Sanneke Kuipers
Scientific Director / Professor Crisis Governance
- Name
- Prof.dr. S.L. Kuipers
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9392
- 0000-0002-0934-5406

Sanneke Kuipers, Full Professor in Crisis Governance and Scientific Director (WD) of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of Leiden University. Sanneke combines crisis management scholarship with practical experience as a consultant. She publishes on crisis management, institutionalization, organizational survival, and crisis accountability in international scholarly journals and books. Sanneke has extensive experience as senior advisor at Crisisplan BV in crisis research, evaluation, training and teaching projects, advising national ministries, safety regions and executive agencies. Current research projects include projects on risk and crisis management, institutionalization of public organizations, blaming and accountability after crises and organizational survival.
More information about Sanneke Kuipers
Research output
Assist or accuse? Identifying trends in crisis communication through a bibliometric literature review
A renewed awareness: Reinvigorating preparedness research for crisis and disastermanagement
A bibliometric review of COVID-19 research in the crisis and disaster literature
Oxford Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis
Vulnerabilities and Cyberspace: A New Kind of Crises
Data Breaches and Effective Crisis Communication: A Comparative Analysis of Corporate Reputational Crises
Organizational and Institutional Crisis Management
Between life and death: organizational change in central state bureaucracies in cross-national comparison
Editorial: Sanity and Resilience in Times of Corona
HazMat transportation safety assessment: Analysis of a “Viareggio-like” incident in the Netherlands
Does Terrorism Dominate Citizens’ Hearts or Minds?
Terrorist threat in the Netherlands. The risk perception and possibilities for risk communication
Peak Performance: Collaborative Crisis Management Before and During International Summits
PhD candidates
See also
Inaugural lecture
Leiden Safety and Security Blog
Professor Sanneke Kuipers combines scholarship on crisis management with consultancy in the crisis domain.
Sanneke received her Ph.D. in 2004 from Leiden University. Her dissertation on institutional crises and welfare state reform in the Netherlands and Belgium won two national prizes: the 2005 Van Poelje-award of the National Association for Public Administration and the Annual Award of the Political Science Association for the best dissertation of 2004-2005.
Currently full professor in Crisis Governance at Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs and Scientific Director (WD) of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA). Sanneke writes on topics of crisis and disaster management, institutionalisation, organisational survival and path dependency, accountability and blaming after crisis in international scholarly journals and books. She is the editor-in-chief of Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy (Wiley), and associate editor of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis (with Eric Stern et al). Sanneke has extensive experience as senior advisor at Crisisplan BV in both national and international crisis management research, evaluation, training and teaching projects. She has consulted with national Ministries and executive agencies of the Dutch government and the EU.
Current research
Current research projects include several projects on risk and crisis management (with the Research group Crisis Governance at ISGA), institutionalization of public organizations (with Arjen Boin), blaming and accountability after crises (with Annika Brändström) and organizational survival (with Kutsal Yesilkagit and Brendan Carroll).
Sanneke Kuipers teaches the courses Crisis Management and Governing after Crisis in the master programme Crisis and Security management at Leiden University’s ISGA.
She has taken on the interim position of Director of Education of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs since January 2018.
Grants and awards
- Van Poelje-award of the National Association for Public Administration (2005)
- Annual Award of the Political Science Association for the best dissertation of 2004-2005.
Scientific Director / Professor Crisis Governance
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Luesink M.B.A., Wolbers J.J., Duin M. van & Kuipers S.L. (2024), Scenario planning to enable foresight in crisis management . Proceedings of the 21st ISCRAM Conference 25 April 2025 - 29 May 2024.
- Christensen J, Kuipers S.L. & Yesilkagit A.K. (2024), Politiek en wetenschap in crisisbesluitvorming tijdens Covid : lessen voor de toekomst . In: M’hamdi H.I, Rotteveel A., Rerimassie V. & Haverkamp B. (Eds.), Maatschappelijke meerstemmigheid onder druk: waarborgen van pluralisme tijdens een gezondheidscrisis. Den Haag: Boom. 259-318.
