Frans Snik
Universitair docent
- Naam
- F. Snik
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 8431
- 0000-0003-1946-7009

Frans Snik werkt aan diverse astronomische instrument projecten bij de Sterrewacht Leiden. Zijn onderzoeksinteresses liggen binnen astronomische polarimetrie, (exo)planetaire atmosfeer karakterisering en zonne en stellaire magnetische velden.
Meer informatie over Frans Snik
Universitair docent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht NOVA
- Stockmans T.A., Scheinowitz N.M.A., Linden E. van der, Malysheva I., Strelow K.N., Smit M. & Snik F (2024), Sub-percent characterization and polarimetric performance analysis of commercial micropolarizer array detectors. Chenault D.B., Kupinski M.K. & Ratliff B.M. (red.), Proc. SPIE 13050, Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing XVI, 1305001 . SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, 2024 21 april 2024 - 26 april 2024 nr. 13050: SPIE. 1305005.
- Liu D., Förster Schreiber N.M., Harrington K.C., Lee L.L., Kamieneski P.S., Davies R.I., Lutz D., Renzini A., Wuyts S., Tacconi L.J., Genzel R., Burkert A., Herrera-Camus R., Alcalde Pampliega B., Vishwas A., Kaasinen M., Wang Q.D., Jiménez-Andrade E.F., Lowenthal J., Foo N., Frye B.L., Shangguan J., Cao Y., Agapito G., Agudo Berbel A., Barfety C., Baruffolo A., Berman D., Black M., Bonaglia M., Briguglio R., Carbonaro L., Chapman L., Chen J., Cikota A., Concas A., Cooper O., Cresci G., Dallilar Y., Deysenroth M., Di Antonio I., Di Cianno A., Di Rico G., Doelman D.S., Dolci M., Eisenhauer F., Espejo J., Esposito S., Fantinel D., Ferruzzi D., Feuchtgruber H., Gao X., Garcia Diaz C., Gillessen S., Grani P., Hartl M., Henry D., Huber H., Jolly J.-B., Keller C.U., Kenworthy M.A., Kravchenko K., Lee M.M., Lightfoot J., Lunney D., Macintosh M., Mannucci F., Ott T., Pascale M., Pastras S., Pearson D., Puglisi A., Pulsoni C., Rabien S., Rau C., Riccardi A., Salasnich B., Shimizu T., Snik F., Sturm E., Taylor W., Valentini A., Waring C., Wiezorrek E., Xompero M. & Yun M.S. (2024), Detailed study of a rare hyperluminous rotating disk in an Einstein ring 10 billion years ago, Nature Astronomy 8: 1181-1194.
- Langford C.J., Doelman D.S., Betters C.H., Charles M., Crous F., Desdoigts L.C., Hirai T., Ishiguro T., Luk C., Nishie Y., Snik F. & Tuthill P.G. (2024), Manufacturing a novel diffractive pupil for the astrometric detection of exoplanets. {Navarro} R {Jedamzik} R (red.), Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation VI. Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation VI 16 juni 2024 - 22 juni 2024. Proceedings of SPIE nr. 13100 131001R.
- Exley E., Sallum S., Benac P., Doelman D., Fitzgerald M., Liu M.C., Lyke J., Snik F., Tuthill P., Wardenier J. & Wizinowich P. (2024), On-sky tests of an upgraded holographic mask in the OSIRIS imager. {Kammerer} J {Sallum} S {Sanchez-Bermudez} J (red.), Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging IX. Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging IX 16 juni 2024 - 22 juni 2024. Proceedings of SPIE nr. 13095 130952U.
- Anche R.M., Milani K., Doelman D., Hom J., Millar-Blanchaer M.A., Wolff S., Douglas E., Snik F. & Ashcraft J.N. (2024), High-contrast polarimetric observations of debris disks through the Roman Coronagraph Instrument. {Coyle} LE {Matsuura} S {Perrin} MD (red.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 16 juni 2024 - 22 juni 2024. Proceedings of SPIE nr. 13092 1309257.
- Laginja I., Doelman D., Snik F., Baudoz P., Bettonvil F., Rietjens J.H.H., Dijk C.N. van, Peeters K., Eigenraam A., Pougheon E., Wielen T. van der, Esposito M., Wijnen T., Krasteva M. & Taccola M. (2024), Prototyping liquid-crystal coronagraphs for exo-Earth imaging. {Coyle} LE {Matsuura} S {Perrin} MD (red.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 16 juni 2024 - 22 juni 2024. Proceedings of SPIE nr. 13092 1309227.
- Tuthill P., Betters C., Charles M., Crous F., Deagan C., Desdoigts L., Doelman D., George M., Grattan K., Guyon O., Holland T., Klupar P., Langford C., Larkin K., Luk C., Montet B., Nelson J., Pope B., Piroscia G., Snik F., Taras A., Wong A. & Worden S.P. (2024), Getting to know the neighbours: Earth analogues in Alpha Centauri with the TOLIMAN space telescope. {Coyle} LE {Matsuura} S {Perrin} MD (red.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 16 juni 2024 - 22 juni 2024. Proceedings of SPIE nr. 13092 130920C.
- Sutlieff B.J., Birkby J.L., Stone J.M., Derkink A., Backs F., Doelman D.S., Kenworthy M.A., Bohn A.J., Ertel S., Snik F., Woodward C.E., Ilyin I., Skemer A.J., Leisenring J.M., Strassmeier K.G., Wang J., Charbonneau D. & Biller B.A. (2024), Exploring the directly imaged HD 1160 system through spectroscopic characterization and high-cadence variability monitoring, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 531(1): 2168-2189.
- Sutlieff B., Birkby J., Stone J., Doelman D., Kenworthy M., Biller B., Panwar V., Bohn A., Ertel S., Snik F., Woodward C., Skemer A., Leisenring J., Strassmeier K., Backs F., Derkink A. & Charbonneau D. (2024), Mapping exoplanet atmospheres with direct ground-based observations, AASTCS10, Extreme Solar Systems V. AASTC10: Extreme Solar Systems V 16 maart 2024 - 21 maart 2024. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society nr. 56 626.05.
- Ginski C., Garufi A., Benisty M., Tazaki R., Dominik C., Ribas Á., Engler N., Birnstiel T., Chauvin G., Columba G., Facchini S., Goncharov A., Hagelberg J., Henning T., Hogerheijde M.R., Holstein R.G. van, Huang J., Muto T., Pinilla P., Kanagawa K., Kim S., Kurtovic N., Langlois M., Manara C., Milli J., Momose M., Orihara R., Pawellek N., Pinte C., Rab C., Schmidt T.O.B., Snik F., Wahhaj Z., Williams J. & Zurlo A. (2024), The SPHERE view of the Chamaeleon I star-forming region: the full census of planet-forming disks with GTO and DESTINYS programs, Astronomy and Astrophysics 685: A52.
- Vérinaud C., Héritier C.T., Kasper M., Haffert S., Snik F., Doelman D., Carlotti A., Engler B., Le Louarn M., Correia C. & Tallon M. (2024), The Bi-O edge sensor: from theory to practice. Jackson K.J., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (red.), Adaptive Optics Systems IX. Adaptive Optics Systems IX 16 juni 2024 - 22 juni 2024 nr. 13097. Yokohoma, Japan: SPIE Press. 130971V.
- Belikov R., Stark C., Siegler N., Por E., Mennesson B., Redmond S., Chen P., Fogarty K., Guyon O., Juanola-Parramon R., Kasdin J., Krist J., Mawet D., Morgan R., Mejia Prada C., Pueyo L., Ruane G., Sirbu D., Stapelfeldt K., Trauger J., Zimmerman N., Alagao M.A.M., Carlotti A., Chafi J., Doleman D., Gersh-Range J., König L., Leboulleux L., Moody D., Riggs A.J., Serabyn E., Snik F. & Wallace K. (2024), Coronagraph design survey for future exoplanet direct imaging space missions. Coyle L.E. & Matsuura S.: Perrin M.D. (red.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave 16 juni 2024 - 22 juni 2024 nr. 13092. Yokohoma, Japan: SPIE Press. 1309266.
- Schipani P., Covino S., Snik F., Colapietro M., Perrotta F., Savarese S., Bagnulo S., Bellutti P., Capasso G., Cappellaro E., Cappi M., Castignani G., D'Orsi S., Farinato J., Hainaut O., Hutsemekers D., Kuijken K., Magalhaes A.M., Magrin D., Marconi M., Marty L., Patat F., Pian E., Rigamonti F., Ripepi V., Rossettini P., Sanchez R.Z., Smette A., Spanò P., Tomelleri R., Umbriaco G., van Vorstenbosch A. & Verdoes Kleijn G. (2024), VSTPOL: making the VST a large survey telescope for optical polarimetry. Bryant J.L., Motohara K. & Vernet J.R. (red.), Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X 16 juni 2024 - 21 juni 2024 nr. 13096. Yokohoma, Japan: SPIE Press. 130967L.
- Absil O., Kenworthy M., Delacroix C., Orban de Xivry G., König L., Pathak P., Doelman D., Por E., Snik F., van den Born J., Cantalloube F., Carlotti A., Courtney-Barrer B., Forsberg P., Karlsson M., Bertram T., Boekel R. van, Dolkens D., Feldt M., Glauser A.M., Pantin E., Quanz S.P., Bettonvil F. & Brandl B. (2024), METIS high-contrast imaging: from final design to manufacturing and testing. {Bryant} JJ {Motohara} K {Vernet} JR (red.), Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X 16 juni 2024 - 21 juni 2024. Proceedings of SPIE nr. 13096 1309652.
- Doelman D.S., Belaouchi H., Riggs A.J., Mennesson B., Ouellet M., Holstein R.G. van, Rietjens J., Hoevers H. & Snik F. (2023), FALCO simulations of high-contrast polarimetry with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope coronagraph instrument. Ruane G.J. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Optics + Photonics 20 augustus 2023 - 24 januari 2024. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering nr. 12680. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 126800V.
