Joanita Vroom
Professor Archaeology of Medieval and Early Modern Eurasia
- Name
- Prof.dr. J.A.C. Vroom
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 6087
- 0000-0002-7793-0076

Joanita Vroom is Professor in Archaeology of Medieval and Early Modern Eurasia, specializing in the material culture of the 7th to 19th centuries.
More information about Joanita Vroom
Leiden Archaeology Blog
Research interests
Joanita Vroom is Professor in Archaeology of Medieval and Early Modern Eurasia, specializing in the material culture of the 7th to 19th centuries. She takes a special interest in the social-economic (production and distribution) and cultural aspects (consumption, cuisine and dining habits) of ceramics. Using an interdisciplinary approach and a long term perspective on intra-regional and inter-regional networks, she studies many key collections of Medieval and Post-Medieval pottery from urban and rural sites in the Adriatic Sea, the Aegean, the Near East and the Persian Gulf.
“Apart from my ongoing work on the production, trade and consumption of Byzantine, Islamic and Ottoman ceramics, I will pursue my interests in short- and long-distance contacts along various networks on the Eurasian continent, including the Silk Road and the Crusader routes. Thus, I will continue the efforts to give Medieval and Early Modern Archaeology a truly global perspective and to study the dynamics and interconnectivity of local cities and regions in the perspective of the wider world. In short, my goal is to link the local with the global: from Dorestad to Xi’an!”
Previous research projects
Her application in 2009 for the substantial research project Material Culture, Consumption and Social Change: New Approaches to Understanding the Eastern Mediterranean during Byzantine and Ottoman Times was accepted by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) in the form of a 5-years VIDI-grant (2010-2015).
Furthermore, NWO has awarded her in 2018 with the Aspasia grant of €200,000 for excellent female researchers. She will use this grant to develop a new line in research and education, focusing on the long-term dynamics of Medieval and Post-medieval material culture in the eastern Mediterranean and adjacent Near East (600-1900 AD).
Involvement in excavations and surveys
Until now, Joanita Vroom has been working for 31 projects with ca. 25 universities (14 European, 11 non-European) and ca. 14 scientific institutes (8 European, 6 non-European). She is active as pottery specialist for international excavations and surveys in:
- Albania (e.g., Butrint, Apollonia, Durrës, Rembeç, Shkodra);
- Greece (e.g., Aetolia, Athens, Boeotia, Chalkis, Thebes, Kythera, Antikythera, Almyros, Mytilene);
- western Turkey (e.g., Ephesus, Limyra, Sardis);
- eastern Turkey (e.g., Tarsus, Avkat/Euchaita, Çadır Höyük, Kalehöyük, Horum Höyük, Zeytinli Bahçe);
- the Crimea (e.g., Chersonesos);
- Cyprus (e.g., Troodos Mountains);
- Jordan (e.g., Udhruh);
- Oman (e.g., Wadi al Jizzi/Sohar).
List of international projects
List of publications
Short CV
She graduated with two MA degrees at Utrecht University (both in Archaeology and History), and completed her PhD in Mediterranean Archaeology of the Medieval and Post-Medieval periods at Leiden University (2003). Subsequently, Vroom was senior research fellow at the Institute of World Archaeology of the University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK), at the Research Centre for Anatolian Civilizations of Koç University (Istanbul, TR) and at the Department of Archaeology of the University of Sheffield (UK).
In 2011 she organized the ‘First Amsterdam Meeting on Byzantine and Ottoman Archaeology’ at the University of Amsterdam on the current state of Medieval and Post-Medieval archaeology in the Mediterranean area. To mark this event, she organized the simultaneous exhibition ‘Life among Ruins’ at the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam, highlighting the complex relation throughout the ages between archaeological remains and daily life in the Mediterranean. The ‘Life among Ruins’ exhibition is still on show online: Life Among Ruins.
Furthermore, Vroom was involved in advising various major exhibitions (e.g., in the Museum Boymans-van Beuningen & in the World Museum at Rotterdam). She is currently contributing author of ‘The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity’ and ‘The Cambridge Handbook to Byzantine Archaeology’, and series editor of the book series ‘Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology’ at Brepols Publishing House (Turnhout, BE). As president of the Society ‘Byzantine Studies Netherlands / Byzantijnse Studies Nederland’, she represents the Dutch Byzantinists at the ‘International Association of Byzantine Studies / Association Internationale des Études Byzantines’ (AIEB).
Publication lists
Online exhibitions
- The Archaeology of a Byzantine City. Online exhibition, Leiden University
- Life among Ruins. Greece and Turkey between past & present / Leven tussen brokstukken. Griekenland en Turkije tussen heden & verleden. Allard Pierson Museum Amsterdam; online exhibition, UvA / UL (NL)
Mini exhibitions
- From Table to Trash: The Life Cycle of Archaeological Objects, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, 07-09-2017 – 02-02-2018
- A Mosaic of Images: Power and Daily Life in Byzantium, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, 02-02-2018 – 02-06-2018
Data Atlas van Byzantijnse en Osmaanse materiële cultuur: Het archiveren van Middeleeuwse en Post-Middeleeuwse archeologische veldwerkgegevens uit het oostelijk Middellandse Zeegebied (600-2000), Phase 1 / Data Atlas of Byzantine and Ottoman Material Culture: Archiving Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeological Fieldwork Data from the Eastern Mediterranean (600-2000) (published 14 December 2017, 10:39).
Professor Archaeology of Medieval and Early Modern Eurasia
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Near Eastern
- Vroom J.A.C. & IJzendoorn M.W. van (2023), The last Byzantine amphora: sherds, sites, and shipwrecks in Late Byzantine times. González Cesteros H. & Leidwanger J. (Eds.), Regional Economies in Action: Standardization of Transport Amphorae in the Roman and Byzantine Mediterranean: Proceedings of the International Conference at the Austrian Archaeological Institute and the Danish Institute at Athens, 16-18 October 2017. . Vienna: Verlag Holzhausen GmbH. 327-353.
- Vroom J.A.C. & IJzendoorn M.W. van (2023), Medieval to early modern pottery finds from the Shkodër region, northern Albania. In: Galaty M.L. & Bejko L. (Eds.), Archaeological Investigations in a Northern Albanian Province: Results of the Projekti Arkeologjik i Shkodrës (PASH) Volume Two: Artifacts and Artifact Analysis. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology. University of Michigan no. 64. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 232-264.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2022), Material encounters in a Byzantine setting (6th/7th-10th centuries CE). In: Castrorao Barba A. & Castiglia G. (Eds.), Perspectives on Byzantine archaeology from Justinian to the Abbasid Age (6th-9th Centuries AD). Turnhout: Brepols. 221-250.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2022), Food taboo or not food taboo, that is the question: changing cooking pots in south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria (ca. 3rd-9th centuries). In: Caseau B. & Monchot H. (Eds.), Religion et interdits alimentaires: archéozoologie et sources littéraires. Orient & Méditerranée no. 38. Leuven/Paris/Bristol, CT: Peeters. 123-133.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2022), Trading activities in the eastern Mediterranean through ceramics between Late Antiquity and Fatimid times (seventh-tenth/eleventh centuries). In: Bruning J, Jong J.H.M. de & Sijpesteijn P.M. (Eds.), Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean: from Constantinople to Baghdad, 500-1000 CE. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 272-322.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2022), A Byzantine space oddity: the cultural geography of foodways and cuisine in the eastern Mediterranean (700-1500). In: Veikou M. & Nilsson I. (Eds.), Spatialities of Byzantine culture: from the human body to the universe. Leiden: Brill. 171-211.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2022), New light on the Dark Ages: a Byzantine perspective on the Arab expansion. In: Bent J. van den, Eijnde F. van den Eijnde & Weststeijn J. (Eds.), Late antique responses to the Arab conquests. Leiden, Boston : Brill. 245-265.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2022), Shifting Byzantine networks: new light on Chalcis (Euripos/Negroponte) as a centre of production and trade in Greece. In: Fiori E. & Trizio M. (Eds.), The 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Volume 1: Proceedings of the Plenary Sessions. Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari. 453-487.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2021), Thinking of linking: pottery connections, Southern Adriatic, Butrint and beyond. In: Skoblar M. (Ed.), Byzantium, Venice and the Medieval Adriatic: spheres of Maritime power and influence, c. 700-1453. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 45-82.
- Vroom J.A.C. (Ed.) (2021), Sweet tooth: the journey of sugar from east to west = Zoetekauw: de reis van suiker tussen oost en west. Utrecht: Parnassus Press.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2021), Preface. In: Nol H. (Ed.), Riches beyond the horizon: long distance trade in early medieval landscapes (ca. 6th-12th centuries). Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology no. 4. Turnhout: Brepols. 9-15.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2021), From Xi’an to Birka and back: Constantinople as a nodal point in long-distance contacts during the Early Middle Ages. In: Nol H. (Ed.), Riches beyond the horizon: long-distance trade in early medieval landscapes (ca. 6th-12th centuries). Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology no. 4. Turnhout: Brepols. 149-200.
- Vroom J.A.C., Tzavella E. & Vaxevanis G. (2021), Exploring daily life in the Byzantine Empire: pottery finds from Chalkis (Euboea, Greece), ca, 10th/11th-13th c. Petridis P., Yangaki G., Liaros N. & Bia E.-E. (Eds.), 12th Congress AIECM3 On Medieval and Modern Period Ceramics: proceedings. 12th Congress AIECM3 On Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics 21 October 2018 - 27 October 2018. Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Institute of Historical Research/NHRF. 449-458.
- Panagopoulou A.P., Vroom J., Kilikoglou V. & Hein A (2021), Production technology of Byzantine ceramics at Chalkis: some preliminary results. Petridis P, Yangaki G, Liaros N & Bia E.-E. (Eds.), 12th Congress AIECM3 On Medieval and Modern Period Ceramics: Proceedings. 12th Congress AIECM3 On Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics 21 October 2018 - 27 October 2018. Athens: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Institute of Historical Research/NHRF. 339-343.
- Panagopoulou A., Vroom J.A.C., Hein A. & Kilikoglou V. (2021), Production technology of glazed pottery in Chalcis, Euboea, during the Middle Byzantine period, Heritage 4(4): 4473-4494.
- Vroom J (2020), Eating in in Aegean lands (ca. 700-1500): Perspectives on pottery. In: Waksman S.Y. (Ed.), Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean. Lyon: MOM Editions. 275-293.
- Vroom J. (2020), Medieval ceramic production in the Aegean, 1100-1600 AD : Some considerations in an East-West perspective. In: Kaner S., Ayers B., Pearson R. & Wrenn O. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Medieval Towns: Case Studies from Japan and Europe. Oxford: Archaeopress. 115-123.
- Vroom J. (2020), Preface. In: Vryzidis N. (Ed.) The Hidden Life of Textiles in the Medieval and Early Modern Mediterranean. no. III Turnhout: Brepols. 11-12.
- Vroom J. (2020), Public portraits, private lives: human images on Byzantine and Crusader ceramics from Cyprus. In: Tsamakda V. & Zimmermann N. (Eds.), Privatporträt. Die Darstellung realer Personen in der spätantiken und byzantinischen Kunst. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Archäologische Forschungen no. 30. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 191-207.
- Vroom J. (2020), Historical archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. In: Orser Ch.E. Jr., Zarankin A., Funari P.P.A., Lawrence S. & Symonds J. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Historical Archaeology. London & New York: Routledge. 681-697.
- Burlot J., Waksman S.Y., Böhlendorf-Arslan B. & Vroom J. (2020), Changing people, dining habits and pottery technologies: tableware productions on the eve of the Ottoman Empire in western Anatolia. In: Waksman S.Y. (Ed.), Multidisciplinary approaches to food and foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean. Archéologie(s) no. 4. Lyon: MOM Editions. 363-384.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2019), Data Atlas of Byzantine and Ottoman Material Culture: Archiving Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeological Fieldwork Data from the Eastern Mediterranean (600-2000 AD), Phase 1, Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences : 1-12.
- Vroom J. (2019), Bizans’tan Modern Döneme Ege’de Seramik (7.-20. Yüzyιllar). Bir Giriş ve El Kitabι (translated by Y. Bağcι). Istanbul: ANAMED.
- Vroom J. (2019), Een Eldorado in het Middellandse Zeegebied: Nieuwe trends in Byzantjnse en Osmaanse archeologie, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 60: 144.
- Vroom J. (2019), The Medieval and Post-Medieval pottery finds from the Vrina Plain excavations. In: Greenslade S. (Ed.), Butrint 6: Excavations on the Vrina Plain, vol. II: The Finds. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 1-14.
- Vroom J. & Boswinkel Y. van (2019), New dimensions in archaeology: 2D and 3D visualisations of Byzantine structures and their contents in the Athenian Agora, Pharos. Journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens 22(2): 87-114.
- Vroom J. (2019), Medieval Ephesus as a production and consumption centre. In: Ladstätter S. & Magdalino P. (Eds.), Ephesus from Late Antiquity to the Later Middle Ages. Proceedings of the International Conference at the Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Koç University, Istanbul, 30th November-2nd December 2012 (Österreichishes Archäologisches Institut Band 58). Vienna: Österreichishes Archäologisches Institut. 231-253.
- Vroom J. (2019), Broken pots from Ottoman Athens: A new view from the Agora excavations. In: Georgopoulou M. & Thanasakis K. (Eds.), Ottoman Athens. Archaeology, Topography, History. Athens: The Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and The Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation. 179-212.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), On the trail of the enigma amphora: following the flow of Middle Byzantine ceramic containers, Archeologia Medievale 45: 77-90.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), African Red Slip Ware. In: Nicholson O. (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 31.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), Cypriot Red Slip Ware. In: Nicholson O. (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 442.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), Pottery, Egyptian. In: Nicholson O. (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1217.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), Sigillata. In: Nicholson O. (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1382.
- Costa S., Reynolds P. & Vroom J.A.C. (2018), Pottery, Roman and Post-Roman. In: Nicholson O. (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antqiuity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1217-1220.
- Reynolds P. & Vroom J.A.C. (2018), Amphorae. In: Nicholson O. (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 65-66.
- Vroom J.A.C. & Nicholson O. (2018), Gaza amphorae and Gaza wine. In: Nicholson O. (Ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 648.
- Vroom J.A.C., Everts A. & Brand S. van den (2018), De smaak van het verleden: Proefexperimenten met Byzantijnse en Osmaanse gastronomie. In: Gerritsen F. & Heijden H. van der (Eds.), Standplaats Istanbul. Lange lijnen in de cultuurgeschiedenis van Turkije. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Jurgen Maas. 272-279.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), Nieuw licht op de Donkere Eeuwen: Het Byzantijnse perspectief op de Arabische expansie. In: Bent J. van den, Eijnde F. van den & Weststeijn J. (Eds.), Mohammed en de Late Oudheid. Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren. 209-227.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), 'Strike a Pose, There's Nothing to It': Depictions of Human Representations and Bodily Postures on Medieval Ceramics (ca. 13th-15th C.). Munich: Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung Byzantinischer Studien, Sonderheft 2017.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), All along the watchtower: Feasting in Early Medieval Butrint, Albania. In: Kars M., Oosten R. van, Roxburgh M.A. & Verhoeven A. (Eds.), Rural Riches & Royal Rags? Studies on Medieval and Modern Archaeology, Presented to Frans Theuws. Zwolle: SPA-Uitgevers. 189-193.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), On the Edge: Butrint on the western frontier of the Byzantine Empire. In: Düring B.S. & Stek T.D. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Impwerial Landscapes: A Comparative Study of Empires in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 272-298.
- Burlot J., Waksman S.Y., Böhlendorf-Arslan B., Vroom J.A.C., Japp S. & Teslenko I. (2018), The early Turkish pottery productions in western Anatolia: Provenances, contextualization and techniques. In: Yenisehirlioglu F. (Ed.), XIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics Proceedings no. 1. Ankara: Koc University VEKAM. 427-430.
- Vroom J.A.C. & IJzendoorn M.W. van (2018), Splashed Ware: A little-known Byzantine glazed ware from the Aegean (12th-13th C. AD). In: Yenisehirlioglu F. (Ed.), XIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics, Proceedings, vol. 2. Ankara: Koc University VEKAM. 197-201.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), Bright Finds, Big City: Medieval ceramics from old and recent excavations in Ephesus (Turkey). In: Yenisehirlioglu F. (Ed.), XIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics, Proceedings, Vol. 1. Ankara: Koc University VEKAM. 383-396.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), Sosyal statü unsuru olarak yeme icme, Yemek ve Kültür 53: 82-84.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2018), The Ceramics, Agricultural Resources and Food. In: Haldon J., Elton H. & Newhard J. (Eds.), Archaeology and Urban Settlement in Late Roman and Byzantine Anatolia: Euchaita-Avkat-Beyözü and its Environment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 134-184.
- Vroom J.A.C., Waksman Y. & Oosten R.M.R. van (Eds.) (2017), Medieval MasterChef. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Cuisine and Western Foodways. Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology no. 2. Turnhout: Brepols.
- Vroom J.A.C., Waksman Y. & Oosten R.M.R. van (2017), Preface. In: Vroom J., Waksman Y. & Oosten R.M.R. van (Eds.), Medieval Masterchef. Archaeological and historical perspectives on Eastern cuisine and Western foodways. Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology no. 2. Turnhout: Brepols. 13-22.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2017), Byzantine garlic and Turkish delight: Dining habits and cultural change in central Greece from Byzantine to Ottoman times. In: Vroom J. (Ed.), Medieval Archaeology. Critical Concepts in Archaeology, vol. 3: Medieval Life. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 187-205.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2017), Een vorkje meeprikken. In: Vroom J.A.C. (Ed.), Ik kook, dus ik ben. Een 'reis door de keuken' met Abdelkader Benali. Rotterdam: Wereldmuseum Rotterdam. 14-15.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2017), The Byzantine Web: Pottery and connectivity between the southern Adriatic and the eastern Mediterranean. In: Gelichi S. & Negrelli C. (Eds.), Adriatico altomedievale (VI-XI secolo). Scambi, porti, produzioni. Studi e Ricerche no. 4. Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari. 285-310.
- Waksman S.Y., Burlot J., Böhlendorf Arslan B. & Vroom J.A.C. (2017), Moulded wares production in the early Turkish / Beylık period in Western Anatolia: A case study from Ephesus and Miletus, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 16: 665-675.
- Vroom J.A.C., IJzendoorn M. van, Nieuwkoop M. van & Post K. (2017), A matter of taste: The experiment of a ‘Byzantine food-lab’ placed in socio-historical context. In: Vroom J., IJzendoorn M. van, Nieuwkoop M. van & Post K. (Eds.), Medieval MasterChef. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Cuisine and Western Foodways. Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology no. 2. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. 323-352.
- Bağcı Y. & Vroom J.A.C. (2017), Dining habits at Tarsus in the Early Islamic period: A ceramic perspective from Turkey. Bağcı Y. & Vroom J. (Eds.), Medieval MasterChef. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Cuisine and Western Foodways. . Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology no. 2. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. 63-94.
- Vroom J. (2017), Review of: Böhlendorf-Arslan B. & Türker A.Ç., Spätantike, byzantinische und postbyzantinische Keramik / Myra Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Bizans Dönemi Sırsız Seramikleri 110(1): 178-182.
- Vroom J.A.C. & Tzavella E. (2017), Dinner time in Athens: Eating and drinking in the Medieval Agora. Vroom J. & Tzavella E. (Eds.), Medieval MasterChef. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Cuisine and Western Foodways. no. 2. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. 145-180.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2017), The Global Ottomans. In: Hodos T. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. 899-917.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2017), Medieval and Post-Medieval ceramic finds of the Pelion Cave Project. In: Andreasen N.H., Pantzou N., Papadopoulos D. & Darlas A. (Eds.), Unfolding a Mountain. A Historical Archaeology of Modern and Contemporary Cave Use on Mount Pelion. Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens no. 19. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag. 104-112.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2017), Ceramics. In: Vroom J. (Ed.), The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia. From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 176-193.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2017), Data Atlas van Byzantijnse en Osmaanse materiële cultuur: Het archiveren van Middeleeuwse en Post-Middeleeuwse archeologische veldwerkgegevens uit het oostelijk Middellandse Zeegebied (600-2000), Phase 1. EASY: DANS. [dataset].
- Vroom J. (2017), Saranda in the waves of time: Some Early Medieval pottery finds from a port in the Byzantine Empire. In: Mitchell J., Moreland J. & Leal B. (Eds.), Encounters, Excavations and Argosies. Essays for Richard Hodges. Oxford: Archaeopress. 341-351.
- Vroom J.A.C., IJzendoorn M.W. van, Nieuwkoop M. van & Post K. (2017), A matter of taste: the experiment of a ‘Byzantine food-lab’ placed in socio-historical context. In: Vroom J., Waksman Y. & Oosten R. van (Eds.), Medieval MasterChef: archaeological and historical perspectives on Eastern cuisine and Western foodways. Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology no. 2. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. 323-352.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2016), Byzantine Sea Trade in ceramics: some case studies in the Eastern Mediterranean (ca. seventh-fourteenth centuries). Magdalino P. & Necipoglu N. (Eds.), Trade in Byzantium: papers from the Third International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium. International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium 24 June 2013 - 27 June 2013. Istanbul: Ofset Yapimevi. 157-177.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2016), Pots and pies: Adventures in the archaeology of eating habits of Byzantium. In: Sibbesson E., Jervis B. & Coxon S. (Eds.), Insight from Innovation. New Light on Archaeological Ceramics. Papers Presented in Honour of Professor David Peacock’s Contributions to Archaeological Ceramic Studies. Southampton archaeology monographs no. 6. St. Andrews: The Highfield Press. 221-244.
- Vroom J.A.C. & IJzendoorn M.W. van (2016), Mapping the ceramics: production and distribution of Champlevé Ware in the Aegean (12th-13th c. AD). Ferri M. Moine C. Sabbionesi L. (Ed.), IN & AROUND ceramiche e comunità: secondo convegno tematico dell’ AIECM3. Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche 17 April 2015 - 19 April 2015. Sesto Fiorentino: All’ Insegna del Giglio. 197-201.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2015), Tea. In: Metheny K.B. & Beaudry M.C. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia. Lanham & Boulder & New York & London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 496.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2015), Food and dining as social display. In: Metheny K.B. & Beaudry M.C. (Eds.), The Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia. Lanham & Boulder & New York & London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 184-187.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2015), Strike a Pose: Human representations and gestures on Medieval ceramics from Cyprus (ca. 13th-15th/16th centuries). In: Rogge S. & Grünbart M. (Eds.), Medieval Cyprus. A Place of Cultural Encounter (Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien 11). Münster: Waxmann Verlag. 245-275.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2015), Cornelis Calkoen Türkiye’de: Bir 18. Yüzyıl Felemenk Diplomatının Topkapı Sarayı’ndaki Öǧle Yemeǧi. In: Singer A. (Ed.), Haydi Sofraya! Mutfak Penceresinden Osmanlı Tarihi. Istanbul: Kitapyayinevi. 141-175.
