Arnold Tukker
Professor of Industrial ecology
- Name
- Prof.dr. A. Tukker
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 5632
- 0000-0002-8229-2929

Arnold Tukker is Professor of Industrial Ecology at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) at Leiden University.
More information about Arnold Tukker
PhD candidates
Bertram de Boer
Susan van den Brink
Stephanie Cap
Angela Caredda
Antoine Coudard
Suiting Ding
Jana Enking
Rosalie Hagenaars
Carina Harpprecht
Anniek Kortleve
Kai Li
Kedi Liu
Baoxiao Liu
Marc van der Meide
Brenda Miranda Xicotencatl
Sander van Nielen
Sebastian Richter
Oscar Rueda
Irlan Rum
Carlos Siguenza Sanchez
Emilio Solis Sanchez
Chen Tang
Michelle Wagner
Jatmiko Wahyudi-
Feifei Wang
Shijie Wei
Chengjian Xu
Tales Yamamoto
Han Yu
Former PhD candidates
Natalya Tsoy
Levon Amatuni
Chen Li
Nicolas Navarre
Xiaoyang Zhong
Teun Verhagen
Franco Donati
Chengjian Tu
Yi Lin
Xining Yang
Viktor Pirmana
Di Dong
Sebastiaan Deetman
Chunbo Zhang
Zhongxiao Sun
Glenn Aguilar Hernandez
Coen van der Giesen
Juan Wang
Rong Yuan
Maria Mendoza Beltran
Arjan de Koning
David Font Vivanco
Professional experience
Arnold Tukker was for 70% of his time Director of the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) from October 1, 2013 until August 31, 2022 at Leiden University.
Before October 2013, he was Business line manager Societal Innovation and Economy at TNO, a large not for profit research organization in the Netherlands, where he retains a 30% position as senior researcher. Arnold set up prominent EU projects in the field of sustainable product design (SusProNet) and sustainable consumption and production (SCORE!) and was core member of the 10 Million Euro Dutch Knowledge Network on Sustainable System Innovations.
He currently co-ordinates a string of major programs of some 15 million Euro with some 20 key European research institutes in the field of resource-efficiency, a.o. constructing the world’s most ambitious and detailed global energy/resource/economic input-output databases and models (EXIOBASE). He authored 6 books, 47 refereed papers and 7 special issues on sustainability research. He has been engaged with work of the UN on the Green Economy Initiative, the Resources Panel, the Ten Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Consumption and Production, and Sustainable Development Goals.
Professor of Industrial ecology
- Science
- Centrum voor Milieuwetenschappen Leiden
- Arias A., Feijoo G., Moreira M. T., Tukker A. & Cucurachi S. (2025), Advancing waste valorization and end-of-life strategies in the bioeconomy through multi-criteria approaches and the safe and sustainable by design framework, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 207: 114907.
- Chen Y., Liu Y., Slootweg H.J.., Hu M., Tukker A. & Chen W-Q. (2025), Unlocking rooftop potential for sustainable cities: a systematic review, Frontiers of Engineering Management : .
- Cap S., Koning A. de, Tukker A. & Scherer L.A. (2024), (In)Sufficiency of industrial decarbonization to reduce household carbon footprints to 1.5°C-compatible levels, Sustainable Production and Consumption 45(March 2024): 216-227.
- Wei S.J., Sacchi R., Tukker A., Suh S. & Steubing B.R.P. (2024), Future environmental impacts of global hydrogen production, Energy & Environmental Science 17(6): 2157-2172.
- Li K., Ward H., Lin H.X. & Tukker A. (2024), Traded plastic, traded impacts?: Designing counterfactual scenarios to assess environmental impacts of global plastic waste trade, Environmental Science and Technology 58(20): 8631-8642.
- Nielen S.S. van, Miranda Xicotencatl B., Tukker A. & Kleijn E.G.M. (2024), Ex-ante LCA of magnet recycling: progressing towards sustainable industrial-scale technology, Journal of Cleaner Production 458: 142453.
- Ding S.T., Cucurachi S., Tukker A. & Ward H. (2024), The environmental benefits and burdens of RFID systems in Li-ion battery supply chains: an ex-ante LCA approach, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 209: 107829.
- Li K., Ward H., Lin H.X. & Tukker A. (2024), Economic viability requires higher recycling rates for imported plastic waste than expected, Nature Communications 15: 7578.
- Rum I.A., Tukker A., Hoekstra R., Koning A. de & Yusuf A.A. (2024), Exploring carbon footprints and carbon intensities of Indonesian provinces in a domestic and global context, Frontiers in Environmental Science 12: 1325089.
- Li C., Steubing B.R.P., Morpurgo J., Tukker A. & Mogollón J.M. (2024), Optimal environmental siting of future wind turbines in the North Sea, Environmental Science and Technology 58(52): 22944-22952.
- Rum I.A., Koning A. de, Tukker A. & Yusuf A.A. (2024), The construction of an environmentally extended multi-scale MRSUT: the case of Indonesia, Economic Systems Research 36(3): 378-403.
- Ding S.T., Ward H., Cucurachi S. & Tukker A. (2024), Corrigendum to “Revealing the hidden potentials of Internet of Things (IoT) - An integrated approach using agent-based modelling and system dynamics to assess sustainable supply chain performance” [J. Clean. Prod. 421 (2023) 138558], Journal of Cleaner Production 483: 144296.
- Tukker A., Akkerman R., Heideveld A., Quist J., Vrijhoef R., Withagen C. & Beumer M. (2024), Distribution of power and value crucial for a successful circular economy transition, Circular Economy and Sustainability 4(4): 2413-2425.
- Rueda O., Mogollón J.M., Stenzel F., Tukker A. & Scherer L.A. (2024), A protein transition can free up land to tap vast energy and negative emission potentials, One Earth 7(2): 293-310.
