Anouk Everts
PhD candidate / guest
- Name
- A.E. Everts MA MPhil
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727

Anouk Everts is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Archaeology.
More information about Anouk Everts
Anouk's project investigates female terracotta figurines from Hellenistic Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean in order to explore and better understand changing perceptions of sexuality and the body in an era characterised by change through Globalisation processes. Focusing on sexuality and gendered representation in material culture, the project combines a detailed analysis of the iconography and archaeological context of a sample of female terracotta figurines with theoretically informed approaches towards sexuality and the body as well as globalization and cultural interaction. The dataset consists of a set of approximately 150 female figurines, predominate from the archaeological sites of Naukratis and Delos, but also other sites throughout Egypt and the wider mediterranean.
This PhD project is part of the a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities programme, which is funded by the European Union and the University of Cologne as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. It is therefore supervised in an international, cooperative setting by three promotores from three different universities: Prof. dr. R. Bussmann (University of Cologne), Prof. dr. M.J. Versluys (Leiden University), and Dr. Claudia Naeser (University College London). Anouk will work in Leiden several months a year.
Curriculum vitae
2018-present - MSCA Fellow a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities programme, PhD Egyptology/Archaeology. University of Cologne, Leiden University and University College London.
2013-2016 - Research Master Near Eastern Archaeology with specialisation in Egyptian Archaeology. Leiden University.
2014-2015 - Erasmus Exchange at University College London.
2010-2013 Bachelor Archaeology (with honours college). Leiden University.
Other Relevant Experience
2017-Present - Zawyet Sultan Project; Minya, Egypt. Archaeological draftsperson, registrar and datamanagement. Project of Prof. dr. Richard Bussmann at University of Cologne.
2017-2018 - Teacher and Organiser Pre-University Class Archaeology at Leiden University; Leiden, The Netherlands.
2017-2018 - Archaeology Teacher (freelance); Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Archaeology teacher at primary schools for the Archaeological department of Rotterdam.
2016-2017 - Workshops "Keukengeheimen"; Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Workshops given with Prof. dr. Joanita Vroom at the Wereldmuseum.
2014-2015 - Volunteer at the Egypt Exploration Society; London, United Kingdom.
2012-2013 Kinneret Regional Project; Horvat Kur, Israel. Archaeological draftsperson, excavation staff.
PhD candidate / guest
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology