Building a Byzantine and Ottoman Data Atlas with a DANS grant
Joanita Vroom, Professor Archaeology of Medieval and Early Modern Eurasia at the Faculty of Archaeology, has again received a DANS Klein DataProject (KDP) bursary for her project entitled ‘Data Atlas of Byzantine and Ottoman Material Culture: Archiving Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeological Fieldwork Data from the Eastern Mediterranean (600-2000), Phase II’.
Aetolian Studies Project
This project, which runs from February to December 2020, aims to further archive and sustainably store data from multidisciplinary projects (both excavations and surveys) in the eastern Mediterranean, making the data available online. This time the emphasis will be on the material of the ‘Aetolian Studies Project’ (ASP), focussed on the long term habitation history (ranging from Prehistory to the Modern era) of a remote mountain region in central Greece. The project will further enrich the earlier established digital infrastructure with unique content, integrating all the digitalized databases and additional datasets consisting of drawings, photos and maps.