- Ding S.T., Ward H & Tukker A. (2023), How internet of things can influence the sustainability performance of logistics industries : a Chinese case study, Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 6(5): 100094.
- Ding S.T., Tukker A. & Ward H. (2023), Opportunities and risks of internet of things (IoT) technologies for circular business models: a literature review, Journal of Environmental Management 336: 117662.
- Ding S.T., Ward H., Cucurachi S. & Tukker A. (2023), Revealing the hidden potentials of Internet of Things (IoT) : an integrated approach using agent-based modelling and system dynamics to assess sustainable supply chain performance, Journal of Cleaner Production 421: 138558.
- Wang R., Hertwich E.G., Fishman T., Deetman S.P., Behrens P.A., Chen W., Koning A. de, Xu M., Matus K., Ward H., Tukker A. & Zimmerman J.B. (2023), The legacy environmental footprints of manufactured capital, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(24): e2218828120.
- Xicotencatl B.M., Kleijn E.G.M., Nielen S.S. van, Donati F., Sprecher B. & ukker A. (2023), Data implementation matters: Effect of software choice and LCI database evolution on a comparative LCA study of permanent magnets, Journal of Industrial Ecology 27(5): 1252-1265.
- Li C., Coolen J.W.P., Scherer L., Mogollón J.M., Braeckman U., Vanaverbeke J., Tukker A. & Steubing B.R.P. (2023), Offshore wind energy and marine biodiversity in the North Sea: life cycle impact assessment for benthic communities, Environmental Science and Technology 57(16): 6455-6464.
- Tukker A., Behrens P., Deetman S.P., Hu M., Migoni Alejandre E., Meide M. van der, Zhong X. & Zhang C. (2023), Circular construction: six key recommendations, One Earth 6: 1425-1429.
- Jiang M., Behrens P.A., Lyu L., Tang Z., Chen D., Cao Y., Gong Pu., Zhou W., Yang Y., Tukker A., Hertwich E. & Zhu B. (2023), Additional north-south differences in China revealed by the Planetary Pressure-adjusted Human Development Index, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 198: 107191.
- Pirmana V., Alisjahbana A.S., Yusuf A.A., Hoekstra R. & Tukker A. (2023), Economic and environmental impact of electric vehicles production in Indonesia, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 25: 1871-1885.
- Kirchherr J., Hartley K. & Tukker A. (2023), Missions and mission-oriented innovation policy for sustainability: a review and critical reflection, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 47: 100721.
- Wang R., Hertwich E.G., Fishman T., Deetman S.P., Behrens P.A., Chen W., Koning A. de, Xu M., Matus K., Ward H., Tukker A. & Zimmerman J.B. (2023), The legacy environmental footprints of manufactured capital, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120(24): e2218828120.
- Slootweg H.J., Hu M., Halleck Vega S., Zelfde M. van 't, Leeuwen E. van & Tukker A. (2023), Identifying the geographical potential of rooftop systems: space competition and synergy, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 79: 127816.
- Tang C., Tukker A., Sprecher B. & Mogollón J.M. (2023), Assessing the European electric-mobility transition: emissions from electric vehicle manufacturing and use in relation to the EU greenhouse gas emission targets, Environmental Science and Technology 57(1): 44-52.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Taherzadeh O.A. & Tukker A. (2023), Lessons from micro- and macro-modelling linkages: example of linking LCA/DMFA and CGE model for developing Circular Economy scenarios. Leiden: Leiden University.
- Xu C., Behrens P.A., Gasper P., Smith K., Hu M., Tukker A. & Steubing B.R.P. (2023), Electric vehicle batteries alone could satisfy short-term grid storage demand by as early as 2030, Nature Communications 14: 119.
- Delahaye R., Tunn V.S.C. & Tukker A. (2022), Developing a material flow monitor for the Netherlands from national statistical data, Journal of Industrial Ecology 27(2): 408-422.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Di Maio F., Sprecher B., Yang X. & Tukker A. (2022), An overview of the waste hierarchy framework for analyzing the circularity in construction and demolition waste management in Europe, Science of the Total Environment 803: 149892.
- Yang X., Hu M., Tukker A., Zhang C., Huo T.F. & Steubing B.R.P. (2022), A bottom-up dynamic building stock model for residential energy transition: a case study for the Netherlands, Applied Energy 306(Part A): 118060.
- Nielen S.S. van, Kleijn E.G.M., Sprecher B., Miranda Xicotencatl B. & Tukker A. (2022), Early-stage assessment of minor metal recyclability, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 176: 105881.
- Yuan R., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Wang J., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2022), A global overview of developments of urban and rural household GHG footprints from 2005 to 2015, Science of the Total Environment 806(Part 2): 150695.
- Sun Z., Scherer L.A., Tukker A., Spawn-lee S.A., Bruckner M., Gibbs H.K. & Behrens P.A. (2022), Dietary change in high-income nations alone can lead to substantial double climate dividend, Nature Food 3: 29-37.
- Sun Z., Behrens P.A., Tukker A., Bruckner M. & Scherer L.A. (2022), Shared and environmentally just responsibility for global biodiversity loss, Ecological Economics 194: 107339.
- Jin Y., Behrens P.A., Tukker A. & Scherer L.A. (2022), Biodiversity loss from freshwater use for China’s electricity generation, Environmental Science and Technology 56(5): 3277-3287.
- Jin Y., Scherer L.A., Sutanudjaja E.H., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2022), Climate change and CCS increase the water vulnerability of China's thermoelectric power fleet, Energy 245: 123339.
- Tukker A. (2022), Coronacrisis toont grenzen van kosten-batenanalyses, Economisch Statistische Berichten 107(4808): 152-155.
- Donati F. & Tukker A. (2022), Environmental pressures and value added related to imports and exports of the Dutch agricultural sector, Sustainability 14(10): 6057.
- Zhong X., Deetman S.P., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2022), Increasing material efficiencies of buildings to address the global sand crisis, Nature Sustainability 5: 389-392.
