Miguel John Versluys
Professor of Classical & Mediterranean Archaeology
- Name
- Prof.dr. M.J. Versluys
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2438
- m.j.versluys@arch.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-2290-4169

My research explores the cultural dynamics of the ancient world, the Hellenistic-Roman period (roughly 200 BCE – AD 200) in particular, from the point of view of Afro-Eurasia. I investigate these dynamic processes from local, regional and global perspectives and by means of a variety of methodologies and techniques derived from the Social Sciences & Humanities as well as the Natural Sciences.
More information about Miguel John Versluys
Current PhD candidates
Cleveringa Lecture | Bratislava, November 20, 2024
Winkelmann Lecture | December 6, 2023
Office days
On appointment by mail.
My research explores the cultural dynamics of the ancient world, the Hellenistic-Roman period (roughly 200 BCE – AD 200) in particular, from the point of view of Afro-Eurasia. I investigate these dynamic processes from local, regional and global perspectives and by means of a variety of methodologies and techniques derived from the Social Sciences & Humanities as well as the Natural Sciences.
Transdisciplinarity is key to my research in all respects. As Classical & Mediterranean archaeologist, I actively work together with (pre)historians, art historians, classicists, Egyptologists, Near Eastern scholars, anthropologists, sociologists and scientists (amongst others) as I believe that this approach is the only way to arrive at a better and comprehensive understanding of the big picture I am interested in.
In doing so, my research has two distinct focus points: the interconnection of cultures and their various identities (”Globalisation”), and the interdependence of objects and people (“Material Culture Studies”). These allow me to destabilize the canon and develop a very different history of antiquity than we are used to: decentered, multi-polar, networked, and not focused on human agency alone. My ambition is to rewrite the history of the ancient world from the perspective of increasing connectivity and developments that took place all over Afro-Eurasia - as a Global History of the ancient world - and to do so with a focus on objects and their many entanglements.
At present, the field of antiquity studies is going through a phase in which it rethinks its own character, presuppositions and genealogy. My research is at the very center of that important debate. The period between 200 BCE – AD 200 is pivotal for World History and many of the cultural dynamics that emerged at that time continue to define us up until the present day, for better or worse. My research actively engages with the presence of the past and the importance of deep history for present-day societies - and their future. To that end, I frequently work together with museums and other cultural institutions, artists and social entrepreneurs. Only by exploring alternative pasts, I believe, are we able to imagine different futures.
My research group, a team characterised by gender diversity and inclusion, I consider to be my major strength. My PhDs and PostDocs come from all over the world; and increasingly also from the global South. I finished a VICI project in 2023 and obtained a Mosaic 2.0 Grant in the same year. At present, I am amongst the PIs of a Gravity Grant program entitled Anchoring Innovation (2017-2027). I am an active member of the Academia Europaea (2017) and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) (2021). I am currently also a member of the board of trustees of the Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (Mainz) and the National Museum of Antiquities (Leiden) and actively engage with research (policy) and its societal impact.
Curriculum vitae
I have published 2 monographs, 16 edited volumes and almost 100 (refereed) articles and book chapters. I have successfully supervised 11 PhD dissertations. At present, my research group consists of 12 PhD students and Postdocs. I have organized many international conferences and workshops or conference sessions. For my research I have obtained 5m euros in research grants, amongst which a VIDI, VICI, Gravitation and Mosaic grant (NWO) as well as a Marie Curie and Creative Europe grant (ERC). I am one of the editors of the Brill series Religions in the Graeco-Roman World (RGRW).
Also see my full CV and my full bibliography.
- 2001 PhD Leiden University, Aegyptiaca Romana. Nilotic scenes and the Roman views of Egypt (cum laude).
- 2002-2004 Amsterdam Archaeological Centre, Postdoctoral research fellow & project manager of the International Nemrud Dağ Project
- 2005- Assistant Professor, Leiden University, Faculty of Archaeology
- 2011 Guest professor at the Université Toulouse – Le Mirail/Jean Jaurès (Toulouse)
- 2011-2015 NWO VIDI grant for the project Cultural innovation in a globalising society. Egypt in the Roman world & Associate Professor.
- 2014 Co-founder of the Leiden Material Agency Forum.
- 2015-2018 Director of the Leiden Graduate School of Archaeology
- 2016 Senior research fellow with the Excellence Cluster TOPOI (Berlin).