- Vroom J. (2015), The fortress of Çoban Kalesı, Late Medieval ceramic and small finds. In: Düring B.S. & Glatz C. (Eds.), Kinetic Landscapes. The Cide Archaeological Project: Surveying the Turkish Western Black Sea Region. Warsaw & Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 364-374.
- Vroom J. (2015), Strike a Pose: Human representations and gestures on Medieval ceramics from Cyprus (ca. 13th-15th/16th centuries). In: Rogge S. & Grünbart M. (Eds.), Medieval Cyprus. A Place of Cultural Encounter. Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien no. 11. Münster: Waxmann Verlag. 245-275.
- Vroom J. & Fιndιk E. (2015), The pottery finds. In: Vroom J. Fιndιk E. (Ed.), Die Türbe im Artemision. Ein frühosmanischer Grabbau in Ayasuluk/Selçuk und sein kulturhistorisches Umfeld no. Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut Sonderschriften Band 53. Vienna: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut. 205-292.
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2015), 'Dark Age’ Butrint and Athens: rewriting the history of two Early Byzantine towns. In: Vroom J. (Ed.), Medieval and Post-Medieval Ceramics in the Eastern Mediterranean - Fact and Fiction. Medieval and post-medieval mediterranean archaeology series no. 1. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. 317-342.
- Vroom J. (2015), Preface. In: Vroom J. (Ed.), Medieval and Post-Medieval Ceramics in the Eastern Mediterranean - Fact and Fiction no. MPMAS 1. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. 11-16.
- Vroom J. (2015), Medieval and Post-Medieval Ceramics in the Eastern Mediterranean - Fact and Fiction no. MPMAS 1. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
- Vroom J. (2015), The small finds. In: Vroom J. (Ed.), Die Türbe im Artemision. Ein frühosmanischer Grabbau in Ayasuluk/Selçuk und sein kulturhistorisches Umfeld no. Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut Sonderschriften Band 53. Vienna: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut. 313-328.
- Vroom J. (2015), The glass finds. In: Vroom J. (Ed.), Die Türbe im Artemision. Ein frühosmanischer Grabbau in Ayasuluk/Selçuk und sein kulturhistorisches Umfeld no. Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut Sonderschriften Band 53. Vienna: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut. 329-345.
- Vroom J. (2015), The archaeology of consumption in the Eastern Mediterranean: A ceramic perspective. In: Vroom J. (Ed.), Actas do X Congresso Internacional A Cerâmica Medieval no Mediterrâneo, Silves - Mértola, 22 a 27. outubro 2012 no. Vol. 1. Silves: Câmara Municipal de Silves & Campo Arqueológico de Mértola. 359-367.
- Johnston A., Slane K. & Vroom J.A.C. (2014), Kythera forty years on: The pottery from historical Kastri revisited, Annual of the British School at Athens 109: 3-64.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2014), Byzantine to Modern Pottery in the Aegean: An Introduction and Field Guide, Second and Revised Edition. Turnhout: Brepols.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2014), Turkish rubbish in Greek soil: Byzantine, Medieval and Post-Medieval pottery from Thebes. In: Aravabtinos V. & Kountouri E. (Eds.), A Century of Archaeological Work in Thebes. Pioneers and Continuing Research (in Modern Greek). Athens: Tameio Archaiologikon Poron. 455-471.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2014), Human representations on Medieval Cypriot ceramics and beyond: The enigma of mysterious figures wrapped in riddles. In: Papanikola-Bakirtzi D. & Coureas N. (Eds.), Cypriot Medieval Ceramics. Reconsiderations and New Perspectives. Nicosia: A.G. Leventis Foundation & Cyprus Research Centre Nicosia. 153-187.
- Gwynne P., Hodges R. & Vroom J.A.C. (2014), Archaeology and epic: Butrint and Ugolino Verino’s Carlias, Papers of the British School at Rome 82: 199-235.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2014), A Byzantine Food Lab (Craftsmarket, Leiden University). [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. & Bagci Y. (2014) Book review of A. Cutler and A. Papaconstantidou (eds.). Review of: Cutler A. & Papaconstantidou A., The Material and the Ideal: Essays in Medieval Art and Archaeology in Honour of Jean-Michel Spieser. Al-Masaq. Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean 26.3: 325-327. 26(3): 325-327.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2013), Digging for the ‘Byz’. Adventures into Byzantine and Ottoman archaeology in the eastern Mediterranean, Pharos. Journal of the Netherlands Institute in Athens 19(2): 79-110.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2013), The Medieval and Post-Medieval pottery finds. In: Hansen I.L., Hodges R. & Leppard S. (Eds.), Butrint 4: The Archaeology and Histories of an Ionian Town. Oxford: Oxbow. 234-240.