- Liang Y., Kleijn E.G.M., Tukker A. & Voet E. van der (2022), Material requirements for low-carbon energy technologies: a quantitative review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 161: 112334.
- Donati F., Dente S.M.R., Li C., Vilaysouk X., Froemelt A., Nishant R., Liu G., Tukker A. & Hashimoto S. (2022), The future of artificial intelligence in the context of industrial ecology, Journal of Industrial Ecology 26(4): 1175-1181.
- Dong D., Tukker A., Steubing B.R.P., Oers L.F.C.M. van, Rechberger H., Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Li H. & Voet E. van der (2022), Assessing China’s potential for reducing primary copper demand and associated environmental impacts in the context of energy transition and “Zero waste” policies, Waste Management 144: 454-467.
- Xu C., Steubing B.R.P., Hu M., Harpprecht C.I., Meide M.T. van der & Tukker A. (2022), Future greenhouse gas emissions of automotive lithium-ion battery cell production, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 187: 106606.
- Navarre N.H., Mogollón J.M., Tukker A. & Barbarossa V. (2022), Recycled plastic packaging from the Dutch food sector pollutes Asian oceans, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 185: 106508.
- Sun Z., Behrens P.A., Tukker A., Bruckner M. & Scherer L.A. (2022), Global human consumption threatens key biodiversity areas, Environmental Science and Technology 56(12): 9003-9014.
- Li C., Mogollón J.M., Tukker A., Dong J., Terzi D. von, Zhang C. & Steubing B.R.P. (2022), Future material requirements for global sustainable offshore wind energy development, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 164: 112603.
- Steubing B.R.P., Koning A. de, Merciai S. & Tukker A. (2022), How do carbon footprints from LCA and EEIOA databases compare?: A comparison of ecoinvent and EXIOBASE, Journal of Industrial Ecology 26(4): 1406-1422.
- Xu C., Dai Q., Gaines L., Hu M., Tukker A. & Steubing B.R.P. (2022), Reply to: concerns about global phosphorus demand for lithium-iron-phosphate batteries in the light electric vehicle sector, Communications Materials 3(1): 15 (15).
- Xu C., Dai Q., Gaines L., Hu M., Tukker A. & Steubing B.R.P. (2022), Author correction: reply to: concerns about global phosphorus demand for lithium-iron-phosphate batteries in the light electric vehicle sector, Communications Materials 3(1): 36 (36).
- Harpprecht C.I., Naegler T., Steubing B.R.P., Tukker A. & Simon S. (2022), Decarbonization scenarios for the iron and steel industry in context of a sectoral carbon budget: Germany as a case study, Journal of Cleaner Production 380(2): 134846.
- Li C., Mogollón J.M., Tukker A. & Steubing B.R.P. (2022), Environmental impacts of global offshore wind energy development until 2040, Environmental Science and Technology 56(16): 11567-11577.
- Rong Y., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2022), The statistical projection of global GHG emissions from a consumption perspective, Sustainable Production and Consumption 34: 318-329.
- Jiang M., Behrens P.A., Yang Y.H., Tang Z.P., Chen D.J., Yu Y.D., Liu L., Gong P., Zhu S.J., Zhou W.J., Zhu B. & Tukker A. (2022), Different material footprint trends between China and the world in 2007-2012 explained by construction- and manufacturing-associated investment, One Earth 5(1): 109-119.
- Brink S. van den, Kleijn E.G.M., Sprecher B., Mancheri N. & Tukker A. (2022), Resilience in the antimony supply chain, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 186: 106586.
- Yamamoto T., Merciai S., Mogollón J.M. & Tukker A. (2022), The role of recycling in alleviating supply chain risk–Insights from a stock-flow perspective using a hybrid input-output database, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 185: 106474.
- Siguenza Sanchez C.P., Steubing B.R.P., Tukker A. & Aguilar Hernandez G.A. (2021), The environmental and material implications of circular transitions: a diffusion and product-life-cycle-based modeling framework, Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(3): 563-579.
- Aguilar Hernandez G., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2021), Macroeconomic, social and environmental impacts of a circular economy up to 2050: A meta-analysis of prospective studies, Journal of Cleaner Production 278: 123421.
- Donati F., Niccolson S.I., Koning A. de, Daniels B., Christis M., Boonen K., Geerken T., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2021), Modeling the circular economy in environmentally extended input-output: a web application, Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(1): 36-50.
- Sigüenza C.P., Cucurachi S. & Tukker A. (2021), Circular business models of washing machines in the Netherlands: material and climate change implications toward 2050, Sustainable Production and Consumption 26: 1084-1098.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Sprecher B., Yang X., Zhong X., Li C. & Tukker A. (2021), Recycling potential in building energy renovation: a prospective study of the Dutch residential building stock up to 2050, Journal of Cleaner Production 301: 126835.
- Rueda O., Mogollón J.M., Tukker A. & Scherer L. (2021), Negative-emissions technology portfolios to meet the 1.5 °C target, Global Environmental Change 67: 102238.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Laclau B., Garnesson T., Yang X. & Tukker A. (2021), Energy-carbon-investment payback analysis of prefabricated envelope-cladding system for building energy renovation: cases in Spain, the Netherlands, and Sweden, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 145: 111077.
- Boer B.F. de, Rietveld E., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2021), Global environmental and socio-economic impacts of a transition to a circular economy in metal and electrical products: a Dutch case study, Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(5): 1264-1271.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Deetman S.P., Merciai S., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2021), Global distribution of material inflows to in-use stocks in 2011 and its implications for a circularity transition, Journal of Industrial Ecology 25(6): 1447-1461.
- Zhong X., Hu M., Deetman S.P., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Lin H., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2021), The evolution and future perspectives of energy intensity in the global building sector 1971–2060, Journal of Cleaner Production 305: 127098.
