Evin Aktar
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. E. Aktar
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5228
- e.aktar@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-2942-171X

Evin Atkar onderzoekt de paden die een rol spelen in het overbrengen van emotiestoornissen (depressie en angststoornis) van ouders naar kinderen.
Meer informatie over Evin Aktar
Evin Atkar onderzoekt de paden die een rol spelen in het overbrengen van emotiestoornissen (depressie en angststoornis) van ouders naar kinderen.
More information can be found on Aktar's English page.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Nimphy C.A. Elzinga B.M. Does A.J.W. van der, Bockstaele B. van & Pérez-Edgar K. Westenberg M Aktar E. (2024), “Nobody Here Likes Her”: the Impact of parental verbal threat information on children’s fear of strangers, Developmental Psychobiology 66: 1-10 (e22526).
- Nimphy C.A., Mitrou V., Elzinga B.M., Does A.J.W. van der & Aktar E. (2024), The role of parental verbal threat information in children’s fear acquisition: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 27: 714–731.
- Altar E. & Pérez-Edgar K. (2024), Family risk factors in the acquisition of anxiety: behavioral inhibition and social fear learning from parents, Advances in Psychiatry and Behavioral Health 4(1): 225-233.
- Aktar E., Venetikidi M., Bockstaele B. van, Giessen D. van der & Perez-Edgar K. (2024), Pupillary responses to dynamic negative versus positive facial expressions of emotion in children and parents: links to depression and anxiety, Developmental Psychobiology 66(6): 1-15 (e22522. ).
- Nimphy C.A., Venetikidi M., Elzinga B.M., Does A.J.W. van der & Aktar E. (2023), Parent to offspring fear transmission via modeling in early life: a systematic review and meta analysis, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review : 751-772.
- Nimphy C.A., Elzinga B.M., Does A.J.W. van der & Aktar E. (2023), "Covid-19 is dangerous": the role of parental verbal threat information on children's fear of Covid-19, Journal of Adolescence 95(1): 147-156.
- Aktar E., Nimphy C.A., Kret M.E., Perez-Edgar K., Raijmakers M.E.J. & Bogels S.M. (2022), Attention biases to threat in infants and parents: links to parental and infant anxiety dispositions, Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology 50(3): 387-402 .
- Aktar E (2022), Intergenerational transmission of anxious information processing biases: an updated conceptual model, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 25(1): 1-22.
- Aktar E., Nimphy C.A., van Bockstaele B. & Pérez-Edgar K. (2022), The social learning of threat and safety in the family: parent-to-child transmission of social fears via verbal information, Developmental Psychobiology 64(e22257): 1-20.
- Nimphy C.A., Elzinga B.M., Van der Does A.J.W. & Aktar E. (2022), “Covid‐19 is dangerous”: The role of parental verbal threat information on children's fear of Covid‐19, Journal of Adolescence 95(1): 147-156.
- Bockstaele B. van, Aktar E., Majdandzic M., Perez-Edgar K. & Bogels S.M. (2021), The relation between early behavioural inhibition and later social anxiety, independent of attentional biases to threat, Cognition and Emotion 35(7): 1431-1439.
- Aktar E., Nimphy C.A., Kret M.E., Perez-Edgar K., Bogels S.M. & Raijmakers M.E.J. (2021), Pupil responses to dynamic negative facial expressions of emotion in infants and parents, Developmental Psychobiology 63(7): e22190.
- Salvadori E.A., Colonnesi C., Vonk H.S., Oort F.J. & Aktar E. (2021), Infant emotional mimicry of strangers: associations with parent emotional mimicry, parent-infant mutual attention, and parent dispositional affective empathy, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(2): 1-19 (654).
- Aktar E., Raijmakers M.E.J. & Kret M.E. (2020), Pupil mimicry in infants and parents, Cognition and Emotion 34(6): 1160-1170.
- Aktar E. & Peréz Edgar K. (2020), Infant Emotion Development and Temperament. In: Lockman J.J. & Tamis-LeMonda C.S. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Infant Development: Brain, Behavior, and Cultural Context.: Cambridge University Press. 715-741.
