Marie Soressi
Hoogleraar Hominin Diversity Archaeology
- Naam
- Prof.dr. M.A. Soressi
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5355
- 0000-0003-1733-7745
Marie Soressi is Hoogleraar Hominin Diversity archaeology en hoofd van de onderzoekseenheid Human Origins van de Faculteit der Archeologie
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Hoogleraar Hominin Diversity Archaeology
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Human Origins
- Chu W., Doboș A. & Soressi M.A. (2024), Interactions in bones but not stone: anomalous cultural transmission gaps in Romania's Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition, Quaternary Science Reviews 329: 108546.
- Djakovic I., Roussel M.B. & Soressi M.A. (2024), Stone tools in shifting sands: past, present, and future perspectives on the Châtelperronian stone tool industry, Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 7: 29.
- Essel E., Zavala E.I., Schulz-Kornas E., Kozlikin M.B., Fewlass H., Vernot B., Shunkov M.V., Derevianko A.P., Douka K., Barnes I., Soulier M.C., Schmidt A., Szymanski M., Tsanova T., Sirakov N., Endarova E., McPherron S.P., Hublin J.J., Kelso J., Paabo S., Hajdinjak M., Soressi M.A. & Meyer M. (2023), Ancient human DNA recovered from a Palaeolithic pendant, Nature 618: 328-332.
- Soressi M.A. & Hajdinjak M. (2023), Ancient woman’s DNA recovered from a 20,000-year-old pendant: an innovative method was used to obtain a woman’s rich DNA record from a 20,000-year-old pendant found in Siberia, providing the first direct genetic evidence for the identity of an individual who handled an object in the deep past. Nature nr. 618. [briefing paper].
- Sinet-Mathiot V., Rendu W., Steele T.E., Spasov R., Madelaine S., Renou S., Soulier M.C., Martisius N.L., Aldeias V., Endarova E., Goldberg P., McPherron S.J.P., Rezek Z, Sandgathe D., Sirakov N., Sirakova S., Soressi M.A., Tsanova T., Turq A., Hublin J.J., Welker F. & Smith G.M. (2023), Identifying the unidentified fauna enhances insights into hominin subsistence strategies during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 15: 139.
- Dekker J., Larson T., Tzvetkov J., Harvey V.L., Dowle A., Hagan R., Genever P., Schrader S.A., Soressi M.A. & Hendy J. (2023), Spatial analysis of the ancient proteome of archeological teeth using mass spectrometry imaging, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 37(8): e9486.
- Baca M., Popović D., Agadzhanyan A.K., Baca K., Conard N.J., Fewlass H., Filek T., Golubiński M., Horáček I., Knul M.V., Krajcarz M., Krokhaleva M., Lebreton L., Lemanik A., Maul L.C., Nagel D., Noiret P., Primault J., Rekovets L., Rhodes S.E., Royer A., Serdyuk N.V., Soressi M.A., Stewart J.R., Strukova T., Talamo S., Wilczyński J. & Nadachowski A. (2023), Ancient DNA of narrow-headed vole reveal common features of the Late Pleistocene population dynamics in cold-adapted small mammals, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290(1993): 20222238.
- Djakovic I., Key A. & Soressi M. (2022), Optimal linear estimation models predict 1400-2900 years of overlap between Homo sapiens and Neandertals prior to their disappearance from France and northern Spain, Scientific Reports 12(1): .
- Dekker J., Sinet-Mathiot V., Spithoven M., Smit B., Wilcke A., Welker F., Verpoorte A. & Soressi M. (2021), Human and cervid osseous materials used for barbed point manufacture in Mesolithic Doggerland, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35: 102678.
- Archer W., Djakovic I., Brenet M., Bourguignon L., Presnyakova D., Schlager S., Soressi M.A. & McPherron S.P. (2021), Quantifying differences in hominin flaking technologies with 3D shape analysis, Journal of Human Evolution 150: 102912.
- Hussain S.T. & Soressi M.A. (2021), The technological condition of human evolution: Lithic studies as basic science, Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 4: 25.