- Zhong X., Hu M., Deetman S.P., Steubing B.R.P., Lin H., Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Harpprecht C.I., Zhang C., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2021), Global greenhouse gas emissions from residential and commercial building materials and mitigation strategies to 2060, Nature Communications 12: 6126.
- Coudard A., Corbin E., Koning J. de, Tukker A. & Mogollón J.M. (2021), Global water and energy losses from consumer avoidable food waste, Journal of Cleaner Production 326: 129342.
- Jin Y., Behrens P.A., Tukker A. & Scherer L. (2021), The energy-water nexus of China’s interprovincial and seasonal electric power transmission, Applied Energy 286: 116493.
- Tang C., Sprecher B., Tukker A & Mogollón J.M. (2021), The impact of climate policy implementation on lithium, cobalt and nickel demand: the case of the Dutch automotive sector up to 2040, Resources Policy 74: 102351.
- Pirmana V., Alisjahbana A.S., Yusuf A.A., Hoekstra R. & Tukker A (2021), Environmental costs assessment for improved environmental-economic account for Indonesia, Journal of Cleaner Production 280(Part 1): 124521.
- Donati F., Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Sigüenza-Sánchez C.P., Koning A. de, Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2020), Modeling the circular economy in environmentally extended input-output tables: Methods, software and case study, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 152: 104508.
- Aguilar Hernandez G.A., Siguenza Sanchez C.P., Donati F., Merciai S., Schmidt J., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2020), Corrigendum to “The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011” [Resour. Conserv. Recy. 151 (2019) 104452], Resources, Conservation and Recycling 154: 104604.
- Sun Z., Scherer L., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2020), Linking global crop and livestock consumption to local production hotspots, Global Food Security 25: 100323.
- Brink S. van den, Kleijn E.G.M., Sprecher B. & Tukker A. (2020), Identifying supply risks by mapping the cobalt supply chain, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 156: 104743.
- Van der Giesen C., Cucurachi S., Guinee J., Kramer G.J. & Tukker A. (2020), A critical view on the current application of LCA for new technologies and recommendations for improved practice, Journal of Cleaner Production 259: 120904.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Yang X., Amati A. & Tukker A. (2020), Life cycle greenhouse gas emission and cost analysis of prefabricated concrete building façade elements, Journal of Industrial Ecology 24(5): 1016-1030.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Yang X., Miranda Xicotencatl B., Sprecher B., Di Maio F., Zhong X. & Tukker A. (2020), Upgrading construction and demolition waste management from downcycling to recycling in the Netherlands, Journal of Cleaner Production 266: 121718.
- Jiang M., Liu L., Behrens P.A., Wang T., Tang Z., Chen D., Yu Y., Ren Z., Zhu S., Tukker A. & Zhu B. (2020), Improving subnational input-output analyses using regional trade data: a case-study and comparison, Environmental Science and Technology 54(19): 12732-12741.
- Qian Y. Scherer L.A. Tukker A. Behrens P.A. (2020), China's potential SO2 emissions from coal by 2050, Energy Policy 147: 111856.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Laclau B., Garnesson T., Yang X., Li C. & Tukker A. (2020), Environmental life cycle costing at the early stage for supporting cost optimization of precast concrete panel for energy renovation of existing buildings, Journal of Building Engineering 35: 102002.
- Dong D., Espinoza L.A.T., Loibl A., Pfaff M., Tukker A. & Voet E. van der (2020), Scenarios for anthropogenic copper demand and supply in China: implications of a scrap import ban and a circular economy transition, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 161: 104943.
- Dong D., Oers L.F.C.M. van, Tukker A. & Voet E. van der (2020), Assessing the future environmental impacts of copper production in China: implications of the energy transition, Journal of Cleaner Production 274: 122825.
- Xu C., Dai Q., Gaines L., Hu M., Tukker A. & Steubing B.R.P. (2020), Future material demand for automotive lithium-based batteries, Communications Materials 1: 99.
- Donati F. & Tukker A. (2020), Milieudruk Nederlandse landbouwimport groter dan die van de -export, ESB news 105(4791S): 12-17.
- Yang X., Hu M., Heeren N., Zhang C., Verhagen T.J., Tukker A. & Steubing B.R.P. (2020), A combined GIS-archetype approach to model residential space heating energy: a case study for the Netherlands including validation, Applied Energy 280: 115953.
- Tukker A., Wood R. & Schmidt S. (2020), Towards accepted procedures for calculating international consumption-based carbon accounts, Climate Policy 20(sup 1): S90-S106.
- Tukker A., Pollitt H. & Henkemans M. (2020), Consumption-based carbon accounting: sense and sensibility, Climate Policy 20(sup1): S1-S13.
- Beumer M., Heideveld A., Akkerman R., Nederstigt J., Quist J., Rebergen G., Vrijhoef R., Withagen C. & Tukker A. (2020), Verdeling macht en waarde maakt of breekt circulaire economie, Tijdschrift Milieu 26(6): 6-8.
- Mendoza Beltran A., Cox B., Chris M., Vuuren D.P. van, Font Vivanco D., Deetman S., Edelenbosch O.Y., Guinée J. & Tukker A. (2019), When the Background Matters: Using Scenarios from Integrated Assessment Models in Prospective Life Cycle Assessment, Journal of Industrial Ecology 24(1): 64-79.
- Scherer L., Koning A. de & Tukker A. (2019), BRIC and MINT countries' environmental impacts rising despite alleviative consumption patterns, Science of the Total Environment 665: 52-60.
- Marques A., Martins I.S., Kastner T., Plutzar C., Theurl M.C., Eisenmenger N., Huijbregts M.A.J., Wood R., Stadler K., Bruckner M., Canelas J., Hilber J.P., Tukker A., Erb K. & Perreira H.M. (2019), Increasing impacts of land use on biodiversity and carbon sequestration driven by population and economic growth, Nature ecology & evolution 3: 628–637.
