How will the EU survive 2016?
This spring the Netherlands holds the presidency of the European Union. Leiden Europe researchers have taken the opportunity to examine the future of the European Union and where appropriate to give advice. They will present their book on Friday 29 April in Nieuwspoort.
From budget crisis to financial crisis to migrant crisis: the European Union is stumbling from one crisis to the next. And in the meantime the inhabitants of many member states are airing their dissatisfaction in the form of questions about the effectiveness and the democratic legitimacy of the Union. This dissatisfaction is finding an outlet in EU scepticism and referenda, as in the Netherlands and the UK. Unrest and discontent seem to have become a firm feature of the EU. Leiden scientists consider the question of whether the European Union in its current form is fit for the future.
Netherlands presidency
The book ‘Fit for the future’ brings together the contributions of Leiden scientists and addresses the challenges on the agenda of the presidency. Each author reflects from his personal background and perspective on developments within European law and policies that are important in the coming months for the European agenda. The book has been assembled by Professors Bernard Steunenberg, Wim Voermans and Stefaan van den Bogaert.
Academic insights
The book offers academic and interdisciplinary insights on the functioning of the European Union that are important for policy-makers and decision-makers in the European domain. The authors address issues that are relevant today, such as the migrant problem, the continuing threat of attacks and the financial situation within the Eurozone. They also discuss the ways in which the European Commission hopes to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy, and the position of Europe in relation to other major powers on the world stage.
EU research in Leiden
Leiden University has a long tradition of research on the European Union in such diverse areas as legislation, policy, politics and culture. Leiden's Europa Institute has been studying the functioning of the EU since 1957 and is one of the oldest research institutes in this area. The Jean Monnet chairs and the foundation of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in recent years are part of this tradition. Leiden EU researchers strive to bring the newest academic insights to the attention of politicians and policy-makers. This book is an excellent reflection of this tradition.