- Desai N., König L., Por E., Juanola-Parramon R., Belikov R., Laginja I., Guyon O., Pueyo L., Fogarty K., Absil O., Altinier L., Baudoz P., Bidot A., Bonse M.J., Bott K., Brandl B.R., Carlotti A., Casewell S.L., Choquet E., Cowan N.B., Doelman D.S., Fowler J., Gebhard T.D., Gutierrez Y., Haffert S.Y., Herscovici-Schiller O., Hours A., Kenworthy M.A., Kleisioti E., Krasteva M., Landman R., Leboulleux L., Mazoyer J., Millar-Blanchaer M.A., Mouillet D., N'Diaye M., Snik F., Dam D.M. van, Gorkom K. van, van Kooten M. & Vaughan S.R. (2023), Integrated photonic-based coronagraphic systems for future space telescopes. Ruane G.J. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) conference series. SPIE Optics + Photonics 20 augustus 2023 - 24 januari 2024. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering nr. 12680. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 126801S.
- Doelman D.S., Ouellet M., Potier A., Ruane G., Gorkom K. van, Haffert S.Y., Douglas E.S. & Snik F. (2023), Laboratory demonstration of the triple-grating vector vortex coronagraph. Ruane G.J. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Optics + Photonics 20 augustus 2023 - 24 januari 2024. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering nr. 12680. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 126802C.
- Vaughan S.R., Gebhard T.D., Bott K., Casewell S.L., Cowan N.B., Doelman D.S., Kenworthy M.A., Mazoyer J., Millar-Blanchaer M.A., Trees V.J.H., Stam D.M., Absil O., Altinier L., Baudoz P., Belikov R., Bidot A., Birkby J.L., Bonse M.J., Brandl B.R., Carlotti A., Choquet E., Dam D. van, Desai N., Fogarty K., Fowler J., Gorkom K. van, Gutierrez Y., Guyon O., Haffert S.Y., Herscovici-Schiller O., Hours A., Juanola-Parramon R., Kleisioti E., König L., van Kooten M., Krasteva M., Laginja I., Landman R., Leboulleux L., Mouillet D., N'Diaye M., Por E.H., Pueyo L. & Snik F. (2023), Chasing rainbows and ocean glints: inner working angle constraints for the Habitable Worlds Observatory, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524(4): 5477-5485.
- Davies R., Absil O., Agapito G., Agudo Berbel A., Baruffolo A., Biliotti V., Black M., Bonaglia M., Bonse M., Briguglio R., Campana P., Cao Y., Carbonaro L., Cortes A., Cresci G., Dallilar Y., Dannert F., De Rosa R.J., Deysenroth M., Di Antonio I., Di Cianno A., Di Rico G., Doelman D.S., Dolci M., Dorn R., Eisenhauer F., Esposito S., Fantinel D., Ferruzzi D., Feuchtgruber H., Finger G., Förster Schreiber N.M., Gao X., Gemperlein H., Genzel R., Gillessen S., Ginski C., Glauser A.M., Glindemann A., Grani P., Hartl M., Hayoz J., Heida M., Henry D., Hofmann R., Huber H., Kasper M., Keller C.U., Kenworthy M.A., Kravchenko K., Kuntschner H., Lacour S., Lightfoot J., Lunney D., Lutz D., Macintosh M., Mannucci F., Marsset M., Modigliani A., Neeser M., Orban de Xivry G., Ott T., Pallanca L., Patapis P., Pearson D., Peña E., Percheron I., Puglisi A., Quanz S.P., Rabien S., Rau C., Riccardi A., Salasnich B., Schmid H.-M., Schubert J., Serra B., Shimizu T., Snik F., Sturm E., Tacconi L., Taylor W., Valentini A., Waring C., Wiezorrek E. & Xompero M. (2023), The enhanced resolution imager and spectrograph for the VLT, Astronomy and Astrophysics 674: A207.
- Holstein R.G. van, Keller C.U., Snik F. & Bos S.P. (2023), Polarization-dependent beam shifts upon metallic reflection in high-contrast imagers and telescopes, Astronomy and Astrophysics 677: A150.
- Fowler J., Haffert S.Y., Kooten M.A.M. van, Landman R., Bidot A., Hours A., N'Diaye M., Absil O., Altinier L., Baudoz P., Belikov R., Bonse M.J., Bott K., Brandl B.R., Carlotti A., Casewell S.L., Choquet E., Cowan N.B., Desai N., Doelman D.S., Fogarty K., Gebhard T.D., Gutierrez Y., Guyon O., Herscovici-Schiller O., Juanola-Parramon R., Kenworthy M.A., Kleisioti E., König L., Krasteva M., Laginja I., Leboulleux L., Mazoyer J., Millar-Blanchaer M.A., Mouillet D., Por E., Pueyo L., Snik F., Dam D. van, Gorkom K. van & Vaughan S.R. (2023), Visible extreme adaptive optics on extremely large telescopes: towards detecting oxygen in Proxima Centauri b and analogs. Ruane G.J. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) conference series. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 12 september 2017 - 12 september 2017. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering nr. 12680. San Diego: SPIE . 126801U.
- Liu P., Bohn A.J., Doelman D.S., Sutlieff B.J., Samland M., Kenworthy M.A., Snik F., Birkby J.L., Biller B.A., Males J.R., Morzinski K.M., Close L.M. & Otten G.P.P.L. (2023), Applying a temporal systematics model to vector Apodizing Phase Plate coronagraphic data: TRAP4vAPP, Astronomy and Astrophysics 674: A115.
- Long J.D., Males J.R., Haffert S.Y., Pearce L., Marley M.S., Morzinski K.M., Close L.M., Otten G.P.P.L., Snik F., Kenworthy M.A., Keller C.U., Hinz P., Monnier J.D., Weinberger A. & Tolls V. (2023), Improved companion mass limits for Sirius A with thermal infrared coronagraphy using a vector-apodizing phase plate and time-domain starlight-subtraction techniques, Astronomical Journal 165(5): 216.
- Sutlieff B.J., Birkby J.L., Stone J.M., Doelman D.S., Kenworthy M.A., Panwar V., Bohn A.J., Ertel S., Snik F., Woodward C.E., Skemer A.J., Leisenring J.M., Strassmeier K.G. & Charbonneau D. (2023), Measuring the variability of directly imaged exoplanets using vector Apodizing Phase Plates combined with ground-based differential spectrophotometry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 520(3): 4235-4257.
- Mendillo C.B., Hewawasam K., Martel J., Potter T., Mukherjee S., Cook T.A., Chakrabarti S., Snik F., Doelman D.S., Sirbu D., Belikov R., Bendek E., Stapelfeldt K. & Wolff S.G. (2023), The PICTURE-C exoplanetary imaging balloon mission: second flight results and the transition to a new mission, PICTURE-D. Ruane G.J. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference proceedings. SPIE optics + photonics 20 augustus 2023 - 24 augustus 2023. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering nr. 12680. San Diego: SPIE. 126800F.
- Anche R.M., Ashcraft J.N., Haffert S.Y., Millar-Blanchaer M.A., Douglas E.S., Snik F., Williams G., Holstein R.G. van, Doelman D.S., Gorkom K. van & Skidmore W. (2023), Polarization aberrations in next-generation giant segmented mirror telescopes (GSMTs): I. Effect on the coronagraphic performance, Astronomy and Astrophysics 672: A121.
- Stockmans T.A., Snik F., Esposito M., Dijk C. van & Keller C.U. (2023), InSPECtor: an end-to-end design framework for compressive pixelated hyperspectral instruments, Applied Optics 62(27): 7185-7198.
- Burggraaff O., Werther M., Boss E.S., Simis S.G.H. & Snik F. (2022), Accuracy and reproducibility of above-water radiometry with calibrated smartphone cameras using RAW data, Frontiers in Remote Sensing 3: 940096.
- Bettonvil F.C.M., Hammerschlag R.H., Keller C.U., Snik F. & et al. (2022), The European Solar Telescope, Astronomy and Astrophysics 666: A21.
- Derkink F.M., Doelman D.S., Dam D.M. van, Brenny B.J., Speet B., Van Brug H., Keller C.U. & Snik F. (2022), Imaging trace gas concentrations with a compact snapshot device that converts their spectral features into a polarization signal. Ientilucci E.J. & Bradley C.L. (red.), Proceedings of the SPIE. Optics + Photonics 21 augustus 2022 - 25 augustus 2022 nr. 12235. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 122350L.
- Long J.D., Males J.R., Haffert S.Y., Close L.M., Morzinski K.M., Gorkom K. van, Lumbres J., Foster W., Hedglen A., Kautz M., Rodack A., Schatz L., Miller K., Doelman D.S., Bos S.P., Kenworthy M.A., Snik F. & Otten G.P.P.L. (2022), XPipeline: starlight subtraction at scale for MagAO-X. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (red.), Proceedings of the SPIE. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 17 juli 2022 - 23 juli 2022 nr. 12185. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 121853P.
- Kravchenko K., Dallilar Y., Absil O., Berbel A.A., Baruffolo A., Bonse M., Buron A., Cao Y., Cortes A., Dannert F., Davies R., De Rosa R.J., Deysenroth M., Doelman D.S., Eisenhauer F., Esposito S., Feuchtgruber H., Förster Schreiber N., Gao X., Gemperlein H., Genzel R., Gillessen S., Ginski C., Glauser A., Glindemann A., Grani P., Haguenauer P., Hartwig J., Hayoz J., Heida M., Kenworthy M.A., Kolb J., Kuntschner H., Lutz D., Liu D., MacIntosh M., Marsset M., Orban de Xivry G., Özdemir H., Puglisi A., Quanz S., Rau C., Riccardi A., Schuppe D., Snik F., Sturm E., Tacconi L., Taylor W.D. & Wiezorrek E. (2022), First on-sky results of ERIS at VLT. Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.), Ground-based and Airborne instrumentation for astronomy IX. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX 17 juli 2022 - 22 juli 2022 nr. 12184. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. 121845M.
