Bernard Steunenberg
Professor Public administration, including the institutional economy of the public sector
- Name
- Prof.dr. B. Steunenberg
- Telephone
- +31 70 800 9499
- 0000-0003-1028-9867

Bernard Steunenberg conducts research on European politics and policymaking, including the relationship between the Union and its Member States on the transposition and implementation of European policy. In his work, he uses perspectives from game theory, deliberative theory, public choice and analytical politics.
More information about Bernard Steunenberg
Bernard Steunenberg is Professor of Public Administration at Leiden University since 1 September 1999. He conducts research on European politics and policymaking, including the relationship between the Union and its Member States on the transposition and implementation of European policy. Recently, he also writes about the impact of digitalization on public policy and policymaking. In his work, he uses perspectives from game theory, deliberative theory, public choice and analytical politics. In addition, he regularly organizes national and international discussions, on the EU as well as on the possibilities and challenges of data-driven policymaking.
Bernard Steunenberg received a BA (1979) and a MA (1983) in Public Administration from the University of Twente. In 1989 he received his PhD also from the University of Twente. He was Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, University of Twente (1986-94), Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Netherlands Institute of Governance (NIG) (1994-99), and Associate Professor of Public Finance at the Faculty of Public Administration and Public Policy, University of Twente (1994-99). He has been a visiting scholar at various universities, including Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the Political Science Department of the European University Institute in Florence (2006-7). As the Jean Monnet Ad Personam Chair in European Politics (2009-14) he established the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Leiden University.
At Leiden University Bernard Steunenberg is Scientific Director of the Institute of Public Administration (since 2018). He was also Director in 2001-2004 and 2008-2011. In 2012-2015 he was vice-dean of Faculty Campus The Hague.
Bernard Steunenberg taught a range of courses on politics, public administration and the EU in various programs at Leiden University. He is teaching the courses Decision-Making and Rational Choice (BA-3), and EU Policymaking and Implementation (MA Public Administration). He runs a successful and prize-winning MOOC on ‘European Policy and Implementation’ at the Coursera platform. He has been a guest lecturer in several programmes.
Bernard Steunenberg is the founder and a general editor of the open access journal Research and Politics. The journal started publishing papers in 2014 and is already a well-cited journal especially in social media.
Research Projects
Research on EU decision-making
Central to this work are the interaction between political actors, their interests and the formal and informal structures of the decision-making process. Bernard Steunenberg focuses on legislative procedures within the EU and the balance of power between the main European institutions. This work includes using methods form 'data science' to explore the functioning of EU legislative decision-making.
Research on coordination and implementation of EU policy
While policy formulation mainly involves coordination and harmonization, policy implementation mainly requires differentiation. In his work, Bernard Steunenberg examines how this consideration takes place, examining how domestic actors influence policy formulation but also the implementation of European policy. Implementation involves not only actors at the national level, but also at the level of local or regional authorities. He is currently working on a number of specific files, including air quality, secondment and state aid.
Research on the popular acceptance of the EU
Linked to the MAXCAP research project, Steunenberg focuses on national discourses regarding important European issues. Recently, research is done on national discourses regarding enlargement and European integration in various countries. These projects explore how citizens evaluate and appreciate European integration, which is important to discussions about the legitimacy of the EU
Research on policymaking in the digital era
Motivated by the increasing digitalization of society and government, Bernard Steunenberg is interested what this entails for policy and policymaking. Especially, the possibilities of using more data in making and implementing policy may affect policy, the way policymaking is organized and the structures within which policy is implemented. Will the availability of more and new data lead to a better and more problem-oriented approach? This is mainly due to the possibilities that oranisations offer to policy learning.
The data used for several research projects is available at the Harvard Dataverse.
Professor Public administration, including the institutional economy of the public sector
- Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Steunenberg B. & Zwaan P. (2024), Working with the EU: how discourses shape the application of EU state aid rules, Journal of Common Market Studies 62(1): 242-261.
- Steunenberg B. (2024), Europa en binnenlands bestuur: hoe waardenconflicten de uitvoering van beleid kleuren. In: Dijkstra G.S.A., Raadschelders J.C.N. & Berg C.F. van den (Eds.), Geschriften over overheid en ambtelijk apparaat, als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel...: Liber amicorum Frits van der Meer. Den Haag: CAOP. 239-252.
- Dimitrova A.L. & Steunenberg B. (18 January 2024), How the "politics of postponement" reshaped the Dutch Party system. LSE blog. London: LSE (LSE). [blog entry].