- Alpaslan-Roodenberg S., Anthony D., Babiker H., Banffy E., Booth T., Capone P., Deshpande-Mukherjee A., Eisenmann S., Fehren-Schmitz L., Frachetti M., Fujita R., Frieman C.J., Fu Q.M., Gibbon V., Haak W., Hajdinjak M., Hofmann K.P., Holguin B., Inomata T., Kanzawa-Kiriyama H., Keegan W., Kelso J., Krause J., Kumaresan G., Kusimba C., Kusimba S., Lalueza-Fox C., Llamas B., MacEachern S., Mallick S., Matsumura H., Morales-Arce A.Y., Matuzeviciute G.M., Mushrif-Tripathy V., Nakatsuka N., Nores R., Ogola C., Okumura M., Patterson N., Pinhasi R., Prasad S.P.R., Prendergast M.E., Punzo J.L., Reich D., Sawafuji R., Sawchuk E., Schiffels S., Sedig J., Shnaider S., Sirak K., Skoglund P., Slon V., Snow M., Soressi M.A., Spriggs M., Stockhammer P.W., Szecsenyi-Nagy A., Thangaraj K., Tiesler V., Tobler R., Wang C.C., Warinner C., Yasawardene S. & Zahir M. (2021), Ethics of DNA research on human remains: five globally applicable guidelines, Nature 599: 41–46.
- Alpaslan-Roodenberg S., Anthony D., Babiker H., Banffy E., Booth T., Capone P., Deshpande-Mukherjee A., Eisenmann S., Fehren-Schmitz L., Frachetti M., Fujita R., Frieman C.J., Fu Q.M., Gibbon V., Haak W., Hajdinjak M., Hofmann K.P., Holguin B., Inomata T., Kanzawa-Kiriyama H., Keegan W.., Kelso J., Krause J., Kumaresan G., Kusimba C., Kusimba S., Lalueza-Fox C., Llamas B., MacEachern S., Mallick S., Matsumura H., Morales-Arce A.Y., Matuzeviciute G.M., Mushrif-Tripathy V., Nakatsuka N., Nores R., Ogola C., Okumura M., Patterson N., Pinhasi R., Prasad S.P.R., Prendergast M.E., Punzo J.L., Reich D., Sawafuji R., Sawchuk E., Schiffels S., Sedig J., Shnaider S., Sirak K., Skoglund P., Slon V., Snow M., Soressi M., Spriggs M., Stockhammer P.W., Szecsenyi-Nagy A., Thangaraj K., Tiesler V., Tobler R., Wang C.C., Warinner C., Yasawardene S. & Zahir M. (2021), Éthique de la recherche d’ADN sur les vestiges humains: cinq lignes directrices applicables à l'échelle globale. [Ethics of DNA research on human remains: five globally applicable guidelines] (vertaling Llamas B., Slon V. & Soressi M.A.), Nature 599: .
- Hussain S.T. & Soressi M.A. (2021), Old stones, new eyes? Charting future directions in lithic analysis, Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology : .
- Dekker J., Amkreutz L.W.S.W., Spithoven M., Smit B.I. & Soressi M.A. (2021), Op jacht met de voorouders?: Pijlpunten van mensenbot uit de Noordzee, Archeologie in Nederland 5(1): 46-49.
- Hussain S.T. & Soressi M.A. (2021), The technological condition of human evolution: Lithic studies as basic science, Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 4: 25.
- Martisius N., Welker F., Dogandžić T., Grote M., Rendu W., Sinet-Mathiot V., Wilcke A., McPherron S., Soressi M. & Steele T. (2020), Non-destructive ZooMS identification reveals strategic bone tool raw material selection by Neandertals, Scientific Reports 10: 7746.
- Bourgeois Q., Fontijn D., Louwen A.J., Jansen R., Kuijpers M., Amkreutz L. & Soressi M. (29 juni 2020), Prehistorie was niet zo wit als in de canon. De Volkskrant, Opinie en Debat: 24.
- Martisius N.L., McPherron S.P., Schulz-Kornas E., Soressi M. & Steele T.E. (2020), A method for the taphonomic assessment of bone tools using 3D surface texture analysis of bone microtopography, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12: .
- Dilena M.A. & Soressi M. (2020), Reconstructive archaeology: in situ visualisation of previously excavated finds and features through an ongoing mixed reality process, Applied Sciences 10(21): 7803.
- Jaouen K., Richards M.P., Le Cabec A., Welker F., Rendu W., Hublin J.-J., Soressi M. & Talamo S. (2019), Exceptionally high delta N-15 values in collagen single amino acids confirm Neandertals as high-trophic level carnivores, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(11): 4928-4933.
