Jeroen Wolbers
Onderwijsdirecteur/Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. J.J. Wolbers
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0003-3296-4130
Jeroen Wolbers is Assistant Professor of Crisis Governance bij het Institute for Security and Global Affairs, Universiteit Leiden. Hij is verbonden aan het Crisis Research Center (CRC), welke is opgericht in 1989, waarmee het een van de oudste crisisonderzoekscentra in Europa is. Zijn expertise ligt in organiseren onder druk, waarbij hij gespecialiseerd is in coördinatie, betekenisgeving en besluitvorming, met speciale focus op crisismanagement. Zijn werk is gepubliceerd in vooraanstaande organisatiewetenschappelijke en crisismanagement tijdschriften. In zijn promotieonderzoek onderzocht Jeroen coördinatieprocessen tussen politie, brandweer en ambulancediensten bij verschillende rampen. Zijn proefschrift is geselecteerd tot de wereldwijde top 3 van beste proefschriften in de organisatiewetenschap met de Grigor McClelland Award 2017, en hij won de dissertatieprijs van de VU Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen. Eerder was Jeroen postdoctoraal onderzoeker op het NWO-project ‘Smart Disaster Governance’ bij de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Hij deed daar veldwerk in de nasleep van de aardbevingen in Nepal in 2015, de vluchtelingencrisis in Europa, en meerdere rampenoefeningen in Nederland.
Onderwijsdirecteur/Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Wolbers J.J. (2024), Unified command? Preliminary findings from a situation awareness experiment. Proceedings of the 21st ISCRAM Conference 25 april 2025 - 29 mei 2024.
- Luesink M., Wolbers J.J., Duin M. van & Kuipers S. (2024), Scenario planning to enable foresight in crisis management. Berthold Penkert, Bernd Hellingrath, Adam Widera, Hauke Speth, Michael Middelhoff, Kees Boersma & Matthias Kalthöner (red.). Proceedings of the 21st ISCRAM Conference 25 april 2025 - 29 mei 2024.
- Luesink M.B.A., Wolbers J.J., Duin M. van & Kuipers S.L. (2024), Scenario planning to enable foresight in crisis management . Proceedings of the 21st ISCRAM Conference 25 april 2025 - 29 mei 2024.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Wolbers J.J. (2024), The politics of crisis management in the Netherlands. In: De Lange S., Louwerse T. 't Hart P. & Van Ham C. (red.), The Oxford handbook of Dutch politics: Oxford University Press. 590-606.
- Kuipers S, Perlstein S., Wolbers J. & Jong W. (2023), Assist or accuse?: Identifying trends in crisis communication through a bibliometric literature review, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 14(4): 272-296.
- Wolbers J & Kuipers S. (2023), A renewed awareness: reinvigorating preparedness research for crisis and disaster management, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 14(3): 184-187.
- van der Varst L., Broeders S., Boersma F.K. & Wolbers J. (2023), Het Rode Kruis in toekomstige crises. Arnhem: Nederlands Instituut Publieke Veiligheid .
- Wolbers J., Treurniet W. & Boersma F.K. (2023), A Decade of Netcentric Crisis Management: Challenges and Future Development. In: Scholl H.J., Holdeman E.E. & Boersma F.K. (red.), Disaster Management and Information Technology: Professional Response and Recovery Management in the Age of Disasters: Springer Link.
- Kuipers S.L., Wilt A.M. van der & Wolbers J.J. (2022), Pandemic Publishing: a bibliometric review of COVID‐19 research in the crisis and disaster literature, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy : .
- Kuipers S & Wolbers J (2021), Organizational and institutional crisis management. In: , Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics .
- Wolbers J.J. (2021), Understanding distributed sensemaking in crisis management: the case of the Utrecht terrorist attack, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management : 1-11.
- Boersma F.K. & Wolbers J.J. (2021), Foundations of responsive crisis management: institutional design and information, Politics : 1-25.
- Boersma F.K., Ferguson J., Groenewegen P. & Wolbers J.J. (2021), The dynamics of power in disaster response networks, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy : 1-16.
- Wolbers J. (2021), Understanding distributed sensemaking in crisis management: The case of the Utrecht terrorist attack, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management : 1-11.
- Wolbers J.J., Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2021), A systematic review of 20 years of crisis and disaster research: trends and progress, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy : 1-19.
- Wolbers J.J., Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2021), A systematic review of 20 years of crisis and disaster research: trends and progress, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 12(4): 1-19.
- Treurniet W. & Wolbers J. (2020), Codifying a crisis: progressing from information sharing to distributed decision‐making, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 29(1): 23-35.
- Wolbers J.J. (2020), Crisismanagement na de tramaanslag in Utrecht, Cahiers Politiestudies 57(4): 127-160.
- Pauw E. de, Defré D. & Wolbers J. (red.) (2020), Politie in Crisissituaties. Cahiers Politiestudies. Oud-Turnhout: Gompel&Svacina.
- Wolbers J. (2020), In sturing blijven in dynamische operaties: Het deficit van ‘command & control’?, Cahiers Politiestudies 57(4): 161-168.
- Wolbers J. (2019), To the edge and beyond: How fast-response organizations adapt in rapidly changing crisis situations [When duty calls: confronting fragmentation in crisis management] (vertaling Schakel J.K. & Wolbers J.), Human Relations : 1-32.
- Boersma K., Ferguson J., Groenewegen P., Mulder F., Schmidt A.J. & Wolbers J. (2019), Platform Governance of Self-Organized Initiatives in Response to Disasters. In: Koppejan J., Karre P.M. & Terrier K. (red.), Smart Hybridity. Potentials and Challenges of New Governance Arrangements. The Hague: Eleven International Publishers. 31-42.
- Wolbers J.J. & Boersma F.K. (2019), Key Challenges in Crisis Management. In: Gephart R., Miller C. & Helgesson K. (red.), The Routledge Companion to Risk, Crisis and Emergency Management: Routledge.
- Boersma F.K., Diks D., Ferguson J. & Wolbers J. (2019), From reactive to proactive use of social media in emergency response: A critical discussion of the Twitcident Project. In: Silvius G. (red.), Emergency and Disaster Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 236-252.
- Wolbers J.J., Boersma F.K. & Groenewegen P. (2018), Introducing a fragmentation perspective on coordination in crisis management, Organization Studies 39(11): 1521-1546.
- Schmidt A., Wolbers J., Ferguson J. & Boersma K. (2018), Are you Ready2Help? Conceptualizing the management of online and onsite volunteer convergence, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 26(3): 338-349.
- Boersma F.K., Ferguson J., Groenewegen P., Mulder F., Schmidt A. & Wolbers J. (2018), Platformsturing van zelforganisatie tijdens rampen, Bestuurskunde 27(2): 14-21.
- Boersma F.K., Comfort L.K., Groenendaal J. & Wolbers J.J. (2014), Incident command systems: A dynamic tension among goals, rules and practice, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 22(1): 1-4.
- Wolbers J.J. & Boersma F.K. (2013), The common operational picture as collective sensemaking, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 21(4): 186-199.
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