- Ruiter R. de, Steunenberg B. & Hoppema M. (2023), Omzetting en uitvoering: een literaatuurstudie. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden/IOB Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
- Steunenberg B. (2022), How implementation affects revision: EU decision-making on changing the posting of workers directive, Journal of Common Market Studies 60(3): 562-579.
- Steunenberg B. (2021), The politics within institutions for regulating public spending: conditional compliance within multi-year budgets, Constitutional Political Economy 32(1): 31-51.
- Dimitrova A.L. & Steunenberg B. (21 September 2021), What lessons can be learned from the failure to form a government in Bulgaria and the Netherlands?. EUROPP . London: LSE. [blog entry].
- Steunenberg B. (2021), Responsief beleid en kunstmatige intelligentie: grenzen aan het gebruik van technologie. In: Custers B.H.M., Deschesne F. & Hof S. van der (Eds.) Meesterlijk, Liber Amicorum ter gelegenheid van het emeritaat van prof.dr. Jaap van den Herik, hoogleraar Recht en Informatica te Leiden. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 87.
- Kortenska E., Steunenberg B. & Sircar I. (2020), Public-elite gap on European integration: the missing link between discourses among citizens and elites in Serbia, Journal of European Integration 42: 873-888.
- Steunenberg B. (2019), Nonlinearity in Leiden. In: Braun C., Berkhout J. & Hanegraaff M. (Eds.), Flight of Wisdom: On the importance of community in interest representation and academic progress. Liber Amicorum for David Lowery. The Hague: Authors. 95-100.
- Steunenberg B. (2019), Different shades of responsiveness: from adoption to implementation, Journal of European Public Policy 26(11): 1749-1760.
- Steunenberg B. (2019), Het is dus én-én’. In: , Best of both worlds: Het toevoegen van online ervaringen in campusonderwijs. Leiden: Leiden University, ICTO programma. 5.
- Steunenberg B. (2019), Laat kunstmatige intelligentie het debat niet hinderen, De Hofvijver 9(93): .
- Giest S., Klievink B. & Steunenberg B. (2019), Beleidsuitdagingen bij datagebruik. In: , Behoorlijk datagebruik in de openbare ruimte: Van dialoogtafels naar voorstellen voor nieuw beleid. Den Haag: Rijksoverheid/NL Digitaal. 149-160.
- Giest S., Klievink B. & Steunenberg B. (2019), Policy challenges relating to data use. In: , Appropriate use of data in public space: From dialogue groups to new policy proposals. The Hague: Rijksoverheid/NL Digitaal. 147-158.
- Steunenberg B. (2018), De toekomst van Europa in Nederland: wordt het niet tijd voor meer debat?, De Hofvijver 8(84): .
- Steunenberg B. (2018), Adaptief beleid binnen de digitale overhead: balanceren tussen politiek en uitvoering. In: Mettau P. & Hulsenboom Z. (Eds.), Adaptief bestuur: Essays over adaptiviteit en openbaar bestuur no. Publicatie nr. 110379. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. 37-47.
- Steunenberg B. (2018), Adaptieve beleidsontwikkeling: zoeken naar nieuwe vormen van beleidsanalyse voor de digitale overheid, Beleidsonderzoek Online February(2018): .
- Steunenberg B. (2018), ‘Can you prove this?’ Scientific rigor and the formation of coalitions. In: Rouwette E. (Ed.), Decisions, Coalitions and Evidence: A liber amicorum for Ad van Deemen. Nijmegen: Institute for Management Research. 25-29.
- Dimitrova A. & Steunenberg B. (2017), The power of implementers: A three level game model of compliance with EU policy and its application to cultural heritage, Journal of European Public Policy 24(8): 1211-1232.
- Dimitrova A. & Steunenberg B. (2017), Pitfalls on the Road to Frey's Democracy of the future - Comment on "Proposals for a Democracy of the Future" by Bruno Frey, Homo Oeconomicus 34(2-3): 213-222.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova A.L. (2016), Too difficult to handle? Compliance with EU policy in a multi-level context. EPSA Annual Conference 2015 25 June 2015 - 27 June 2015.
- Carroll B. & Steunenberg B. (2016), Between Autonomy and Control: The Dynamics of EU Policy Implementation. 2015 Annual American Political Science Association Conference 3 September 2015 - 6 September 2015.