- 2016-2022 NWO VICI grant for the project Innovating objects. The impact of global connections and the formation of the Roman Empire (ca. 200-30 BC)
- 2016 Full Professor and Chair of Classical & Mediterranean Archaeology, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University
- 2017-2027 GRAVITATION grant for the program Anchoring Innovation (as one of the six main coordinators).
- 2017 Elected as member of the Academia Europaea
- 2018 Scholar in residence at the Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles).
- 2020-2024 ERC Creative Europe grant for the program Alexandria: (re)activating common urban imaginaries
- 2021: Elected as member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
- 2022: Guest professor at the Müncher Zentrum für Antike Welten (Ludwig Maximilians-Universität München)
Research interests, development and output
I obtained my PhD degree from Leiden University in 2001 for a study of images of Egypt in Roman visual material culture and, in broader terms, the meaning of Aegyptiaca Romana. To further explore how “Egypt” and “Rome” constituted dialectical history, I organised, together with Laurent Bricault (Toulouse), a series of conferences on the (global) goddess Isis between 2005 and 2011. This has resulted in four edited book volumes that explore the entanglement of the local and the global with regard to the Egyptian gods from a wide variety of perspectives. Simultaneously, extensive fieldwork in Commagene (south-east Anatolia) broadened my range beyond the Nile and Tiber – and subsequently led me to rethink what cultural interaction in Antiquity was about by taking the perspective of a ‘borderland’ at the Euphrates. This resulted first in an exploration of Globalisation theory to better understand the connectivity that characterised the Hellenistic-Roman era (Globalisation and the Roman world. World history, connectivity and material culture, with Martin Pitts) and, subsequently, in The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization, which encompasses a worldwide scope throughout time. Together with others I also investigated the consequences of living in a world characterised by increasing interconnections as well as our conceptual apparatus for understanding such a context. For instance, we critically evaluated and applied the concept of “The invention of tradition” to Roman Europe and the Mediterranean. Making a similar conceptual shift from culture to concept, a 2017 volume argues for the crucial importance of the notion of Persianism, as parallel to Hellenism, in order to understand the cultural dynamics of Hellenistic and Roman Eurasia beyond “East’ (versus) “West” containers.
Things have become increasingly central to these investigations. Specifically, the concept of things shows that objects intrinsically consist of (culturally) multi-layered know-how and meaning and that they affect humans and human society because of this. For that reason, I have come to place both Globalisation and Material Culture Studies (“beyond representation”) at the heart of my intellectual agenda for a multi-polar, uncentered history of the ancient world. My 2017 monograph on Nemrud Dağ and Commagene under Antiochos I, entitled Visual style and constructing identity in the Hellenistic world, applies this approach in-depth to a remarkable archaeological case study.
To explore and evaluate “the material turn” within the SSH, I co-founded the Leiden Material Agency Forum together with colleagues from Art History and Anthropology in 2014. The 2020 volume Beyond Egyptomania is one of the outcomes of this transdisciplinary cooperation, in which the transmission of the idea of Egypt throughout time is studied from the perspective of material agency. Our 2018 volume on the Iseum Campense in Rome (Temple, monument, Lieu de mémoire) equally investigated how past and present are bridged by the historical layeredness of objects. Both studies, moreover, illustrate how Egypt has always been part of Europe and its cultural imagination; adjusting the canon of reception history.
My current projects build on my previous (fieldwork) experiences in (present-day) Italy, Turkey and Egypt and combine my two research focus points - the interconnection of cultures and identities, and the interdependence of objects and people – approached through the concept of innovation. I have developed the concept of Objectscapes as a methodology to do so. Recent output includes two books with conference proceedings on respectively Commagene and Alexandria as important global hotspots of Hellenistic-Roman-era Afro-Eurasia. From that perspective, I am particularly interested in the impact of Globalisation on people and their worldviews; a topic that strongly speaks to present-day concerns as well. In 2022 I published a volume on canonization as a form of anchoring innovation in ancient Afro-Eurasia; whereby canonization is understood as a form of embedding global diversity. A 2024 volume on appropriation and cultural change explores how ‘objects-in-motion’ are able to impact people and society in this respect. This research paved the way for a major book-project (contracted by CUP and to be published in 2025) entitled A global revolution? Objects and change in Afro-Eurasia in the final centuries BCE. With over 20 case-study Chapters ranging from the Atlantic to the Chinese Sea, this volume investigates, in a comparative way, the consequences of increasing connectivity in the final centuries BCE on an Afro-Eurasian scale. Also to be published in 2025 (contracted by Routledge) is a co-authored volume on the Maurya dynasty and developments in India from this perspective of a ‘global Antiquity’ as well as a monograph that will provide a new history of the beginnings of the Roman Empire from the perspectives of Globalisation and human-thing entanglement, entitled Innovating Objects. Global Rome and the making of Empire (250 BCE – 14 CE).