- Brink S. van den, Kleijn R., Tukker A. & Huisman J. (2019), Approaches to responsible sourcing in mineral supply chains, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 145: 389-398.
- Boer B.F. de, Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2019), Modeling reductions in the environmental footprints embodied in European Union's imports through source shifting, Ecological Economics 164(October 2019): 106300.
- Scherer L.A., Behrens P.A. & Tukker A. (2019), Opportunity for a Dietary Win-Win-Win in Nutrition, Environment, and Animal Welfare, One Earth 1(3): 349-360.
- Cucurachi S., Scherer L., Guinée J.B. & Tukker A. (2019), Life Cycle Assessment of Food Systems, One Earth 1(3): 292-297.
- Jiang M., Behrens P.A., Wang T., Tang Z., Yu Y., Chen D., Liu L., Ren Z., Zhou W., Zhu S., He C., Tukker A. & Zhu B. (2019), Provincial and sector-level material footprints in China, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(52): 26484-26490.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Siguenza -Sanchez C.P., Donati F., Merciai S., Schmidt J., Dias Rodrigues J.F. & Tukker A. (2019), The circularity gap of nations: A multiregional analysis of waste generation, recovery, and stock depletion in 2011, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 151: 104452.
- Dian Triastari Armanda D., Guinée J.B. & Tukker A. (2019), The second green revolution: Innovative urban agriculture's contribution to food security and sustainability – A review, Global Food Security 22: 13-24.
- Jin Y., Behrens P.A., Tukker A. & Scherer L.A. (2019), Water use of electricity technologies: A global meta-analysis, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 115: 1364-0321.
- Dong D., Tukker A. & Voet E. van der (2019), Modeling copper demand in China up to 2050: A business‐as‐usual scenario based on dynamic stock and flow analysis, Journal of Industrial Ecology 23(6): 1363–1380.
- Wang J., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Hu M., Behrens P.A. & Tukker A. (2019), The evolution of Chinese industrial CO2 emissions 2000–2050: A review and meta-analysis of historical drivers, projections and policy goals, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 116: 1364-0321.
- Kastner T., Marques A., Martins I.S., Plutzar C., Theurl M.C., Eisenmenger N., Huijbregts M.A.J., Wood R., Stadler K., Bruckner M., Canelas J., Hilbers J.P., Tukker A., Erb K. & Pereira H.M. (2019), Soils need to be considered when assessing the impacts of land-use change on carbon sequestration, Nature ecology & evolution 3: 1643–1644.
- Pirmana V., Alisjahbana A.S., Hoekstra R. & Tukker A. (2019), Implementation Barriers for a System of Environmental-Economic Accounting in Developing Countries and Its Implications for Monitoring Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainability 11(22): 6417.
- Zhang C., Hu M., Dong L., Gebremariam A., Xicotencatl B.M., Di Maio F. & Tukker A. (2019), Eco-efficiency assessment of technological innovations in high-grade concrete recycling, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 149: 649-663.
- Hu J., Wood R., Tukker A., Boonman H. & Boer B.F. de (2019), Global transport emissions in the Swedish carbon footprint, Journal of Cleaner Production 226: 210-220.
- Wang J., Hu M., Tukker A. & Dias Rodrigues J.F. (2019), The impact of regional convergence in energy-intensive industries on China's CO2 emissions and emission goals, Energy Economics 80: 512-523.
- Schröder P., Vergragt P., Brown H.S., Dendler L., Gorenflo N., Matus K., Quist J., Rupprecht C.D.D., Tukker A. & Wennersten R. (2019), Advancing sustainable consumption and production in cities - A transdisciplinary research and stakeholder engagement framework to address consumption-based emissions and impacts, Journal of Cleaner Production 213: 114-125.
- Mancheri N.A., Sprecher B., Bailey G., Ge J. & Tukker A. (2019), Effect of Chinese policies on rare earth supply chain resilience, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 142: 101-112.
- Dias Lopez F.J., Bastein T. & Tukker A. (2019), Business Model Innovation for Resource-efficiency, Circularity and Cleaner Production: What 143 Cases Tell Us, Ecological Economics 155: 20-35.
- Wood R., Grubb M., Anger-Kraavi A., Pollitt H., Rizzo B., Alexandri E., Stadler K., Moran D., Hertwich E. & Tukker A. (2019), Beyond peak emission transfers: historical impacts of globalization and future impacts of climate policies on international emission transfers, Climate Policy : .
- Ahmed D.A., Bodegom P.M. van & Tukker A. (2019), Evaluation and selection of functional diversity metrics with recommendations for their use in life cycle assessments, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24(3): 485–500.
- Sun Z., Tukker A. & Behrens P.A. (2019), Going global to local: connecting top-down accounting and local impacts, a methodological review of spatially-explicit input-output approaches, Environmental Science and Technology 53(3): 1048–1062.
- Qian Y., Behrens P.A., Tukker A., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Pinke L. & Scherer L.A. (2019), Environmental responsibility for sulfur dioxide emissions and associated biodiversity loss across Chinese provinces, Environmental Pollution 245: 898-908.
- Ye L., Lin H.X. & Tukker A. (2019), Future scenarios of variable renewable energies and flexibility requirements for thermal power plants in China, Energy 167: 708-714.
- Deetman S., Oers L. van, Voet E. van der & Tukker A. (2018), Deriving European Tantalum Flows Using Trade and Production Statistics, Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(1): 166-179.
- Mancheri N.A., Sprecher B., Deetman S., Young S.B., Bleischwitz R., Dong L., Kleijn R. & Tukker A. (2018), Resilience in the tantalum supply chain, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 129: 56-69.
- Koning A. de, Kleijn E.G.M., Huppes G., Sprecher B., Engelen G. van & Tukker A. (2018), Metal supply constraints for a low-carbon economy?, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 129: 202-208.