- Steunenberg B. (2016), Connecting Different ‘Worlds’: The implementation of European policy in a multilevel context. In: Steunenberg B., Voermans W. & Bogeart S. van den (Eds.), Fit for the Future: Reflections from Leiden on the Functioning of the EU. The Hague: Eleven. 103-121.
- Steunenberg B., Voermans W.J.M. & Van den Bogaert S.C.G. (Eds.) (2016), Fit for the Future? Reflections from Leiden on the Functioning of the EU. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
- Steunenberg B., Voermans W.J.M. & Van den Bogaert S.C.G. (2016), Introduction - The Dutch Presidency: Coping with a Union in Flux. In: Steunenberg B., Voermans W.J.M. & Van den Bogaert S.C.G. (Eds.), Fit for the Future? Reflections from Leiden on the Functioning of the EU. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. 1-8.
- Steunenberg B. (2016), De wisselwerking tussen Europa en Nederland. Lunch seminar Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations 3 June 2015 - 3 June 2015.
- Steunenberg B., Dimitrova A.L. & Kortenska E. (2016), Do citizens change their mind on Europe?. 2015 NIG Annual Conference 5 November 2015 - 6 November 2015.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Steunenberg B. (2016), Comparing discourses about past and future EU enlargement: Core arguments and cleavages. Eastern European Working Group at the European University Institute 7 May 2015 - 7 May 2015.
- Kortenska E.G., Sircar I. & Steunenberg B. (2016), Public-Elite Gap on European Integration: The Missing Link between Discourses about EU Enlargement among Citizens and Elites in Serbia. Maximizing the Integration Capacity of the European Union: Working Paper Series no. 31. Berlin, Germany: Freie Universität Berlin. [working paper].
- Dimitrova A.L., Kortenska E. & Steunenberg B. (2015), Comparing discourses about past and future EU enlargements: Core arguments and cleavages’. MAXCAP Midterm Conference 21 April 2015 - 24 April 2015. Den Haag: Leiden University.
- Steunenberg B. (2015), Tussen Scylla en Charybdis: hoe verbindt het Nederlandse voorzitterschap de burger bij Europa?, De Hofvijver 2015(December): .
- Steunenberg B., Akerboom M. & Hutten P. (2015), De wisselwerking tussen Europa en Nederland: Een verkenning van de Europese prioriteiten en hun invloed op de verschillende overheden in Nederland. The Hague: Leiden University.
- Schmidtchen D. & Steunenberg B. (2014), On the Possibility of a Preference-Based Power Index: The Strategic Power Index Revisited. In: Fara R., Leech D. & Salles M. (Eds.), Voting Power and Procedures: Essays in Honour of Dan Felsenthal and Moshé Machover. Cham/Heidelberg/New York/Dordrecht/London: Springer. 259-286.
- Dimitrova A.L. & Steunenberg B. (2014), Too difficult to handle? Compliance with EU policy in a multi-level context. Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association 27 August 2014 - 30 August 2014. Den Haag: Leiden University.
- Steunenberg B. & Zee R. van der (2014), Compliance as an administrative problem: Transposition performance with multiple deadlines’. Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association 18 June 2014 - 21 June 2014. Den Haag: Leiden University.
- Ruiter R. de, Akerboom M. & Steunenberg B. (2014), 2014 European Parliament Elections: Main issues and positions based on party manifestos, Research Note of the Leiden University Jean Monnet Center of Excellence. Den Haag: Leiden University Jean Monnet Center of Excellence.
- Vries C. de & Steunenberg B. (10 April 2014), Accelerating the revolution in political science publishing: shorter, faster, more transparent and freely available. LSE Impact Blog. London: LSE. [blog entry].
- Steunenberg B. (2014), Tussen ‘gele kaart’ en omzettingswetgeving: de veranderende rol van het Nederlandse parlement in Europa, RegelMaat: Kwartaalblad voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken 29: 340-353.
- Steunenberg B. (Ed.) (2013), . Research and Politics.