In recent years, fuelled by my participation in an ERC Creative Europe project, amongst others, I am increasingly using my research on the ancient world as an instrument to interrogate our present and possible future. Only by exploring alternative pasts, I believe, are we able to imagine different futures. Important research output in that domain includes a Chapter in the Handbook on Frugal innovation as well as the 2024 volumes Rooted Cosmopolitanism, Heritage and the question of belonging. Archaeological and anthropological perspectives and Finding the future in the past. Object orientations between innovation and anticipation.
Learn more about the research fascination of Miguel John Versluys through this interview (in Dutch).
Professor of Classical & Mediterranean Archaeology
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology
- Versluys M.J. & Sluiter I. (2023), Anchoring: a historical perspective on frugal innovation. In: Leliveld A., Bhaduri S., Knorringa P. & Beers C. van (Eds.), Handbook on Frugal Innovation: Edward Elgar. 28-42.
- Jong I.J.F. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.) (2023), Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: objects, appropriation and cultural change. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation no. 5. Leiden: Brill.
- Jong I.J.F. de & Versluys M.J. (2023), Innovating Objects? Spolia and the Question of Appropriation. In: Jong I.J.F. de & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: objects, appropriation and cultural change. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation no. 5. Leiden: Brill. 3-13.
- Versluys M.J. (2023), Triumphus and the taming of objects: spoliation and the process of appropriation in late Republican Rome. In: Jong I.J.F. de & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Reading Greek and Hellenistic-Roman Spolia: Objects, Appropriation and Cultural Change. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation no. 5. Leiden: Brill. 27-45.
- Agut-Labordère D. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.) (2022), Canonisation as innovation: anchoring cultural formation in the first millennium BCE. Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation no. 3. Leiden: Brill.
- Versluys M.J. (2022), Mémoire volontaire?: Canonisation as cultural innovation in Antiquity. In: Agut-Labordère D. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Canonisation as innovation: anchoring cultural formation in the first millennium BCE . Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation no. 3. Leiden: Brill. 34-79.
- Versluys M.J. & Sluiter I. (2022), Antiquity. In: Glăveanu V.P. (Ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible: Palgrave, Macmillan.
- Sluiter I. & Versluys M.J. (2022), Anchoring. In: Glăveanu V.P. (Ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Cham: Palgrave, Macmillan.
- Versluys M.J. (2021), Préface: anchoring the global into the local. The Phoenician jistory of Herennius Philo of Byblos as an adventure in Postclassicism. In: Delalonde M. (Ed.), L’Histoire phénicienne de Philon de Byblos au prisme du multiculturalisme . Rome: Edizioni Quasar. 13-26.
- Pitts M. & Versluys M.J. (2021), Objectscapes. A manifesto for investigating the impacts of object flows on past societies, Antiquity 95(380): 367-381.
- Blömer M., Riedel S., Versluys M.J. & Winter E. (2021), Common dwelling place of all the gods: commagene in its local, regional and global Hellenistic context. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- Versluys M.J. & Riedel S. (2021), Beyond East & West: Hellenistic commagene between particularism and universalism. In: Blömer M., Riedel S., Versluys M.J. & Winter E. (Eds.), in: M. Blömer, S. Riedel, M.J. Versluys, E. Winter (eds.), “Common dwelling place of all the gods”. Hellenistic Commagene in its local, regional and global Eurasian context. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 11-30.
- Woolf G. & Versluys M.J. (2021), Empire as a field of religious action. In: Rüpke J. & Woolf G. (Eds.) Religion in the Roman Empire. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 25-42.
- Versluys M.J. & Woolf G. (2021), Artefacts and their humans: materializing the history of religion in the Roman world. In: Rüpke J. & Woolf G. (Eds.), Religion in the Roman Empire . Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 210-233.