- Rendu W., Renou S., Soulier M.-C., Rigaud S., Roussel M. & Soressi M. (2019), Subsistence strategy changes during the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition reveals specific adaptations of Human Populations to their environment, Scientific Reports 9(1): 15817.
- Porter S.T., Roussel M. & Soressi M. (2019), A Comparison of Châtelperronian and Protoaurignacian Core Technology Using Data Derived from 3D Models, Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 2(1): 41-55.
- Sorensen A.C., Claud E. & Soressi M.A. (2018), Neandertal fire-making technology inferred from microwear analysis, Scientific Reports 8(1): 10065.
- Hajdinjak M., Fu Q., Hübner A., Petr M., Mafessoni F., Grote S., Skoglund P., Narasimham V., Rougier H., Crevecoeur I., Semal P., Soressi M.A., Talamo S., Hublin J.J., Gušić I., Rudan P., Kućan Ž., Doronichev V.B., Golovanova L.V., Krause J., Posth C., Nagel S., Korlević P., Slatkin M., Nickel B., Reich D., Patterson N., Meyer M., Prüfer K., Kelso J. & Pääbo S. (2018), Reconstructing the genetic history of late Neanderthals, Nature 555: 652-656.
- Francozo M. & Soressi M.A. (2018), Experiencing Ancient Human Diversity: Néandertal at the Musée de l'Homme, Paris, Curator: The Museum Journal 61(4): 601-607.
- Deschamps A., Liard M., Chamaux G., Musch J., Guéret C., Hamon C. & Soressi M.A. (2018), Des Mésolithiques d’ici et d’ailleurs à Auneau «l’Hermitage» (Eure-et-Loir) : questionnement sur la mise en place et la fossilisation du gisement. In: Cupillard C., Griselin S. & Séara F. (red.), Au coeur des sites mésolithiques: entre processus taphonomiques et données archéologiques. Actes de la table-ronde internationale de Besançon (Doubs, France).. Annales Littéraires nr. 983. Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. 97-112.
- Kozowyk P.R.B., Soressi M., Pomstra D. & Langejans G.H.J. (2017), Experimental methods for the Palaeolithic dry distillation of birch bark: implications for the origin and development of Neandertal adhesive technology, Scientific Reports 7: 8033.
- Slon V., Hopfe C., Weiss C.L, Mafessoni F., Rasilla M. de la, Lalueza-Fox C., Rosas A., Soressi M.A., Knul M.V, Miller R., Stewart J.R., Derevianko A.P., Jacobs Z., Li B., Roberts R.G., Shunkov M.V., Lumley H. de, Perrenoud C., Gusic I., Kucan Z., Rudan P., Aximu-Petri A., Essel E., Nagel A., Nickel B., Schmidt A., Prüfer K., Kelso J., Burbano H., Pääbo S. & Meyer M. (2017), Neandertal and Denisovan DNA from Pleistocene sediments, Science 356(6338): 605-608.
- Heyes P., Anastasakis K., Jong W. de, Hoesel A. van, Roebroeks W. & Soressi M. (2016), Selection and Use of Manganese Dioxide by Neanderthals, Scientific Reports 6: 22153.
- Roebroeks W. & Soressi M.A. (2016), Neandertals Revised, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(23): 6372-6379.
- Porter S., Roussel M.B. & Soressi M.A. (2016), A Simple Photogrammetry Rig for the Reliable Creation of 3D Artifact Models in the Field. Lithic Examples from the Early Upper Paleolithic Sequence of Les Cottés (France), Advances in Archaeological Practice 4(1): 71-86.
- Roussel M., Soressi M. & Hublin J.-J. (2016), The Châtelperronian conundrum: Blade and bladelet lithic technologies from Quinçay, France, Journal of Human Evolution 95: 13-32.
- Jacobs Z., Jankowski N.R., Dibble H.L., Goldberg P., McPherron S., Sandgathe D. & Soressi M. (2016), The age of three Middle Palaeolithic sites: Single-grain optically stimulated luminescence chronologies for Pech de l’Azé I, II and IV in France, Journal of Human Evolution 95: 80-103.
- Soressi M. (2016), Archaeology: Neanderthals built underground, Nature 534(7605): 43-44.
- Falcucci A., Peresani M., Roussel M., Normand C. & Soressi M. (2016), What’s the point? Retouched bladelets variability during the Protoaurignacian. Results from Fumane, Isturitz and Les Cottés, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences : .
- Welker F., Soressi M.A., Roussel M.B., Riemsdijk I. van, Hublin J.A. & Collins M.J. (2016), Variations in glutamine deamidation for a Châtelperronian bone assemblage as measured by peptide mass fingerprinting of collagen, Science and Technology of Archaeological Research 3(1): 15-27.
- Welker F., Soressi M.A., Rendu W., Hublin J.J. & Collins M. (2015), ZooMS analysis of two Châtelperronian faunal assemblages. In: Welker F., Soressi M.A., Rendu W., Hublin J.J. & Collins M. (red.), PESHE. Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution 4 nr. 4 234.
- Locht J.L., Coutard S., Soressi M., Kieffer D., Koehler H. & Debenham N. (2015), Angé (Loir-et-Cher) : un site moustérien à influences multiples. In: Depaepe P., Goval E., Koehler H. & Locht J.L. (red.), Les plaines du Nord-Ouest : carrefour de l’Europe au Paléolithique moyen ? nr. 59: Société préhistorique française.
- Jacobs Z., Li B., Jankowski N. & Soressi M.A. (2015), Testing of a single grain OSL chronology across the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition at Les Cottés (France), Journal of Archaeological Science 54: 110-122.
- Welker F., Soressi M.A., Rendu W., Hublin J.J. & Collins M. (2015), Using ZooMS to identify fragmentary bone from the late Middle/Early Upper Palaeolithic sequence of Les Cottes, France, Journal of Archaeological Science 54: 279-286.
- Lowe J.J., Bronk Ramsey C., Housley R.A., Lane C.S., Tomlinson E.L., RESET Team, RESET Associates & Soressi M. (2015), The RESET project: constructing a European tephra lattice for refined synchronisation of environmental and archaeological events during the last c. 100 ka, Quaternary Science Reviews 118: 1-17.
- Porter S.T., Roussel M. & Soressi M. (2015), Three-dimensional digital models of lithic cores from the archaeological site of Les Cottés (France). [dataset].
- Rigaud S., Roussel M., Rendu W., Primault J., Renou S., Hublin J.-J. & Soressi M. (2014), Les pratiques ornementales à l'Aurignacien ancien dans le Centre-Ouest de la France : l'apport des fouilles récentes aux Cottés (Vienne), Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 111(1): 21-40.
- Roussel M. & Soressi M. (2014), Le Châtelperronien. In: Otte M. (red.), Néandertal / Cro Magnon. La Rencontre.: Errance. 31-59.
- Soressi M. & Roussel M. (2014), European Middle to Upper Palaeolithic Transitional Industries: Châtelperronian. In: Smith Cl. (red.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology: Springer.
- Roussel M. & Soressi M.A. (2014), The Chatelperronian: an updated review. In: , PESHE. Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution 3 nr. 3 145.
- Turq A., Bourguignon L., Faivre J.P., Gravina B., Discamps E., Soressi M.A. & Jaubert J. (2014), Les techno-complexes lithiques du Paléolithique moyen récent (MIS5-3) du nord-est aquitain : état de la question. XVII World UISPP Congress 2014 1 september 2014 - 7 september 2014 941.
- Soressi M.A., Marie Soressi (@MarieSoressi) | Twitter. [blog].
- Soressi M.A. (2014) Review of 'Neandertal lithic industries at la Quina’. Bespreking van: Jelinek A.J. (2013), Neandertal lithic industries at la Quina. Tuscon, Arizona: University of Arizona Press. Antiquity 88(339): 313-315.
- Richter D., Hublin J.A., Jaubert J., McPherron S., Soressi M. & Texier J.-P. (2013), Thermoluminescence dates for the Middle Palaeolithic site of Chez-Pinaud Jonzac (France), Journal of Archaeological Science 40(2): 1176-1185.
- Soressi M.A., McPherron S., Lenoir M., Dogandžić T., Goldberg P., Jacobs Z., Maigrot Y., Martisius N.L., Miller C.E., Rendu W., Richards M., Skinner M., Steele T., Talamo S. & Texier J.P. (2013), Neandertals made the first specialized bone tools in Europe, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(35): 14186-14190.
- Frouin M., Ploquin F., Soressi M.A., Rendu W., Macchiarelli R., El Albani A. & Meunier A. (2013), Clay minerals of late Pleistocene sites (Jonzac and Les Cottés, SW France): applications of X-ray Diffraction analyses to local paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions, Quaternary International 302: 184-198.