- Doelman D.S., Stone J.M., Briesemeister Z.W., Skemer A.J.I., Barman T., Brock L.S., Hinz P.M., Bohn A., Kenworthy M., Haffert S.Y., Snik F., Ertel S., Leisenring J.M., Woodward C.E. & Skrutskie M.F. (2022), L-band integral field spectroscopy of the HR 8799 planetary system, Astronomical Journal 163(5): 217.
- Mulder W., Patty C.H.L., Spadaccia S., Pommerol A., Demory B.-O., Keller C.U., Kühn J.G., Snik F. & Stam D.M. (2022), Spectropolarimetry of life: airborne measurements from a hot air balloon. Lakshminarayanan V., Creath K. & Shaw J.A. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) conference series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 17 juli 2022 - 23 juli 2022 nr. 12214: SPIE.
- Wijn A. de, Rouppe van der Voort L., Snik F., Leenaarts J. & Uitenbroek H. (2022), Obituary: Robert J. Rutten (1942-2022), Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 54(1): 076.
- Salama M., Jensen-Clem R., Kooten M. van, Dillon D., Gerard B.L., Fowler J., Cetre S., Snik F. & Doelman D.S. (2022), Vector Zernike wavefront sensor on the Santa Cruz Extreme AO Lab (SEAL) testbed. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (red.), Proceedings of the SPIE adaptive optics systems VIII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 17 juli 2022 - 23 juli 2022 nr. 12185. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
- Farret Jentink C., Mortier A., Snik F., Dorval P., Thompson S.J., Navarro R. & Naylor T. (2022), ABORAS: polarimetric, 10cm/s RV observations of the Sun as a star. Marshall H.K., Spryomilio J. & Usuda T. (red.), Proceedings of the SPIE ground-based and airborne telescopes IX. Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IX 17 juli 2022 - 22 juli 2022 nr. 12182. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
- Stockmans T.A., Snik F., Smit J.M., Rietjens J.H.H., Esposito M., Van Dijk C. & Keller C.U. (2022), End-to-end design framework for compressed on-chip pixel-wise spectro-polarimeters. Babu S.R. & Norton C.D. (red.), Proceedings of the SPIE. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 21 augustus 2022 - 25 augustus 2022 nr. 12236. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). 122360E.
- Burggraaff O., Panchagnula S. & Snik F. (2021), Citizen science with colour blindness: a case study on the Forel-Ule scale, PLoS ONE 16(4): e0249755.
- Bohn A.J., Ginski C., Kenworthy M.A., Mamajek E.E., Pecaut M.J., Mugrauer M., Vogt N., Adam C., Meshkat T., Reggiani M. & Snik F. (2021), Discovery of a directly imaged planet to the young solar analog YSES 2, Astronomy and Astrophysics 648: 1-15 (A73).
- Bos S.P., Miller K.L., Lozi J., Guyon O., Doelman D.S., Vievard S., Sahoo A., Deo V., Jovanovic N., Martinache F., Currie T. & Snik F. (2021), First on-sky demonstration of spatial Linear Dark Field Control with the vector-Apodizing Phase Plate at Subaru/SCExAO, Astronomy and Astrophysics 653: A42.
- Boehle A., Doelman D.S., Konrad B.S., Snik F., Glauser A.M., Por E.H., Warriner N.Z., Shi S., Escuti M.J., Kenworthy M.A. & Quanz S.P. (2021), Cryogenic characterization of the grating vector apodizing phase plate coronagraph for the enhanced resolution imager and spectrograph at the very large telescope, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 7(4): 045001.
- Jensen-Clem R., Dillon D., Gerard B., Kooten M.A.M. van, Fowler J., Kupke R., Cetre S., Sanchez D., Hinz P., Laguna C., Doelman D. & Snik F. (2021), The Santa Cruz Extreme AO Lab (SEAL): design and first light. Shaklan S.B. & Ruane G.J. (red.), Proceedings of the society of photo-optical instrumentation engineers (SPIE) conference series. SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications 2021 1 augustus 2021 - 5 augustus 2021 nr. 11823: SPIE.
- Doelman D.S., Wardenier J.P., Tuthill P., Fitzgerald M.P., Lyke J., Sallum S., Norris B., Warriner N.Z., Keller C., Escuti M.J. & Snik F. (2021), First light of a holographic aperture mask: observation at the Keck OSIRIS Imager, Astronomy and Astrophysics 649: 1-16 (A168).
- Patty C.H.L., Kühn J.G., Lambrev P.H., Spadaccia S., Hoeijmakers J.H., Keller C.U., Mulder W., Pallichadath V., Poch O., Snik F., Stam D.M., Pommerol A. & Demory B.O. (2021), Biosignatures of the Earth: I. Airborne spectropolarimetric detection of photosynthetic life, Astronomy and Astrophysics 651: A68.
- Kasper M., Cerpa Urra N., Pathak P., Bonse M., Nousiainen J., Engler B., Heritier C.T., Kammerer J., Leveratto S., Rajani C., Bristow P., Le Louarn M., Madec P.Y., Ströbele S., Verinaud C., Glauser A., Quanz S.P., Helin T., Keller C.U., Snik F., Boccaletti A., Chauvin G., Mouillet D., Kulcsár C. & Raynaud H.F. (2021), PCS: a roadmap for exoearth imaging with the ELT, The Messenger (ESO) 182: 38-43.
- Kenworthy M.A., Bohn A.J., Ginski C., Reggiani M., Meshkat T., Mamajek E., Pecaut M. & Snik F. (2021), The Young Suns Exoplanet Survey: imaging infant planets around young, solar analogs, EPSC Abstracts. European Planetary Science Congress 13 september 2021 - 24 september 2021 nr. 15: Europlanet Society.
- Klindzic D., Stam D.M., Snik F., Keller C.U., Hoeijmakers H.J., Dam D.M. van, Willebrands M., Karalidi T., Pallichadath V., Dijk C.N. van & Esposito M. (2021), LOUPE: observing Earth from the Moon to prepare for detecting life on Earth-like exoplanets, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 379(2188): 20190577.
- Miller K.L., Bos S.P., Lozi J., Guyon O., Doelman D.S., Vievard S., Sahoo A., Deo V., Jovanovic N., Martinache F., Snik F. & Currie T. (2021), Spatial linear dark field control on Subaru/SCExAO: maintaining high contrast with a vAPP coronagraph, Astronomy and Astrophysics 646: 1-12 (A145).
- Mulder W., Doelman D.S., Keller C.U., Patty C.H.L. & Snik F. (2021), Spatial polarization modulators: distinguishing diffraction effects from spatial polarization modulation. Kupinski M.K, Shaw J.H & Snik F. (red.), Proceedings Polarization Science and Remote Sensing X. SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications 2021 1 augustus 2021 - 5 augustus 2021 nr. 11833: SPIE - International Society for Optics and Photonics. 118330M.
- Snellen I.A.G., Snik F., Kenworthy M.A., Albrecht S., Anglada-Escudé G., Baraffe I., Baudoz P., Benz W., Beuzit J.-L., Biller B., Birkby J.L., Boccaletti A., Boekel R. van, Boer J. de, Brogi M., Buchhave L., Carone L., Claire M., Claudi R., Demory B.-O., Désert J.-M., Desidera S., Gaudi B.S., Gratton R., Gillon M., Grenfell J.L., Guyon O., Henning T., Hinkley S., Huby E., Janson M., Helling C., Heng K., Kasper M., Keller C.U., Krause O., Kreidberg L., Madhusudhan N., Lagrange A.-M., Launhardt R., Lenton T.M., Lopez-Puertas M., Maire A.-L., Mayne N., Meadows V., Mennesson B., Micela G., Miguel Y., Milli J., Min M., Mooij E. de, Mouillet D., N'Diaye M., D'Orazi V., Palle E., Pagano I., Piotto G., Queloz D., Rauer H., Ribas I., Ruane G., Selsis F., Sozzetti A., Stam D., Stark C.C., Vigan A. & Visser P. de (2021), Detecting life outside our solar system with a large high-contrast-imaging mission, Experimental Astronomy : .
- Mendillo C.B., Hewawasam K., Martel J., Cook T.A., Chakrabarti S., Snik F. & Doelman D.S. (2021), Dual-polarization electric field conjugation and applications for vector vortex coronagraphs. Shaklan S.B. & Ruane G.J. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications 2021 1 augustus 2021 - 5 augustus 2021 nr. 11823: SPIE. 118231T.
- Klindžić D., Stam D., Snik F., Keller C.U., Pallichadath V., Dijk C. van, Esposito M. & Dam D.M. van (2021), LOUPE: observing the Earth from the Moon to prepare for detecting life on Earth-like exoplanets, European Planetary Science Congress. European Planetary Science Congress 13 september 2021 - 24 september 2021 nr. 15: Europlanet Society. EPSC2021-657.
- Klindžić D., Snik F., Stam D.M., Keller C.U., Stockmans T., Hoeijmakers H.J., Dam D.M. van, Willebrands M., Karalidi T., Pallichadath V., Dijk C.N. van & Esposito M. (2021), Pale polarized dots: spectropolarimetry of the Earth as an exoplanet with LOUPE. Kupinski M.K., Shaw J.A. & Snik F. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications 2021 1 augustus 2021 - 5 augustus 2021 nr. 11833: SPIE. 1183306.
- Kupinski M.K., Shaw J.A. & Snik F. (2021), Polarization science and remote sensing X. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering nr. 11833. Bellingham: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
- Sutlieff B.J., Bohn A.J., Birkby J.L., Kenworthy M.A., Morzinski K.M., Doelman D.S., Males J.R., Snik F., Close L.M., Hinz P.M. & Charbonneau D. (2021), High-contrast observations of brown dwarf companion HR 2562 B with the vector Apodizing Phase Plate coronagraph, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 506(3): 3224-3238.