- Tukker A. & Ekins P. (2018), Concepts Fostering Resource Efficiency: A Trade-off Between Ambitions and Viability, Ecological Economics 155: 36-45.
- Steinmann Z.J., Schipper A.M., Stadler K., Wood R., Koning A. de, Tukker A. & Huijbregts M.A. (2018), Headline Environmental Indicators Revisited with the Global Multi-Regional Input-Output Database EXIOBASE, Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3): 565-573.
- Yuan R., Behrens P.A., Tukker A. & Dias Rodrigues J.F. (2018), Carbon overhead : The impact of the expansion in low-carbon electricity in China 2015 – 2040, Energy Policy 119: 97-104.
- Yuan R., Dias Rodrigues J.F., Tukker A. & Behrens P. (2018), The impact of the expansion in non-fossil electricity infrastructure on China's carbon emissions, Applied Energy 228: 1994-2008.
- Tukker A., Wood R., Giljum S. & Hubacek K. (Eds.) (2018), Special Issue on the Global Multi Regional Input Output Database “EXIOBASE”. Journal of Industrial Ecology no. 22: Yale University.
- Tukker A., Giljum S. & Wood R. (2018), Recent Progress in Assessment of Resource Efficiency and Environmental Impacts Embodied in Trade: An Introduction to this Special Issue, Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3): 489-501.
- Stadler K., Wood R., Bulavskaya T., Sodersten C.J., Simas M., Schmidt S., Usubiaga A., Acosta-Fernandez J., Kuenen J., Bruckner M., Giljum S., Lutter S., Merciai S., Schmidt J.H., Theurl M.C., Plutzar C., Kastner T., Eisenmenger N., Erb K.H., Koning A. de & Tukker A. (2018), EXIOBASE 3: Developing a Time Series of Detailed Environmentally Extended Multi-Regional Input-Output Tables, Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3): 502-515.
- Wood R., Stadler K., Simas M., Bulovskaya T., Giljum S., Lutter S. & Tukker A. (2018), Growth in Environmental Footprints and Environmental Impacts Embodied in Trade: Resource Efficiency Indicators from EXIOBASE3, Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3): 553-564.
- Tukker A., Koning A. de, Owen A., Lutter S., Bruckner M., Giljum S., Stadler K., Wood R. & Hoekstra R. (2018), Towards Robust, Authoritative Assessments of Environmental Impacts Embodied in Trade: Current State and Recommendations, Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3): 585-598.
- Tukker A. (2018) Book Review of Techniques for Evaluating the Differences in Multiregional Input‐Output Databases: A Comparative Evaluation of CO2 Consumption‐Based Accounts Calculated Using Eora, GTAP and WIOD, by Anne Owen. Review of: Owen A. (2017), Techniques for Evaluating the Differences in Multiregional Input‐Output Databases: A Comparative Evaluation of CO2 Consumption‐Based Accounts Calculated Using Eora, GTAP and WIOD. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3): 599-600.
- Tukker A. (2018) Book Review of Environmental and Economic Impacts of Decarbonization: Input‐Output Studies on the Consequences of the 2015 Paris Agreement. 2017. Edited by Óscar Dejuán, Manfred Lenzen, and María‐Ángeles Cadarso. Review of: Dejuán O., Lenzen M. & Cadarso M.A. (2017), Environmental and Economic Impacts of Decarbonization: Input‐Output Studies on the Consequences of the 2015 Paris Agreement.. London; New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. Journal of Industrial Ecology 22(3): 601-502.
- Scherer L.A., Behrens P.A., Koning A. de, Heijungs R., Sprecher B. & Tukker A. (2018), Trade-offs between social and environmental Sustainable Development Goals, Environmental Science & Policy 90: 65-72.
- Aguilar-Hernandez G.A., Sigüenza-Sanchez C.P., Donati F., Rodrigues J.F.D. & Tukker A. (2018), Assessing circularity interventions: a review of EEIOA-based studies, Journal of Economic Structures 7(14): 1-24.
- Deetman S.P., Pauliuk S., Vuuren D.P. van, Voet E. van der & Tukker A. (2018), Scenarios for Demand Growth of Metals in Electricity Generation Technologies, Cars, and Electronic Appliances, Environmental Science and Technology 52(8): 4950-4959.
- Tukker A., Udo De Haes H.A., Groot W.T. de, Barendse G., Huppes G., Voet E. van der, Boersema J.J., Persoon G.A., Jongh H. de, Snoo G.R. de, Kleijn E.G.M., Guinee J.B., Vijver M.G. & Bodegom P.M. van (2018), Forty years of Leiden environmental science: the history of the Leiden Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) 1978-2018. Leiden: Leiden University - CML.
- Behrens P., Kiefte-de Jong J.C., Bosker T., Rodrigues J.F.D., Koning A. de & Tukker A. (2017), Evaluating the environmental impacts of dietary recommendations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(51): 13412-13417.
- Tisserant A., Pauliuk S., Merciai S., Schmidt J., Fry J., Wood R. & Tukker A. (2017), Solid Waste and the Circular Economy A Global Analysis of Waste Treatment and Waste Footprints, Journal of Industrial Ecology 21(3): 628-640.
- Lenzen M., Geschke A., Abd Rahmana M.D.l, Xiao Y., Fry J., Reyes R., Dietzenbacher E., Inomata S.i, Kanemoto K., Los B., Moran D., Schulte in den Baumen H., Tukker A., Walmsley T., Wiedmann T., Wood R. & Yamano N. (2017), The Global MRIO Lab - charting the world economy, Economic Systems Research 29(2): 158-186.
- Reyes R.C., Geschke A., Koning A. de, Wood R., Bulavskaya T., Stadler K., Schulte in den Baumen H. & Tukker A. (2017), The Virtual IELab - an exercise in replicating part of the EXIOBASE V.2 production pipeline in a virtual laboratory, Economic Systems Research 29(2): 209-233.