- Marroni G., Casson Moreno V., Kuipers S.L., Mossa Verre M. & Landucci G. (2024), Securing chemical facilities against intentional attacks: a Bayesian network approach for asset risk assessment, Chemical Engineering Transactions 111: 487-492.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Wolbers J.J. (2024), The politics of crisis management in the Netherlands. In: De Lange S., Louwerse T. 't Hart P. & Van Ham C. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Dutch politics: Oxford University Press. 590-606.
- Ruiter M. de & Kuipers S.L. (2024), Confront or concede? : Blame games as a test of cultural bias in different political systems. In: Flinders M., Dimova G., Hinterleitner M., Rhodes R. & Weaver K. (Eds.), The politics and governance of blame. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 466-489.
- Boin R.A. & Kuipers S.L. (2024), Dramatisch beleidsfalen: de noodzaak voor een hernieuwde zoektocht naar oorzaken, B en M: tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij 51(3): 246-261.
- Marroni G., Casini L., Kuipers S., Dentone D., Mossa Verre M., Overdijk W., Casson Moreno V. & Landucci G. (2023), Real-time assessment of integrated safety-security scenarios triggering cascading events in the process industries, Chemical Engineering Transactions 99: 349-354.
- Marroni G, Casini L., Bartolucci A, Kuipers S., Casson Moreno V & Landucci G. (2023), Development of fragility models for process equipment affected by physical security attacks, Reliability Engineering & System Safety 243: .
- Kuipers S, Perlstein S., Wolbers J. & Jong W. (2023), Assist or accuse?: Identifying trends in crisis communication through a bibliometric literature review, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 14(4): 272-296.
- Wolbers J & Kuipers S. (2023), A renewed awareness: reinvigorating preparedness research for crisis and disaster management, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 14(3): 184-187.
- Berg B. van den & Kuipers S.L. (2022), Vulnerabilities and cyberspace: a new kind of crisis, Politics : .
- Kantorowicz J.J., Kuipers S.L., Liem M.C.A. & Boin R.A. (2022), Divergent shifts in fear of terrorism, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management : .
- Kuipers S.L. (2022), Crisis management in government. In: Schedler K. (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedia of public management. Cheltenham, UK: Elgar. 217-221.
- Ruiter M. de & Kuipers S.L. (2022), Avoiding blame in policy crises in different institutional settings, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics : .
- Kuipers S.L. (2022), Crisis management in de publieke sector, Holland Management Review 203: 8-15.
- Stern E., Fischbacher-Smit D., Kuipers S.L., McConnell A., Nohrstedt D. & Preston T. (Eds.) (2022), Oxford encyclopedia of crisis analysis. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kuipers S.L., Wilt A.M. van der & Wolbers J.J. (2022), Pandemic Publishing: a bibliometric review of COVID‐19 research in the crisis and disaster literature, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy : .
- Carroll B.J., Bertels J., Froio C., Kuipers S.L., Schulze-Gabrechten L. & Viallet-Thevenin S. (2022), Entre la vie et la mort: le changement organisationnel dans les bureaucraties de l’État central dans une perspective comparative transnationale, Revue internationale des Sciences administratives 88(4): 717-734.
- Kuipers S & Wolbers J (2021), Organizational and institutional crisis management. In: , Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics .
- Berg B. van den, Prins R.S. & Kuipers S.L. (2021), Assessing contemporary crises: aligning safety science and security studies, Politics : .
- Kuipers S.L. & Schonheit M. (2021), Data breaches and effective crisis communication: a comparative analysis of corporate reputational crises, Corporate Reputation Review : 1-22.
- Kuipers S.L. & Schonheit M. (2021), Data breaches and effective crisis communication: A comparative analysis of corporate reputational crises, Corporate Reputation Review : .
- Wolbers J.J., Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2021), A systematic review of 20 years of crisis and disaster research: trends and progress, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy : 1-19.
- Wolbers J.J., Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2021), A systematic review of 20 years of crisis and disaster research: trends and progress, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 12(4): 1-19.
- Kuipers S.L., Yesilkagit A.K. & Carroll B.J. (2020), Ministerial influence on the machinery of government: insights on the Inside [Structure and Organization of Goverment Project] (translation: Kuipers S.L., Yesilkagit A.K. & Carroll B.J.), West European Politics : .
- Kuipers S.L. Verolme E. Muller E.R. (2020), Lessons from the MH-17 transboundary disaster investigation, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 28(2): 131-140.
- Anonymous (2020), Between Life and Death: Organizational Change in Central State Bureaucracies in Cross-National Comparison [Structure and Organization of Government project (SOG-Pro)] (translation: Carroll B.J., Bertels J., Froio C., Kuipers S.L., Schulze-Gabrechten L & Viallet-Thevenin S.), International Review of Administrative Sciences : .
- Does R. van der, Kantorowicz J., Kuipers S. & Liem M. (2019), Does Terrorism Dominate Citizens' Hearts or Minds? The Relationship Between Fear of Terrorism and Trust in Government, Terrorism and Political Violence : .
- Taebi B. & Kuipers S. (2019), Multilateral Governance of Nuclear Risks, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 10(2): 142-154.
- Kuipers S. (2019), Disaster Consequences and Collaboration, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 10(1): 6-13.
- Ovidi F., Vlies A.V. van der, Kuipers S.L. & Landucci G. (2019), HazMat transportation safety assessment: Analysis of a “Viareggio-like” incident in the Netherlands, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 63: .
- Kuipers S.L. (2019), The contingency perspective to crisis management, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 10(3): 266-274.
- Kuipers S.L. & Brandstrom A. (2019), Accountability and Blame Avoidance After Crises. In: Stern E., Fischbacher-Smith D., Kuipers S.L., McConnell A., Nohrstedt D. & Preston T. (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kuipers S.L. & Swinkels M. (2019), Secure Summits: Collaborative Crisis Management Before and During Global Government Conventions. In: Bynander F. & Nohrstedt D. (Eds.), Collaborative Crisis Management: Inter-organizational Approaches to Extreme Events. London: Routledge. 27-42.
- Kuipers S. & Kantorowicz J. (2019), Manual or machine? A review of the crisis and disaster literature, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 10(4): 388-402.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Jongh T. de (2019), A Toxic Cloud of Smoke: Communication and Coordination in a Transboundary Crisis. In: Laegreid P. & Rykkja L.H. (Eds.), Societal Security and Crisis Management: Government Capacity and Legitimacy: Palgrave MacMillan. 133-150.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & De Jongh T. (2019), A Political Assassination and a Crisis of Legitimacy: The Murder of Pim Fortuyn. In: Laegreid P. & Rykkja L.H. (Eds.), Societal Security and Crisis Management: Government Capacity and Legitimacy: Palgrave MacMillan. 247-264.
- Kuipers S.L. (2018), Public Organizations' Crisis Preparedness, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 9(3): 248-257.
- Boin R.A., Hart P. 't & Kuipers S.L. (2018), The Crisis Approach. In: Rodriguez H., Donner W. & Trainor J. (Eds.), The Handbook of Disaster Research. Cham: Springer. 23-38.
- Kuipers S.L. (2018), Crisis Leadership in Governing Floods: Lessons from the western Balkans. In: Dzihic V. & Solska M. (Eds.), Crisis Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia: The Study of Floods in 2014 no. 17. Vienna: Peter Lang. 173-188.
- Kuipers S.L. & Swinkels E.M. (2018), Peak Performance: Collaborative Crisis Management Before and During International Summits, International Journal of Emergency Management 14(3): .