- Zhang Y., Snellen I.A.G., Bohn A.J., Mollière P., Ginski C., Hoeijmakers H.J., Kenworthy M.A., Mamajek E.E., Meshkat T., Reggiani M. & Snik F. (2021), The 13CO-rich atmosphere of a young accreting super-Jupiter, Nature 595(7867): 370-372.
- 't Hart J.G.J., Holstein R.G. van, Bos S.P., Ruigrok J., Snik F., Lozi J., Guyon O., Kudo T., Zhang J., Jovanovic N., Norris B., Martinod M.A., Groff T.D., Chilcote J., Currie T., Tamura M., Vievard S., Sahoo A., Deo V., Ahn K., Martinache F. & Kasdin J. (2021), Full characterization of the instrumental polarization effects of the spectropolarimetric mode of SCExAO/CHARIS. Kupinski M.K., Shaw J.A. & Snik F. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Optical Engineering and Applications 2021 1 augustus 2021 - 5 augustus 2021 nr. 11833: SPIE. 118330O.
- Holstein R.G. van, Stolker T., Jensen-Clem R., Ginski C., Milli J., Boer J. de, Girard J.H., Wahhaj Z., Bohn A.J., Millar-Blanchaer M.A., Benisty M., Bonnefoy M., Chauvin G., Dominik C., Hinkley S., Keller C.U., Keppler M., Langlois M., Marino S., Ménard F., Perrot C., Schmidt T.O.B., Vigan A., Zurlo A. & Snik F. (2021), A survey of the linear polarization of directly imaged exoplanets and brown dwarf companions with SPHERE-IRDIS: first polarimetric detections revealing disks around DH Tau B and GSC 6214-210 B, Astronomy and Astrophysics 647: A21.
- Kenworthy M.A., Codona J.L. & Snik F. (2021), Pupil-Plane phase apodization. In: Moore A.M. (red.), UV, Optical & IR Instrumentation: Part 2. The WSPC Handbook of Astronomical Instrumentation nr. 3: World Scientific. 377-384.
- Doelman D.S., Snik F., Por E.H., Bos S.P., Otten G.P.P.L., Kenworthy M.A., Haffert S.Y., Wilby M.J., Bohn A.J., Sutlieff B.J., Miller K.L., Ouellet M., Boer J. de, Keller C.U., Escuti M.J., Shi S., Warriner N.Z., Hornburg K., Birkby J.L., Males J., Morzinski K.M., Close L.M., Codona J., Long J., Schatz L., Lumbres J., Rodack A., Van Gorkom K., Hedglen A., Guyon O., Lozi J., Groff T., Chilcote J., Jovanovic N., Thibault S., Jonge C. de, Allain G., Vallée C., Patel D., Côté O., Marois C., Hinz P., Stone J., Skemer A., Briesemeister Z., Boehle A., Glauser A.M., Taylor W., Baudoz P., Huby E., Absil O., Carlomagno B. & Delacroix C. (2021), Vector-apodizing phase plate coronagraph: design, current performance, and future development [Invited], Applied Optics 60(19): D52.
- Holstein R.G. van, Girard J.H., Boer J. de, Snik F., Milli J., Stam D.M., Ginski C., Mouillet D., Wahhaj Z., Schmid H.M., Keller C.U., Langlois M., Dohlen K., Vigan A., Pohl A., Carbillet M., Fantinel D., Maurel D., Origné A., Petit C., Ramos J., Rigal F., Sevin A., Boccaletti A., Le Coroller H., Dominik C., Henning T., Lagadec E., Ménard F., Turatto M., Udry S., Chauvin G., Feldt M. & Beuzit J.-L. (2020), Polarimetric imaging mode of VLT/SPHERE/IRDIS. II. Characterization and correction of instrumental polarization effects, Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A64.
- Boer J. de, Langlois M., Holstein R.G. van, Girard J.H., Mouillet D., Vigan A., Dohlen K., Snik F., Keller C.U., Ginski C., Stam D.M., Milli J., Wahhaj Z., Kasper M., Schmid H.M., Rabou P., Gluck L., Hugot E., Perret D., Martinez P., Weber L., Pragt J., Sauvage J.-F., Boccaletti A., Le Coroller H., Dominik C., Henning T., Lagadec E., Ménard F., Turatto M., Udry S., Chauvin G., Feldt M. & Beuzit J.-L. (2020), Polarimetric imaging mode of VLT/SPHERE/IRDIS. I. Description, data reduction, and observing strategy, Astronomy and Astrophysics 633: A63.
- Burggraaff O., Perduijn A.B., Hek R.F. van, Schmidt N., Keller C.U. & Snik F. (2020), A universal smartphone add-on for portable spectroscopy and polarimetry: iSPEX 2. George T. & Islam M.S. (red.), Micro- and nanotechnology sensors, systems, and applications XII. SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2020 27 april 2020 - 8 mei 2020 nr. 11389: SPIE. 84-99.
- Wagner K., Stone J., Dong R., Ertel S., Apai D., Doelman D.S., Bohn A.J., Najita J., Brittain S., Kenworthy M.A., Keppler M., Webster R., Mailhot E. & Snik F. (2020), First images of the protoplanetary disk around PDS 201, Astronomical Journal 159(6): 252.
- Doelman D.S., Por E.H., Ruane G., Escuti M.J. & Snik F. (2020), Minimizing the polarization leakage of geometric-phase coronagraphs with multiple grating pattern combinations, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 132(1010): 045002.
- Haffert S.Y., Por E.H., Keller C.U., Kenworthy M.A., Doelman D.S., Snik F. & Escuti M.J. (2020), The Single-mode Complex Amplitude Refinement (SCAR) coronagraph. II. Lab verification, and toward the characterization of Proxima b, Astronomy and Astrophysics 635: A56.
- Bohn A.J., Kenworthy M.A., Ginski C., Rieder S., Mamajek E.E., Meshkat T., Pecaut M.J., Reggiani M., Boer J. de, Keller C.U., Snik F. & Southworth J. (2020), Two directly imaged, wide-orbit giant planets around the young, solar analog TYC 8998-760-1, Astrophysical Journal Letters 898(1): L16.
- Bohn A.J., Kenworthy M.A., Ginski C., Manara C.F., Pecaut M.J., Boer J. de, Keller C.U., Mamajek E.E., Meshkat T., Reggiani M., Todorov K.O. & Snik F. (2020), The young suns exoplanet survey: detection of a wide-orbit planetary-mass companion to a solar-type Sco-Cen member, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 492(1): 431-443.
- Millar-Blanchaer M.A., Girard J.H., Karalidi T., Marley M.S., Holstein R.G. van, Sengupta S., Mawet D., Kataria T., Snik F., Boer J. de, Jensen-Clem R., Vigan A. & Hinkley S. (2020), Detection of polarization due to cloud bands in the nearby Luhman 16 brown dwarf binary, The Astrophysical Journal 894(1): 42.
- Hunziker S., Schmid H.M., Mouillet D., Milli J., Zurlo A., Delorme P., Abe L., Avenhaus H., Baruffolo A., Bazzon A., Boccaletti A., Baudoz P., Beuzit J.L., Carbillet M., Chauvin G., Claudi R., Costille A., Daban J.-B., Desidera S., Dohlen K., Dominik C., Downing M., Engler N., Feldt M., Fusco T., Ginski C., Gisler D., Girard J.H., Gratton R., Henning T., Hubin N., Kasper M., Keller C.U., Langlois M., Lagadec E., Martinez P., Maire A.L., Menard F., Meyer M.R., Pavlov A., Pragt J., Puget P., Quanz S.P., Rickman E., Roelfsema R., Salasnich B., Sauvage J.-F., Siebenmorgen R., Sissa E., Snik F., Suarez M., Szulágyi J., Thalmann C., Turatto M., Udry S., Holstein R.G. van, Vigan A. & Wildi F. (2020), RefPlanets: Search for reflected light from extrasolar planets with SPHERE/ZIMPOL, Astronomy and Astrophysics 634: A69.
- Jensen-Clem R., Millar-Blanchaer M.A., Holstein R.G. van, Mawet D., Graham J., Sengupta S., Marley M.S., Snik F., Vigan A., Hinkley S., Boer J. de, Girard J.H., De Rosa R.J., Bowler B.P., Wiktorowicz S.J., Perrin M.D., Crepp J.R. & Macintosh B. (2020), A search for polarized thermal emission from directly imaged exoplanets and brown dwarf companions to nearby stars, Astronomical Journal 160(6): 286.
- Bos S.P., Vievard S., Wilby M.J., Snik F., Lozi J., Guyon O., Norris B.R.M., Jovanovic N., Martinache F., Sauvage J.F. & Keller C.U. (2020), On-sky verification of fast and furious focal-plane wavefront sensing: moving forward toward controlling the island effect at Subaru/SCExAO, Astronomy and Astrophysics 639: A52.
- Carlomagno B., Delacroix C., Absil O., Cantalloube F., Orban de Xivry G., Pathak P., Agocs T., Bertram T., Brandl B.R., Burtscher L.H., Doelman D.S., Feldt M., Glauser A., Hippler S., Kenworthy M.A., Por E.H., Snik F., Stuik R. & Boekel R. van (2020), METIS high-contrast imaging: design and expected performance, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 6(3): 035005.