- Pitts M. & Versluys M.J. (2021), Objectscapes: a manifesto for investigating the impacts of object flows on past societies, Antiquity 95(380): 367-381.
- Versluys M.J. (2021), Romanisation as a theory of friction. In: Belvedere O. & Bergemann J. (Eds.), Imperium romanum: romanization between colonization and globalisation. Palermo: Palermo University Press. 33-48.
- Messina V. & Versluys M.J. (2021), Greek in Asia: understanding Hellenism in Susa and Seleucia on the Tigris. In: Spier J., Potts T. & Cole S.E. (Eds.), Persia: ancient Iran and the Classical world . Los Angeles: Getty Publications. 191-197.
- Versluys M.J. (2021), Statuette of a boy in Eastern dress. In: Spier J., Potts T. & Cole S.E. (Eds.) Persia: ancient Iran and the Classical world . Los Angeles: Getty Publications. 244-245.
- Versluys M.J. (2021), Anchoring Egypt: the Iseum Campense in Flavian Rome. In: Raimondi Cominesi A., de Haan N., Moormann E.M. & Stocks C. (Eds.), God on earth: emperor Domitian. The re-invention of Rome at the end of the 1st century AD. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 169-173.
- Versluys M.J. (2020), Beyond Egyptomania. Objects, style and agency . Boston & Berlin: DeGruyter.
- Versluys M.J. (2020), Haunted by Egypt. A long-term perspective on history, mnemohistory and material culture. In: Versluys M.J. (Ed.), Beyond Egyptomania. Objects, style and agency . Boston & Berlin: De Gruyter. 15-21.
- Versluys M.J. (2020), Art. In: Osborne R. (Ed.), A Cultural History of Objects: Antiquity . London: Bloomsbury. 115-133.
- Versluys M.J. (2020), Nothing else to think?, Antiquity (378): .
- Versluys M.J. (2020), Nothing else to think?, Antiquity 94(378): 1646-1648.
- Versluys M.J. (2019), Landscape with Bear. Amsterdam: De Appel.
- Vetrsluys M.J. (2019), “The only Hellenistic ruin of great interest in Jordan”, Perspecta. The Yale Architectural Journal 52: 240-244.
- Versluys M.J. (2019), The revenge of the bear: on objects and their humans. In: , Landscape with Bear. Amsterdam: De Appel. 45-59.
- Versluys M.J. (2019), Review of: Konrad M., Emesa zwischen Klientelreich und Provinz. Identität und Identitätswandel einer lokalen Fürstendynastie im Spiegel der archäologischen Quellen (2014) 135(2): 218-222.
- Versluys M.J. (2019), “The only Hellenistic ruin of great interest in Jordan”, Perspecta. The Yale Architectural Journal 52: 240-244.
- Müskens S., Braekmans D., Versluys M.J. & Degryse P. (2018), Egyptian sculptures from Imperial Rome. Non-destructive characterization of granitoid statues through macroscopic methodologies and in situ XRF analysis, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 10(6): 1303-1318.
- Versluys M.J., Bülow-Clausen C. & Capriotti Vittozzi G. (2018), The Iseum Campense from the Roman Empire to the Modern Age. Temple - monument – lieu de mémoire. Rome: Quasar.
- Versluys M.J. (2018), Temple - monument – lieu de mémoire. Rethinking the Iseum Campense,. In: Versluys M.J., Bülow-Clausen C. & Capriotti Vittozzi G. (Eds.), The Iseum Campense from the Roman Empire to the Modern Age. Temple - monument – lieu de mémoire. Rome: Quasar.
- Versluys M.J. (2018), Egypt and/in/as Rome. In: Spier J., Potts T. & Cole S.E. (Eds.), Beyond the Nile. Egypt and the Classical world. Los Angeles: Getty Publications.
- Versluys M.J. (2018), Comment on L. Ghisleni, Contingent persistence. Continuity, change and identity in the Romanization debate, Current Anthropology 59(2): 159-160.
- Versluys M.J. (2018), ‘Une géographie intérieure’: the perpetual presence of Egypt, Aegyptiaca. Journal of the history of the reception of ancient Egypt 3: 159-166.
