Daniela Vicherat Mattar
Associate Professor
- Name
- Dr. D.A. Vicherat Mattar
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9537
- d.a.vicherat.mattar@luc.leidenuniv.nl
- 0009-0006-3534-4104

Daniela Vicherat Mattar (PhD European University Institute) convenes the Culture, History and Society major. Trained as a sociologist, her research focuses on cities, citizenship and, more recently, care. She’s interested in how dominant ideas about belonging translate in urban forms and infrastructures (like walls, public squares, markets, museums) and through urban aesthetics (graffiti and street art) in Europe and Latin America. Her portfolio at LUC is on the inter- and cross- disciplinary aspects of the curriculum, where her interest is to further explore the limits of disciplinary knowledge and teaching in relation to today’s global challenges. Recently Daniela has been awarded a Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) grant for an inter-faculty project titled 'The many faces of food markets during COVID-19: Stories of solidarity and change through and with food'.
More information about Daniela Vicherat Mattar
Research output
News and media
Research projects
Trained as a sociologist, prior to joining LUC, Daniela was Marie-Curie Fellow at the School of History in Edinburgh University. Her research focuses on cities, citizenship and, more recently, care. She’s interested in how dominant ideas about belonging translate in urban forms and infrastructures (like walls, public squares, markets, museums, etc) and through urban aesthetics (graffiti and street art) in Europe and Latin America. Researching the politics of belonging, she has looked at borders in relation to counter-hegemonic ideas and practices of citizenship and care. Her portfolio at LUC is on the inter- and cross- disciplinary aspects of the curriculum, where her interest is to further explore the limits of disciplinary knowledge and teaching in relation to today’s global challenges. She is currently the convener of the Culture, History and Society major.
Recently Daniela has been awarded a Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) grant for an inter-faculty project titled 'The many faces of food markets during COVID-19: Stories of solidarity and change through and with food'.
Academic Expertise
- Border-making
- Citizenship
- Identity/belonging
- Vulnerability/care
- Public Spaces
- Walls
- Social Theory en Everyday Life
- Paradoxes of Citizenship
- Vulnerability, Gender and the Ethics of Care
- Case-studies in Diversity: Public spaces
- Research Design
Associate Professor
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
Work address
Anna van BuerenpleinAnna van Buerenplein 301
2595 DG The Hague
Room number 4.38
- Trevenen-Jones A., Cho M., Thrivikraman J. & Vicherat Mattar D. (2020), Snap-Send-Share-Story: A Methodological Approach to Understanding Urban Residents’ Household Food Waste Group Stories in The Hague (Netherlands), International Journal of Qualitative Methods 19: 1-8.
- Vicherat Mattar D.A. (2020), Public space as border space: social contention and street art in Santiago post-18/O, Frame 33(1): 31-47.
- Vicherat Mattar D. (2020), ¿Dónde está la Democracia?. In: Quiroga D. & Pastene J. (Eds.), Alienigenas. El Estallido Social en los Muros: Ocho Libros.
- Vicherat Mattar D. (2019), Europe, the familiar stranger. In: Jong J. de, Neuman M & Neuman-Stanivukovic S. (Eds.), European Studies and Europe: Twenty years of Euroculure: Universitatsverlag Gottingen.
- Thrivikraman J., Vicherat Mattar D., Cho M. & Trevenen-Jones A (2019), Thinking about waste: A case study on the perceptions and practices of food waste in The Hague, MTb Journal. Netherlands Society of Tropical Medicine and International Health 3 (57): 29-31.
- Bonelli C. & Vicherat-Mattar D. (2017), Towards a sociology of equivocal connections, Sociology 51(1): 60-75.
- Vicherat Mattar D. (2017), Speaking walls: contentious memories in Belfast’s murals. In: Awad S. & Wagoner B. (Eds.), Aesthetics of Resistance. On multiple Forms of Graffiti: Palgrave.
- Vicherat Mattar D. (2017), Mapuche Citizenship. Francisca Linconao’s struggle to imagine and define citizenship beyond the state, Historica 3 : 20-24.
- Pana L. & Vicherat Mattar D.A. (2016), Migrationlab Social Impact Report 2016. The Hague: Migrationlab, European Cultural Foundation.
- Vicherat-Mattar D. (2014) Segregation. A global History of Divided Cities. Review of: Nightingale C.H. (2012), Segregation. A global History of Divided Cities. Urban History. Chicago: Chicago University Press 41(01): 175-177.
- Vicherat Mattar D.A. (2012), Did the walls really come down? Contemporary b/ordering walls in Europe. In: Silberman M., Tilly K. & Ward J. (Eds.), Walls Borders, Boundaries: Spatial and Cultural Practices in Europe no. 4. USA: Berghaan Books. 268.
- Vicherat Mattar D.A. (2009), Walling borders: an achievement or sign of failure?, TRIALOG. A journal for planning and building in the third world 2(101): .
- Vicherat Mattar D.A. (2007), ¿Qué tienen en común la identidad, el espacio público y la democracia? Reflexiones sobre los conceptos (What is common to identity, public spaces and democracy? Thinking about the concepts). In: Segovia Olga (Ed.), Espacios Públicos y Construcción Social. Santiago, Chile: Ediciones SUR.
- De la Maza G. & Vicherat D. (1999), Los jóvenes temporeros de la VI Región: un abordaje cualitativo. In: INJUV (Ed.), Jóvenes, cultura juvenil y subjetividad en el Chile de los 90. Santiago, Chile: Instituto Nacional de la Juventud (INJUV), Ministerio de Planificación y Cooperación MIDEPLAN.