- Boccaletti A., Chauvin G., Mouillet D., Absil O., Allard F., Antoniucci S., Augereau J.C., Barge P., Baruffolo A., Baudino J.L., Baudoz P., Beaulieu M., Benisty M., Beuzit J.L., Bianco A., Biller B., Bonavita B., Bonnefoy M., Bos S., Bouret J.C., Brandner W., Buchschache N., Carry B., Cantalloube F., Cascone E., Carlotti A., Charnay B., Chiavassa A., Choquet E., Clenet Y., Crida A., Boer J. de, Caprio V. de, Desidera S., Desert J.M., Delisle J.B., Delorme P., Dohlen K., Doelman D.S., Dominik C., Orazi V.D., Dougados C., Doute S., Fedele D., Feldt M., Ferreira F., Fontanive C., Fusco T., Galicher R., Garufi A., Gendron E., Ghedina A., Ginski C., Gonzalez J.F., Gratadour D., Gratton R., Guillot T., Haffert S.Y., Hagelberg J., Henning T., Huby E., Janson M., Kamp I., Keller C., Kenworthy M.A., Kervella P., Kral Q., Kuhn J., Lagadec E., Laibe G., Langlois M., Lagrange A.M., Launhardt R., Leboulleux L., Coroller H.Le., Causi G.Li., Loupias M., Maire A.L., Marleau G., Martinache F., Martinez P., Mary D., Mattioli M., Mazoyer J., Meheut H., Menard F., Mesa D., Meunier N., Miguel Y., Milli J., Min M., Molliere P.M., Mordasini C., Moretto G., Mugnier L., Arena G.Muro., Nardetto N., Diaye M.N., Nesvadba N., Pedichini F., Pinilla P., Por E.H., Potier A., Quanz S., Rameau J., Roelfsema R., Rouan D., Rigliaco E., Salasnich B., Samland M., Sauvage J.F., Schmid H.M., Segransan D., Snellen I.A.G., Snik F., Soulez F., Stadler E., Stam D., Tallon M., Thebault P., Thiebaut E., Tschudi C., Udry S., Holstein R.G. van, Vernazza P., Vidal F., Vigan A., Waters R., Wildi F., Willson M., Zanutta A., Zavagno A. & Zurlo A. (2020), SPHERE+: imaging young Jupiters down to the snowline. arXiv. [white paper].
- Holstein R.G., Bos S.P., Ruigrok J., Lozi J., Guyon O., Norris B., Snik F., Chilcote J., Currie T., Groff T.D., Hart J., Jovanovic N., Kasdin J., Kudo T., Martinache F., Mazin B., Sahoo A., Tamura M., Vievard S., Walter A. & Zhang J. (2020), Calibration of the instrumental polarization effects of SCExAO-CHARIS' spectropolarimetric mode. Evans C.J., Bryant J.J. & Motohara K. (red.), Proc. SPIE 11447, Ground-based and airborne instrumentation for astronomy VIII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11447: SPIE.
- Lozi J., Guyon O., Kudo T., Zhang J., Jovanovic N., Norris B., Martinod M.-A., Groff T.D., Chilcote J., Tamura M., Bos S., Snik F., Vievard S., Sahoo A., Deo V., Martinache F. & Kasdin J. (2020), New NIR spectro-polarimetric modes for the SCExAO instrument. Schreiber L., Schmidt d. & Vernet E. (red.), Proceedings Volume 11448, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11448: SPIE. 114487C.
- Vievard S., Bos S.P., Cassaing F., Currie T., Deo V., Guyon O., Jovanovic N., Keller C.U., Lamb M., Lopez C., Lozi J., Martinache F., Miller K., Montmerle-Bonnefois A., Mugnier L.M., N'Diaye M., Norris B., Sahoo A., Sauvage J.-F., Skaf N., Snik F., Wilby M.J. & Wong A. (2020), Focal plane wavefront sensing on SUBARU/SCExAO. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020, Virtual Event. 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020. [conferentie poster].
- Bos S.P., Doelman D.S., Miller K.L. & Snik F. (2020), New concepts in vector-apodizing phase plate coronagraphy. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (red.), Proceedings Volume 11448, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11448: SPIE. 114483W.
- Guyon O., Lozi J., Vievard S., Belikov R., Bendek E., Bos S., Currie T., Deo V., Fitzgerald M., Gratadour D., Groff T., Jovanovic N., Kawahara H., Kotani T., Kudo T., Lopez C., Ltaief H., Males J., Martinache F., Martinod M.-A., Mazin B.A., Miller K., Norris B., Ndiaye M., Pluzhnyk E., Sahoo A., Sevin A., Skaf N., Snik F., Tamura M. & Wong A. (2020), Validating advanced wavefront control techniques on the SCExAO testbed/instrument. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (red.), Proceedings of SPIE. Adaptive Optics Systems VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11448: SPIE. 114481Z.
- Lozi J., Guyon O., Vievard S., Sahoo A., Deo V., Jovanovic N., Norris B., Martinod M.-A., Mazin B., Walter A., Fruitwala N., Steiger S., Davis K., Tuthill P., Kudo T., Kawahara H., Kotani T., Ireland M., Anagnos T., Schwab C., Cvetojevic N., Huby E., Lacour S., Barjot K., Groff T.D., Chilcote J., Kasdin J., Martinache F., Laugier R., N'Diaye M., Knight J., Males J., Bos S.P., Snik F., Doelman D.S., Miller K., Bendek E., Belikov R., Pluzhnik E., Currie T., Kuzuhara M., Uyama T., Nishikawa J., Murakami N., Hashimoto J., Minowa Y., Clergeon C., Ono Y., Takato N., Tamura M., Takami H. & Hayashi M. (2020), Status of the SCExAO instrument: recent technology upgrades and path to a system-level demonstrator for PSI. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11448: SPIE. 114480N.
- Keller C.U., Snik F., Patty C.H.L., Klindzic D., Krasteva M., Doelman D.S., Wijnen T., Pallichadath V., Stam D.M., Demory B.-O., Kuhn J.G., Hoeijmakers H.J., Pommerol A. & Poch O. (2020), Design of the life signature detection polarimeter LSDpol. Lystrup M., Perrin M.D., Batalha N., Siegler N. & Tong E.C. (red.), Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2020: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11443: SPIE. 114433R.
- Males J.R., Close L.M., Guyon O., Hedglen A.D., Gorkom K. van, Long J.D., Kautz M., Lumbres J., Schatz L., Rodack A., Miller K.L., Doelman D.S., Snik F., Bos S.P., Knight J.M., Morzinski K., Gasho V., Keller C.U., Haffert S. & Pearce L. (2020), MagAO-X first light. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (red.), Proceedings Volume 11448, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11448: SPIE. 114484L.
- Close L.M., Males J., Long J.D., Gorkom K. van, Hedglen A.D., Kautz M., Lumbres J., Haffert S.Y., Follette K., Wagner K., Miller K.L., Apai D., Wu Y.-L., Guyon O., Schatz L., Rodack A., Doelman D.S., Snik F., Knight J.M., Morzinski K., Gasho V., Keller C.U., Pearce L., Weinberger A., Perez L. & Doyon R. (2020), Prediction of the planet yield of the MaxProtoPlanetS high-contrast survey for H-alpha protoplanets with MagAO-X based on first light contrasts. Schreiber L., Schmidt D. & Vernet E. (red.), Proceedings Volume 11448, Adaptive Optics Systems VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020 nr. 11448: SPIE. 114480U.
- Klindžić D., Stam D.M., Snik F., Keller C.U., Hoeijmakers H.J., Dam D.M. van, Willebrands M., Karalidi T., Pallichadath V., Dijk C.N. van & Esposito M. (2020), LOUPE: observing earth from the moon to prepare for detecting life on earth-like exoplanets, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 379: 20190577.
- Putten W van der, Bourgeois Q., Broeder L. den, Hilton N., Hut R., Land-Zanstra A.M., Moor T. de, Oberski D., Prats-López M., Snik F., Veenkamp J. & Wildevuur S. (2020), Kennis en krachten gebundeld: citizen science in Nederland. Amsterdam: Nationaal Platform Open Science.
- Burggraaff O., Schmidt N., Zamorano J., Pauly J., Pascual S., Tapia C., Spyrakos E. & Snik F. (2019), Standardized spectral and radiometric calibration of consumer cameras, Optics Express 27(14): 19075-19101.
- Bohn A.J., Kenworthy M.A., Ginski C., Benisty M., Boer J. de, Keller C.U., Mamajek E.E., Meshkat T., Muro-Arena G.A., Pecaut M.J., Snik F., Wolff S.G. & Reggiani M. (2019), Discovery of a directly imaged disk in scattered light around the Sco-Cen member Wray 15-788, 624: A87.
- Bos S.P., Doelman D.S., Lozi J., Guyon O., Keller C.U., Miller K.L., Jovanovic N., Martinache F. & Snik F. (2019), Focal-plane wavefront sensing with the vector-Apodizing Phase Plate, 632: A48.
- Patty C.H.L., Kate I.L. ten, Buma W.J., Spanning R.J.M. van, Steinbach G., Ariese F. & Snik F. (2019), Circular Spectropolarimetric Sensing of Vegetation in the Field: Possibilities for the Remote Detection of Extraterrestrial Life, Astrobiology 19(10): 1221-1229.
- Guyon O., Lozi J., Vievard S., Sahoo A., Jovanovic N., Currie T., Pathak P., Martinache F., Kudo T., Tamura M., Singh G., Clergeon C., Minowa Y., Ono Y., Mieda E., Mazin B., Walter A., Cvetojevic N., Lacour S., Huby E., Norris B., Wong A., Ireland M., Schwab C., Feger T., Tuthill P., Lagadec T., Groff T., Chilcote J., Brandt T., Hall D., Goebel S., Snik F., Doelman D.S., Bos S.P., Kawahara H., Kotani T., Mawet D., Belikov R., Bendek E., Sevin A., Gratadour D., Ltaief H., Males J., Jin Z., Murakami N., Knight J. & Kasdin J. (2019), The SCExAO High Contrast Imaging Platform: Current and Upcoming Capabilities, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#233. AAS Meeting 233 6 januari 2019 - 10 januari 2019 nr. 233: American Astronomical Society. 104.03.