- Koning A. de, Rodrigues J.F.D., Boer B.F. de & Tukker A. (2017), Method for estimation of previous year prices supply, use and input-output tables for the EU/EA. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Koning A. de, Rodrigues J.F.D., Boer B.F. de & Tukker A. (2017), Method for updating Supply, Use and Input-Output tables. Leiden: Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML).
- Font Vivanco D., Tukker A. & Kemp R. (2016), Do Methodological Choices in Environmental Modeling Bias Rebound Effects? A Case Study on Electric Cars, Environmental Science and Technology 50(20): 11366-11376.
- Koning A. de, Huppes G., Deetman S.P. & Tukker A. (2016), Scenarios for a 2°C world: a trade-linked input-output model with high sector detail, Climate Policy 16(3): 301-317.
- Eisenmenger N., Wiedenhofer D., Schaffartzik A., Giljum S., Bruckner M., Schandl H., Wiedmann T.O., Lenzen M., Tukker A. & Koning A. de (2016), Consumption-based material flow indicators - Comparing six ways of calculating the Austrian raw material consumption providing six results, Ecological Economics 128: 177-186.
- Akenji L., Bengtsson M., Bleischwitz R., Tukker A. & Schandl H. (2016), Ossified materialism: introduction to the special volume on absolute reductions in materials throughput and emissions, Journal of Cleaner Production 132: 1-12.
- Eisenmenger N., Giljum S., Lutter S., Penedo de Sousa Marques A., Theurl M.C., Pereira H.M. & Tukker A. (2016), Towards a Conceptual Framework for Social-Ecological Systems Integrating Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services with Resource Efficiency Indicators, Sustainability 8(3): 201.
- Eisenmenger N., Wiedenhofer D., Schaffartzik A., Giljum S., Bruckner M., Schandl H., Wiedmann T.O., Lenzen M., Tukker A. & Koning A. de (2016), Consumption-based material flow indicators: comparing six ways of calculating the Austrian raw material consumption providing six results (corrigendum), Environmental Science and Technology 129: 272.
- Ivanova D., Stadler K., Steen-Olsen K., Wood R., Vita G., Tukker A. & Hertwich E.G. (2016), Environmental Impact Assessment of Household Consumption, Journal of Industrial Ecology 20(3): 526-536.
- Tukker A., Bulavaskaya T., Giljum S., Koning A. de, Lutter S., Simas M., Stadler K. & Wood R. (2016), Environmental and resource footprints in a global context: Europe’s structural deficit in resource endowments, Global Environmental Change 2016(40): 171-181.
- Rodrigues J.F.D., Marques A., Wood R. & Tukker A. (2016), A network approach for assembling and linking input–output models, Economic Systems Research 28(4): 518-538.
- Giljum S., Wieland H., Lutter S., Bruckner M., Wood R., Tukker A. & Stadler K. (2016), Identifying priority areas for European resource policies: a MRIO-based material footprint assessment, Journal of Economic Structures 5: 17.
- Tukker A. (23 September 2016), Duurzaamheidsbeleid tussen hoop en vrees. Leidsch Dagblad, Opinie: 17-24.
- Mendoza Beltran M.A., Heijungs R., Guinée J.B. & Tukker A. (2016), A pseudo-statistical approach to treat choice uncertainty: the example of partitioning allocation methods, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 21(2): 252-264.
- Tukker A. (2016), Haast geboden bij energietransitie. Amsterdam: Trouw, Trouw (Opinie): 26.
- Giljum S., Wieland H., Lutter S., Bruckner M., Wood R., Tukker A. & Stadler K. (2016), Identifying priority areas for European resource policies: a MRIO‑based material footprint assessment, Journal of Economic Structures 5: 17.
- Reisch L.A., Cohen M.J., Thøgersen J.B. & Tukker A. (2016), Frontiers in sustainable consumption research, GAiA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 25(4): 234-240.
- Tukker A. (2015), Product services for a resource-efficient and circular economy - a review, Journal of Cleaner Production 97: 76-91.
- Wood R., Stadler K., Bulavskaya T., Lutter S., Giljum S., Koning A. de, Kuenen J., Schuetz H., Acosta-Fernandez J., Usubiaga A., Simas M., Ivanova O., Weinzettel J., Schmidt J.H., Merciai S. & Tukker A. (2015), Global Sustainability Accounting-Developing EXIOBASE for Multi-Regional Footprint Analysis, Sustainability 7(1): 138-163.
- Koning A. de, Bruckner M., Lutter S., Wood R., Stadler K. & Tukker A. (2015), Effects of aggregation and disaggregation on embodied material use of products in input-output analysis, Ecological Economics 116: 289-299.
- Tukker A., Bulavskaya T., Giljum S., Koning A. de, Lutter S., Simas M., Stadler K. & Wood R. (2014), The Global Resource Footprint of Nations: Carbon, water, land and materials embodied in trade and final consumption calculated with EXIOBASE 2.1. Delft: The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research.
- Wood R., Hawkins T.R., Hertwich E.G. & Tukker A. (2014), HARMONISING NATIONAL INPUT-OUTPUT TABLES FOR CONSUMPTION-BASED ACCOUNTING - EXPERIENCES FROM EXIOPOL, Economic Systems Research 26(4): 387-409.
- Tukker A. (2014), Rare Earth Elements Supply Restrictions: Market Failures, Not Scarcity, Hamper Their Current Use in High-Tech Applications, Environmental Science and Technology 48(17): 9973-9974.
- Tukker A., Koning A. de, Wood R., Moll S. & Bouwmeester M.C. (2013), Price corrected domestic technology assumption - a method to assess pollution embodied in trade using primary official statistics only. With a case on CO2 emissions embodied in imports to Europe, Environmental Science and Technology 47(4): 1775-1783.
- Tukker A., Koning A. de, Wood R., Hawkins T., Lutter S., Acosta J., Rueda Cantuche J.M., Bouwmeester M.C., Oosterhaven J., Drosdowski T. & Kuenen J. (2013), EXIOPOL – Development and illustrative analyses of a detailed global mr eeSUT/IOT, Economic Systems Research 25(1): 50-70.
