Byzantine power and daily life in mini exhibition
What do Byzantine fashion, mosaics, fortifications and menas ampullae have in common? Find out the answer at the second edition of a mini exhibition on Byzantine archaeology in the Van Steenis building.
Mysteries of the Byzantine period
Starting on Friday 2 February 2018, the entrance of the Faculty of Archaeology features a new mini exhibition, this time made by Bachelor archaeology students of Leiden University.
Various aspects of the underlying theme of power and daily life in Byzantium (ca. 4th-15th c.) will be shown through a display of various objects. These include a model of the triclinium (dining hall) of the villa at Piazza Armerina (Sicily), painted amphorae, mosaics, animal remains and the ‘dollar of the Middle Ages’.
Furthermore, mysteries of the Byzantine period will be revealed through intriguing images of dresses and shoes of all classes, the marble cargo of a shipwreck, pilgrim’s souvenirs, and another brick in the wall of Tell Deir Alla (Jordan).
The second mini exhibition
‘A Mosaic of Images: Power and Daily Life in Byzantium’ is the second of a series of mini exhibitions of the scientific treasures of the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University, organised by staff members and students of this faculty, featuring different topics and objects each half year.
This mini exhibition has been planned and organised by BA3 students during the course Byzantine Archaeology (2017-2018).

Exhibition’s organizer: Prof. Dr. Joanita Vroom.
With the help of Ruben van Dijk, Marion Guy, Mike Kneppers, Floriske Meindertsma, Lysanne Michels, Maaike Tenhagen, Janus de Vries, Vitek Weijland and Daniele Zampierin.
With many thanks to Dr. Mark Driessen, Dr. Carol van Driel-Murray, Loe Jacobs, Dr. Karel Innemée, Prof. Dr. Thijs van Kolfschoten, Dr. Arent Pol and Josephine Say for their support.