- Versluys M.J. (2018), Kosmopolitisch erfgoed aan de Euphraat. Nemrud Dağ en Kommagene in de Hellenistisch-Romeinse periode. In: Gerritsen F. & Heijden H. van der (Eds.), Standplaats Istanbul. Lange lijnen in de cultuurgeschiedenis van Turkije. Rotterdam: Uitgeverij Jurgen Maas. 155-163.
- Versluys M.J. (2017), Visual style and constructing identity in the Hellenistic world. Nemrud Dağ and Commagene under Antiochos I. Cambridge – New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Strootman R. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.) (2017), Persianism in Antiquity. Oriens et Occidens no. 25. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- Versluys M.J. (2017), Object-scapes. Towards a material constitution of Romaness?. In: Oyen A. van & Pitts M. (Eds.), Materialising Roman histories. Oxford: Oxbow. 191-199.
- Eck C.A. van & Versluys M.J. (2017), The Hôtel de Beauharnais in Paris: Egypt, Greece, Rome, and the dynamics of stylistic transformation. In: Stackelberg K.T. von & Macaulay-Lewis E. (Eds.), Housing New Romans: Architectural Reception and the Classical Style in the Modern World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 54-91.
- Strootman R. & Versluys M.J. (2017), From culture to concept: the reception of Persia in Antiquity. In: Strootman R. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Persianism in Antiquity. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 9-32.
- Versluys M.J. (2017), Egypt as part of the Roman koine: Mnemohistory and the Iseum Campense in Rome. In: Nagel S., Quack J.F. & Witschel C. (Eds.), Entangled worlds. Religious confluences between East and West in the Roman Empire. The cults of Isis, Mithras, and Jupiter Dolichenus. Tübingen: Orientalische Religionen in der Antike / Mohr Siebeck. 274-293.
- Hodos T., Geurds A., Lane P.J., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach-Lavi G., Stark M.T. & Versluys M.J. (2016), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. London: Routledge.
- Versluys M.J. (2016) Egyptology from the First World War to the Third Reich. Ideology, scholarship, and individual biographies. Review of: Schneider T. & Raulwing P., Egyptology from the First World War to the Third Reich. Ideology, scholarship, and individual biographies. History of Humanities 1: 202-204.
- Geurds A., Lane P., Lilley I., Pitts M., Shelach G., Stark M. & Versluys M.J. (2016), The Routledge Handbook of Globalisation and Archaeology.
- Versluys M.J. (2016), Exploring Aegyptiaca and their material agency throughout global history. In: , The Routledge Handbook of Globalisation and Archaeology. London: Routledge. 74-89.
- Versluys M.J. (2016), The global Mediterranean: a material-cultural perspective. In: , The Routledge Handbook of Globalisation and Archaeology. London: Routledge. 597-601.
- Versluys M.J. (2016), Egypt as part of the Roman koine: Mnemohistory and the Iseum Campense in Rome. In: , Entangled worlds. Religious confluences between East and West in the Roman Empire. Tübingen: Orientalische Religionen in der Antike / Mohr Siebeck. 274-293.
- Pitts M. & Versluys M.J. (2015), Globalisation and the Roman world. In: Pitts M. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Globalisation and the Roman world. World history, connectivity and material culture: (CUP: Cambridge – New York. 3-31.
- Versluys M.J. (2015), Haunting traditions. The (material) presence of Egypt in the Roman world. In: Boschung D., Busch A. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Reinventing The invention of tradition? Indigenous pasts and the Roman present. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. 127-158.
- Boschung D., Busch A. & Versluys M.J. (2015), Reinventing The invention of tradition? Indigenous pasts and the Roman present: Wilhelm Fink Verlag: München.
- Busch A. & Versluys M.J. (2015), Indigenous pasts and the Roman present. In: Boschung D., Busch A. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Reinventing The invention of tradition? Indigenous pasts and the Roman present. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag:. 7-15.
- Versluys M.J. (2015), Roman visual material culture as globalising koine. In: Pitts M. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Globalisation and the Roman world. World history, connectivity and material culture: CUP: Cambridge – New York. 141-174.
- Pitts M. & Versluys M.J. (2015), Globalisation and the Roman world. World history, connectivity and material culture. Cambridge - New York : Cambridge University Press.
- Mol E.M. & Versluys M.J. (2015), Material culture and imagined communities in the Roman world. In: Raja R. & Rüpke J. (Eds.), A companion to the archaeology of religion in the ancient world: Blackwell: Oxford. 451-461.
