Delegation from Leiden University visits Mexico
A delegation from Leiden University will be visiting Mexico from 21 to 25 October. The visit aims to strengthen the ties between Mexican universities and Leiden University.
‘We want to set up and implement new research projects and increase student and staff mobility,’ Marianne Wiesebron, Regional Coordinator Latin America and Caribbean, explains. Leiden University will sign a number of Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with universities in Mexico City and Puebla.
The programme includes visits to:
- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM),
- Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social [CIESAS)
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
- El Colegio de México A.C. (COLMEX)
- Universidad Iberoamericana (IBERO or UIA)
- Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP)
Furthermore, the delegation will visit the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT). CONACyT is the science funding organisation of Mexico, comparable to the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). A meeting will also be organised with Leiden alumni living in Mexico.
Latin America has been one of Leiden University’s focal areas since 2014, along with China and Indonesia. Our researchers work regularly with Latin American countries, including Mexico. Examples of research conducted in Leiden in partnership with Mexican researchers include:
- Research on the Mixtec cultures by archaeologist Maarten Jansen
- Research on Amerindian languages by Willem Adelaar
Both Jansen and Adelaar have received a prestigious ERC grant for their work. This grant allows both researchers to facilitate PhD s and postdocs, often from Latin American countries.
Besides extending existing partnerships, the delegation also aims to create new collaborations, for example in the field of healthy ageing. With this aim in mind, the delegation consists of researchers from all different fields of study, including from the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC).
Partner universities
Leiden University works together with over 37 Latin American and Caribbean universities and research centres and has also signed a number of specific agreements. These agreements are the results of a diverse range of activities developed by the Leiden Latin American and Caribbean Centre (LAC). These activities include student and staff mobility and joint research projects.
Leiden University also offers teaching programmes on Latin America: a bachelor’s and two master’s programmes in Latin American Studies. Latin America is the most popular region among bachelor’s students of International Studies.
The Leiden delegation comprises:
- Prof. Carel Stolker, Rector Magnificus & President
- Dr Marianne Wiesebron Coordinator for Latin American and Caribbean Relations
- Dr Genner Llanes Ortiz (Archaeological Heritage)
- Dr Daniela Vicherat Mattar (Sociology)
- Prof. Edmund Amann (Brazilian Studies)
- Prof. Niels Schiller (Psycho- and Neurolinguistics)
- Dr Randal Sheppard (History of Latin America)
- Prof. Jacobijn Gussekloo (Primal Care/ Vitality and Aging)
- Prof. Herman Spaink (Molecular cell biology)
- Prof. Andrea Evers (Health Psychology)