- Steunenberg B. (2013), Towards a greater awareness and identification of cross-bounder effects, invited talk at the seminar ‘Towards territorial monitoring and impact assessment in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine’, 13 December 2013, EIPA, Maastricht, The Netherlands. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2013), Invited talk on ‘Policy implementation in the EU: Living in parallel universes?’ of the Political Science Department at National University of Singapore, 25 April 2013, Singapore. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2013), Invited talk on ‘Current issues in the EU’ for young academics from Erasmus University Rotterdam and Leiden University, 3 April 2013, The Hague, the Netherlands. . [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2013), Presentation ‘The international classroom: Challenges for lecturers and programs’ as part of the Leiden University visits to the University of Copenhagen (27 May 2013) and Lund University (28 May 2013). . [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2013), Invited talk on ‘What is the future of European regions?’ at the celebration of 20 years Regio Randstad in Brussels, Huis van de Nederlandse Provincies, 31 January 2013, Brussels, Belgium. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2013), Position statement ‘The right to deviate’ at the panel discussion on ‘The European Citizens Report 2013’ with EU Commissioner Reding organized by the Montesquieu Institute, 16 May 2013, The Hague, the Netherlands. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Van der Zee R. (2013), Compliance as an administrative problem: Transposition performance with multiple deadlines, Paper presented at the 20th International Conference of Europeanists, 25 June 2013, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Van der Zee R. (2013), Basisanalyses uit de iTimer, paper presented to the Interdepartmental Committee European Law/Implementation (ICER-I), The Hague, the Netherlands. [other].
- Jeliazkova M., Dimitrova Antoaneta, Hoppe R. & Steunenberg B. (26 June 2013), Bulgaars burgerprotest verdient actieve steun. Trouw, 26 June 2013: 21.
- Dimitrova A.L. & Steunenberg B. (2013), Europa en subsidiariteit, Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS) 23(3): 11.
- Dimitrova A.L. & Steunenberg B. (2013), Living in parallel universes? Implementing European moveable cultural heritage policy in Bulgaria, Journal of Common Market Studies 51: 246-263.
- Voermans W.J.M., Napel H.M.T.D. ten, Diamant M., Groothuis M.M., Steunenberg B., Passchier R. & Pack S. (2012), Legislative Processes in Transition. Comparative Study of the Legislative Processes in Finland, Slovenia and the United Kingdom as a Source of Inspiration for Enhancing the Efficiency of the Dutch Legislative Process. Leiden / The Hague: WODC / Ministry of Security and Justice.
- Steunenberg B. & Ruiter A. de (2012), Research Note: Discussing European policy in the national poliitical arena: Research on the new scruntiny reserve of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament. Den Haag: Jean-Monnet Center.
- Steunenberg B., Beerkens M., Berg C.F. van den, Ruiter R. de & Voermans W.J.M. (2012), 'Wir machen das so': Studie zu den Grenzeffecten der europäischen Politik. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden.
- Steunenberg B. (2012), Research Note: Dwang? Over het naleving van de begrotingsafspraken in de EU en de gevolgen voor de bestuursstructuur. Den Haag: University Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in Den Haag.
- Steunenberg B., Beerkens M., Berg C.F. van den, Hartmann J.M.R., Ruiter A. de, Ruiter R. de & Voermans W.J.M. (2012), 'Wij doen dat zo': Onderzoek naar de grenseffecten van Europees beleid. Den Haag: Univeristeit Leiden.
- Voermans W.J.M., Napel H.M.T.D. ten, Diamant M., Groothuis M.M., Steunenberg B., Passchier R. & Pack S. (2012), Wetgevingsprocessen in transitie. Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar het prestatievermogen van wetgevingsprocessen in Finland, Slovenië en het Verenigd Koninkrijk als mogelijke inspiratie voor de verbetering van de efficiency van het Nederlandse wetgevingsproces. Den Haag: WODC, Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.
- Steunenberg B., Petek S. & Rüth C. (2011), Between Reason and Emotion: Popular discourses on Turkey's membership of the EU, South European Society and Politics 16(3): 449-468.
- Haverland M., Steunenberg B. & Waarden F. van (2011), Sectors at different speeds: Analysing transposition deficits in the European Union, Journal of Common Market Studies 49(2): 265-291.
- Steunenberg B. (2011), Strategic power index. In: Dowding K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Power. London: Sage. 632-634.
- Steunenberg B. (2011), Onder nationale beleidsambtenaren: Europese beleidsvoorbereiding en de rol van het Nederlandse parlement. In: Andeweg R. & Thomassen J. (Eds.), Democratie doorgelicht: Het functioneren van de Nederlandse democratie. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 501-519.
- Steunenberg B. (2011), Luck. In: Dowding K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Power. London: Sage. 388-390.
- Steunenberg B. (2011), Big Brother Watching? Toezicht van de Europese Commissie op de implementatie van EU-richtlijnen in de lidstaten, Res Publica 11(3): 388-390.
- Haverland M., Steunenberg B. & Waarden F. van (2011), Zijn wij een land van doen alsof? Nederland en de omzetting van Europese richtlijnen, Bestuurswetenschappen 65: 46-65.
- Steunenberg B. & Rhinard M.C.T. (2010), The transposition of European Law in EU member states: Between process and politics, European Political Science Review 2(03): 495-520.
- Steunenberg B. & Hendriks F. (2010), Bewegend tussen verwondering en duiding. In: Aardema H. & Derksen W. (Eds.), Meerwaarde van de bestuurskunde Liber amicorum voor prof. Arno F.A. Korsten. Den Haag: Boom/ Lemma. 49-58.
- Steunenberg B. (2010), Domestic veto players, commission monitoring and the implementation of European policy. In: König Th., Tsebelis G. & Debus M. (Eds.), Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto players and Decision-Making in Modern Democracies. New York: Springer. 213-230.
- Steunenberg B. (2010), Living in parallel universes? The implementation of EU rules on cultural heritage in Bulgaria,. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2010), Is big brother watching? Commission oversight of the national implementation of EU directives, European Union Politics 11(3): 359-380.
- Steunenberg B. & Toshkov D.D. (2009), Comparing transposition in the 27 member states of the EU: The impact of discretion and legal fit, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 16(7): 951-970.
- Steunenberg B. & Kaeding M. (2009), ‘As time goes by’: Explaining the transposition of maritime directives, European Journal of Political Research 48: 432-454.
- Barkhuysen T., Dimitrova A.L., Emmerik M.L. van, Gerards J.H., Griffioen H.M., Groothuis M.M., Jong T. de, Loof J.P., Napel H.M.T.D. ten, Steunenberg B. & Voermans W.J.M. (2009), De Nederlandse Grondwet geëvalueerd; anker- of verdwijnpunt?. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer.
- Dimitrova A. & Steunenberg B. (2009), Oude en nieuwe lidstaten, Openbaar Bestuur 19(5): 17-21.
- Adriaanse P.C., Barkhuysen T., Boswijk P., Habib K., Kruif C. de, Luchtman M.J.J.P., Ouden W. den, Prechal S., Steunenberg B., Vervaele J.A.E., Vries S. de, Voermans W.J.M. & Widdershoven R.J.G.M. (2008), Implementation of EU enforcement provisions: between European control and national practice. A report on Dutch experience, Review of European Administrative Law 1(2): 83-97.
- Adriaanse P.C., Barkhuysen T., Boswijk P., Habib K., Kruif C. de, Luchtman M.J.J.P., Ouden W. den, Prechal A., Steunenberg B., Vervaele J.A.E., Voermans W.J.M., Vries S.A. de & Widdershoven R.J.G.M. (2008), Implementatie van EU-handhavingsvoorschriften. Meijers-reeks no. 140. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.
- Adriaanse P.C., Barkhuysen T., Boswijk P., Habib K., Kruif C. de, Luchtman M.J.J.P., Ouden W. den, Prechal S., Steunenberg B., Vervaele J.A.E., Vries S. de, Voermans W.J.M. & Widdershoven R.J.G.M. (2008), Implementatie van EU-handhavingsvoorschriften: tussen Europese regie en nationale praktijken, RegelMaat: Kwartaalblad voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken 24(5): 180-191.
- Steunenberg B. (2008), De hartkwaal van de Nederlandse politiek: Mythes over de invloed van Europa, RegelMaat: Kwartaalblad voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken : 169-179.
- Steunenberg B. (2007), Move or perish: Increasing professional mobility in European academia, European Political Science 6: 169-176.
- Steunenberg B. (2007), A policy solution to the European Union's transposition puzzle: Interaction of interests in different domestic arenas, West European Politics 1: 23-49.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), Constitutional change in the wake of enlargement. In: Hoen H.W. (Ed.), Enlargement induced change in the EU. Leuven: Peeters. 161-179.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), Compliance in the EU enlargement process: Institutional reform and the limits of conditionality. In: Marciano A. & Josselin M. (Eds.), Democracy, freedom and coercion: A law and economics approach. Cheltenham Glos: Edward Elgar. 221-250.
- Steunenberg B. (2007), Codifying political practice: The emancipation of the European parliament in the EC legislative process. Florence, Italy: EUI. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2007), Is big brother watching? Commission oversight on the national implementation of EC directives. Pisa, Italy: ECPR. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Golub J. (2007), How time affects EU decision making, European Union Politics 8: 555-566.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2007), Compliance in the EU enlargement process: The limits of conditionality, European Integration Online Papers 11(5): .