- Doelman D.S., Fagginger Auer F.J., Escuti M.J. & Snik F. (2019), Simultaneous phase and amplitude aberration sensing with a liquid-crystal vector-Zernike phase mask, Optics Letters 44(1): 17-20.
- Doelman D.S., Escuti M.J. & Snik F. (2019), Multi-color holography with a two-stage patterned liquid-crystal element, Optical Materials Express 9(3): 1246-1256.
- Snik F., Keller C.U., Doelman D.S., Kühn J., Patty C.H.L., Hoeijmakers H.J., Pallichadath V., Stam D.M., Pommerol A., Poch O. & Demory B.-O. (2019), A snapshot full-Stokes spectropolarimeter for detecting life on Earth. Craven J.M., Shaw J.A. & Snik F. (red.), Proceedings Polarization Science and Remote Sensing IX. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 2019 11 augustus 2019 - 15 augustus 2019. arXiv nr. 11132: SPIE. 113201.
- Bohn A.J., Kenworthy M.A., Ginski C., Benisty M., Boer J. de, Keller C.U., Mamajek E.E., Meshkat T., Muro-Arena G.A., Pecaut M.J., Snik F., Wolff S.G. & Reggiani M. (2019), VizieR Online Data Catalog: Discovery of a resolved disk around Wray 15-788 (Bohn+, 2019), VizieR Online Data Catalog : A87.
- Snik F., Rodenhuis M., Escuti M.J., Brickson L., Hornburg K., Kim J., Kievid C., Groenhuijsen S. & Roosegaarde D. (2019), Producing true-color rainbows with patterned multi-layer liquid-crystal polarization gratings, Optical Materials Express 9(4): 1583-1589.
- Chenault D.B., Goldstein D.H., Kudenov M.W., Kupinski M.K., Pezzaniti J.L., Shaw J.A., Snik F., Tyo J.S. & Bradley C.L. (2019), Special Section Guest Editorial: Polarization: Systems, Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing, Optical Engineering 58(8): 082401.
- Craven J.M., Shaw J.A. & Snik F. (2019), Polarization Science and Remote Sensing IX. Craven J.M., Shaw J.A. & Snik F. (red.). SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 2019 11 augustus 2019 - 15 augustus 2019. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering nr. 11132: SPIE.
- Miller K.L., Males J.R., Guyon O., Close L.M., Doelman D.S., Snik F., Por E.H., Wilby M.J., Keller C.U., Bohlman C., Gorkom K. van, Rodack A.T., Knight J.M., Lumbres J., Bos S.P. & Jovanovic N. (2019), Spatial linear dark field control and holographic modal wavefront sensing with a vAPP coronagraph on MagAO-X, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 5(4): 049004.
- Bos S.P., Boer J. de, Doelman D.S., Por E.H., Norris B., Escuti M.J. & Snik F. (2018), Fully broadband vAPP coronagraphs enabling polarimetric high contrast imaging. Navarro R. & Geyl R. (red.), Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation III. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10706. Washington, U.S.A.: SPIE. 107065M.
- Volten H., Devilee J., Apituley A., Carton L., Grothe M., Keller C.U., Kresin F., Land-Zandstra A.M., Noordijk E., Putten E. van, Rietjens J.H.H., Snik F., Tielemans E., Vonk J., Voogt M. & Wesseling J. (2018), Enhancing national environmental monitoring through local citizen science. In: Hecker S., Haklay M., Bowser A., Makuch Z., Vogel J. & Bonn A. (red.), Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. London: UCL Press. 337-352.
- Doelman D.S., Tuthill P., Norris B., Wilby M.J., Por E.H., Keller C.U., Escuti M.J. & Snik F. (2018), Multiplexed holographic aperture masking with liquid-crystal geometric phase masks. Creech-Eakman M.J., Tuthill P.G. & Mérand A. (red.), Proceedings Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VI. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10701: SPIE. 107010T.
- Davies R., Esposito S., Schmid H.-M., Taylor W., Agapito G., Agudo Berbel A., Baruffolo A., Biliotti V., Biller B., Black M., Boehle A., Briguglio B., Buron A., Carbonaro L., Cortes A., Cresci G., Deysenroth M., Cianno A.Di, Rico G.Di, Doelman D., Dolci M., Dorn R., Eisenhauer F., Fantinel D., Ferruzzi D., Feuchtgruber H., Förster Schreiber N., Gao X., Gemperlein H., Genzel R., George E., Gillessen S., Giordano C., Glauser A., Glindemann A., Grani P., Hartl M., Heijmans J., Henry D., Huber H., Kasper M., Keller C.U., Kenworthy M.A., Kühn J., Kuntschner H., Lightfoot J., Lunney D., MacIntosh M., Mannucci F., March S., Neeser M., Patapis P., Pearson D., Plattner M., Puglisi A., Quanz S., Rau C., Riccardi A., Salasnich B., Schubert J., Snik F., Sturm E., Valentini A., Waring C., Wiezorrek E. & Xompero M. (2018), ERIS: revitalising an adaptive optics instrument for the VLT. Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Proceedings Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 1070209.
- Dorval P., Snik F., Piskunov N., Navarro R., Kragt J., Horst R., Kunst P., Snellen I.A.G., Naylor T. & Thompson S. (2018), Analysis of the polarimetric performance of the HARPS3 Cassegrain adaptor unit. Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Proceedings Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 107026B.
- Ginski C., Benisty M., Holstein R.G. van, Juhász A., Schmidt T.O.B., Chauvin G., Boer J. de, Wilby M., Manara C.F., Delorme P., Ménard F., Pinilla P., Birnstiel T., Flock M., Keller C., Kenworthy M., Milli J., Olofsson J., Pérez L., Snik F. & Vogt N. (2018), First direct detection of a polarized companion outside a resolved circumbinary disk around CS Chamaeleonis, Astronomy and Astrophysics 616: A79.
- Schmid H.M., Bazzon A., Roelfsema R., Mouillet D., Milli J., Menard F., Gisler D., Hunziker S., Pragt J., Dominik C., Boccaletti A., Ginski C., Abe L., Antoniucci S., Avenhaus H., Baruffolo A., Baudoz P., Beuzit J.L., Carbillet M., Chauvin G., Claudi R., Costille A., Daban J.-B., Haan M. de, Desidera S., Dohlen K., Downing M., Elswijk E., Engler N., Feldt M., Fusco T., Girard J.H., Gratton R., Hanenburg H., Henning T., Hubin N., Joos F., Kasper M., Keller C.U., Langlois M., Lagadec E., Martinez P., Mulder E., Pavlov A., Podio L., Puget P., Quanz S.P., Rigal F., Salasnich B., Sauvage J.-F., Schuil M., Siebenmorgen R., Sissa E., Snik F., Suarez M., Thalmann Ch., Turatto M., Udry S., Duin A. van, Holstein R.G. van, Vigan A. & Wildi F. (2018), SPHERE/ZIMPOL high resolution polarimetric imager. I. System overview, PSF parameters, coronagraphy, and polarimetry, Astronomy and Astrophysics 619: A9.
- Ginski C., Holstein R.G. van, Juhász A., Benisty M., Schmidt T., Chauvin G., Boer J. de, Wilby M.J., Manara C.F., Delorme P., Ménard F., Muro-Arena G., Pinilla P., Birnstiel T., Flock M., Keller C.U., Kenworthy M.A., Milli J., Olofsson J., Pérez L., Snik F. & Vogt N. (2018), A Planet with a Disc? A Surprising Detection in Polarised Light with VLT/SPHERE, The Messenger (ESO) 172: 27-31.
- Kenworthy M.A., Snik F., Keller C.U., Doelman D., Por E.H., Absil O., Carlomagno B., Karlsson M., Huby E., Glauser A.M., Quanz S.P. & Taylor W.D. (2018), High contrast imaging for the enhanced resolution imager and spectrometer (ERIS). Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Proceedings Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 1070246.
- Kenworthy M.A., Absil O., Carlomagno B., Agócs T., Por E.H., Bos S.P., Brandl B.R. & Snik F. (2018), A review of high contrast imaging modes for METIS. Evans J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Proceedings SPIE 10702, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 10702A3.
- Boehle A., Glauser A.M., Kenworthy M.A., Snik F., Doelman D., Quanz S.P. & Meyer M.R. (2018), Cryogenic characterization of the grating vector APP coronagraph for the upcoming ERIS instrument at the VLT. Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Proceedings Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: IAU. 107023Y.
- Côté O., Allain G., Brousseau D., Lord M.-P., Ouahbi S., Ouellet M., Patel D., Thibault S., Vallée C., Belikov R., Bendek E., Blain C., Bradley C., Daigle O., Jong C. de, Doelman D., Doyon R., Grandmont F., Helmbrecht M., Kenworthy M.A., Lafrenière D., Marchis F., Marois C., Montminy S., Snik F., Vasisht G., Véran J.P. & Vincent P. (2018), A precursor mission to high contrast imaging balloon system. Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Proceedings, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 1070248.
- Males J.R., Close L.M., Miller K., Schatz L., Doelman D., Lumbres J., Snik F., Rodack A., Knight J., Gorkom K. van, Long J.D., Hedglen A., Kautz M., Jovanovic N., Morzinski K., Guyon O., Douglas E., Follette K.B., Lozi J., Bohlman C., Durney O., Gasho V., Hinz P., Ireland M., Jean M., Keller C., Kenworthy M.A., Mazin B., Noenickx J., Alfred D., Perez K., Sanchez A., Sauve C., Weinberger A. & Conrad A. (2018), MagAO-X: project status and first laboratory results. Close L.M., Schreiber L. & Schmidt D. (red.), Proceedings, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10703: SPOE. 1070309.