- Given M., Gabrieli R.S., Ireland T., Noller J. & Vroom J.A.C. (2013), Byzantine - Modern Landscapes. In: Given M., Knapp A.B., Noller J., Sollars L. & Kassianidou V. (Eds.), Landscape and Interaction. The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey project, Cyprus. Vol. I: Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation. no. 14. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 334-342.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2013), Medieval - Modern Fine wares. In: Given M., Knapp A.B., Noller J., Sollars L. & Kassianidou V. (Eds.), Landscape and Interaction. The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Vol. I: Methodology, Analysis and Interpretataion no. 14. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 74-80.
- Winther-Jacobsen K., Gabrieli R.S., Horowitz M.T., Janes S., Sollars L. & Vroom J.A.C. (2013), Pottery Catalogue. In: Given M., Knapp A.B., Noller J., Sollars L. & Kassianidou V. (Eds.), Landscape and Interaction. The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Vol. I: Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation no. 14. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 80-189.
- Boutin A., Digney S., Evans I., Floridou S., Gabrieli R.S., Gibson E., Given M., Hadjianastasis M., Horowitz M.T., Ireland T., Janes S., Knapp A.B., McCartney C., Noller J., Robins C., Schriwer C., Slevin S., Sollars L., Urwin N., Vroom J.A.C. & Winther-Jacobsen K. (2013), The Plains. In: Given M., Knapp A.B., Noller J., Sollars L. & Kassianidou V. (Eds.), Landscape and Interaction. The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Vol. 2: The Taesp Landscape no. 15. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 6-50.
- Banks I., Boutin A., Digney S., Evans I., Floridou S., Gabrieli R.S., Gibson E., Given M., Hadjianastasis M., Horowitz M.T., Ireland T., Janes S., Knapp A.B., McCartney C., Noller J., Ntinou M., Schriwer C., Slevin S., Urwin N., Vroom J.A.C. & Winther-Jacobsen V. (2013), The Karkotis Valley. In: Given M., Knapp A.B., Noller J., Sollars L. & Kassianidou V. (Eds.), Landscape and Interaction. The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Vol. I: Methodology, Analysis and Interpretation no. 15. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 51-151.
- Galaty M.L., Lafe O., Watkinson C., Schon R., Tafilica Z., Parkinson W.A. & Vroom J.A.C. (2013), Regional archaeological survey and excavation results. In: Galaty M.L, Lafe O., Lee W.E. & Tafilica Z. (Eds.), Light and Shadow. Isolation and Interaction in the Shala Valley of Northern Albania no. 28. Los Angeles: UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press. 163-197.
- Banks I., Digney S., Evans I., Floridou S., Gabrieli R.S., Gibson E., Given M., Hadjianastasis M., Ireland T., McCartney C., Noller J., Robins C., Schriwer C., Sollars L., Urwin N., Vroom J.A.C. & Winther-Jacobsen K. (2013), The Mountains. In: Given M., Knapp A.B., Noller J., Sollars L. & Kassianidou V. (Eds.), Landscape and Interaction. The Troodos Archaeological and Environmental Survey Project, Cyprus. Vol. 2: The Taesp Landscape no. 15. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 204-242.
- Langejans G.H.J. & Vroom J.A.C. (24 January 2013), Wetenschap van Woekerwinsten. Het rendement van Geesteswetenschappen doorgemeten. Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare: 9.
- Bevan A., Conolly J., Hennig C., Johnston A., Quercia A., Spencer L. & Vroom J. (2013), Measuring chronological uncertainty in intensive survey finds: A case study from Antikythera, Greece, Archaeometry 55: 312-328.
- Langejans G.H.J. & Vroom J.A.C. (24 January 2013), Wetenschap Van Woekerwinsten. Het Rendement Van Geesteswetenschappen Doorgemeten. Leids Universitair Weekblad Mare: 9.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2012), From one coast to another: Early Medieval ceramics in the southern Adriatic region. In: Hodges R. & Gelichi S. (Eds.), From One Sea to Another. Trading Places in the European and Mediterranean Early Middle Ages, Proceedings of the III International SAAME Conference - Comacchio 27th-29th March 2009. Turnhout: Brepols. 353-391.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2012), Early Medieval pottery finds from recent excavations at Butrint, Albania. Gelichi S. (Ed.), Atti del IX Congresso internazionale sulla ceramica medievale nel Mediterraneo. . Florence: All' Insegno del Giglio. 288-295.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2012), Tea and ceramics: New perspectives on Byzantine pottery from Limyra. Seyer M. (Ed.), 40 Jahre Grabung Limyra. Akten des Symposions, Wien, 3-5 Dezember 2009. . Vienna: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut. 341-355.