- Liem M.C.A., Kuipers S.L. & Sciarone J. (2018), Terroristische dreiging in Nederland: De risicoperceptie en de mogelijkheden voor risicocommunicatie. Journal of Security and Global Affairs. Den Haag: WODC.
- Witteloostuijn A. van, Boin R.A., Kofman C., Kuilman J. & Kuipers S.L. (2018), Explaining the survival of public organizations: Applying density dependence theory to a population of US federal agencies, Public Administration 96(4): 633-650.
- Kuipers S.L., Grieken B.J. van & Asselt M.B.A. van (2018), Risk, Hazards, and Crises in Research: What Risks Get Researched, Where, and How?, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 9(4): 384-396.
- Boin A., Kofman-Bos C., Kuilman J., Kuipers S. & Witteloostuijn A. van (2017), Does organizational adaptation really matter? How mission change affects the survival of U.S. federal independent agencies, 1933–2011, Governance 30(4): 663-686.
- Kuipers S.L., Yesilkagit A.K. & Carroll B.J. (2017), Coming to Terms with Termination of Public Organizations, Public Organization Review : .
- Kuipers S.L., Yesilkagit A.K. & Carroll B.J. (2017), Organizational Demography. In: Farazmand A. (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance: Springer.
- Kuipers S.L. & Welsh Nicholas H. (2017), Taxonomy of the Crisis and Disaster Literature: Themes and Types in 34 Years of Research, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 8(4): .
- Ansell C., Boin A. & Kuipers S. (2016), Institutional Crisis and the Policy Agenda. In: Zahariadis N. (Ed.), Handbook of Public Policy Agenda Setting. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 415-432.
- Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2015), Exploring the EU's role as transboundary crisis manager: The facilitation of sense-making during the Ash-crisis. In: Bossong R. & Hegemann H. (Eds.), European Civil Security Governance: Diversity and Cooperation in Crisis and Disaster Management. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 191-210.
- Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2015), Building Joint Crisis Management Capacity? Comparing Civil Security Systems in 22 European Countries, Risk, Hazards and Crisis in Public Policy 18(2): 263-278.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Overdijk W.I.E. (2014), Leadership in times of crisis: A framework for assessment, International Review of Public Administration 18(1): 79-91.
- Kuipers S.L. & t Hart P. (2014), The ‘Crisis After the Crisis’: The politics of crisis-induced accountability. In: Bovens M.A.P., Goodin R. & Schillemans T. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Public Accountability. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 589-605.
- Kuipers S.L., Brandstrom A. & Kochanska K. (2011), Chasing Evil, Defending Atrocities: Blame Avoidance and Prisoner Abuse During the War in Iraq. In: Svedin L. (Ed.), Ethics in Crisis Management. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 119-140.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Steenbergen M. (2010), The life and death of public organizations: A question of institutional design?, Governance 23(3): 385-410.
- Boin R.A. & Kuipers S.L. (2009), Institutional Theory and the Public Policy Field: How a Traditional Tool Can Adress Perennial Problems. In: Peters B.G., Pierre J. & Stoker G. (Eds.), Debating Institutionalism. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Kuipers S.L. & Boin R.A. (2009), Path Dependence, Institutionalization and the Decline of Two Public Institutions. In: Sydow J. & Schreyogg G. (Eds.), The Hidden Dynamics of Path Dependence. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 50-70.
- Kuipers S.L. (2009), Paths of the Past or the Road Ahead? Path Dependency and Policy Change in Two Continental European Welfare States, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 11(2): 163-180.
- Brändström A., Kuipers S.L. & Daleus P. (2008), The Politics of Tsunami Responses. In: Boin R.A., Hart P. 't & McConnel A. (Eds.), Governing After Crisis: Cambridge University Press. 114-147.