- Steunenberg B. (2006), Turning swift policymaking into deadlock and delay: National policy coordination and the transposition of EU directives, European Union Politics 7: 293-319.
- Schneider G., Steunenberg B. & Widgren M. (2006), Evidence with insight: What models contribute to EU research. In: Thomson R. (Ed.), The European Union decides. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 299-316.
- Steunenberg B. & Selck T.J. (2006), Testing procedural models of EU legislative decion-making. In: Thomson R. (Ed.), The European Union decides. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 54-85.
- Steunenberg B. & Voermans W.J.M. (2006), The Transposition of EC Directives; A Comparative Study of Instruments an Processes in Six Member States. Leiden/Den haag: Leiden University, WODC Ministerie van Justitie.
- Steunenberg B. (2006), The 'future' of the EU. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2006), Is nee wel nee?. Den Haag: Ministerie van OCW. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2006), Omzetting van Europese richtlijnen: Instrumenten, technieken en processen in zes lidstaten vergeleken. Den Haag: Meurs Juristen/T.M.C. Asser Instituut. [other].
- Voermans W.J.M. & Steunenberg B. (15 February 2006), Meer zeggenschap over Europa. NRC Handelsblad: 6.
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Turning swift policymaking into deadlock: how to get from a problem to a model. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Voermans W.J.M. (2005), De omzetting van Europese richtlijnen: Instrumenten, technieken en processen in zes lidstaten vergeleken. Leiden/Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden/WODC.
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Hare or turtle? Member states catching up with the transposition of EU directives. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2005), Compliance in the EU enlargement process: Institutional reform and the limits of conditionality. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Norms and interests: Institutions and the analysis of change. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Retourtje Den Haag: Nederland in de communautaire wetgevingsketen. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Hare or turtle? Member states catching up with the transposition of EU directives. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Making EU policy work: National strategies for implementing, postponing and evading EU legislation. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Constitutional change in the wake of enlargement: Member state interests and the extension of the codecision procedure. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Towards a common market in higher education. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Turning swift policymaking into deadlock and delay. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2005), Turning swift policymaking into deadlock and delay: National policy coordination and the transposition of EU directives. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Voermans W.J.M. (14 December 2005), Subsidiariteitstoets is symbolische geste. Staatscourant: 7.
- Dijkstra G.S.A. & Steunenberg B. (2005), Parlementaire dilemma's bij nieuwe Europese Grondwet, Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material 46(2): 58-62.
- Toonen T.A.J., Steunenberg B. & Voermans W.J.M. (2005), Saying no to an European constitution? Dutch revolt, Enigma or pragmatism, Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften 3(4): 594-619.
- Steunenberg B. & Voermans W.J.M. (2005), De Bermuda-driehoek van de versnelde implementatie, RegelMaat: Kwartaalblad voor Wetgevingsvraagstukken (6): 205-217.
- Steunenberg B. (2004), Coordinating sectoral policy-making: Searching for countervailing mechanisms in the EU Legislative process. In: Blankart C.B. & Mueller D.C. (Eds.), A constitution for the European Union. Cambridge: MIT Press. 139-167.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Steunenberg B. (2004), Conclusions: the 'end of history' of enlargement or the beginning of a new research agenda?. In: Antoaneta Dimitrova (Ed.), Driven to change: The European Union's enlargement viewed from the East. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 179-193.
- Steunenberg B. (2004), Evaluating game forms: sequential games and strategic power. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2004), EU policy, domestic interests, and the transposition of directives. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2004) Book review. Review of: Tsebelis G. (2002), Veto players: How political institutions work no. 3. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. West European Politics 27: 536-537.
- Steunenberg B. & Dijkstra G.S.A. (2004), De Europese grondwet zal de verhouding tussen eerste en tweede kamer in Nederland doen veranderen, Bestuurskundige Berichten 19(4): 10-11.
- Dijkstra G.S.A., Steunenberg B. & Voermans W.J.M. (27 October 2004), De invloed van Europa laat zich lastig tellen. Staatscourant: 6.
- Steunenberg B. (14 July 2004), Wetsvoorstel Brinkhorst over richtlijnen moet van tafel. Staatscourant: 7.
- Steunenberg B. & Dijkstra G.S.A. (30 June 2004), De Europese Grondwet wijzigt nationale politiek. Staatscourant: 7.