- Miller K., Males J.R., Guyon O., Close L.M., Doelman D., Snik F., Por E., Wilby M.J., Bohlman C., Lumbres J., Gorkom K. van, Kautz M., Rodack A., Knight J., Jovanovic N., Morzinski K. & Schatz L. (2018), Focal plane wavefront sensing and control strategies for high-contrast imaging on the MagAO-X instrument. Close L.M., Schreiber L. & Schmidt D. (red.), Proceeding, Adaptive Optics Systems VI. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10703: SPIE. 107031T.
- Jovanovic N., Absil O., Baudoz P., Beaulieu M., Bottom M., Cady E., Carlomagno B., Carlotti A., Doelman D., Fogarty K., Galicher R., Guyon O., Haffert S., Huby E., Jewell J., Keller C., Kenworthy M.A., Knight J., Kühn J., Miller K., Mazoyer J., N'Diaye M., Por E., Pueyo L., Riggs A.J.E., Ruane G., Sirbu D., Snik F., Wallace J.K., Wilby M. & Ygouf M. (2018), Review of high-contrast imaging systems for current and future ground-based and space-based telescopes: Part II. Common path wavefront sensing/control and coherent differential imaging. Close L.M. & Schreiber Schmidt D. (red.), Proceedings Adaptive Optics Systems VI. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10703: SOIE. 107031U.
- Long J.D., Males J.R., Morzinski K.M., Close L.M., Snik F., Kenworthy M.A., Otten G.P.P.L., Monnier J., Tolls V. & Weinberger A. (2018), The hunt for Sirius Ab: comparison of algorithmic sky and PSF estimation performance in deep coronagraphic thermal-IR high contrast imaging. Close L.M., Schreiber L. & Schmidt D. (red.), Proceedings Adaptive Optics Systems VI. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10703: SPIE. 107032T.
- Lozi J., Guyon O., Jovanovic N., Goebel S., Pathak P., Skaf N., Sahoo A., Norris B., Martinache F., N'Diaye M., Mazin B., Walter A.B., Tuthill P., Kudo T., Kawahara H., Kotani T., Ireland M., Cvetojevic N., Huby E., Lacour S., Vievard S., Groff T.D., Chilcote J.K., Kasdin J., Knight J., Snik F., Doelman D., Minowa Y., Clergeon C., Takato N., Tamura M., Currie T., Takami H. & Hayashi M. (2018), SCExAO, an instrument with a dual purpose: perform cutting-edge science and develop new technologies. Close L.M., Schreiber L. & Schmidt D. (red.), Adaptive Optics Systems VI. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10703: SPIE. 1070359.
- Piskunov N., Stempels E., Lavail A., Escuti M., Snik F., Dolgopolov A., Rozel M., Durandet C., Hatzes A., Bristow P., Brucalassi A., Cumani C., Dorn R.J., Haimerl A., Heiter U., Hinterschuster R., Follert R., Ives D., Jung Y., Kerber F., Klein B., Lizon J.-L., Marquart T., Molina-Conde I., Pasquini L., Paufique J., Oliva E., Reiners A., Seemann U., Stegmeier J., Tordo S. & Valenti E. (2018), A unique infrared spectropolarimetric unit for CRIRES+. Evans C.J., Simard L. & Takami H. (red.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10702: SPIE. 1070234.
- Snik F., Absil O., Baudoz P., Beaulieu M., Bendek E., Cady E., Carlomagno B., Carlotti A., Cvetojevic N., Doelman D., Fogarty K., Galicher R., Guyon O., Haffert S., Huby E., Jewell J., Jovanovic N., Keller C., Kenworthy M.A., Knight J., Kuhn J., Mazoyer J., Miller K., N'Diaye M., Norris B., Por E., Pueyo L., Riggs A.J.E., Ruane G., Sirbu D., Wallace J.K., Wilby M. & Ygouf M. (2018), Review of high-contrast imaging systems for current and future ground-based and space-based telescopes III: technology opportunities and pathways. Navarro R. & Geyl R. (red.), Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation III. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 10 juni 2018 - 15 juni 2018 nr. 10706: SPIE. 107062L.
- Boer J. de, Girard J.H., Canovas H., Min M., Sitko M., Ginski C., Jeffers S.V., Mawet D., Milli J., Rodenhuis M., Snik F. & Keller C.U. (2017), BP Piscium: its flaring disc imaged with SPHERE/ZIMPOL*, 466: L7-L12.
- Mahapatra G., Stam D.M., Rossi L., Rodenhuis M., Snik F. & Keller C.U. (2017), Investigating circular patterns in linear polarization observations of Venus, Proceedings from the European Planetary Science Congress 2017. European Planetary Science Congress 23 april 2017 - 28 april 2017. European Planetary Science Congress nr. Volume 11: Copernicus. EPSC2017-885.
- Patty C.H.L., Visser L.J.J., Ariese F., Buma W.J., Sparks W.B., Spanning R.J.M., Röling W.F.M. & Snik F. (2017), Circular spectropolarimetric sensing of chiral photosystems in decaying leaves, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 189: 303-311.
- Otten G.P.P.L., Snik F., Kenworthy M.A., Keller C.U., Males J.R., Morzinski K.M., Close L.M., Codona J.L., Hinz P.M., Hornburg K.J., Brickson L.L. & Escuti M.J. (2017), On-sky Performance Analysis of the Vector Apodizing Phase Plate Coronagraph on MagAO/Clio2, The Astrophysical Journal 834: 175.
- Wilby M.J., Keller C.U., Snik F., Korkiakoski V.A. & Pietrow A.G.M. (2017), The coronagraphic Modal Wavefront Sensor: a hybrid focal-plane sensor for the high-contrast imaging of circumstellar environments, 597: A112.
- Holstein R.G., Snik F., Girard J.H., Boer J. de, Ginski C., Keller C.U., Stam D.M., Beuzit J.-L., Mouillet D., Kasper M., Langlois M., Zurlo A., Kok R.J. & Vigan A. (2017), Combining angular differential imaging and accurate polarimetry with SPHERE/IRDIS to characterize young giant exoplanets. Shaklan S. (red.), Proceedings Techniqes and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VIII. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 12 september 2017 - 12 september 2017 nr. 10400: SPIE. 1040015.
- Doelman D.S., Snik F., Warriner N.Z. & Escuti M.J. (2017), Patterned liquid-crystal optics for broadband coronagraphy and wavefront sensing, Proceedings SPIE 10400, Techniqes and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VIII. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 12 september 2017 - 12 september 2017 nr. 10400: SPIE. 104000U.
- Harrington D.M., Snik F., Keller C.U., Sueoka S.R. & Harten G. van (2017), Polarization modeling and predictions for DKIST part 2: application of the Berreman calculus to spectral polarization fringes of beamsplitters and crystal retarders, Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 3(4): 048001.
- Harrington D.M., Snik F., Keller C.U., Sueoka S.R. & Harten G. (2017), Polarization modeling and predictions for DKIST part 2: application of the Berreman calculus to spectral polarization fringes of beamsplitters and crystal retarders, Proceedings Volume 10407, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VIII. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 12 september 2017 - 12 september 2017 nr. 10407: SPIE. 104070A.
- Shaw J.A. & Snik F. (red.) (2017), Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VIII. Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering nr. 10407: SPIE.
- Mousis O., Atkinson D.H., Spilker T., Venkatapathy E., Poncy J., Frampton R., Coustenis A., Reh K., Lebreton J.-P., Fletcher L.N., Hueso R., Amato M.J., Colaprete A., Ferri F., Stam D., Wurz P., Atreya S., Aslam S., Banfield D.J., Calcutt S., Fischer G., Holland A., Keller C.U., Kessler E., Leese M., Levacher P., Morse A., Muñoz O., Renard J.-B., Sheridan S., Schmider F.-X., Snik F., Waite J.H., Bird M., Cavalié T., Deleuil M., Fortney J., Gautier D., Guillot T., Lunine J.I., Marty B., Nixon C., Orton G.S. & Sánchez-Lavega A. (2016), The Hera Saturn entry probe mission, Planetary and Space Science 130(1 October 2016): 80-103.
- Hogenboom M., Stam D., Rossi L. & Snik F. (2016), Modelling the circular polarisation of Earth-like exoplanets: constraints on detecting homochirality, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. nr. 18 4721.
- Snik F., Keller C.U., Wijnen M., Peters H., Derks R. & Smulders E. (2016), FlySPEX: a flexible multi-angle spectropolarimetric sensing system. nr. 9853: Proc. SPIE. id. 985308.
- Thompson S.J., Queloz D., Baraffe I., Brake M., Dolgopolov A., Fisher M., Fleury M., Geelhoed J., Hall R., González Hernández J.I., Horst R. ter, Kragt J., Navarro R., Naylor T., Pepe F., Piskunov N., Rebolo R., Sander L., Ségransan D., Seneta E., Sing D., Snellen I., Snik F., Spronck J., Stempels E., Sun X., Santana Tschudi S. & Young J. (2016), HARPS3 for a roboticized Isaac Newton Telescope. nr. 9908: Proc. SPIE. id. 99086F.
- Kenworthy M.A., Absil O., Agócs T., Pantin E., Quanz S., Stuik R., Snik F. & Brandl B.R. (2016), High-contrast imaging with METIS, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9908 9908A6.
- De Ugarte Postigo A., Roming P., Thöne C.C., Horst A.J. van der, Pope S., García Vargas M.L., Sánchez-Blanco E., Maldonado Medina M., Content R., Snik F., Killough R., Winters G., Persson K., Jeffers S., Riva A., Bianco A. & Zanutta A. (2016), OCTOCAM: a fast multi-channel imager and spectrograph proposed for the Gemini Observatory. nr. 9908: Proc. SPIE. id. 990840.
- Land-Zandstra A.M., Devilee J.L.A., Snik F., Buurmeijer F. & Broek J.M. van den (2016), Citizen science on a smartphone: Participants’ motivations and learning, Public Understanding of Science 25(1): 45-60.