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), Life among ruins. Greece and Turkey between past & present / Leven tussen brokstukken. Griekenland en Turkije tussen verleden & heden. Utrecht: Parnassus Press.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2011), Het oude Constantinopel onder het oude Istanbul: Archeologische sensaties dankzij een nieuwe metrolijn. In: Burgersdijk D. & Waal W. (Eds.), Constantinopel. Een mozaïek van de Byzantijnse metropool. Leuven: Peeters. 229-239.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2011), The other Dark Ages: Early Medieval pottery finds in the Aegean as an archaeological challenge. In: Attoui R. (Ed.), When did Antiquity End? Archaeological Case Studies in Three Continents. Oxford: Archaeopress. 137-158.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2011), 'Mr. Turkey goes to Turkey', or: How an eighteenth-century Dutch diplomat lunched at Topkapı Palace, Princeton Papers 16: 139-175.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2011), 'Mr. Turkey goes to Turkey', or: How an eighteenth-century Dutch diplomat lunched at Topkapı Palace. In: Singer A. (Ed.), Starting with food: culinary approaches to Ottoman history. Princeton, NJ: Markus Wiener. 139-175.
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), A Tale of Four Cities: Adventures into the Dark Ages. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2011), Digging for answers in the Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2011), Avkat Archaeological Project: Problems and perspectives of the ceramic research. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), Documentary for exhibition 'Life among Ruins / Leven tussen brokstukken' in Allard Pierson Museum, University of Amsterdam (NL). Allard Pierson Museum. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), Online exhibition 'Life among Ruins / Leven tussen brokstukken' at [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), Cityscapes and landscapes: From Dark Age Athens to Late Medieval Butrint. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2011), Medieval ceramics of the 'Tribüne' in the Artemison complex in Ephesus. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), Position: Conference organisers 'First Amsterdam Meeting on Byzantine and Ottoman Archaeology' (21-23.10.2011), Amsterdam Archaeological Centre, University of Amsterdam (NL). [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2011), Dark Age pottery in the Mediterranean: Problems and possibilities. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), Digging up answers in the Medieval Mediterranean. University of Amsterdam: [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), Byzantine and Ottoman Archaeology. Digging up answers in the Medieval & Post-Medieval Mediterranean. University of Amsterdam: [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), Exhibition 'Life among Ruins. Greece and Turkey between past & present / Leven tussen brokstukken. Griekenland en Turkije tussen heden & verleden' in Allard Pierson Museum (21.10.2011-29.01.2012), University of Amsterdam (NL). [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. & Kondyli F. (2011), Material Culture, Consumption and Social Change: New Approaches to Understanding the Eastern Mediterranean during Byzantine and Ottoman Times. University of Amsterdam: [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2011), The Morea and its links with Southern Italy after AD 1204: Ceramics and identity, Archeologia Medievale 38: 409-430.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2010), Dishing up history. Cooking techniques of Early Medieval pottery from Butrint (Albania): A preliminary report. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2010), Local and imported Early Medieval pottery from Butrint (Albania). [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2010), The archaeology of food during Byzantine times (ca. 10th-15th c.). [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2010), The past is a foreign country, full of broken pots: Material culture, consumption and social change in Byzantine and Ottoman times. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2010), The archaeology of food in the Byzantine World (ca. 10th-15th c.): A ceramic perspective. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2010), The archaeology of consumption in the eastern Mediterranean during Byzantine times. [other].
- Vroom J.A.C. (2005), Byzantine to Modern Pottery in the Aegean: An introduction and Field Guide. Utrecht: Parnassus Press.
- Vroom J.A.C. (2003), After Antiquity. Ceramics and Society in the Aegean from the 7th to the 20th centuries A.C. A Case Study from Boeotia, Central Greece. Leiden: Rijksuniversiteit Leiden / Faculteit der Archeologie.
- Vroom J. (29 January 2003), Medieval and post-medieval ceramics from the archaeological sites discoverd by the Boeotia Project, Central Greece, to the present day (Dissertatie, Faculty of Archeology, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Bintliff J.L.
- Vroom J. (2003), After Antiquity. Ceramics and Society in the Aegean from the 7th to the 20th centuries A.C. A Case Study from Boeotia, Central Greece (Dissertatie, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University). Supervisor(s): Bintliff J.L.