- Dijkstra G.S.A. & Steunenberg B. (6 December 2004), Nederlands parlement, grijp uw kans. Staatscourant: 5.
- Selck T.J. & Steunenberg B. (2004), Between power and luck: The European Parliament in the EU legislative process, European Union Politics 5(1): 25-46.
- Steunenberg B. (2003), Coordinating sectoral policymaking: Searching for countervailing mechanisms in the EU legislative process. CESifo Working Papers. Munchen: Center for Economic Studies & Ifo Inst. for Econ. Research.
- Steunenberg B. (2003), Een economische visie op de politiek in de eerste kamer: Peter Boorsma en de 'calculus of dissent'. In: Mol N., Groenendijk N. & Vries P. de (Eds.), Promotie boek Boorsma. Enschede: Universiteit Twente. 151-161.
- Schmidtchen D. & Steunenberg B. (2003), European policymaking: An agency-theoretic analysis. In: Marciano A. & Josselin J.M. (Eds.), From Economic to legal competition: New perspectives on law and institutions in Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 143-163.
- Dunleavy P., Byrne J. & Steunenberg B. (2003), Analysing Political Power. In: Dunleavy P., Gamble A., Hefferman R. & Peele G. (Eds.), Developments in British Politics. Hamshire Palgrave: Houndsmilss. 228-359.
- Steunenberg B. (2003), Deciding among Equals: The Sectoral Councils of the European Union and their Reform. In: Holler M.J., Kliemt H., Schmidtchen D. & Streit M.E. (Eds.), European Governance. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 1-23.
- Schmidtchen D. & Steunenberg B. (2003), Comitology and the legislator's dilemma: On the architecture of decisionmaking in the European Union. In: Holler M.J., Kliemt H., Schmidtchen D. & Streit M.E. (Eds.), The political economy of institutional evolution. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 3-25.
- Steunenberg B. (2003), Testing procedural models of EU legislative decision making. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2003), Institutions and institutional change: Games and game forms. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2003), The transposition of European directives in the legislation of the Netherlands: Organisation and administrative challenges, Publichna Administratzia 2(2): 55-64.
- Steunenberg B. (2003), Coordinating sectoral policymaking: Searching for countervailing mechanisms in the EU legislative process. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2002), Widening the European Union: the politics of institutional change and reform. Londen: Routledge.
- Steunenberg B. & Thomassen J. (2002), The European Parliament: Moving toward democracy in the EU. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Steunenberg B. (2002), Playing different games: The European Parliament and the reform of codecision. In: Steunenberg B. & Thomassen J. (Eds.), The European parliament: moving toward democracy in the EU. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield. 163-183.
- Steunenberg B. & Schmidtchen D. (2002), Strategic power in policy games. In: Holler M.J., Kliemt H., Schmidtchen D. & Streit M.E. (Eds.), Power and fairness: Jahrbuch fur neue politische Okonomie. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck. 203-224.
- Steunenberg B. (2002), An even wider Union: the effects of enlargement on EU decision-making. In: Steunenberg B. (Ed.), Widening the European union: the politics of institutional change and reform. Londen: Routledge. 97-118.
- Steunenberg B. (2002), Enlargement and reform in the European Union. In: Steunenberg B. (Ed.), Widening the European Union: the politics of institutional change and reform. Londen: Routledge. 3-18.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (2002), Changing Times: the future of enlargement of the European union and the theoretical challenges ahead. In: Steunenberg B. (Ed.), Widening the European Union: the politics of institutional change and reform. Londen and New York: Routledge. 241-248.
- Steunenberg B. (2002), Different worlds of politics: Informal power and strategic behavior of the European Parliament. In: Holler M.J., Kliemt H., Schmidtchen D. & Streit M.E. (Eds.), Power and fairness: Jahrbuch fur neue politische Okonomie. Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck. 177-195.
- Steunenberg B. & Thomassen J. (2002), Introduction. In: Steunenberg B. & Thomassen J. (Eds.), The European Parliament: Moving toward democracy in the EU. Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield. 1-12.
- Steunenberg B. (2002), Deciding among equals: the sectoral councils of the European union and their reform. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2002), European union enlargement: institutional change and the limits of rational institutionalism. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2002), Modeling the implementation of EU policy. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2002), The transposition of EU directives in the Netherlands: organizational processes and administrative challenges. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2002), The European Union: Decision making and the transposition of directives. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2002), Past de EU nog wel bij Nederland, Socialisme & Democratie 59(12): 35-40.