- Aktar E., Qu J., Lawrence P.J., Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M. & Bögels S.M. (2019), Fetal and Infant Outcomes in the Offspring of Parents With Perinatal Mental Disorders: Earliest Influences, Frontiers in Psychiatry 10: e391.
- Emerson L.M., Aktar E., De Bruijn E., Potharst E. & Bögels S. (2019), Mindful Parenting in Secondary Child Mental Health: Key Parenting Predictors of Treatment Effects, Mindfulness : 1-11.
- Zeegers M.A., Potharst E.S., Veringa-Skiba I.K., Aktar E., Goris M., Bögels S.M. & Colonnesi C. (2019), Evaluating Mindful with your baby/toddler: observational changes in maternal sensitivity, acceptance, mind-mindedness, and dyadic synchrony, Frontiers in Psychology (10): 1-14 (753).
- Aktar E., Van Bockstaele B., Pérez‐Edgar K., Wiers R.W. & Bögels S.M. (2019), Intergenerational transmission of attentional bias and anxiety, Developmental Science 22(3): e12772.
- Cong Y.Q., Junge C., Aktar E., Raijmakers M.E.J., Franklin A. & Sauter D. (2019), Pre-verbal infants perceive emotional facial expressions categorically, Cognition and Emotion 33(3): 391-403.
- Nikolić M., Aktar E., Bögels S., Colonnesi C. & De Vente W. (2018), Bumping heart and sweaty palms: Physiological hyperarousal as a risk factor for child social anxiety, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 59(2): 119-128.
- Aktar E., Majdandžić M., De Vente W. & Bögels S.M. (2018), Parental Expressions of Anxiety and Child Temperament in Toddlerhood Jointly Predict Preschoolers’ Avoidance of Novelty, Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 47(sup 1): S421-S434.
- Aktar E., Mandell D.J., De Vente W., Majdandžić M., Oort F.J., Van Renswoude D.R., Raijmakers M.E.J. & Bögels S.M. (2018), Parental negative emotions are related to behavioral and pupillary correlates of infants’ attention to facial expressions of emotion, Infant Behavior & Development 53: 101-111.
- Aktar E., Colonnesi C., De Vente W., Majdandžić M. & Bögels S.M. (2017), How do parents' depression and anxiety, and infants' negative temperament relate to parent–infant face-to-face interactions?, Development and Psychopathology 29(3): 697-710.
- Potharst E.S., Aktar E., Rexwinkel M., Rigterink M. & Bögels S.M. (2017), Mindful with Your Baby: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Effects of a Mindful Parenting Group Training for Mothers and Their Babies in a Mental Health Context, Mindfulness 8(5): 1236-1250.
- Aktar E. & Bögels S.M. (2017), Exposure to Parents’ Negative Emotions as a Developmental Pathway to the Family Aggregation of Depression and Anxiety in the First Year of Life, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 20(4): 369-390.
- Aktar E., Nikolić M. & Bögels S.M. (2017), Environmental transmission of generalized anxiety disorder from parents to children: worries, experiential avoidance, and intolerance of uncertainty, Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 19(2): 137-147.
- Aktar E. (2017), Antenne baby slaat aan op stress, Vakblad Vroeg 4: 23-25.
- Aktar E., Mandell D.J., De Vente W., Majdandžić M., Raijmakers M.E.J. & Bögels S.M. (2016), Infants’ temperament and mothers’, and fathers’ depression predict infants’ attention to objects paired with emotional faces, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 44(5): 975-990.
- Aktar E., Majdandžić M., De Vente W. & Bögels S.M. (2014), Parental social anxiety disorder prospectively predicts toddlers' fear/avoidance in a social referencing paradigm, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 55(1): 77-87.
- Aktar E., Majdandžić M., Vente W. de & Bögels S.M. (2013), The interplay between expressed parental anxiety and infant behavioural inhibition predicts infant avoidance in a social referencing paradigm, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54(2): 144-156.
- Majdandžić M., Vente W. de, Feinberg M.E., Aktar E. & Bögels S.M. (2012), Bidirectional Associations Between Coparenting Relations and Family Member Anxiety: A Review and Conceptual Model, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 15(1): 28-42.