- Kuipers S.L. (2006), The Crisis Imperative: Crisis Rhetoric and Welfare State Reform in Belgium and the Netherlands in the Early 1990s. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Bovens M.A.P., Hart P. 't & Kuipers S.L. (2006), The politics of policy evaluation. In: Moran M., Rein M. & Goodin R. (Eds.), Oxford handbook of public policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 317-333.
- Bannink D., Kuipers S.L. & Lantink A.J. (2006), The reform of the Dutch disability insurance. In: Heyse L., Resodihardjo S.L., Lantink A.J. & Lettinga B. (Eds.), Reform in Europe: Breaking the barriers in government. Aldershot: Ashgate. 107-125.
- Anderson K.M., Kuipers S.L., Schulze I. & Nouland W. van den (2006), Belgium: Linguistic veto players and pension reform. In: Immergut E., Anderson K.M. & Schulze I. (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of West European pension politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 298-346.
- Kuipers S.L. (2006), Crisis als katalysator: Hervormingen in de Belgische en de Nederlandse sociale zekerheid, AIMS Molecular Science 22(3): 236-250.
- Kuipers S.L. & Groenleer M.L.P. (2005), The life and death of public organizations: Revisiting the New deal agencies. [other].
- Groenleer M.L.P., Boin R.A. & Kuipers S.L. (2005), The autonomous development of EU agencies: Regulating medicinal products and food safety in Europe. [other].
- Selck T.J. & Kuipers S.L. (2005), Shared hesitance, joint success: Denmark, Finland and Sweden in the European Union policy process, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 12(1): 157-176.
- Bannink D., Kuipers S.L. & Lantink A.J. (2004), Reform miracles: The case of Dutch disability insurance. [other].
- Kuipers S.L. (9 September 2004), Cast in concrete? The institutional dynamics of Belgian and Dutch social policy reform (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Delft: Eburon. Supervisor(s): Hart P. 't & Goudswaard K.P.
- Brändström A. & Kuipers S.L. (2003), From 'Normal incidents' to political crises: Understanding the selective politicization of policy failures, Government and Opposition 38(3): 279-205.
- Anderson K.M. & Kuipers S.L. (2003), Pension politics in Belgium 1980-2002. [other].
- Kuipers S.L. (2002), Cast in concrete: Belgian unemployment insurance from a new institutional viewpoint. [other].
- Kuipers S.L. (2002), The laggards of the low lands: Path dependency of social policy in Belgium and the Netherlands. [other].
- Kuipers S.L. (2000), Een bestuurlijke vermogenstoets: de politieke aftrekbaarheid van schuld, Advances in Emergency Medicine 54(3): 238-245.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Braun C. (2000), De crisis die uitbleef: de inlichtingensector, geheimhouding en het voordeel van de twijfel. In: Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Otten M.H.P. (Eds.), Institutionele crises: breuklijnen in beleidssectoren. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom. 144-166.
- Boin R.A., Duin M.J. van, Hart P. 't, Kuipers S.L. & Otten M.H.P. (2000), Reflecties op crises en hervormingen in de publieke sector. In: Boin A., Otten M. & Kuipers S. (Eds.), Institutionele crises: breuklijnen in beleidssectoren. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom. 167-195.
- Boin R.A., Kuipers S.L. & Otten M.H.P. (Eds.) (2000), Institutionele crises: breuklijnen in beleidssectoren. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom.
- Hart P. 't, Rijpma J.A., Hendrikse R., Jadoul M., Kluch L. & Kuipers S.L. (1997), Crises in het nieuws: Samenspel en tegenspel tussen overheid en media. Alphen a/d Rijn: Samsom HD Tjeenk Willink.
- Hart P. 't, Rijpma J.A., Hendrikse R., Jadoul M., Kluch L. & Kuipers S.L. (Eds.) (1997), Crises in het nieuws: Samenspel en tegenspel tussen overheid en media. Alphen a/d Rijn: Samsom HD Tjeenk Willink.
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- Lid Raad van Toezicht
- Senior onderzoeker-adviseur