- Tukker A., Goldbohm R.A., Koning A. de, Verheijden M., Kleijn R., Wolf O., Pérez-Domínguez I. & Rueda-Cantuche J.M. (2011), Environmental impacts of changes to healthier diets in Europe, Ecological Economics 70(10): 1776-1788.
- Wolf O., Pérez-Domínguez I., Rueda-Cantuche J.M., Tukker A., Kleijn R., Koning A. de, Bausch-Goldbohm S. & Verheijden M. (2011), Do healthy diets in Europe matter to the environment? A quantitative analysis, Journal of Policy Modeling 33: 8-28.
- Hertwich E.G., Voet E. van der, Suh S., Tukker A., Huijbregts M.A.J., Kazmierczyk P., Lenzen M., McNeely J. & Moriguchi Y. (2010), Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Consumption and Production: Priority Products and Materials. Paris: UNEP.
- Tukker A., Poliakov E., Heijungs R., Hawkins T., Neuwahl F., Rueda-Cantuche J.M., Giljum S., Moll S., Oosterhaven J. & Bouwmeester M. (2009), Towards a global multi-regional environmentally extended input-output database, Ecological Economics 68(7): 1928-1937.
- Tukker A., Bausch-Goldbohm S., Verheijden M., Koning A. de, Kleijn R., Wolf O. & Domínguez I.P. (2009), Environmental impacts of diet changes in the EU. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Commission.
- Voet E. van der, Oers L. van, Bruyn S. de, Jong F. de & Tukker A. (2009), Environmental Impact of the use of Natural Resources and Products. CML reports no. 184. Leiden: CML Department of Industrial Ecology.
- Tukker A. & Heijungs R. (2008), Technical report: Definition study for the EE IO database. Milan: FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei.
- Tukker A., Huppes G., Oers L.F.C.M. van & Heijungs R. (2006), Environmentally extended input-output tables and models for Europe, Ecological Economics (22284EN): .
- Tukker A., Buist A.S., Oers L.F.C.M. van & Voet E. van der (2006), Risks to health and environment of the use of lead in products in the EU, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 49(2): 89-109.
- Tukker A., Huppes G., Guinée J.B., Heijungs R., Koning A. de, Oers L.F.C.M. van, Suh S., Geerken T., Holderbeke M. van, Jansen B. & Nielsen P. (2006), Environmental impacts of products (EIPRO) - Analysis of the life cycle environmental impacts related to the final consumption of the EU-25, The IPTS report (22284EN): .
- Tukker A., Eder P. & Suh S. (2006), Environmental impacts of products: policy relevant information and data challenges, Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(3): 183-198.
- Tukker A., Huppes G., Heijungs R., Guinée J.B., Koning A. de, Suh S., Geerken T., Jansen B., Holderbeke M. van & Nielsen P. (2005), Priorities for integrated product policy, 10th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production Antwerpen 2005 : .
- Hattum B. van, Senhorst H., Tukker A., Lamoree M., Sanderson T. & Koning A. de (2004), Evaluation of current emissions of chlorinated microcontaminants from the Dutch chlorine chain, Final Technical Report of the Chlorine Chain Follow-up Research Programme on Chlorinated Organic Microcontaminants : .
- Tukker A., Kleijn R., Oers L.F.C.M. van & Smeets E.R.W. (1998), Combining SFA and LCA: the Swedish pvc analysis, Journal of Industrial Ecology 1(4): 93-116.
- Kleijn R., Tukker A. & Voet E. van der (1997), Chorine in the Netherlands, part I: an overview, Journal of Industrial Ecology 1(1): 91-112.
- Tukker A., Jasser A.S. & Kleijn R. (1997), Material suppliers and industrial metabolism. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 113-120.
- Tukker A. & Kleijn R. (1997), Using SFA and LCA in a precautionary approach: the case of chlorine and PVC. In: Bringezu S., Fischer-Kowalski M., Kleijn R. & Palm V. (Eds.), Regional and national material flow accounting: from paradigm to practice of sustainability. Wuppertal: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. 66-72.
- Tukker A., Kleijn R., Voet E. van der & Smeets E.R.W. (1997), Chorine in the Netherlands, part II: Risk Management in Uncertainty for Chlorine, Journal of Industrial Ecology 1(2): 91-110.
- Tukker A., Kleijn R., Oers L.F.C.M. van & Smeets E.R.W. (1996), A PVC substance flow analysis for Sweden. Part IV: Spreadsheets & calculations, TNO-rapport : .
- Tukker A., Kleijn R., Oers L.F.C.M. van & Smeets E.R.W. (1996), A PVC substance flow analysis for Sweden. Part I: Main report, TNO-rapport : .
- Tukker A., Kleijn R., Oers L.F.C.M. van & Smeets E.R.W. (1996), A PVC substance flow analysis for Sweden. Part II:Mass flows and emissions by PVC chain section, TNO-rapport : .
- Tukker A., Kleijn R., Oers L.F.C.M. van & Smeets E.R.W. (1996), A PVC substance flow analysis for Sweden. Part III: Methodological backgrounds, TNO-rapport : .
- Tukker A., Kleijn R. & Voet E. van der (1995), A chlorine balance for the Netherlands. Part III; Background documents, appendices and peer-review, TNO-rapport : .
- Tukker A., Kleijn R. & Voet E. van der (1995), A chlorine balance for the Netherlands. Part II; Substance documents, TNO-rapport : .
- Tukker A. & Heijungs R. (1995), Levenscyclusanalyse: bruikbaar voor m.e.r?. Kenmerken 20-24.
- Tukker A., Kleijn R. & Voet E. van der (1995), A chlorine balance for the Netherlands. Part 1: Summary and main report, TNO-rapport : .
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