- Roussel M.B. & Soressi M.A. (2013), Une nouvelle séquence du Paléolithique supérieur ancien aux marges sud-ouest du Bassin parisien: les Cottés dans la Vienne. In: Bodu P., Chehmana L., Klaric L., Mevel L., Soriano S. & Teyssandier N. (red.), Le Paléolithique supérieur ancien de l’Europe du Nord-ouest: réflexions et synthèses à partir d’un projet collectif de recherches sur le Paléolithique supérieur ancien du Bassin parisien, Journées SPF, Sens, 15-18 avril 2009 nr. 56. Paris: Mémoire de la Société préhistorique française. 283-298.
- McPherron S., Soressi M.A., Lenoir M., Dogandžić T., Goldberg P., Jacobs Z., Maigrot Y., Martisius N., Miller C.E., Rendu W., Richards M.P., Skinner M.M., Steele T.E., Talamo S. & Texier J.P. (2013), New Data on the Context of the Middle Paleolithic Bone Tools from Abri Peyrony and Pech-de-l’Azé I (France), PESHE 2 (Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution 2). ESHE (Vienna) nr. 3. Leipzig, Germany: Max Planck Institute. 152.
- McPherron S.P., Soressi M., Lenoir M., Dogandžić T., Goldberg P., Jacobs Z., Maigrot Y., Martisius N.L., Miller C.E., Rendu W., Richards M., Skinner M., Steele T., Talamo S. & Texier J.P. (2013), New Data on the Context of the Middle Paleolithic Bone Tools from Abri Peyrony and Pech-de-l’Azé I (France), PESHE. : PESHE.
- Soressi M.A., PNAS - Neandertals made the first specialized bone tools in Europe | Twitter. PNAS. [blog].
- Niven L., Steele T., Rendu W., Mallye J.B., McPherron S., Soressi M., Jaubert J. & Hublin J.J. (2012), Neandertal mobility and large-game hunting: The exploitation of reindeer during the Quina Mousterian at Chez-Pinaud Jonzac (Charente-Maritime, France), Journal of Human Evolution 63(4): 624-635.
- Van Doorn N., Wilson J., Hollund H., Soressi M. & Collins M.J. (2012), Site-specific deamidation of glutamine: a new marker of bone collagen deterioration, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 26(19): 2319-2327.
- Roussel M.B., Bourguignon L. & Soressi M. (2011), Las “bolas” o “boules de caliza” musterienses: ¿percutores?, el ejemplo del fasonado de las raederas bifaciales de Quina de Chez-Pinaud (Jonzac, Francia). In: Morgado-Rodríguez A., Baena-Preysler J. & Garcia-Gonzalez D. (red.), La Investigación Experimental Aplicada a la Arqueología. Granada: Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada. 69-76.
- Britton K., Grimes V., Niven L., Steele T.E., McPherron S., Soressi M.A., Kelly T.E., Jaubert J., Hublin J.A. & Richards M.P. (2011), Strontium isotope evidence for migration in late Pleistocene Rangifer: implications for Neanderthal hunting strategies at the Middle Palaeolithic site of Jonzac, France, Journal of Human Evolution 61(2): 176-85.
- Roussel M., Bourguignon L. & Soressi M. (2009), Des blocs de calcaire utilisés comme percuteurs dès le Moustérien ? L'exemple de Jonzac (Charente-Maritime). In: Dumas C., Roussel B. & Texier J.-P. (red.), Langage de pierre. La restitution du geste en archéologie préhistorique. Les Baux de Provence: Musée des Baux de Provence. 11-13.
- Richards M.P., Taylor G., Steele T., McPherron S.P., Soressi M., Jaubert J., Orschiedt J., Mallye J.B., Rendu W. & Hublin J.J. (2008), Isotopic dietary analysis of a Neanderthal and associated fauna from the site of Jonzac (Charente-Maritime), France, Journal of Human Evolution 55(1): 179-85.
- Soressi M., Jones H.L., Rink W.J., Maureille B. & Tillier A.M. (2007), The Pech-de-l'Azé I Neandertal child: ESR, uranium-series, and AMS 14C dating of its MTA type B context, Journal of Human Evolution 52(4): 455-66.
- Soressi M. & Dibble H.L. (red.) (2003), Multiple approaches to the study of bifacial technologies. University Museum Monograph nr. 115. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.