- Steunenberg B. (2001), Enlargement and institutional reform in the EU: Separate or connected issues, Constitutional Political Economy 12: 351-370.
- Steunenberg B. & Halem J. van (2001), Widening and deepening: The challenge of EU enlargement. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Steunenberg B. (2001), Institutionele verandering: Naar een bestuurskunde bewegend tussen 'vloeibare'en 'gestolde' voorkeuren. Bussum: Coutinho.
- Steunenberg B. & Selck T.J. (2001), The insignificance of the significance. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2001), Kabinet wil kiezer gunstig stemmen met 'verkiezingsbegroting', NRC Handelsblad : .
- Steunenberg B. (2001), Comment on 'Constructing European institutions'. In: Schneider G. & Aspinwall M. (Eds.), The rules of integration: Institutional approaches to the study of Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 40-45.
- Steunenberg B. (2001), De voortgaande Europese eenwording. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2001), Review of: Christiansen T. (2001), Europe in change: Committee governance in the European Union no. 49. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Political Studies 49: 375.
- Steunenberg B. (2001), De Nederlandse poldermentaliteit in de Europese Unie van morgen. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2001), Miljoenennota 2002: de verkiezingsbegroting van Zalm. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2000), Different worlds of politics: informal power and strategic behavior of the European Parliament. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Schmidtchen D. (2000), The comitology game: European policymaking with parliamentary involvement. In: Heffen O. van (Ed.), Governance in modern society. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 15-33.
- Steunenberg B. (2000), Constitutional change in the European Union: Parliament's impact on the reform of the codecision procedure. In: Wagenaar H. (Ed.), Government institutions: Effects, changes and normative foundations. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 89-108.
- Steunenberg B., Koboldt C. & Schmidtchen D. (2000), Beyond comitology: A comparative analysis of implementation procedures with parliamentary involvement. In: Moser P., Schneider G. & Kirchgässner G. (Eds.), Decision rules in the European Union: A rational choice perspective. Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan. 72-98.
- Steunenberg B. (2000), Enlargement and institutional reform between external and internal pressures. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2000), Analytical politics and the search for power. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2000), Different world of politics: informal power and strategic behavior of the European Parliament. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2000), Euthanasie: De wetgever buiten spel, Beleid en Maatschappij 27: 116-128.
- Dimitrova Antoaneta & Steunenberg B. (2000), The search for convergence of national policies in the European Union: An impossible quest?, European Union Politics 1(2): 201-226.
- Steunenberg B. (2000), Enlargement and institutional reform between external and internal pressures. [other].
- Steunenberg B. (2000), Seeing what you want to see: The limits of current modelling on the European Union, European Union Politics 1: 368-373.
- Steunenberg B. (2000), Different worlds of politics: informal power and strategic behavior of the European Parliament. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Van Hees M. (2000), The choices judges make: Court rulings, personal values, and legal constraints, Journal of Theoretical Politics 12: 299-317.
- Wagenaar H.C. & Steunenberg B. (1999), Beoordeling van Onderzoek en Onderzoekers in de Bestuurskunde, Beleid en Maatschappij 26(3): 209-218.
- Steunenberg B. & Hees M. van (1999), The judges' dilemma: Court behavior between precedence and judicial activism. Enschede: University of Twente.
- Steunenberg B., Kaiser F., Meer P. van der, Beverwijk J., Klemperer A. & Wageningen A. van (1999), Market type mechanisms in higher education: A comparative analysis of their occurrence and discussions on the issue in five higher education systems. Enschede: Center for Higher Education Policy Studies.
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (1999), Interests, Legitimacy and Constitutional Choice: The Extension of the Codecision Procedure in Amsterdam (NEMEU Working Paper), Network on Enlargement and new Membership of the European Union (NEMEU) 3: .
- Steunenberg B. (1999), Bestuurskunde tussen multi- en interdisciplinariteit. [other].
- Steunenberg B. & Dimitrova Antoaneta (1999), The Search for Convergence of National Policies in the European Union: An Impossible Quest? (Arena Working Paper), Advanced Research on the Europeanisation of the Nation-state 16(June '99): 1-31.
- Steunenberg B., Schmidtchen D. & Koboldt C. (1999), Strategic Power in the European Union: Evaluating the Distribution of Power in Policy Games, Journal of Theoretical Politics 11: 339-366.
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