Giles Scott-Smith
Decaan LUC/Hoogleraar Transnational Relations and New Diplomatic History
- Naam
- Prof.dr. G.P. Scott-Smith
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9503
- 0000-0002-9089-7194

Giles Scott Smith is Dean van Leiden University College The Hague.
Meer informatie over Giles Scott-Smith
Decaan LUC/Hoogleraar Transnational Relations and New Diplomatic History
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
- Scott-Smith G.P. (10 juni 2016), How powerful is the Bilderberg Group?. voor Inside Story (Al Jazeera). [interview].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (12 juli 2016), De Amerikaanse Ambassade in Den Haag. (Radio West). [interview].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (22 oktober 2016), Het land dat Obama achterlaat. voor Het Parool. [interview].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (7 november 2016), The Election and Transatlantic Relations [US Election Night, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, November 7, 2016]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (26 oktober 2016), US Foreign Policy and the 2016 Presidential Elections [Prometheus Student Society, Leiden University, October 26, 2016]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (26 mei 2016), Actors and Drivers of US Foreign Policy [NASA Lecture Series, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, May 26, 2016]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (17 maart 2016), Comparing the Foreign Policy Intentions of the Four Main Candidates [US Elections Night, SIB Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam (UvA), March 17, 2016]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (28 januari 2015), Coalition for Defence [New Year’s Reception, KIVI, The Hague, January 28, 2015]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (8 april 2015), End of the Transatlantic Era? [JASON, Haagse Hogeschool, The Hague, April 8, 2015]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (20 oktober 2013), Biskoppens hemmelige fortid. Geïnterviewd door Seidelin M. voor Jyllands-Posten. [interview].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (24 april 2013), The United States and the Arctic [Seminar Jong Atlantici seminar ‘Security in the Arctic’, April 24, 2013]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (26 november 2012), Interdoc: Een Geheim Netwerk in de Koude Oorlog. voor NTR (NPO Radio 4). [interview].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2012), Het Amerikaanse buitenlands beleid sinds 1945 [ICLON, Leiden University, October 2012]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2012), US Counter-Terrorism Policies since 9/11 [Studentvereniging Franciscus Gomarus, Leiden University, May 2012]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G.P. (2012), Transatlantische betrekkingen vanuit historisch perspectief [Symposium 'De Crisis Voorbij? Transatlantische betrekkingen sinds Obama', Jonge Atlantici (Atlantische Commissie), Universiteit van Amsterdam, April 2012]. [lezing].
- Scott-Smith G. (5 oktober 2009). Ghosts in the Machine? Ernst van der Beugel, the Transatlantic Elite, and the ‘New’ Diplomatic History. Leiden. [oratie].