MOOC Public Administration one of the best courses 2020
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) ‘EU policy and implementation: making Europe work!’ of Public Administration is included in the list of Class Central of the best courses in 2020.
Each year Class Central publishes a ranking of The Best Online Courses of All Time, based on thousands of reviews written by learners. They first published the ranking in 2016, and have updated it every year since.
Class Central
Class Central is a search engine and review site for online courses. They aggregate courses from many providers to make it easy to find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. Their goal is to make online education work for everyone. They focus primarily on free (or free to audit) courses from universities, offered through massive open online course (MOOC) platforms. 40+ million learners around the world have used Class Central to decide which online course to take.
'It is very nice to hear that participants appreciate this MOOC. I regularly receive nice messages and thanks via LinkedIn or Facebook, or by mail from enthusiastic participants. The complexity of the EU continues to amaze people. This MOOC helps to understand how the Union functions, and how you can affect EU policy and its implementation.' Prof.dr. Bernard Steunenberg
MOOC ‘EU policy and implementation: making Europe work!’
The MOOC departs from the idea that people have become more critical of EU policy and often seem to prefer local policy solutions in response to globalisation problems. Important question are: How do you experience EU policy? Does it help? And if not, how can we change this? In this course, we learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities, including regional and local governments. We discuss the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure. We also focus on the main causes of policy failure or success. On this journey, we focus on actual policy and present the views of various experts: how easy is it to establish yourself in another EU-country? How do governments make sure that the air you breathe is clean? And who is responsible?
The instructor of this MOOC is Prof.dr. Bernard Steunenberg, professor of Public Administration at Leiden University. His main research interest is the analysis of European politics and policymaking including the relationship between the Union and its Member States on the transposition and implementation of European policy.
Read more about this MOOC on the website of Coursera.