- Boer J. de, Salter G., Benisty M., Vigan A., Boccaletti A., Pinilla Ortiz P.A., Ginski C., Juhasz A., Maire A., Messina S., Desidera S., Cheetham A., Girard J., Wahhaj Z., Langlois M., Bonnefoy M., Beuzit J., Buenzli E., Chauvin G., Dominik C., Feldt M., Gratton R., Hagelberg J., Isella A., Janson M., Keller C., Lagrange A., Lannier J., Menard F., Mesa D., Mouillet D., Mugrauer M., Peretti S., Perrot C., Sissa E., Snik F., Vogt N. & Zurlo A. (2016), Multiple rings in the transition disk and companion candidates around RX J1615.3-3255. High contrast imaging with VLT/SPHERE, Astronomy and Astrophysics 595: A114.
- Wilby M.J., Keller C.U., Haffert S., Korkiakoski V.A., Snik F. & Pietrow A.G.M. (2016), Designing and testing the coronagraphic Modal Wavefront Sensor: a fast non-common path error sensor for high-contrast imaging, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. SPIE nr. 9909 990921.
- Mousis O., Atkinson D.H., Amato M., Aslam S., Atreya S.K., Blanc M., Bolton S.J., Brugger B., Calcutt S., Cavalié T., Charnoz S., Coustenis A., Deleuil M., Ferri F., Fletcher L.N., Guillot T., Hartogh P., Holland A., Hueso R., Keller C., Kessler E., Lebreton J.-P., leese M., Lellouch E., Levacher P., Marty B., Morse A., Nixon C., Reh K.R., Renard J.-B., Sanchez-Lavega A., Schmider F.-X., Sheridan S., Simon A.A., Snik F., Spilker T.R., Stam D.M., Venkatapathy E., Vernazza P., Waite J.H. & Wurz P. (2016), HERA: an atmospheric probe to unveil the depths of Saturn, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts. nr. 48 123.28.
- Males J.R., Close L.M., Guyon O., Morzinski K.M., Hinz P., Esposito S., Pinna E., Xompero M., Briguglio R., Riccardi A., Puglisi A., Mazin B., Ireland M.J., Weinberger A., Conrad A., Kenworthy M., Snik F., Otten G.P.P.L., Jovanovic N. & Lozi J. (2016), The path to visible extreme adaptive optics with MagAO-2K and MagAO-X, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9909 990952.
- Hoeijmakers H.J., Arts M.L.J., Snik F., Keller C.U. & Kuiper J.M. (2016), Design trade-off and proof of concept for LOUPE, the Lunar Observatory for Unresolved Polarimetry of Earth, Optics Express 24(19): 21435.
- Di Noia A., Hasekamp O.P., Harten G. van, Rietjens J.H.H., Smit J.M., Snik F., Henzing J.S., Boer J. de, Keller C.U. & Volten H. (2015), Use of neural networks in ground-based aerosol retrievals from multi-angle spectropolarimetric observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8(1): 281-299.
- Snik F., Harten G. van, Alenin A.S., Vaughn I.J. & Tyo J.S. (2015), A multi-domain full-Stokes polarization modulator that is efficient for 300-2500nm spectropolarimetry. Shaw J.A. & LeMaster D.A. (red.), Proceedings Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VII. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 12 september 2017 - 12 september 2017. Proceedings of SPIE nr. 9613. Washington, U.S.A.: SPIE. 9613.
- Kochukhov O., Rusomarov N., Valenti J.A., Stempels H.C., Snik F., Rodenhuis M., Piskunov N., Makaganiuk V., Keller C.U. & Johns-Krull C.M. (2015), Magnetic field topology and chemical spot distributions in the extreme Ap star HD 75049, Astronomy and Astrophysics 574: A79.
- Harten G., Snik F., Rietjens J., Martijn Smit J. & Keller C. (2014), Spectral line polarimetry with a channeled polarimeter, Applied Optics 53: 4187.
- Juan Ovelar M. de, Snik F., Keller C.U. & Venema L. (2014), Instrumental polarisation at the Nasmyth focus of the E-ELT, Astronomy and Astrophysics 562: A8.
- Harten G., Boer J., Rietjens J., Di Noia A., Snik F., Volten H., Smit J., Hasekamp O., Henzing J. & Keller C. (2014), Atmospheric aerosol characterization with a ground-based SPEX spectropolarimetric instrument, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 7(12): 4341-4351.
- Kenworthy M., Quanz S., Otten G., Meshkat T., Codona J., Snik F., Meyer M., Kasper M. & Girard J. (2014), Successes and challenges of the APP Coronagraph. Booth M., Matthews B. & Graham J. (red.), IAU Symposium. nr. 299 40-41.
- Pertenais M., Neiner C., Parès L., Petit P., Snik F. & Harten G. (2014), UVMag: Space UV and visible spectropolarimetry, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9144 3.
- Rodenhuis M., Snik F., Harten G., Hoeijmakers J. & Keller C. (2014), Five-dimensional optical instrumentation: combining polarimetry with time-resolved integral-field spectroscopy, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9099 0.
- Boer J., Girard J., Mawet D., Snik F., Keller C. & Milli J. (2014), Characterizing instrumental effects on polarization at a Nasmyth focus using NaCo, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9147 87.
- Keller C., Korkiakoski V., Rodenhuis M. & Snik F. (2014), Towards Polarimetric Exoplanet Imaging with ELTs. Apai D. & Gabor P. (red.), Search for Life Beyond the Solar System. Exoplanets, Biosignatures {\amp} Instruments. 4.
- Snik F., Otten G., Kenworthy M., Mawet D. & Escuti M. (2014), Combining vector-phase coronagraphy with dual-beam polarimetry, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9147.
- Otten G., Snik F., Kenworthy M., Miskiewicz M., Escuti M. & Codona J. (2014), The vector apodizing phase plate coronagraph: prototyping, characterization and outlook, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. nr. 9151.
- Snik F., Craven-Jones J., Escuti M., Fineschi S., Harrington D., De Martino A., Mawet D., Riedi J. & Tyo J.S. (2014), An overview of polarimetric sensing techniques and technology with applications to different research fields, Proceedings of SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering 9099: 90990B.
- Noia A. di, Hasekamp O., Harten G., Rietjens J., Smit J., Snik F., Henzing J., Boer J., Keller C. & Volten H. (2014), Use of neural networks in ground-based aerosol retrievals from multi-angle spectropolarimetric observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 7: 9047-9094.
- Otten G., Snik F., Kenworthy M., Miskiewicz M. & Escuti M. (2014), Performance characterization of a broadband vector Apodizing Phase Plate coronagraph, Optics Express 22(24): 30287-30314.
- Hoeijmakers H., Snik F., Stam D. & Keller C. (2014), LOUPE: Spectropolarimetry of the Earth from the surface of the Moon, European Planetary Science Congress 2014, EPSC Abstracts, Vol.~9, id.~EPSC2014-574 9: 574.
- Snik F., Rietjens J., Apituley A., Volten H., Mijling B., Di Noia A., Heikamp S., Heinsbroek R., Hasekamp O., Smit J., Vonk J., Stam D., Harten G., Boer J. & Keller C. (2014), Mapping atmospheric aerosols with a citizen science network of smartphone spectropolarimeters, Geophysical Research Letters 41: 7351-7358.
- Johns-Krull C., Chen W., Valenti J., Jeffers S., Piskunov N., Kochukhov O., Makaganiuk V., Stempels H., Snik F., Keller C.U. & Rodenhuis M. (2013), Magnetically Controlled Accretion on the Classical T Tauri Stars GQ Lupi and TW Hydrae, The Astrophysical Journal 765(1): 11.
- Rusomarov N., Kochukhov O., Piskunov N., Jeffers S., Johns-Krull C., Keller C.U., Makaganiuk V., Rodenhuis M., Snik F., Stempels H. & Valenti J. (2013), Three-dimensional magnetic and abundance mapping of the cool Ap star HD 24712 . I. Spectropolarimetric observations in all four Stokes parameters, Astronomy and Astrophysics 558: A8.
- Snik F. & Keller C. (2013), Astronomical Polarimetry: Polarized Views of Stars and Planets. In: Oswalt T. & Bond H. (red.), Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems. Volume 2: Astronomical Techniques, Software and Data 175.
- Snik F., Harpspol Team & X-Shooter-Pol Team (2013), The polarimeters for HARPS and X-shooter. Pugliese G., De Koter A. & Wijburg M. (red.), 370 Years of Astronomy in Utrecht. nr. 470 401.
- Johns-Krull C., Chen W., Valenti J., Jeffers S., Piskunov N., Kochukhov O., Makaganiuk V., Stempels H., Snik F., Keller C. & Rodenhuis M. (2013), HARPS Spectropolarimetry of the Classical T Tauri Stars GQ Lup and TW Hya, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts. nr. 221 #256.14.
- Kochukhov O., Makaganiuk V., Piskunov N., Jeffers S., Johns-Krull C., Keller C.U., Rodenhuis M., Snik F., Stempels H. & Valenti J. (2013), Are there tangled magnetic fields on HgMn stars?, Astronomy and Astrophysics 554: A61.
- Snik F., Otten G., Kenworthy M.A., Miskiewicz M., Escuti M., Packham C. & Codona J. (2012), The vector-APP: a broadband apodizing phase plate that yields complementary PSFs. Navarro R., Cunningham C.R. & Prieto E. (red.), Proceedings SPIE. Modern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation II. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes Instrumentation 1 juli 2012 - 6 juli 2012 nr. 8450: SPIE. 84500M.
- Cunningham C.R., Evans C.J., Molster F., Kendrew S., Kenworthy M.A. & Snik F. (2012), Innovative technology for optical and infrared astronomy. Navarro R., Cunningham C.R. & Prieto E. (red.), Modern Technologies in Space- and Ground-based Telescopes and Instrumentation II. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes Instrumentation 1 juli 2012 - 6 juli 2012 nr. 8450: SPIE. 845031.
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