- Bricault L., Müskens S.W.G. & Versluys M.J. (2015), Epilogue: Eastern provinces with Oriental gods?. In: Müskens S. & Nikoloska A. (Eds.), Romanising Oriental Gods? Religious transformations in the Balkan provinces in the Roman period. New finds and novel perspectives, Proceedings of the International Conference held at Skopje, 18-21 September 2013.. Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 427-435.
- Eck C.A. van, Versluys M.J. & Keurs P.J. ter (2015), The Biography of Cultures: Style, Objects and Agency, Cahiers de l'Ecole du Louvre 7(1): 2-22.
- Hupperetz W., Kaper O.E., Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (2014), Van Rome naar Romeins simultaneously published in an English edition as Keys to Rome: Allard Pierson Museum/W Books.
- Bricault L. & Versluys M.J. (2014), Power, politics and the cults of Isis no. 180. Leiden – Boston: Brill.
- Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (2014), Inleidingen. In: Hupperetz W., Kaper O.E., Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Van Rome naar Romeins. Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum. 25, 47, 67, 91, 113, 135, 155.
- Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (2014), Van Rome naar Romeins: de diversiteit van het Romeinse rijk. In: Hupperetz W., Kaper O.E., Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Van Rome naar Romeins. Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum. 9-21.
- Versluys M.J. (2014), Nemrud Dağ, Archaeology of. In: Smith C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology 5222-5229.
- Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (2014), Religie op het Italisch schiereiland/Religions on the Italian peninsula. In: Hupperetz W., Kaper O.E., Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Van Rome naar Romeins/Keys to Rome 92-94.
- Bricault L. & Versluys M.J. (2014), Isis and Empires. In: Bricault L. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Power, politics and the cults of Isis no. 180. Leiden - Boston: Brill. 3-35.
- Versluys M.J. (2014), “Lost in the hinterland?” The monument on Nemrud Dağı in its Hellenistic context. In: Brijder H.A.G. (Ed.), Nemrud Dagı. Recent archaeological research and conservation activities in the tomb sanctuary on Mount Nemrud 600-605.
- Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (2014), Van Rome naar Romeins. De diversiteit van het Romeinse rijk/From Rome to Roman. The diversity of the Roman Empire. In: Hupperetz W., Kaper O.E., Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Van Rome naar Romeins/Keys to Rome 9-21.
- Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (2014), Introducties tot de zeven verschillende hoofdstukken/Introductions to the seven bookchapters. In: Hupperetz W., Kaper O.E., Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Van Rome naar Romeins/Keys to Rome 25, 47, 67, 91, 113, 134, 155.
- Hupperetz W., Kaper O.E., Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.) (2014), Van Rome naar Romeins. Allard Pierson Museum Serie no. 5. Zwolle/Amsterdam: WBooks/Allard Pierson Museum.
- Versluys M.J. (2014) Review of: C. E. Barrett. Egyptianizing Figurines from Delos. A study in Hellenistic Religion (2011). Review of: Barret C.E. (2011), Egyptianizing Figurines from Delos. A study in Hellenistic Religion 51: 44-45.
- Versluys M.J. (2014), SOLI DONUM DEDIT. De Romeinse geschiedenis van de obelisk op Piazza del Popolo, 2(2): 86-92.
- Versluys M.J. (2014), Getting out of the comfort zone. Reply to responses, Archaeological Dialogues 21(1): 50-55.
- Versluys M.J. (2014), Understanding objects in motion. An archaeological dialogue on Romanisation, Archaeological Dialogues 21(1): 1-20.
- Versluys M.J. & et al (2014), Cultural innovation in a globalising society. Egypt in the Roman world. Archaeology in Transition Symposium, Leiden. 25 September 2014 - 26 September 2014. [conference poster].
- Müskens S., Versluys M.J., Leemreize M., Mol E. & Aerde M. van (2014), L’Egitto a Roma, Forma Urbis 9(9): 17-19.
- Müskens S.W.G., Leemreize M.E.C., Mol E.M., Aerde M.E.J.J. van & Versluys M.J. (2014), Egypt in the Roman world. By conquering the world, Rome itself became the world. Archaeology in Transition Symposium, Leiden. 25 September 2014 - 26 September 2014. [conference poster].
