Feeding the Byzantine City
The Archaeology of Consumption in the Eastern Mediterranean (ca. 500-1500)
- Author
- Joanita Vroom
- Date
- 23 March 2023
- Links
- Website of the publisher

Feeding the Byzantine City offers unique perceptions on consumption and production, exciting historical insights on markets and exchange systems, as well as often astonishing archaeological data from Byzantine cities and their surroundings in the eastern Mediterranean between ca. 500 and 1500.
This book offers new and innovative perspectives on the archaeology of consumption in Byzantine cities and their hinterlands. Case-studies range from towns in eastern Macedonia, north-western and central Greece, and Crete to urban centres in Serbia, Bulgaria and western Turkey. The archaeological data and historical insights presented in this volume are always of great interest, often exciting, and more than once outright astonishing. The commodities discussed in the volume are dated between the 6th and the 16th century CE and include pottery (e.g., glazed table wares, amphorae, cooking pots, storage jars), textile fragments, metal objects, bronze and golden jewellery, marble carved slabs and columns.