5 FGGA lecturers awarded Senior Teaching Qualification
With the end of the year coming to a close, it is time for a celebration. Twenty driven lecturers, among them 5 academic staff members of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in The Hague, were awarded their Senior Teaching Qualification by Vice- Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl.
In November last year the Executive Board of Leiden University decided to qualify 5 FGGA teachers for the Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO). They spent the last year working on their portfolio to obtain the SKO certificate. Among the five FGGA lecturers where four academic staff members of Leiden University College The Hague and one of the Institute of Public Administration.
Passionate Lecturers
- Dr. David Ehrhardt, Assistant Professor in International Development at Leiden University College The Hague
- Dr. Paul Hudson, Associate Professor of Physical Geography at Leiden University College The Hague
- Dr. Daniela Vicherat Mattar, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Leiden University College The Hague
- Dr. Brandon Zicha, Assistant Professor of Policy Science at Leiden University College The Hague
- Dr. Natascha van der Zwan, Assistant Professor in Public Administration at the Institute of Public Administration
A series of interviews with the lecturers who have recently been awarded their SKO certificate will follow in January and February. What does this qualification mean to them? And what makes them so passionate about teaching?
From Left to Right: Natascha van der Zwan, Brandon Zicha, Daniela Vicherat Mattar, David Ehrhardt and Paul Hudson -
David Erhhardt receives the Senior Teaching Qualification from Hester Bijl -
Brandon Zicha posing with his freshly obtained SKO - Certificate with Hester Bijl
The Senior Teaching Qualification (Dutch: SKO 'Senior Kwalificatie Onderwijs') is a qualification for lecturers who have at least 5 years experience in teaching at a university and who play a leading role in the development and innovation of teaching at a curriculum level, beyond the limits of their own discipline and thus transcending their own field.