Terrorist threat in the Netherlands. The risk perception and possibilities for risk communication
This report examines the questions "What is the risk perception of the Dutch population regarding terrorist threat?" And "what are the possibilities for the Dutch government to communicate about terrorist threats and about (counter-) terrorism policy?"
- Author
- Marieke Liem, Sanneke Kuipers en Jessica Sciarone
- Date
- 09 May 2018

It is unclear whether and to what extent the attacks in neighboring countries affect the risk perception of the Dutch population. In addition, the threat level assessed by the government can also influence risk perception. The question arises whether and to what extent the relatively long threat level (substantial, level four out of five, since March 2013) influences the risk perception of the Dutch population. Research shows that terrorist attacks can lead to behavioral changes among the population, such as changes in mobility and voting. Until now, it is unclear whether this happens in the event of a terrorist threat. In addition, there is a lack of clarity about the possibilities for the government to communicate about a possible terrorist threat.
To provide clarity in the abovementioned uncertainties, the following questions have been formulated: "What is the risk perception of the Dutch population regarding terrorist threat?" And "what are the possibilities for the Dutch government to communicate about terrorist threats and about (counter-) terrorism policy?"