- Versluys M.J. (2013), Orientalising Roman gods. In: Bonnet C. & Bricault L. (Eds.), Panthée. Religious transformations in the Graeco-Roman Empire 235-259.
- Versluys M.J. (2013), A new Memphis. In: Capriotti Vittozzi G. (Ed.), La terra del Nilo sulle sponde del Tevere.
- Versluys M.J. (2013), Materielle Kultur: Die Wirkung Ägyptens/Material Culture: Egypt’s agency. In: , Exhibition catalogue Hannes Böck (Seccession, Wien) 35-51.
- Versluys M.J. (2013), Material culture and identity in the late Roman Republic (c. 200 BC – c. 20 BC). In: DeRose Evans J. (Ed.), A companion to the archaeology of the Roman Republic 429-440.
- Versluys M.J. (2013), De zin en onzin van “egyptomanie”. (Leiden). [lecture].
- Versluys M.J. (2012), The Archaeology of Nerud Dag (Turkey). In: , Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology: Springer Verlag.
- Versluys M.J. (2012), Egypt as part of the Roman 'koine'. In: Quack J.F. & Witschel C. (Eds.), Religious flows in the Roman Empire. Tuebingen: Mohr-Siebeck.
- Versluys M.J. (2012), "Lost in the hinterland"? Nemrud Dag in its Hellenistic context. Brijder H.A.G. (Ed.), The International Nemrud Dag Project 2001-2008. .
- Versluys M.J. (2011) Review of D. Gerin, A. Geissen and M. Amandry (eds) (2008). Review of: (2008), Aegyptiaca serta in Soheir Bakhoum memoriam. Mélanges de numismatique, d’iconographie et d’histoire. Milan: Edizioni Ennerre. BABESCH Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 86: 229-230.
- Versluys M.J. (2011) Review of M. Meyer (2006). Review of: (2011), Die Personifikation der Stadt Antiocheia. Ein neues Bild für eine neue Gottheit. Berlin: W. de Gruyter. BABESCH 86: 230-231.
- Versluys M.J. (2011), Archéologie classique et histoire de l’art aux Pays-Bas: des liaisons dangereuses, Perspective 2010/2012(4): 687-701.
- Bricault L. & Versluys M.J. (2010), Isis on the Nile. Egyptian gods in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. Proceedings of the IVth International Conference of Isis Studies. Michel Malaise in honorem. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
- Versluys M.J. (2010), The archaeology of culture contact: an introdution to the seminar. Mol A., Manning R. & Zande D. van de (Eds.), The archaeology of culture contact. Granduate School Workshop 2008. . Leiden 7-9.
- Versluys M.J. (2010), Understanding Egypt in Egypt and beyond. Bricault L. & Versluys M.J. (Eds.), Isis on the Nile. Egyptian gods in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. Proceedings of the IVth International Conference of Isis Studies. Michel Malaise in honorem. IVth International Conference of Isis Studies. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 7-36.
- Versluys M.J. (2010) Review of D.M. Jacobson (2007). Review of: (2007), Jacobson, D.M. The Hellenistic paintings of Marisa (The Palestine Exploration Fund Annual VII). London: Maney Publishing. Bibliotheca Orientalis 67: 584-586.
- Versluys M.J. (2010) Review of C. Riva and N.C. Vella (eds.) (2006). Review of: Riva C. & Vella N.C. (2006), Riva, C. and N.C. Vella (eds). Debating Orientalisation. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Change in the Ancient Mediterranean (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 10). London: Equinox Publishing Limited. Bibliotheca Orientalis 67: 593-957.
- Versluys M.J. (2009) Review of: B. Andeae and K. Rhein (2006). Review of: Andreae B. & Rhein K. (2006), Kleopatra und die Caesaren. Muenchen: Hirmer Verlag 2008.09.52.
- Versluys M.J. (2009), Lokaal en globaal. Egypte in de Romeinse wereld, Lampas 42(3): 186-203.
- Versluys M.J. (2008), Exploring identities in the Phoenician, Hellenistic and Roman East. A review article, Bibliotheca Orientalis 65: 342-356.
- Versluys M.J. (2008), Romeinse archeologie: theoretische ontwikkelingen in de laatste decennia. Een Nederlands perspectief, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 40: 29-35.
- Versluys M.J. (2008) Sociale mobiliteit in Romeins Egypte. Review of: (2006), L.E. Tacoma, Fragile heirarchies. The urban elites of third-century Roman Egypt. Leiden: Brill. TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 121: 218-219.
