Jeffery J.E. & Tabin C.J. (2004), Proximodistal patterning of the limb: insights from evolutionary morphology, Evol. Development 6: 1-5.
- Bininda-Edmonds O.R.P., Jeffery J.E. & Richardson M.K. (2004), Is sequence heterochrony an important evolutionary mechanism in mammals?, J. Mammalian Evolution 10: 335-361.
- Richardson M.K. & Brakefield P.M. (2003), Developmental hotspots for evolution?, 424: 894-895.
- Richardson M.K. & Wright G.M. (2003), Developmental transformations in a normal series of embryros of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus (Linnaeus), Journal of Morphology 257: 348-363.
- Webb S., Qayyum -, Anderson R.H., Lamers W. & Richardson M.K. (2003), Septation and separation within the outflow tract of the developing heart, Journal of Anatomy 202: 327-342.
- Richardson M.K. & Brakefield P.M. (2003), Hotspots for Evolution, 424: 894-895.
- Richardson M.K. & Chipman A.D. (2003), Developmental constraints in a comparative framework: a test case using variations in phalanx number during amniote evolution, Journal of Experimental Zoology 296: 8-22.
- Richardson M.K. (2003), A naturalist's evo-devo. Review of the development of animal form by A. Minelli, Nature Genetics 34: 351.
- Richardson M.K. & Verbeek F.J. (2003), New directions in comparative embryology and the nature of developmental characters, Animal Biology 53(3): 303-311.
- Jeffery J.E., Richardson M.K., Coates M.I. & Bininda-Emonds O.R.P. (2002), Analyzing developmental sequences within a phylogenetic framework, Systems Biology 51: 478-491.
- Wilkinson M., Richardson M.K., Gower D.J. & Oommen O.V. (2002), Extended embryo retention, caecilian oviparity and amniote origins, Journal of Natural History 36: 2185-2198.
- Richardson M.K. (2002), Editorial: Haeckel and modern biology, Theory Bioscience 121: 247-251.
- Richardson M.K. & Oelschläger H.A. (2002), Time, pattern and heterochrony: a study of hyperphalangy in the dolphin embryo flipper, Evolution and Development 4: 435-444.
- Jeffery J.E., Bininda-Emonds O.R.P., Coates M.I. & Richardson M.K. (2002), Analysing evolutionary patterns in vertebrate embryonic development, Evolution and Development 4: 292-302.
- Jeffery J.E., Bininda-Emonds O.R.P., Coates M.I. & Richardson M.K. (2002), New methods for determining heterochronic change, Integrative & Comparative Biology 42: 1250-1251.
- Bininda-Emonds O.R.P., Jeffery J., Coates M.I. & Richardson M.K. (2002), From Haeckel to event-pairing: the evolution of developmental sequences, Theory Bioscience 121: 297-320.
- Richardson M.K. & Keuck G. (2002), Haeckel's ABC of evolution and development, Biol. Revs. 77: 495-528.
- Bininda-Emonds O.R.P., Jeffery J. & Richardson M.K. (2002), Inverting the hourglass: quantitative evidence against the phylotypic stage in vertebrate development, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B: Biological sciences 270: 341-346.
- Richardson M.K. & Keuck G. (2001), A question of intent: when is a 'schematic' illustration a fraud?, Nature 410(6825): 144.
- Richardson M.K., Jeffery J.E., Coates M.I. & Bininda-Emonds O.R.P. (2001), Comparative methods in developmental biology, Zoology 104(3-4): 278-283.
- Shakil T., Richardson M.K., Waldron E., Condé G., Wood S., Bland Y., Reynolds G., Murray P.G. & Nelson P.N. (2001), Generation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the neural crest, Hybridoma 20(3): 199-203.
- Hanken J., Carl T.F., Richardson M.K., Olsson L., Schlosser G., Osabutey C.K. & Klymkowsky M.W. (2001), Limb development in a “nonmodel” vertebrate, the direct‐developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui, Journal of Experimental Zoology 291(4): 375-388.
- Qayyum S.R., Webb S., Anderson R.H., Verbeek F.J., Brown N.A. & Richardson M.K. (2001), Septation and valvar formation in the outflow tract of the embryonic chick heart, The Anatomical Record 264(3): 273-283.
- Spinoff VenBio set up by my Chinese Scholarship AIO William Xie to interface with the BGI Beijing.
- Writing Popular Science Book
- In Ovo is a 2011 spinoff by ex-stagiaire in Richardson Group Wouter Bruins