- Versluys M.J. (2008), session organiser. [other].
- Versluys M.J. (2008) review of F. Herklotz (2007). Review of: (2007), F. Herklotz, Prinzeps und Pharao. Der Kult des Augustus in Aegypten. Journal of Roman Studies 98: 219-220.
- Versluys M.J. (2008), The archaeology of culture contact. [other].
- Versluys M.J. (2008), Organisation of an international conference. [other].
- Versluys M.J. (3 October 2008), Romeinse archeologie. Theoretische ontwikkelingen in de laatste 40 jaar. Jubileumcongres Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie. Groningen. [lecture].
- Versluys M.J. (2008), An unknown Nilotic mosaic from Roman North Africa. In: Bricault L. (Ed.), Bibliotheca Isiaca 1. Bibliotheca Isiaca no. 1 69-70.
- Versluys M.J. & Segui Marco J.J. (2008), A newly discovered relief from Saguntum, Madrider Mitteilungen 49: 341-353.
- Bricault L., Versluys M.J. & Meyboom P.G.P. (2007), Nile into Tiber. Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies. Leiden and Boston: Brill.
- Versluys M.J. & Meyboom P.G.P. (2007), The meaning of dwarfs in Nilotic scenes. Bricault L., Versluys M.J. & Meyboom P.G.P. (Eds.), Nile into Tiber. Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies.. International conference of Isis studies. Leiden: Brill. 170-208.
- Versluys M.J. (2007), Aegyptiaca Romana. The widening debate. Bricault L., Versluys M.J. & Meyboom P.B.P. (Eds.), Nile into Tiber. Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies.. International Conference of Isis Studies. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 1-14.
- Versluys M.J. (2007), Functie bij : Radbout Universiteit Nijmegen. [other].
- Versluys M.J. (2007) Review of A. Hoffmann (ed.) 2005. Review of: Hoffmann A. (2005), Ägyptische Kulte und ihre Heiligtümer im Osten des Römischen Reiches: Byzas. Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 82: 296-297.
- Naerebout F.G. & Versluys M.J. (2006), L'acculturation n'est qu'un mot. Cultuurcontact en acculturatieprocessen in de Oudheid: een inleiding, Leidschrift 21.3: 7-23.
- Stek T.D. & Versluys M.J. (2005), Some new observations. Architectural Elements on the East Terrace in: E. M. Moormann, M. J. Versluys, The Nemrud Project. Second Interim Report, BABESCH Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 78: 150-150.
- Stek T.D. & Versluys M.J. (2005), The lifting holes, in: E. M. Moormann, M. J. Versluys, The Nemrud Project. Second Interim Report, BABESCH Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 78: 151-154.
- Versluys M.J. (2005), An idea at the back of it? Romanisering als cultuurhistorisch fenomeen, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 32: 37-43.
- Versluys M.J. & Moormann E.M. (2005), The Nemrud Dag Project: third interim report, Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 80: 125-143.
- Versluys M.J. (2004), Isis Capitolina and Egyptian cults in late Republican Rome. In: Bricault L. (Ed.), Isis en Occident. Actes du IIième colloque international sur les études isiaques, Lyon III, 16-17 mai 2002 421-448.
- Versluys M.J. (2004), Rome en Egypte in wisselend perspectief. Aspecten van culturele interactie, Archivo Español de Arte 76(4): 244-253.
- Versluys M.J. & Moormann E.M. (2003), The Nemrud Dag Project: second interim report, Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 78: 141-166.
- Versluys M.J. (2003), Milete samengevat en toegelicht. Review of: A.M. Greaves, Miletos, A history, TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS 116: 411-413.
- Versluys M.J. (2002), Aegyptiaca Romana: Nilotic Scenes and the Roman Views of Egypt. Leiden: Brill.
- Versluys M.J. & Moormann E.M. (2002), The Nemrud Dag Project: first interim report, Bulletin Antieke Beschaving 77: 73-111.
- Versluys M.J. (2002), Splendid Isolation? A glimpse into contemporary British archaeology, Archaeological Dialogues 8.2: 104-108.
- Versluys M.J. (2001), Nilotic representations in relation to other Egyptian elements in the Roman World (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Geertman H.A.A.P. & Meyboom P.G.P.
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